Joe Shirley, Jr. Alton Joe Shepherd Nelson Davis Chairman, District I Vice Chairman, District 11 Supervisor, District III NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AND AGENDA OF THE APACHE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, THE APACHE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES DISTRICT AND THE APACHE COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT June 1, 2021 Board of Supervisors' Hearing Room, First F loor 75 West Cleveland Street St. Johns, Arizona 8:30 a.m. MST Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation by Invitation. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AND AGENDA OF THE APACHE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES DISTRICT HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING June I , 2021 I. Discussion and possible approval of a Professional Services Agreernent between the Apache County Health Services District and Alena Thompson, FNP to provide the services of a contract nurse practitioner for the monthly Family Planning/Well Woman Health Check clinic. The total yearly expense of $4,800 has been budgeted for in FY22. 2. Discussion and possible approval to reimburse Kim Cole for relocation expenses in accordance with Apache County Human Resources Policy Manual Section 1.7. Page 1 of 4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AND AGENDA OF THE APACHE COUNTY LIBRARY DISTIUCT HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING June 1, 2021 1. Discussion and possjble approval of a lease agreement between the Greer Community Facilities Association and the Apache County Library District from July I, 2021 tlu·ough June 30, 2022 at the rate of $863.84 per month. 2. Discussion and possible approvaJ. of a lease agreement between the Alpine Area Library Friends and the Apache County Library District from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 at the annual rate of $50.00 per month. 3. Discussion and possible approval of a lease agreement between the Vernon Domestic Water Improvement District and the Apache County Library District from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 at the annual rate of $25.00 per month. 4. Discussion and possible approval of social media policies for patrons and staff of the Apache County Library District. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AND AGENDA OF THE APACHE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS June 1, 2021 l. Sit as the Board of Directors and following a public hearing, discussion, and possible approval of the 2021-2022 Tentative Budgets for the Apache County Library District. Apache County Public Health Services District, Apache County Flood Control District, Apache County Juvenile Jail District, Apache County Jail District, Junior College Tuition and the Post­ Secondary Education. A copy of the proposed budgets are available online at www.co.apache.az.us or in the County Manager's Office. 2. Sit as the Board of Supervisors and following a public hearing, discussion and possible adoption of the 2021-2022 Tentative Budget for Apache County. A copy of the proposed Tentative Budget is available Online at www.co.apache.az.us or in the County Manager's Office. Page 2 of 4 3. County Manager: Discussion and possible approval of CONSENT ITEMS: All items indicated by an asterisk (*) will be handled by a single vote as part of the consent agenda, unless a Board Member or the County Manager objects at the time the agenda item is called. County Manager/Clerk of the Board: * A. Request approval of demands as distributed to the Apache County Board of Supervisors between May 4, 2021 to June 1, 202 l. Demands are payments made, or to be made, by the County. Specific details of the demands may be requested through the County public record request process. *B. Request approval of minutes dated May 4. 2021 and May 6, 202 l. Finance Department: *C. Request approval of updated Pension Funding Policy in accordance with A.RS. §38-863.01. Community Development: *D. Request the appointment of Brad Jarvis to serve on the Planning & Zoning Commission, appointed for a 4-year term effective June 1, 202 l . Hll01an Resources: *E. County Attomey's Office: Request approval to reimburse two (2) Legal Clerks for relocation expenses in accordance with Apache County Human Resources Policy Manual Section 1. 7. 4. District II: Discussion and possible approval of a submission of a USDA-Community Facilities grant for outdoor solar lighting for the Ft. Defiance and Ganado Road Yards in the amount of $108,756.00. This grant requires a match of $27,189.00 utilizing Disn·ict II funds. 5. County Manager: Discussion and possible approval of an Independent Contractor Agreement with MH Consulting and Project Management. 6. Engineering Department: Discussion and possible approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between the Navajo Nation and Apache County. 7. Engineering Department: Discussion and possible approval Lo award Request for Qualifications to Woodson Engineering and Surveying for road design services and request approval to enter into negotiations for a professional services contract and design fees. 8. Engineering Department: Discussion and possible approval to adjust unit costs for Pacific Ponderosa to accommodate increase in steel prices. Page3of4 9. Engineering Department: Discussion and possible approval to utilize the Sourcewell contract to purchase a semi-tractor for District IL not to exceed $160,000 with funds budgeted for in FY21. 