USAG LATE MODEL NATIoNA L cH PI oNS H P STOCK CAR RAC E WISCON SIN STATE FAIR SPEEDWAY MILWAU KEE B $|l\1t 6ltTA , ITEO 5IATT5 alt SUNDAY, JULY 14, 1974 SOUVENIR PROGRAM ONE DOLLAR D D o oo July 14, 1974 Deor Rqce Fon: The Miller High Life 20O mqrks fhe stort of the United Stotes Auto C Club tote model slock cor rocing seoson ot the Wisconsin Sfute Foir o Speedwoy. Three more evenls for the powerful 1972-74 models remqin on the I974 colendor. This is fhe sevenlh yeor thol the Miller Brewing Compony hos chosen lo sponsor lhe evenl. Their promotionol efforts, plus o heolthy contribution to the purse, help moke the "Miller" the big dollor stop on rhe USAC stock circuit. *T'1s WELCOME! So cheer on your fovorite driver and/or moke of cor ond enioy one of the finest stock cor events in the counlry. On beholf of the Miller Brewing Compony ond Wisconsin Auto Rocing, lnc., welcome lo the weekend of speed known os the $\\\ Miller High Life 200. As olwoys, your commenls ore welcome. Sincerely, John Koishion, Tom Morchese Bolens revolutionary QT- 15. Out there working with the top drivers of 1974, Co-Roce Directors Winning driyers depend on the WISCONSIN AUTO RACING, INC. Quie* Power of the Bolens QT- 16. That kind of responsibility takes super dependability. Bolens has it. Would a maiority of chief mechanics, drivers and editor: Phil Holl cre\Ms use it as their pit vehicle if it didn't have what it takes? D coYer: Design by Roy Cosey When you're looking for a big power tractor to cut any Iawn or garden iob down to size, look to Bolens. The tractor phofos by: Russ Loke, Armin Krueger, Jim Remington, chosen by the winners. FMC Corporation, Outdoor Power Fronk Kern, Tom Kern, Stcin Kolwosinski, Mike Equipment Division, Port Washington, Wisconsin. Dunn ond the Midwest Rocing News. published by: Wisconsin Auto Rocing, lnc. TTCKEI OFFTCE PUBIIC RELATIONS 6649 W. Foirview Ave. 6646 W. Fairview Ave. SOUVENIR PROGRAM Milwoukee, Wl 53219 Milwaukeo, Wis. 532t3 #MCS,:*TJI:' v14l 257-3380 t4t4l 774-1?24 The Bolens Team . compact tractors O riding and walking mowers O snow blowers O rotary tillers O mulchers MILLER 2OO Page Ane 1.971, 1973 Wisconsin Slote Foir Speedwoy/STAFF I 961 1962, 66, 68, 69 r 963-1 964 I 965 1967, 1972' r970 $a WISCONSIN STATE FAIR PARK BOARD Jomes W. "Billy" Greiner, Direcior, Wisconsin Stote Foir O Froncis Ferguson O Roy W. Johnson O Dovid Beckwith r;trl Jim Hurtubise Jack Bowshsr Roger McCluskey Bulc'h Hartman wtscoNstN AuTo RAC|NG, lNC. Dick Rathmann Don White Parnelli Jones Official Sponsoring Organizatton for All USAC Racing Events. TONY BETTENHAUSEN.MILLER HIGH LIFE IATE MODET AWARD WINNERS f# Chief Executive Officer, Secretoryt .JOHN KAISHIAN OFFICERS President ,TOM MARCHESE .a UJ Yiee-President, Generol Manager. JAMES K. ENGEL l96 t Race Dtrector . .. .. Carl Marchese Music Director ......Mark Azzolina Pttblic Relations & Press Director ...Bill Baxter Fire Chief . .. .. Ray Brinn Program ... Editor . .....Phil Hall Medical Director .. .. .Dr. Jack Klieger Statisticiqn ....A1 Krause Medtcal Stoft .. ...Dr. Wm. McManus the Amnouneer Lrm ...Jack Baker Dr. Tom Dehn IhGfi Assf.