- t------------ - -- - !I ::·- .J_ -. ~ - ; Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/26/2018 9:51 :59 AM - ON KOREA 2018: ACADEMIC PAPER SERIES Volume 11 Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 03/26/201.8 9:51 :59 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/26/2018 9:5 I :59 AM - KEI EDITORIAL BOARD KEI Editors: Kyle Ferrier Contract Editor: Gimga Group Design: Gimga Group The Korea Economic Institute is registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act as an agent of th_e Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, a public corporation · established by the Government of the Republic of Korea. This material is· filed with the D_epartment of Justice, where the required registration statement is available for public inspection. Registration does not indicate U.S. government approval of the contents of this do_cumerit. KEI is not engaged in the piactice bf law, does not render legal services, and is not a lobbying organization. The views expressed in this publication are those of the. authors. While this monograph is part of the overall program of the Korea Economic Institute endorsed by its Officers, Board of Directors, and Advisory Council, its c_ontents do not necessarily reflectthe views of individual members of the Board or of the Advisory Council. Copyright© 2018 Korea Economic.Institute of-America www,keia.org Printed in the United States of America. ISSN 1937-9196 Received by NSD/F ARA Registration :unit 03/26/2018 9:51 :59 AM Received by NSD/F ARA Registration Unit 03/26/2018 9:51:59 AM - CONTENTS KEI Board of Directors ..................................................... ~ ........................ i KEI Advisory Council ................................................................................ ii About the Korea Econ.omic Institute of America •......•..................•..• .-.... iii Pref,ic~ ... ,................................................................................................ iv Assessing.North Korean Policy Priorities Soap Operas and Socialism: Dissecting Kim Jong-un's Evolving Policy Prioritie·s through TV Dramas in North Korea lea~ Lee ....: ............................................. _ ...................................................... _ .................... :. 13 · A Revolutionary Statfi!: No.rth Korea's Support ofNon-St_ate Ac,tors, Past Policies and Future Issues Benjamin Young ...............................................................•................................. 27 South Korea's Tie_s in the ~ia,Pacific New Frontiers of Cooperation in U.S.-Korea Relations: Opportunities - for Economic Engagement Sean Connell ...................................................................................................... 47 East-Asia's Regional Financial Governa'nce: Asses·sing Korea's Centrality Ramon Pacheco Pardo ........................ : .............................................................. 67 I The II/laking of a Global Ec_onomic Player? An Appraisal of Sou.th Korea's Rol.e· in fy'lyanmar · / Matteo-- Fumagalli ·······························r······························································ · · · · · -· · · · · · · - · · · · ---- ·· ·· · · · · · · · · · · -- - - · -·· · · · · ·· 83 The Limits of Identity Politics and the Strategic Case for U.S.-ROK-Japan Trilateralism [ Brad Glosserrniin ..............................................................•................................ 99. Reform Proposals for the Moon Jae-in Administration Korean Firms' Sustainability Practices and Their Role in the Green Economy Youn sung Kirn .................................................................................................. 115 Continuity in S.outh Korean Foreign Policy Jeffrey Rcib.ertson ............................................................................................. i33 - Received by NSD/F ARA Registration·Unit 03/26/2018 9:51 :59 AM I KEl BOARD OF DIRECTORS I Mark Fitzpatrick lnternationq.l Insfitu,te for Strategic Stud.ies - Americas Danny M. Leipziger George Washington University Hyun Oh-Seok, Ph.D Korea National Dip/oma#c Academy Voon-shik Park George Washington University David Steinberg Georgetown University Jin ~yo Suh U.S.-Korea Institute, Johns Hopkins University OFFICERS The Honorable Donald Mi;111zull(> President & CEO MarkTokola - Vice President Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/26/2018 9:51 :59 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/26/2018 9:51 :59 AM II KEI ADVISORY COUNCIL • Chair The Honorable Kathleen Stephens Stanford University Mr. Bracll_ey Babson Dr. Young-Su.n Lee U.S.