10. Emergency Management: Discussion and possible approval to approve of Intergovernmental Agreement (Contract # CTR05439) for the PHEP Budget for FY 2021-2022 in the amount of $212,865.00 11 . Sheriffs Office: Discussion and possible approval of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the United States Marshals Service in participating and assisting in a Regional Fugitive Task Force for the purpose of locating and apprehending fugitives in Apache County. 12. School Superintendent's Office: Presentation on Broadband/lnternet in Apache County. 13. Call to the Public: Individuals may address the Boa,·d on any relevant issue for an amount of time determined by the Chairman. At the close of the call to the public, Board members may not respond to any comments but may respond to criticism. ask staff to review a matter or ask that a matter be placed on a future agenda. Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Apache Colfnly Board o_(S11pervisors endeavors 10 ensure the accessibllity ofits meetings to all persons with disabilities. (fyou need cm acco1111110dation.for ct meeting, please contact the Clerk ofth e Board's office at (928)337-7503, TDD (928)-33 7-./402 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting (not incl11dlngweekend~· or holidays) so that an acc,·0111111odation can be arranged. One or more member~ of the Board ofS upervisors may participate telephonica/ly or t~o com1111111ication. Posted this 27u, day of May, 2021 @2:00 p.m. by{fjij ✓-- ~,~ , Ryan N. Patterson Clerk of the Board Page 4 of 4 Apache County Board of Directors AGENDA ITEM REVIEW FORM Submitters Name: (Individual, Organization, or County Department) Ste hanie McCarth Interim Health Director ACPHSD Date/Signature:_.::<;05~/_,_19::::.l.=.20::<.,2:..;1,_______ -+ -::::,,--4-~r--f-~ '-"--'--""'""---------- Describe in detail what you want to say to the Board and what ACPHSD requests discussion and possible approval of an agreement between Apache County Health Services District and Alena Thompson, FNP to provide the services of a contract nurse practitioner for the monthly Family Planning/Well Woman Health Check clinic. The total yearly expense of $4,800 has been budgeted for FY22. BOS Meeting Date Requested 06/01/2021 PRE-AGENDA ITEM REVIEW Legal Review:. _________________________________ Signature ~ Check if item does not require review Finance Review:.________________________________ _ Signature~~ Check if item does not require review Human Resources Review:____________________________ _ Signature Check if item does not require review Other Review: __________________________________ Signature Check if item does not require review Reviews completed, item approved for Agenda. Board Clerk's Initials.____________ _ APAC.t\E COu.J1i' Apache County Public Health Services District APACHE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES DISTRICT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into between Apache County Health Services District (the "District"), a political subdivision of the State of Arizona, and Alena Thompson, FNP (the "Subcontractor"). WHEREAS, the District requires the services of a contract nurse practitioner to provide Family Planning Services and Well Woman Health Check Services; And WHEREAS, the District wishes to contract with the Subcontractor for reproductive health consulting and physical examination services as described herein, and the Subcontractor is willing to provide such services upon the terms and conditions set forth herein, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Terms: This agreement shall commence as of July 1, 2021 (the "Effective Date") and shall continue in effect through June 30, 2022 unless terminated as provided in section 10. 2. Services: The Subcontractor shall provide reproductive health services, physical examination services and interpretation of laboratory results, counseling and referral in accordance with the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) Contracts. All services shall be provided in accordance with the professional and ethical standards applicable to Registered Nurses and Registered Nurse Practitioners. The parties shall agree upon a mutually satisfactory schedule. 3. Compensation: As full and complete compensation for the services to be provided hereunder, the District shall pay the Subcontractor an hourly rate of $80.00 as follows: a. One five-hour (Noon to 5 PM) clinic per month at Apache County Public Health Clinic, 323 S. Mountain Ave, Ste 102, Springerville, AZ 85938. b. Any required training, deemed necessary, to fulfil the District's requirements for the Family Planning or the Well Woman Health Check programs. Dates and times of training to be agreed upon by the District and Subcontractor. c. At the end of the first month that this Agreement is in effect and at the end of each month thereafter, the District will submit to Apache County a demand in the amount of the monthly fee.
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