SPECIAL ISSUE THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Reg~steredas a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) - Vol. LXIX-No. 56 NAIROBI, 26th October 1967 Price: Sh. 1/50 THE LIQUOR LICENSING ACT Benson Waruingi, P.O. Box 23, Kipkabus, trading at Plot No. 3, (Cap. 121) Kipkabus Forest Station. Kabuu Wanyori, P.O. Box Hoey's Bridge, trading at Plot No. 5, NORTHCOAST LIQUOR LICENSING COURT Hoev's---,- -Bridge. ., THE following additional applications will be consideled at Wine Merchant's and Grocer's Liquor Licence the next meeting of the North Coast Liquor Licensing Court, at the District Commi~sioner'~Office, Kilifi, on Monday, 13th Mess's. Turbo Farmer's Stores, P.O. Box 1, Turbo, LR. 642211, November 1967, at 10 a.m. Turbo Uasin Gishu District. Applicants are requested to appear in person or be repre-. NEW APPLICATION-UASINGISHU sented by an advocate. Molt and Non-spirituous Liquor On-licence Daniel Kiptarus, P.O. Box 343, Eldoret, trading at Race Course, Malt and Non-spirituous Liquor On-licence Eldoret. Mrs. Irene Daniel Ngumbao, Jilore Location, P.O. Box 160, At District Coinmissioner's Ofice, Kapsabet, on Tuesday, Malindi. 14th November 1967 at 10 a.m. Malt and Non-spirituous Liquor Off-licence RENEWALS-NANDIDISTRICT Beng'ombe Kombo, Kiwanda Cha Ndege, Rabai Location, Malt and Non-spirituous Liquor Off-licence P.O. Mazeras. RENEWALS Henry Kipkemei Ngeny, P.O. Box 51, Chemundu, trading at Plot No. 4, Kombe Market, Nandi. Malt and Non-spirituous Liquor On-licences Mrs. Lucy Ikumi, P.O. Box 63, Mariakani. Proprietary Club Liquor Licence Messrs. Kenenzio Peter and Florence Okea, c/o Wananchi Mr. Stephen Kinyanjui, Tinderet 'Tea Estate, Box 12, Lumbwa. Bar, P.O. Box 317, Malindi. Canteen Liquor Licence Malt and Non-spirituous Liquor Off-licences Njuguna G:charu, P.O. Box 4, Kapsabet, trading at Police Messrs. Moses Lugwe and John Deche, Kidutani Chonyi Canteen Kapsabet. Location, P.O. Box 94, Mombasa. Mrs. Lois Jumwa Nzai, Marafa African Market, P.O. Box 44, NEW APPLICATION Malindi. M~ltand Non-spirituous Liquor Oiz-licence General Retail and Hotel Liquor Licence Henry K. A Kogo, P.O. Box 43, Kapsabet, trading at Plot The Manager, Watamu Beach Hotel, P.O. Box 300, Malindi. No. 18, Ndurio Market of Nandi. General Retail Liquor Licence At District Commissioner's Ofice-Tambach, on Wednesday, The Manager, Ocean Sports Ltd., P.O. Box 340, Malindi. 15th November 1967. at 10 a.m. Proprietory Club Liquor Licence Messrs. Seafarels Aqua Club, P.O. Box 274, Malindi. Members Club R. AZZAN, Secretary, Members Club, P.O. Tambach. Acting President, Wine Merchant Wholesales North Coast Liquor Licensing Court. Kite A. Ti~en,P.O. Box 489, Iten, trading at Plot No. 21, Iten, Tambach. GAZETTENOTICE NO. 3751 Malt and Non-spirituorrs Liquor On-licence THE LIQUOR LICENSING ACT Kite A. Tiren, P.O. Box 489, trading at Plot No. 24, Iten. (Cap. 121) Canteen Liquor Licence SOUTHSIRIKWA LIQUOR LICENSING COURT Ambros K. arap Chumo, trading at Police Canteen, Tambach. THE following late application will be considered at the Malt and Non-spirituous Liquor Off-licence meeting of the above court to be held at times, dates, and places specified hereunder :- Chebii Cheboi, P.0. Box 956, Eldoret, trading at Plot No. 6, Kapteren Market, Elgeyo/Marakwet. At District Comnzissioner's Office, Eldoret Daniel Muhoro Githii, P.O. Box 20, Eldoret, trading at Elgeyo on Monday, 13 November 1967 at 10 a.nz. Forest, Tambach District. Members' Club Liquor Licence Malt and Non-spirituous Liquor On-licence (Canteen) Chairman, Railway African Club, P.O. Box 1331, Eldoret, Cheboi A. Cheptum, P.O. Box Chebemiet, trading at Chebemiet trading at Plot No. 14413492, situated Railway Quarters. Police Canteen, Tambach. Malt and Non-spiri(2tous Liquor Of/-licence R. A. RIYAMY, Mr. Danson Gathuku, P.O. Box 109, Eldoret, trading at Plot President, No. 67, Section IX, Dharma Street, Eldoret. Soicth Sirikwa Liquor Licerz~ingCoztrt. 