-Korea Institute at SAIS Yonsei University Dr, Claude Barfield Dr. Wonhyuk Lim American Enterprise Institute Korea Development Institute Dr. Thomas Cargill Mr. Paul McGonagle University of Nevada, Reno Consultant Dr. Nicholas Eberstadt The Honorable Mark C. Minton American Enterprise Institute Indi:ma Univ~rsity Dr. John Endicott Dr. G. Mustafa Mohatarem · Woosong University General Motors Corporation Mr. Robert Fallon Dr. Chung-in Moon Phosplatin Therapeutics, LLC Yonsei University Mr. Gordon Flake Dr. Hugh T; Patrick Perth USAsia Centre Columbia University The Honorable Thomas Hubbard The Honorable Ernest Preeg Mclarty As_sociates Former U.S. Ambassa!ior 11:ie Honorable James Kelly _Dr. Mitchell Reiss EAP Associates, LLC Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Dr. Abraham Kim M_r. Afan RoIDberg Th~ Ma~~een an".:i Mike Henry L. Stimson Center Mansfield Center Dr. Jeffrey R. Shafer Mr. Andrew Kim JR Shafer In.sight Sit/Kim International His E.x:cel!en,cy Joun-yu_ng Sun · Mr.. Spencer Kim UN Association ofthe ROK CBOL Corporation Mr. Robert Warne MriBruce Klingner Former KEI President Th_e Heritage Foundation Mr. Joseph Winder Dr. Kirk Larsen Former KEI President Brighani Young University His Excellency Ta.e-sik Lee Former ROK Ambassador • to the U.S. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/26/2018 9:51 :59 AM 1 ~ec~iv%\ :l>~c~Rlfit\¾ ~~~,p-ation Unit . 03/26/2018 9:51 :59 AM ABOUT THE KOREA ECONOMIC I • INSTITUTE OF AMERICA Located in Washington D.C., the Korea Economic Iristitutc of America (KE!) is tlie nation's oldest i16ripr6fit policy outreach arid educational orgariizaticin focused cin promoting economic, poHtical, and s_ecurity rel.ati.ons between the U.S. and Republic of Korea KEI aims to broaden .and deepen understanding among Amedcan po_ficy leaders, opinion makers, and the public about developments in Korea and the value of the U.S.-Korea relationship. Since its founding in 198.2, the Institute has organized programs across North America and published research on a diverse range of issues, including U.S.-Korea trade and investments, the North Korea nuclear program, alliance issues, the role of Korean Americans in U.S. politics, and China's growing role in the Asia-Pacific region. Through its publications, outreach programs, social media outlets, and website, KEI provides access to in°depth and current analyses about the two Koreas and issues impacting U.S.-South Korea relations. KEI's signature activities include: • Publishing three celebrated annual volunies-On Korea, Joint U.S.-Korea Academic Studies, and Korea's Economy-used by experts, leaders, and universities worldwide. • Bringing Korea experts and government officials to colleges and civic groups across America to discuss timely events related to the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. - • Exploring contemporary issues with Korean and American policy, civic, and cultural lea:d.ers t_hrough KEl's podcast, Korean Kontext. • Engaging leaders across tI:ie co)mtry thro)-lgh th.e a.n:nual A.m.bassadors' Di_alogue program, in which theKorean Ambassador to the United States and the U.S. Ambass_ador to South Korea embark on dseries of private and public outreach programs throughout the United States oh U.S.-Korea relations. I • Hosting a premier luncheon program evJry year on Korean American Day to· recognize the contributions of the Korean American community to the U.S.-Korea alliance and to hono.r p'rnminent Kore.an Arileri_cans who have excelled in their fiel_d or career. For .more itiforni:ation about these programs and upcoming events at K_EI, pleas¢ visit our website, www.keia.org. KET is coritrfJdually a.ffi/ialed with the Korea Institute /OT International EconO"mk fiJlicy (KIEP), a public policy research institute located in Seoul and fonded by the government of the Republic of Korea. Received by NSD/FARA Registrationl Unit 03/26/2018 9:51 :59 AM . I Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 03/26/2018 9:51 :59 AM IV I I PREFACE The Korea Economic Institute of America (KE!) is pleased to issue the eleventh volume of On Korea, compiling the KE! Academic Papers released over the past year. KE! Academic Papers are comrnissiohed following a call for proposals to academic and policy communities i_n the United States, Sout_h Korea, ru:id around the gl_obe. Th_e objective is to provide opportuniti_es for recogni_zed specia_l_ists and new voi(es to present fresh _research and ir111ovative works on Korea. Moreover, these papers provide great ~xamples of the breadth an_d depth of issues centered on Korea and those tllat affect the U.S.-Korea alliance. These papers are original pieces written exclusively for this volume. The authors also presented their findings before a Washington, D.C. policy audience. KEI prepares each paper for publication and distributes it to individuals in governments, the private sector; policy institutes, and educational communities around the world. Contributions to this volume cover a wide range of topics impacting the Korean Peninsula­ some of
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