ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU 1 INVENTORY OF BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENTS IN KOZHIKOD DISTRICT if idle, whether Eqpt If Idle, any Date of Sl Hospita Equipm Date of under Rectified RRReReeemmmmaaaarrrrkkkkssss iiififff District Hospital Name Location Equipment Name Approx Rate Funding agency Source of supply Make/Model Serial No Warranty/AMC Working//Idle Reason for other Break NONONO l IDl ID ent ID Installation repair/bey Date any Idle institution Down ond repair needed 2 the same 3 1 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Csaualty 4 Sterilizer Large 10,000.00 HMC Yes 4 2 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Csaualty 4 Sterilizer Large 10,000.00 HMC Yes 5 3 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Csaualty 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 HMC Yes 6 4 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Csaualty 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 HMC Yes 7 5 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Csaualty 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 HMC Yes 8 6 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Csaualty 12 Nebulizer 2,500.00 NRHM Yes 9 7 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Csaualty 12 Nebulizer 2,500.00 Yes 10 8 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Csaualty 3 Needle Destroyer 1,000.00 NRHM Yes 11 9 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Csaualty 90 Defibrillator 2,00,000.00 Flagship Heartstart XL Yes Sri Venkateshwara 10 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Csaualty 6 Suction Apparatus 11,500.00 Yes 12 Enterprises,HI-VAC 13 11 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Radiology 52 Ultra Sound Machine 7,29,750.00 NRHM WIPRO GE,LOGIQ P3 27/09/10 Yes EXP 14 12 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Radiology 221 X ray machine 500 ma with Image intensifying facility 5,20,000.00 Allengers Yes 15 13 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 363 Micropippette(Variable) 3,200.00 Pfat Yes 16 14 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 362 Micropippette(Fixed) 2,000.00 ASTRA Yes 17 15 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 363 Micropippette(Variable) 3,200.00 ASTRA Yes 18 16 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 362 Micropippette(Fixed) 2,000.00 Pfat Yes 19 17 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 362 Micropippette(Fixed) 2,000.00 Yes 20 22 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 210 Microscope (binocular) 15,500.00 NRHM Labomed,ATC 2000 04-05-2010 Yes 21 23 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 208 Centrifuge (16 tubes) 26,491.50 NRHM REMI R-4C 27-07-12 Yes 22 24 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 208 Centrifuge (16 tubes) 26,491.50 REMI R-4C R-4C 26-04-2011 Yes 23 25 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 204 3 part hematology analyzer 2,23,354.50 NRHM Mindray BC-3000 Plus 03-06-2010 Yes 24 26 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 206 Hot air oven 19,223.40 NRHM YORCO YSI-431 25/4/11 Yes Labline Instruments 27 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 211 Incubator 45,000.00 NRHM 14/1/2010 Yes 25 MINS-3 26 28 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 201 Semi automated Biochemistry analyzer 1,25,000.00 NRHM ROBONIK prietest touch 07-03-2011 Yes 27 29 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 291 VDRL Rotator 15,000.00 NRHM Rotek TVDROI 19-08-2011 Yes Labline Instruments 30 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 258 Water bath 8,400.00 NRHM 14/1/2010 Yes 28 SWB-4 29 34 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Laboratory 339 Thermometer -Digital 200.00 Yes 30 36 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 3 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 NOVAPHON Yes 31 37 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 3 282 Sterilizer Medium 5,500.00 Yes 32 38 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 3 3 Needle Destroyer 1,000.00 Yes 33 42 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 87 OT Table - Manual Hydraulic 55,000.00 Palakkad Surgicals,PSI Yes VIRTUE 34 43 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 290 Anaesthesia Machine 95,000.00 Yes 35 46 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 278 Multi para monitor with Capnogram 75,949.20 NRHM Life Plus LPM 903 01-10-2009 Yes 36 49 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 90 Defibrillator 2,00,000.00 Philips 05-01-2010 Yes Delta Medical 50 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 24 Surgical Diathermy 80,000.00 Yes 37 Appliances,DELCATT 38 51 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 6 Suction Apparatus 11,500.00 Medevac Yes 39 52 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 6 Suction Apparatus 11,500.00 01-11-2010 Yes 40 53 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 6 Suction Apparatus 11,500.00 Yes 41 54 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 272 OT Light Ceiling Single Dome 1,31,839.49 NRHM Philips Yes 42 55 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 171 OT Light - double dome 3,88,999.80 Flagship Yes 43 56 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 171 OT Light - double dome 3,88,999.80 Flagship Yes 44 57 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 Elkometer Yes 45 58 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 Elkometer Yes 46 59 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 Elkometer Yes 47 60 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 Elkometer Yes 48 61 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 NRHM Elkometer Yes 49 62 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 NRHM Elkometer Yes 50 63 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 282 Sterilizer Medium 5,500.00 Yes Karl Storz,Halogen 250 64 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 331 Light Source Halogen 16,500.00 Yes 51 Twin Karl Storz,Electronic 65 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 348 CO2 Insufflator 1,50,000.00 Yes 52 Endoflator 53 67 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 26 Mobile Spot Light 10,000.00 Yes 54 68 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 26 Mobile Spot Light 10,000.00 Yes 55 69 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 101 ECG Machine 42,000.00 Flagship Maestros,Magic RSA Yes 56 70 