BANE :GISTER Iiiuid WMUT. Bnt»*4 a* latood-Olaas atstUr at tbi Vast- VOLUME XLVL NO. 9. efflc. at K*d Bsuk, N, J.. und.r to* Ast cf Mucb Id. 1IU RED BANK, N. J,, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1923.' $1.50 Per Year.' PAGES 1 TO 8. ctami ore uj»em'<l, unlesi, prupe MONEYoFOR CHILDREN'S HOME. TROUBLE FOR CLAMMERS. ed ami SL-rt-eiH-tJ. SOUTHERN BRIDGE TO GO. Charles II. Morris. The will wus made 1'iftli— shucked cluma will not be nuakcd State Wide Canvan on to Raiie RED BANK RESIDENT'S WILL -May Kith, l'SL'S, and was witnessed FORTY-TWO NEW CITIZENS. THE LIVELIHOOD OF 500 In I'llher trr,h or «alt water. Thsy will liu 9150,000 for Trenton Society. —• by Mrs. Sadie Slocum and Hiram F. PER. -n»)ltH] in. clenli Mater before shipment anil RAILROAD PROMISES TO RE SONS THREATENED. .- :itat«i. in a vnt supplied with running MOVE IT BY SEPTEMBER 22D. The New Jersey children's home ; COURTNEY McLAUGHLIN MAKES NATURALIZATION DAYJN FREE. .society of Trenton-in making a state! CASH BEQUESTS. HOLD COURTJ y- New York City Put. Ban on Clinu, wnU'r. John H. Vanorkcy of Anbury Park Ki*<h—Container* in whk-h flams nn- Letter to This Effect Received from'. idc canvass to raise $150,000 to Paralyzing Industry That Turn, in w Dr. Orrin A. Clark of Long Branch l(-ft $:> B, his son, riarcntT Vanorkcy Three of the New Citizen! are from pucltt'il fur shipment will be .clean and »ani- the War Department Last Week— <. build and equip a fireproof receiving Disposes of Big Estate in Hi. Will of Yanlville, Mercer county, and $20 $2,000 to $5,000 Weekly Big tury ami cnatrtjcteil af »uch material «n.l Red Bank—Most of the New Citi- Its Going Will Mark the End of an home. A committee composed of Ked —Other Wills Recently Admitted to .Shreeney .Met'low of Trenton. Ile zens Are Natives of "Russia—An Meeting L««t Week. / in-nueh a manner a. will enable them to l>« .Obstruction and an Eyesore. f j , .„. ., ,..,„„ j . /,,. ,, , readily cleanieil. A wood container, lined Bank olks is n chan e ()f this to Probate. left his house and lot and all the con- 'Exempted Alien Refused. About JOO residents o/ Highlands „„„, ., , , The old Southern railroad bridge [cality. On the" committee are MTS. Courtney Mc-Luughlin, who died tents of his house on iRirlgi' avenue, wilh paramn lml rt im d ea B timt across the ShVcwsbury river at Ked;John L. Hubbard treasurer, Mrs. J. Forty-two foreign burn resident* last Thursday night atte/lded u racct- ! usml, in «uW*t.-d and agreeable. Clams in- about a month ago on- Leiirhton ave- Asbury Park, to Martha (.'heatman, of Monmouth county were granted ten Bank will be torn down and removed I H. Applegate, Rev. William-'E. Brais- of the board ttP'tieulth of thflt | >reparalliid«"i forn dintrlliutioor puckinirn , orwil Balel ,b edurin protecteg thed nue, Red Bank, left a will, which he a cousin of bis wife. Mrs. Cheatman citizenship by Judge Lawrence ut place with representatives of the state by Saturday, September 22d, This is ted, Mrs. Horac 1 from fliud, tlunt and dirt by all reasonable I'. Cook, William S. j made in 1912. The witnesses were was made executrix of the" will! which health board ayu with Congressman the word that has come to several in- | in 1912. The „ . Freehold Monday of last week, 'fwo from liny other Injurious cuntmniiin- i F. was made six years ago.. of the new citizens are women, both. Klmcr H. {Jrfrijn'. It was a serious oc- tlon. • , terested lied Bank residents from the Child, Sigmurid Kisncr, Major F. C.: Daniel H.' Applegate and Kvelim Griffls, Edward H. Lafetra, John H.jVanMater. Mr. McLaughlin left $100 .Amasa S. Curtiss of Neptune town-: natives' of Ireland. Russians formed * casion tarJCsyl Highlands folks. The Keventh — All tiiuckers of clams will have United States war department. A clean hand:* and wear a white oilcloth apron Mount, Rev. „ John Muyskcns, Jr.,; to „ his daughter, Rebecca Doxty ship made his will March 24th, 1920, thy majority of th new citizens tif- claniifn'ttgindustry at that place has large section of the bridge was blown " —.* ' --,, vv ,. 