VOL. IX., NO. 7 FEBRUARY 14, 1914 PRICE 10 CENTS rier Seattle Saturday USA JAMES D. TRENHOLME A Business Man Who Will Attend to the City's Business E. C. Neufelder, President START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT R. J. Reekie, Vice-President "My Work Is My Best SELECTING Jos. T. Grcenleaf, Cashier O. B. Nlcoll Jas. S. Goldsmith Advertisement" American Savings Bank INVESTMENTS. & Trust Company wants Many business men are so occupied Peoples Savings Bank your business. with the care and details of their af­ 4 per cent soon counts so Incorporated 1889 fairs that they have little time or you can watch it grow. opportunity to make a study of se­ Second Avenue and Pike Street W. H. Middleton curities. SEATTLE, WASH. Come and see us. The officers of this bank are con­ stantly in touch with investment con­ Commercial and Savings Business TAILOR ditions and are pleased at any time Transacted American Savings Bank to place their knowledge and experi­ ence at the service of customers in 4% INTEREST ON SAVINGS AC­ & Trust Company the selection of high grade securi­ COUNTS ties, combining unquestioned safety Drafts Issued on All the Principal and a satisfactory interest return. Points of the United States and Corner Third and James, Seattle Europe. Northern Bank & A Growing Account Will Systematize your financial af­ THAT PENCIL OF ^ERGEANTL/ fairs, strengthen your credit, Trust Company give you a helpful acquaint­ ance at the bank. Fourth Ave. and Pike St., EVOLVES IDEAS DRAWS BUSINESS SEATTLE, WASH. Creates those Original and Catchy Advertising Designs and Illustrations and Reading Matter that Brings Business and Accounts of Business Men Money to those who Appreciate Value of Clever Designs that Illuminate as well as Illustrate. and Individuals Will Have JUDSON T. SERGEANT. 312 American Bank Building. Seattle Phone Main 4076 Considerate Attention. Illf I Military The Mercantile National Bank niJLjI-j Academy Corner Second Ave. and Marion St. PORTLAND, OREGON The Seattle National Bank Send for Illustrated Catalogue SAFES THAT ARE_SAFE^ SECOND AT COLUMBIA Safes Pire Proof RESOURCES: $17,000,000.00 Burglar Proof Vault Doors Pire Proof "America's Finest Flouring Mills" Burglar Proof ORGANIZED EFFICIENCY Mob Proof BREAD PROMPT SERVICE Furniture is the most important article of rood, Wood both for trie rich epicure and for the Steel humblest worker. We Are Pleasing Others :: We Can Please You Fixtures "Wood Why Trifle With Steel Your Health Marble and permit your bread to be made of Purcell Safe Co. inferior flours, whose varying quali­ The First National Bank Genuine Hall'. Safe & Lock Co.'* ties are a source of irritation and PIONEER SQUARE, SEATTLE, Safe* for Sale physical decline. By using 806 Third Avenue, Seattle. Fisher's Blend Flour Capital and Surplus, $375,000.00 M. A. ARNOLD, President made of choicest Eastern -wheat and J. A. HAIL, Vice President D. H. M08S. Vice-President and CuM» choicest ^\^estern soft wheat your M. MCMICKEN. Vice-President C. A. PHTLBWCK Assist!ant CsshKJ bread is uniformly delicious and NEW ACCOUNTS CORDIALLY INVITED healthful. It is the Perfect, All- Purfiosed Flour, -whose high quality never varies. Manufactured by DOMESTIC STEAM FISHER FLOURING MILLS CO. COAL mmb^LihEverf><^> "America" • Finest Flouring Mills" Seattle, I . S. A. PACIFIC COAST COAL CO. rre) For aale by all dealers. Main 8040 Phones Elliott 92 Phone: East 13 BONNEY-WATSON CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Private Ambulance Service in Three Floating Dry docks Connection Broadway and of 1 2,000, 8,000 and 3,000 tons lifting capacity. These docks, to­ Olive Street SEATTLE, WASH. gether with our complete machine shops and foundries, give us one of KODAKS the most complete and largest Developing Ship Repair Printing plants in the United States. It shows that we are prepared for the Enlarging opening of the Panama Canal and ready to care properly for the ship­ ping needs of the Pacific Coast, besides helping Seattle grow into great­ (Not how cheap but how good) er renown as a world port. NORTHWESTERN PHOTO SUPPLY CO. SEATTLE CONSTRUCTION & DRY DOCK COMPANY EASTMAN KODAK CO. 1320 SECOND AVE. Opp. Arcade Railroad Avenue and Charles St. THE TOWN CRIER VOLUME IX, Xo. 7. SEATTLE, U. S. A., February 14, L914. Price Ten Cents. ery Saturdaj by practical economy and real efficiency, the leader­ WOOD & REBER I i the Dilling mayoralty campaign; his appoint­ 703-4-5-6 Northern Hank Building, Seattle ship toward fulfillment of our desires should be ment on the Park Board by Mayor Dilling and Telephone .Main 6302 entrusted to the man who lias pointed the way his reappointment by Mayor Cotterill; and James A. Wood K,iiUn. that we should take. Nominated against Mr. further because he stands in favor of a clean E. L. Reber ^ Gill, there would be no question of Mr. Tren- city, he was talked of as the choice of the »nd-class matter al the United States holme'a election. Of none of the other candi­ "church element," by which was meant that POStoffice at Seattle. dates (an so much be said with certainty. The SUBSCRIPTION: One year, in advance, $3.00; slender band of preacher-politicians who are six months, |1.50; three monl desirable course, the necessary duty, of every permitted to misuse certain of the city's pulpits S cun s T££Y° I' TT . 