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 138 infant warmer 27,000.00 Yes 57 71 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 2 Pulse oximeter 45,000.00 Yes 58 72 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 3 Needle Destroyer 1,000.00 Yes 59 73 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 OT 147 Centralised Oxygen and Suction Supply 4,98,956.00 Yes 60 74 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 CSSD 265 Autoclave Horizontal 2,50,000.00 Medicare Eqpt. Co. Mediquip Yes YORCO Scientific 75 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 CSSD 11 Autoclave- Vertical 54,756.00 Yes 61 Udyog.STERI 62 76 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 LR 138 infant warmer 27,000.00 Meditrin Instruments Yes 63 77 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 LR 138 infant warmer 27,000.00 Yes 64 78 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 LR 138 infant warmer 27,000.00 Yes 65 79 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 LR 26 Mobile Spot Light 10,000.00 NRHM Yes 66 80 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 LR 26 Mobile Spot Light 10,000.00 Yes 67 81 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 LR 6 Suction Apparatus 11,500.00 NRHM Golden Yes 68 82 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 LR 5 Weighing Machine Adult 1,000.00 Crown Yes 69 83 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 LR 282 Sterilizer Medium 5,500.00 Yes 70 84 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 LR 282 Sterilizer Medium 5,500.00 Yes 71 85 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 LR 282 Sterilizer Medium 5,500.00 Yes 72 86 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 LR 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 Yes 73 87 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 LR 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 Yes ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU if idle, whether Eqpt If Idle, any Date of Sl Hospita Equipm Date of under Rectified RRReReeemmmmaaaarrrrkkkkssss iiififff District Hospital Name Location Equipment Name Approx Rate Funding agency Source of supply Make/Model Serial No Warranty/AMC Working//Idle Reason for other Break NONONO l IDl ID ent ID Installation repair/bey Date any Idle institution Down ond repair needed 2 the same Sree Gokulam Health 88 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 LR 270 Foetal Monitor 2,00,000.00 NRHM Yes 74 Care Ltd 75 90 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 5-6 2 Pulse oximeter 45,000.00 Flagship Yes 76 91 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 5-6 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 mcp Yes 77 92 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 5-6 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 mcp Yes 78 93 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward5-6 12 Nebulizer 2,500.00 Medicare Compact,M-90 Yes 79 94 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 5-6 2 Pulse oximeter 45,000.00 Yes 80 95 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 5-6 282 Sterilizer Medium 5,500.00 Yes 81 96 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 7-8 3 Needle Destroyer 1,000.00 Yes 82 97 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 7-8 207 Refrigerator 300 L 30,000.00 Yes 83 98 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 7-8 282 Sterilizer Medium 5,500.00 Yes 84 99 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 7-8 12 Nebulizer 2,500.00 Yes 85 100 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 7-8 6 Suction Apparatus 11,500.00 Yes 86 101 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 9,10.11 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 MCP Yes 87 102 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 9,10.11 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 Yes 88 103 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 9,10.11 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 Yes 89 104 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 9,10.11 12 Nebulizer 2,500.00 NUNEB PRO Yes 90 105 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 9,10.12 12 Nebulizer 2,500.00 NUNEB PRO Yes 91 106 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 9,1011 207 Refrigerator 300 L 30,000.00 Yes 92 107 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 9,10.11 5 Weighing Machine Adult 1,000.00 NRHM APM-803 Yes 93 108 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 9,10.11 288 Weighing Machine Baby Electronic 8,000.00 NRHM Yes 94 109 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 12-16 282 Sterilizer Medium 5,500.00 Yes 95 110 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 12-16 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 ELKOMETER Yes 96 111 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 12-16 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 MCP Yes 97 112 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 12-16 7 BP Apparatus 323.86 Yes 98 114 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 12-16 12 Nebulizer 2,500.00 NUNEB PRO Yes 99 115 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 Ward 12-16 3 Needle Destroyer 1,000.00 HL HAEMOSAFE Yes 100 116 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 SNCU 282 Sterilizer Medium 5,500.00 NRHM Yes 101 117 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 SNCU 207 Refrigerator 300 L 30,000.00 NRHM Yes 102 118 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 SNCU 289 Photo therapy unit double surface 27,508.00 NRHM C-MEC,PT-1000 DS Yes 103 119 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 SNCU 289 Photo therapy unit double surface 27,508.00 NRHM C-MEC,PT-1000 DS PT-1000 DS Yes 104 120 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 SNCU 289 Photo therapy unit double surface 27,508.00 NRHM C-MEC,PT-1000 DS PT-1000 DS Yes 105 121 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 SNCU 289 Photo therapy unit double surface 27,508.00 NRHM NEOTECH Yes 106 122 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 SNCU 289 Photo therapy unit double surface 27,508.00 NRHM Pheonix,PTLED Yes 107 123 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 SNCU 289 Photo therapy unit double surface 27,508.00 NRHM Pheonix,PTLED PTLED Yes 108 124 Kozhikkode WC KKD 939 SNCU 289 Photo therapy unit double surface 27,508.00 NRHM Pheonix,PTLED PTLED Yes 109 125 Kozhikkode WC KKD
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