1110 UUUJJIILUI, IVtrOL'LCU UDXUj rom their nh>iu!iler» to the top of their with Anne and John Evorson as wit- teen of the applicants coming fron} i-6ecii paralyzed by aetiontaken by the down during a storm early this sum- Rev. Robert MacKellar, Mary L. Ni-'$1OO to another daughter, Elizabeth hoeu. .They will be Cleanly in their hublta vison, Arthur A. Patterson, James C.; VanWicklen; and $50 each to nesses. Mr. Tuniss left to his son, that country. Among the new citi- New York city hoard ut health and and their garments will be suitable and two mer. The wreck of the bridge piled | park8, Rev. w'. liolland Enver, Wil- granddaughters, Annie Doxey and Frederick Adel.bert Curtiss,'$1(10 and . zens are Nicholas 11. Oscpenokof Ked the meeting last Thursday night re- elean. < up in the river, making it impossible ljam A. Sweeney and Dr. Herbert E. Elizabeth Doxey. Mr. McLatighlin all the furnishings and effect* turned liank, n Russian; Tomasso DiPalma lated solely to this matter. Most of Eighth—AH cluma will be packed in pure for motor boats to get past the itincltil Ice maile from pure water. Williams. over t(i him seven years ago. He left of Red Bank, an It-linn, and Alex- tho clams gathered at Highlands are bridge. Subsequently the Central left the use and income from all the Ninth—All shucking houaos will be opened res^of his property to his wifu, Eliza to his grandson, Frederick-Adelbort. ander l'epin of Red Bank, a native of •sold at New York. to inspection to a representative of the atate railroad company, owner of the 1 ard of health at any and all times. McLaughlin, as long as .she shonld Curtiss, Jr., his gold watch and.chain Austria-Hungary. ' Soft clamming is the second largest bridge, eutii narrow opening through THREE WEST SIDE HOUSES. 3 Tenth—We request, that the state board live and at her death this property is 'U><1 «" I'' Oand Army bailg All Others who were granted citizen- industry of Highlands, it being ex- the debris. This enables motor boats ll| of health shall iftsue a permit to an individ- to go fo their daughter Klorinda, "who e rest of bis estate be left to his ship are Peter Parlick, Holmdel; Ja- ceeded only in importance by the to get through at-high tide but not fH THEY ARE BEING BUILT BY w ual shipper of their apprsva] of a* s^uckinic is now Mrs. Hugh Carton of Herbert .ife, Emma J. Curtiss, with power cob Rosenbauni, Belmar; Benjamin summer resort business. About 500 house, and that upon the failure of any low tide. ALFRED SPENNEY. street, Red Bank. to sell any part of the real estate and Wurman, Benny Wittenberg, Adolf persons of Highlands and vicinity are shipper to comply with these and other reg- The United States war department ulations imitated upon by the Board, the per- They are Semi-Bungalows and They Dr. Orrih A. Clark of1 Long Branch to use the proceeds for her use and Lyons, Abraham Friedman, Molte engaged in soft clamming, the num- has jurisdiction over bridges across tilt Hhall life withdrawn and that the erin- are Being Built on a Plot at the left a very long will which he mude benefit. Whatever .may he left of the Newman first name changed to ber varying according to {he demand ii/nee of his claim* in New York or elne- the Shrewsbury river, and a number Corner of Wes-Uide and Leighton last November. He provided that a estate at her. death is to go to his. Max), Li-ib Cantor (first name for elums. Some of the people en- vhere shall be notified of the withdrawal of of Red Bank motor boat owners 1 the permit by the board of health. Avenues—-To Cost $5,000 Each. monument to cost not less than if (Kill grandchildren, Frederick Adelbert changed to Leo), Samuel Pomper and gaged in this'industry do not.work wrote to the department asking that Alfred Spenm-y of Beech street is. nor more than $1,000 should he Curtiss, Jr., and Uoris June Biggers, D:\vid Sherman, Asbury Park; Abra- at it all the year around but go clam- Among the clammers a movement the rarlroad company he compelled to building three semi-bungalows in erected over his grave in Glenwood ' botn of: Detroit, Michigan. ham SagowiU, Samuel1 Isaacson, Ben- ming at times when they have no has been started to put up a building tear down and remove the bridge. West Red Bank, one on the corner of cemetery at West Long Brant-h. He Mrs- Anna Elizabeth Martin of ny Nussbaum, Long Branch; and Ger- other jobs. For most of them, how- which will be owned in common by One of the first to write such a letter Wall township left [lollar leach shon Smith of Freehold. All these ever, it is a permanent occupation the clammers and where all engaged was Robert Donovan of Monmouth Westside avenue and Loighton avenue left a number of special bequests to three children, Johr"Martin, Ida are Russians by birth. and their chief means of livelihood. in this industry can do their shucking. street, owner of the Red Bank hard- and two others adjoining it, one on follows: To his nuiil, Dora L.
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