5 :. foreign subscriptions (count] good citizen could not be more plain. These preachers have proclaimed Mr. Griffiths dealers a yoar' '''" News- ments should be made by Check, Draft, Postal * * * as their choice. Order .payable to THE TOWN CRIER, or by I tered Letter. For no visible or tangible reason, but simply For Advertising Rates address Suite 70*. Northern Disagreeable °ank Building;, Seattle inquiries within city limits In his debate with Mr. Goddard, in his chal­ because it must be said of some candidate or °* Seattle, made by mail or by te o Main other in every campaign, Mr. Trenholme was oju will be personally responded to by a repre­ lenges lo Mr. Trenholme, in all his speeches and said to be the choice of the traction interests of sentativl e of THE TOWN CRIER when requested in the occasional statements issued from his nsoiiciteO manuscript must be led by sumps sufficient for return if found unavailable for political headquarters, Mr. Austin E. Griffiths the city. Part of the campaign material being publication. continuously maintains liis characteristic atti­ vigorously used by Judge Winsor, foremost pro­ tude of intolerance. Mr. Griffiths is right, and ponent of municipal ownership, is the evidence If a loud noise is heard at Vera Cruz, it is not wholly right—right in every detail of his opin­ he presents that Mr. Griffiths is the real prefer­ John Lind talking to the reporter! about the ions and pronouncements. All those whose ence of the traction octopus. Mexican situation. whose notions incline this way or that, who And so it has gone. Mr. Trenholme stands in deviate ever so little from -the pathway laid the clear of all the false and foolish allegations Now that the Wisconsin eugenics law is called down for the public by Mr. Griffiths, are wrong— that have been urged against his candidacy unconstitutional, a fellow can again go courting wrong in many degrees ranging from simply One after another the absurd burdens that un­ without his clinical thermometer. wrong to damnably wrong, according to the ex­ conscionable opponents have sought to impose * * * tent of their variation from the views of Mr. on him have been assumed by others. He is the One reason why winter is the most popular Griffiths. candidate of no political or commercial factio season with the children is that it furnishes such it is this spirit of bigotry, this intolerant he is favored by no selfish interest, he must go excellent facilities tor getting wet feet. through to the end of the campaign lacking the * * • the opinions and disregard for the feelings of others, that have made Mr. Griffiths' record of the endorsement of extremists of any kind. If you want to have a clear idea of how to councilmanic service a record of obstinate lone- Well, then, in the name of all that is sensible make out a return under the income tax law, somoness rather than one of actual achievement. of all that is prudent and progressive, of all that don't read any of tlie explanations being pub­ It is this in Mr. Griffiths' make-up that repels is necessary for the good of Seattle—why, then lished in the newspapers. isn't Mr. Trenholme the best man in the run­ * * * co-operation, and goes far to nullify all his effort for public good. As a councilman he kept him­ ning for mayor? As they are killing off Mexicans at the rate of self constantly up in arms against almost every * * * 100 per day, the arithmetic editor figures out that stable government will be restored in other man elected by the people to their service, A Good Work Mexico in precisely 372 years, 9 months, and 22 lie fought with the mayor, with the members of When the Alaska railway bill gets through the days. the council, with the heads of all departments, house—as the indications are it will before an­ * * * and not Infrequently witli committees from the other Town Crier reaches its readers—and we chastened citizenry seeking favors at the hands are congratulating ourselves upon the good it As a Last Word of their lords and masters of the city govern­ is going to do, we should take a little time to Next Tuesday the primary election. Two can­ ment. congratulate the Chamber of Commerce on the didates for the office of mayor will be selected, Mr.
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