A Publication of the State Bar of California Issue 1 2009 http://www.californiaspecialist.org Board of Specialization Welcomes New Specialties and Honors Service By Alice O’Sullivan* am delighted to let you know that Credit must go to the BLS’s highly I the Board of Legal Specialization competent staff and the quality of work (BLS) recently had two historic firsts: performed by the members who served For the first time in its 34 year history, on the consulting groups, who devel- two areas of specialization were approved oped the standards for certification and by the Board of Governors of the State recertification as a legal specialist in Bar of California. And, for the first time, those practice fields. a specialty field was approved by the The BLS also thanks State Bar Board of Governors of the California Immediate Past President Jeff Bleich and State Bar within six months of com- current President Holly Fujie for their mencement of the process! encouragement and support of Legal Please join me in welcoming Admiralty Specialization program. and Maritime Law as a new specialty field Many hours of volunteer time and and Legal Malpractice law as the second much professional expertise went into new field of legal specialty certification. Continued on Page 2 How to Market Your Services as a In This Issue Certified Specialist By Linda M. Nakamura, Esq.* Report from the Chair 3 What is LAP? 6 question I am asked most often In Memoriam: Pam Dunn 7 A is “What is the benefit of becom- ing a Certified Specialist?” In these hard Certificates of Probable Cause Are Required in Almost All economic times, I reply that it is an asset Guilty Plea Cases 8 to have a marketing tool that puts you ahead of the rest. Technical Notes 10 Just recently, I was sitting at a men- Lex Lingua IV 11 toring event with some high school Spotlight on a Specialist 13 students who were talking with law stu- dents from Southwestern University Law State Bar Annual Meeting 14 School. I explained that I was an immi- New Legal Specialists 16 gration attorney who is a sole practitio- Honorees 18 ner and certified specialist. In response, In Memoriam: Continued on Page 4 Lorna Maynard 20 1 http://www.californiaspecialist.org/ Editorial Staff the process of creating these new spe- County. The program, based in San Editor-in-Chief cialties. In my opinion, this is an excel- Francisco, is heard live throughout the Wesley H. Avery lent form of pro bono work in that it state and on the internet, where previ- Assistant Editor James W. Talley protects the public by providing the ous shows are archived and accessible. Editorial Staff consumer with objective information The BLS has long co-sponsored the Phyllis Culp, Kimberly Knealing about the attorneys’ qualifications. It program as part of our continued pub- Board of Legal Specialization 2008-2009 improves the level of practice for attor- lic awareness activities. Chair neys who participate in the certifica- Chuck has guests from all areas of Lester J. Friedman Vice Chair tion program and assists consumers in the law. He is a gifted interviewer who Stafford Matthews identifying attorneys whose procedural is especially skilled at getting attorneys Advisor Alice O' Sullivan and substantive skills are a match with to explain complex legal issues in ways Members the consumer’s specific legal needs. that lay people can understand. Wesley H. Avery Ultimately, of course, the consumer Once a month, the show also hosts Hagop T. Bedoyan Laura G. Dewey benefits, as formal certification protects a “Call a Lawyer Night” where col- Melbourne N. “Mickey” Gwin, Jr. the public by regulating advertising of leagues volunteer time at the station to Robert S. Havens Judith Briggs Marsh specials skills by attorneys to assure that take phone inquiries from callers. I am Carol Ross-Burnett such claims are not misleading. proud to report that certified special- Helen A. Sklar At the BLS’s Awards Luncheon held ists often support this public service by Teresa Y. Warren during the State Bar’s Annual meet- their presence and specialized knowl- Advisory Commission Chairs Mitchell E. Abbott ing in September 2008, Chuck Finney, edge. Certificates of appreciation were Appellate Law radio host of the National Public radio given to several board certified special- Lawrence D. Simons program “Your Legal Rights,” a weekly ists who have provided many hours of Bankruptcy Law call-in program on KALW 91.7 San service on this program. Susan J. Orton Francisco that features certified special- At the same awards luncheon, State Criminal Law Ann C. Harris ists as guests, was honored for his long Bar President Jeff Bleich presented Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law time advocacy for legal consumers and BLS staff attorney Phyllis Culp with a Michael A. Fisher public education. Chuck has hosted the California State Senate Resolution hon- Family Law show for thirty years while also working oring her for her extraordinary work, Robin Day Glenn as a deputy district attorney