-to Announcer . .. .., ..Dick Webb, John Schmidt Jean Held, R.N. Chief Pit Steward Marilyn Timper, R.N. Ted Arasin Timer ..... Pit Marshall .......Louis Frank .....Charles Koloske c.P.A. ..... ....Gayle R. Dvorak @ Ticket Sales Director -... .... .:.....Alice Kaishian Lcn Sutlon hest Photographer .. Russ Lake Asst. Ticket Sales Dlrector .... .Carol Kennedy Clerks John Heywood, George Holck, Trach Chaplain .......... , . Pastor Charles Koester Carl Lamers L. 1962 r 963 I 969 Cammunications .. Art Fischer, Roger Schmidt Judges ,..George Kuehn, Syd Lattow Emergency staff.. .Eryln Barth, Joe Bendler, Lloyd Chopp, ......Klaus Gorter Kenny Giersch, Matt Ilaydik, Jr., Charl'es foppemaiiri Wisconsin State Soles Representqtive 8a,1ph Jores, John Keatlng, Gordon Schro€der, Werner Tlmpe, There is no track championship for eaeh season at the ... ......Marv Hazlett Leon Day, Jerry Brldgewater, Otto Rasgue E'air Speedway. The points won on the Milwaukee Mile only count toward the national championship in the United States Auto Club's Championship Car a.nd Stock Car divisions. UNITED STATES AUTO CLUB fire next best thing to the track championship is the STIIEs Rodger Werd A. J. Foyt Satrctioning Body for Todoy's Race Tony Bettenhausen-Miller High Life Award. Each year a panel selects the outstanding driver of the season in eacrtt Presidant Reynold C. MacDonald 1964 1965,:1972 I 966 @ division. Director ol Competition . .. ... .....Dick King Supervisor, Stock Car Division ....Bob Stroud Ttre Miller Brewing Company has been sponsoring the Chief of Technicql Operotiotrs ..... .Al Swenson Assistont Sqfety Director. ...Jim Russell awarti since 1961, part of its involvement in the world Referee . .. ...Ray Denges Assistant Scorer .. .Dick Jordan professional sports. Safety Direetsr ,...Steve Edwards Coordinator, Scoring Procedures. ... .Don eherry of Chtef Stnrter ...Duane Sweeney Coordhwtor, Timtng Procedures.. .Johnny Sparacino Advisor-Timing and T Scoring. .......Dick Sauer stoek Chtef Observer ... .Ted Lake lnspection Committee.. .Handd Small, Carl Treuden, XL t Miller has also sponsored the July Eddie Dick Registra .. ...Carl Lamers lud Tingelstad Joe Leonard Mario Andretti car race since 1968. Chief Saorer Christy Zwaagstra Media Lioisan . .. .Don Davidson Assistont Obsewer .. .. ,Ernie Held htblicRelations... ....JimFord t970,1971 1973 1967 I 968 Miller and top notch auto racing have been Tochtrlcol Comltteo Oblorverl gcorq! part of the Milwauke€ scene for decades. Davtd P, ADderaon Paul EUlott Harold Reeves Ted tngelsmann PhU lulnessale Ed Dtok Gene Bartz Ron lrltzlaff Art Praa*h Ray George Munch Jack cPBrten Bill Behreng Rlchad Held Clayton Slta.rz Ray Russell Brueck Artrle l{usmnn BIU Schultz Pl" ToI Bul schnerder Robert Maclrur It is a good combination Dale Buettner Chet Lawson Carl Schumacher ffJ"&H!"t" wayne seidel Walt Retzlaff BIU C@per Paul la;fqutst Gene Schro€der William Slewert John Sparaclno John Harold Small Charles llardlng Chuck Dlck Maher Carl Treuden Roland Ifurt Gary Wutke Boyd Trygstad Dr€aler Pat Moore Dlck John Morrlson Georgo IemenczYk Don Staehle! (Plus a steff ol Bud Dyc Demls'Mul* Dlck tr'lsh€r Norm I€mke Fred NeYoraskl 75 sststants) BETTENHAUSEN.MITTER HIGH LIFE Gene l'. J. Delazlo Ls McBumey Chuck Conaty TONY CHAMPIONSHIP AWARD WINNERS Sorcion Johncock Lloyd Ruby Al Unser Wally Dallenbach Page Two