1148 TH E K EN YA G A ZET TE 26th O ctober 1967 G AZETTE N o-rlce N o. 3752 M em bers' C'lu!l Liquor Licences M essrs. M abroukie Tea and Colïee Estates Lim ited, Plot N o. THE LIQUOR LICENSING ACT L.R. 239/2, Limuru, P.O. Box 1, Limuru. (Cap. 121) M essrs. Thika Sports Club, Plot N os. L.R. 8083 and 5901 , KIAMBU LIQLTOR LTCENSING CouR'r Thika, P.O. Box 257, Thika. M essrs' THE following applications will be considered'y the statutory . Thika Golf Club, Plot N o. L.R. 8240, Bendor Road, m eeting of the Kiam bu Liquor Licensing Court to be held on Thika, P.O. Box 257, Thika. 13th N ovember 1967 at 10' a.m . at the D istrid Com m isiioner's M essrs. Bata Sports Club, Plot No. 237/8, Bata Estates, P.O. Oflke, Kiambu. Box 23, Lim uru. RENEw AI-S M essrs. G ithunguri Social Club, Plot N o. 414, G ithunguri, P.O. General Retail M quor Licences Box 321, K iambu. M essrs. Ruiru Central Bar and Restaurant, Pl#ot No. 12944/61 , M essrs. Sigona G olf Club Lim ited, off m ain N akuru Road at Fuiru Township, P.O. Box 138, Ruiru. K ikuyu, P.O. Box 10, K ikuyu. M essrs. Blue Posts Hotel, Plot N o. 2955/26/27, n ika, P.O. M essrs. Uplands Bacon F'actory (K) Limited, Plot No. L.R. Bpx 42, Thika. 7593, Uplands, P.O. Box 1, Uplands. M essrs. P. Githinji Kamau, L. M . Nioroge, Plot No. 28, M essrs. Donyo Subuk Lodge (M asonic L'odge), Plot No. 1075, Section lV , n ika, P.O. Box 295, Thika. P.O . Box 1472, N airobi. M essrs. Brother's Bar (Dahyabhai N. Patel), Plot No. 474, M essrs. Ruiru Sports Club, Plot N o. 17, Ruiru, P.O . Box 18, Section V , Thika, P.O . Box 591, Thika. R uiru. James Njenga Karume, Plot No. 3, Kiambaa M arket, P.O. M essrs. N dum beri Sports Club, Plot N o. 2, Ndum beri M arket, Box 134, Kiam bu. P.O. Box 273, K iambu. S. Adal, lrading as Fa'rm Hotel, Plot N o. 158 / 8, Limuru, Private The M uguga African L Club, Plot N o. L.R. 4447, M uguga Bag, Lim uru. R esearch Organization, P.O. Box 30148, N airobi. D uncan M waura K am au, Plot N o. 23, Section V, Thika, P.O. M essrs. Limuru Country Club, Plot No. L.R. 10957 (160) Box 22, Thika. portiop, Tigoni, P.O . Box 10, Lhnuru. M essrs. P. K. Bros. and Co., Limited, Plot No. 4953/39, M essrs. Kiam bu Social Club, O1d Police Canteen next to Section V , P.O. Box 156, Thika. ' G .K . Prison, P.O. Box 170, K iambu. M rs. Grace Njeri, Plot No. 92, Section V, Thika, P.O. Box 341, M essrs. M em bers' C lub, Kiam bu, Plot N o. L.R . 9037, K iambu, Thika. P.O. Box 139, K iam bu. M eskrs. M ongo Bar and Restaurant, Plot No. 4953/ 101, M essrs. G athanga Sports Club, Plot N o. 13, G athanga M arket, Section V , Thika, P.O . Box 617, n ika. P.O . Box 216, Kiam bu. M essrs. Kalimoni Club, Plot No. 255/ 3, situate on the premises W holesale Liquor M cences of E.A '. Bag and Corda' ge Co., Limited, P.O . Ruiru. Peter K ungu K ahari, Plot N o. 44, Gatundu M arket, P.O. The Carter Club, Plot No. 255/3, situated on the premises of Box 93, Thika. E.A . Bag and Cordage Co., Ltd., P.O. Ruiru. James Njenga Karume, Plot N o. 20, Section VlI, Kiambu, P.O. M essrs. M aendeleo Country Club, Plot N o. 10, M uchatha Box 134, K iambu. M arket, P.O . Box 6124, N airobi. D . N . A saph, Plot N o. 18, K ahuho M àrket, P.O . Box 11366, M essrs. Nicoll Club- socfnaf Co., Ltd., Plot No. 10901 (old N airobi. L.R. 68/6), Sukari Ranch, P.O. Box 10, Ruiru. M essrs. Shah .vershi D evshi and Co., Lim ited, Plot N o. 67, Section V, Thika Township, P.O. Box 36, n ika. R estaurant Lîquor 'Licences W alter Karanja, Plot No. 26, Ngecha M arket, P.O. Box 82, W ine M erchants' and Grocers' Liquor Licences Lim uru. Plot N o. 3, -se'ction IX M essrs. K i. am bu Storos, , K iambu, P.O. Joseph K angethe K abogo, Plot N o. 129,- Ruiru, P.O. Box 181, Box 10, K iam bu. Ruiru. M essrs. Devji M ehji Bros., Plot No. L.R. 125/64, Ruiru, P.O. John Njau, trading as Blue Hotel, Plot No. 2, Gathanga Town- Box 62 Ruiru. ' ship, P.O . Box 142, Kiam bu. -M çssrs. Patel Provision Stores, Plot N o. 38, Section V , 'rhika, D . W . W aruhiu, Plot N o. 1, G ithunguri M arket, P.O. Box 217, P.O. Box 47, Thika. ' K iam bu. M essrs. Thika Supermarket, Plot N o. 67. Section V, Thika, D . W . W aruhiu, Plot N o. L.R . 1321 /95, Kahawa House, P.O. Box 51, Thika. K iambu, P.O . Box 217, K iam bu. ' M essrs. V. A. Slmkhla and Sons, Plot N o. 9, Kikuyu Township, Messrs, John Kibe and W ilson Ngombo, Plot No. :.176, Kahuho . P.O . Box 14,' Kikuyu. M arket, P.O.
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