in the field which includes over twenty years of ser- Franchise & Distribution Law Lincoln Stone of consumer protection in San Mateo vice in directing the nation’s first legal Immigration & Nationality Law specialization program. It continues to William A. Brandwein To contribute to the Digest, be a model for other certification pro- Taxation Law grams, both state and national. Nancy J. Brown please e-mail Workers’ Compensation Law The following morning, the BLS held Kimberly Knealing at: its Annual Recognition Program for Legal Specialization Digest is published for Certified Specialists in Judicial Service California’s Certified Legal Specialists by the [email protected] California Board of Legal Specialization and those who have been certified 20 and 30 years. This was the BLS’s oppor- Correspondence should be addressed to: State Bar of California tunity to thank certified specialists for The Legal Specialization Digest is a bi- Board of Legal Specialization their belief in and support of the legal 180 Howard Street annual newsletter written by and for San Francisco, CA 94105 specialization program and applaud certified specialists, containing articles (415) 538-2100 their accomplishments, experience, and Fax: (415) 538-2180 of interest to legal specialists. The [email protected] professionalism. n Website: www.californiaspecialist.org Digest also contains periodic updates on the certification program, general The views expressed in the Legal Specializa- * Alice W. O’Sullivan is the advisor to tion Digest are those of the authors and may information from the State Bar and not reflect the official policy of the State Bar Of the Board of Legal Specialization. She California, the California Board of Legal Special- the Board of Legal Specialization, is certified in Workers’ Compensation ization, or the Legal Specialization Digest. No columns from the BLS Chair and BLS endorsement of those views should be inferred Law by The State Bar of California and unless specifically identified as the official policy members, attorney profiles, and more. practices law in San Francisco. of the California Board of Legal Specialization. 2 Legal Specialization Digest http://www.californiaspecialist.org/ Report from the Chair By Lester J. Friedman* Law, Criminal Law (State and Federal), his is my first report as Chair of Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law, Tthe Board of Legal Specialization Family Law, Franchise & Distribution (BLS). My term begins following that Law, Immigration & Nationality Law, of Alice O’Sullivan, also a certified spe- Legal Malpractice Law, Taxation Law, cialist in Worker’s Compensation Law. and Workers’ Compensation Law. The I believe that we are the first Workers’ examination will take place on Sunday, Compensation specialists in recent his- August 9, 2009 at both the Downtown tory to become Chairs of the BLS. Los Angeles Marriott Hotel and the Workers’ Compensation Law, Criminal San Francisco Airport Westin. On-line Law, and Taxation Law were approved registration is currently available. We, by the California Supreme Court as spe- of course, will continue the processing Lester J. Friedman cialty areas under the “Pilot Program" of the certification and recertification ing a comprehensive “Continuum of in 1972, so we are proud to represent applications and will honor our Judicial Professional Development” program one of the first areas of law in the Legal Officers and 30- and 20-year specialists that would recognize the specialty pro- Specialization Program. at the State Bar’s Annual Meeting in San grams’ long term commitment to com- Alice O’Sullivan followed a long Diego. petence and develop a clear pathway to line of Chairs that has moved this During my term I plan to continue specialty certification. The BLS is work- program forward to better serve the the momentum of last year by establish- ing with the Advisory Commissions on needs of both the public and practicing ing consulting groups in the fields of identifying and developing “learning California attorneys. During her ten- Personal Injury Law and Entertainment objectives” in all the current practice ure, all of the ground work for our two Law to determine the feasibility of these areas to provide to sponsors of educa- newest specialty areas, Admiralty and areas as certified specialties and to draft tion programs to use as guides when Maritime Law and Legal Malpractice proposed standards for certification and determining what level and what sub- Law, was completed. Her efforts culmi- re-certification to be published for pub- jects to present. nated in their adoption by the State Bar lic comment. The BLS considers the Publicity of the program is impor- of California’s Board of Governors at its consumer needs to be substantial in tant. We will continue to place ads in the first meeting of the new Board year in these areas and intends to meet the goal “Super Lawyer” publications to congrat- November 2008.
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