MILLER 2OO Page Three MiLLER 2OO B utch's Year-1973 Jack Bowsher won the pole. also found Butch riding in the victory ve- hicle. Butch Hartman won the race, The Sept. 9 Governor's Cup 250 answered g,EFfr.,FT question to Ha.rtman could The above two sentenees sum up the 1973 the as whether in United States Auto Club stock car racing be the first driver sinee Partrelli Jones Rutr l-kc photo 1964 finish first in all four events. season at the Wisconsin State Fair Speed- to BUTCH HARTMAN finished the seoson the woy he storted it, col- way. lecting trophies. While trock onnouncer Jock Boker described the pro- woved the H:ortmon received the Gov- He could and did. ceedings, Hortmon to crowd. ernor's Cup for winning the Sept. 9 event ond the Tony Bettenhousen: All fo'trr events run on the Milwaukee Mile Miller High Life oword for being the top driver of the stock seoson. used the same script, only the cast of, also- Not only did Butch sweep the season, he He olso received o bottery chorger ond other merchondise. rans varied. also cliniched his thid straight USAC crown, an unprecedented accomplishment. Hartman, driving a !973 Dridge Charger with the familiar number 75, hadn't won a Bowsher didn't break the track record, but race at Milwaukee, though he had a string he never started a r&ce worse than first. The +-he BuEs Lake Eboto of two consecutive USAC stock titJes to his 1971 Torino driver clearly had fastest BUTCH HARTMAN received his first winning victory trophy of the seoson eredit. All that changed in the Miller 200, cax on the track-in time trials. Bowsher {ond' first ever here) ofter winning the ,July 8 Miller High Life 200. when he finally carne home a winner. finished three of the four races with two Trophy girl Dono Boker helped him hold up the huge piece of hord- seconds, a fifth and a 29th when a blown Jim naotrgton photD wore. Lorry Willioms, vice president of mo,rketing ond soles for Miller, engine.sidelined him. AFTER A LAYOFF for o bock problem, Norm Nelson returned io the helped in the presentotion. Ttre two Fair Week races, the 150 and 200 USAC stock cor wors lost yeor. Nelson fielded o 1971 Plymouth for himself (#ll) ond o 1972 model for Roger McCluskey. A third-ploce finish in the Foir 'l 50 by Nelson wos the best for the teom during the seoson. l'nnk l(€rn photo THE WINNINGEST driver in the history of the Milwoukee Mile, Don White l#9-1972 Chorger), Russ La.he photo bottled 1973's winningest driv- THE FIELD FOR THE Aus. 19 I er, Butch Hortmon l#75-1973 Foir 200 come oround o lop be- Chorger) in the Governor's Cup fore the stort with Jock Bowsher 250. White, the defending roce on the pole. ln the fostest chompion, dropped out ofter quolifier deportment, Bowsher 214 lops with o blown engine wos just os consistent os Hort- ond you know whot Hortmon mon, toking the pole for oll did. four roces here. Roger Mc- Cluskey storted nexf to Bow- sher with eventuol winner Tom Kcrn Photo Butch Hortmo,n right behind A COUPLE OF NASCAR stors Bowsher's 1971 Ford Torino. lvent ot it in USAC country :-:ing the foir week roces ot r-e Wisconsin Stote Foir Speed- rvot, Dove Morcis t#O2-1973 C'crger) finished fourth in the '50, but croshed in the 200.
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