For FLIGHT 1909 to 1919

For FLIGHT 1909 to 1919

INDEX Years 1909 through 1919 This index covers the years 1909 through 1919, Issue #1 through #574, it has 17,155 entries with 1102 entries for Models at the end. After each entry the year is in BLUE, with the page numbers following. The pages are available as PDF files (though not always by page number) in the Flight Archives at Take a look, there is some very interesting stuff. There are 13,805 pages in these years as Flight was a weekly publication of 25 to 40 pages each. Feedback or comments to mailto:[email protected] I hope you find this index useful. Derek Riley Mar. 02, 2008 INDEX for years 1909 through 1919 March 02, 2008 A.B.C. auxiliary engine-1915, 173. Accidents, fatal-1917, 21, 33, 75, 85, 118, 140, 167, 185, Admiralty Board of Invention and Research-1915, 957. A.B.C. biplane, See Buranelli-Carisi.-1916. 203, 207, 240, 262, 270, 292, 301, 322, 343, 381, 400, Admiralty, See also Royal Naval Air Service.- A.B.C. engine-1911, 258, 287, 463. 407, 418, 459, 477, 505, 519, 545, 566, 593, 598, 631, 1915,1916,1917. A.B.C. engine-1912, 1078. 650, 667, 672, 712, 729, 737, 769, 779, 793, 811, 840, Admiralty, See British Navy.-1913,1914. A.B.C. engine-1913, 20, 693. 847, 873, 896, 922, 934, 943, 974, 1012, 1035, 1039, " Adrift,"-1917, 749. A.B.C. engine cycle-1918, 1450. 1067, 1079, 1111, 1133, 1172, 1202, 1231, 1278, 1320, Adventures in the Royal Frying Corps-1918, 916. A.B.C. engine scooter-1919, 929. 1357, 1364. Advertisement by aircraft-1919, 553, 881, 1263. A.B.C. Engines,-1919, 201, 452, 709, 818, 1049, 1526. Accidents, fatal-1918, 22, 52, 64, 92, 104, 123, 134, 155, Advertisements-1914, 151. A.B.C. injector carburettor-1916, 1120. 72, 200, 210, 234, 243, 257, 269, 311, 341, 370, 98, 464, Advisory Committee on Aeronautics-1910, 704. A.C. Car-1917, 260. 566, 570, 690, 696, 725, 753, 782, 785, 10, 827, 839, 863, Advisory Committee on Aeronautics-1911, 22, 23, 168. A.E.G. biplane-1917, 611, 700. 921, 948, 985, 1014, 1154. Advisory Committee on Aeronautics-1912, 320. A.E.G. biplane-1918, 1275. Accidents, fatal-1919, 222, 256, 267, 384, 433, 548, 551, Advisory Committee on Aeronautics-1916, 687, 719. A.E.G. biplane, (details)-1917, 697, 698, 1130. 583, 616, 617, 671, 702, 716, 752, 896, 978, 993, 1009, Advisory Committee on Aeronautics-1917, 763, 765, A.E.G. biplane, (details)-1918, 611, 640, 969. 1053, 1090, 1096, 1137, 1203, 1238, 1279, 1325, 1431, 1322. A.E.G. biplanes-1914, 604, 605, 879, 880, 976. 1456, 1497, 1517, 1572, 1620, 1646, 1654. Advisory Committee on Aeronautics-1918, 827. A.E.G. General Electrical Co.-1917, 1113, 1256. Accidents, fatal (See also War casualties)-1914, 46, 74, Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, Report-1911, 25, A.E.G. monoplane flying boat, (details)-1915, 156, 700. 118, 124, 151, 175, 198, 224, 252, 281, 284, 320, 349, 335, 534, 546. A.E.G. sheds, fire at-1915, 162. 350, 374, 399, 409, 423, 449, 450, 458, 475, 490, 501, Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, Report-1916, 68. A.G.S. Manufacturing Co., Ltd.-1917, 100, 688, 1354. 518, 528, 553, 555, 581, 609, 618, 628, 636, 637, 661, Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, Report-1918, 1090. A.G.S. Manufacturing Co., Ltd.-1918, 244, 272, 438. 692, 715, 722, 742, 767, 780, 796, 820, 830, 853, 880, Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, Report-1919, 158, A.R. biplane-1918, 219, 1053. 964, 1038, 1081, 1101, 1114, 1117, 1158. 878, 1391. A.R. biplane-1919, 204. Accidents, fatal (See also War casualties)-1915, 18, 50, Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, See also National A.S.L. school-1912, 59, 82, 108, 127, 151, 175, 197, 244. 62, 73, 118, 127, 162, 165, 185, 191, 195, 208, 254, 267, Physical Laboratory.-1911,1916,1917. A.T. revolution counter-1915, 478. 285, 303, 312, 323, 380, 426, 441, 454, 455, 481, 517, Advisory Committee on Civil Aviation-1919, 836, 1588. Abbott, T. W.-1914, 1078, 1095. 519, 546, 560, 562, 564, 576, 582, 589, 604, 616, 622, Advisory Committee Report-1912, 262, 1014, 1041, Abdulla Almanack-1917, 909. 639, 652, 688, 692, 708, 744, 796, 803, 881, 938, 962, 1062, 1063. Abercromby, Capt. R. 0.-1915, 143. 978, 998, 1020. Advisory Committee Report-1913, 687. Able, C. G.-1915, 194. Accidents, fatal, leaders on-1911, 752, 888, 950, 972. Advisory Committee Report-1914, 560, 606, 628, 791, Aboukaia, Mdlle.-1910, 28. Accidents, fatal, statistics-1911, 69, 752. 1106. Abramovitch, (death of)-1913, 495. Accidents, investigation of, See Aero Club.-1913,1914. Advisory Committee Report-1915, 463, 500. Abramowitch-1912, 666, 687, 711, 737. Accidents, leaders on-1912, 436, 482, 530, 828, 848. Advisory Committee, leaders on-1912, 602, 1041. Abris Calas biplane-1909, 4. Accidents, leaders on-1913, 1, 27, 135, 663, 715, 999, Aerac Ltd.-1917, 802. Abyssinia, aeroplanes from-1918, 982. 1367. Aerial Age-1916, 442, 901. Accessories at Olympia, See Olympia.-1911. Accidents, leaders on-1914, 287, 532, 614, 668. Aerial Age-1917, 947. Accessories, See also Instruments, Tools, Helmets-1912, Accidents, leaders on-1919, 1412, 1492. Aerial Age-1918, 75, 94, 95, 100, 173, 314, 395, 405, 862, 1141. Accles and Pollock-1919, 753. 1174. Accessories, See also Instruments, Tools, Helmets-1913, Accles and Pollock, Ltd.-1918, 28, 53, 1044. Aerial defence-1913, 714. 152, 256, 744, 883, 1010. Acer dynamometer-1910, 558. Aerial defence-1919, 580, 752, 884, 1140, 1290, 1450, Accessories, See Belts, Helmets, Instruments, Olympia, Acetate of Cellulose Co, See British Cellulose Co.-1918. 1522, 1630. &c.-1914,1915. Acetylene Corporation,-1915, S3. Aerial Defence Association, See National Aerial Defence Accident statistics-1910, 997. Acetylene Equipment Co., Ltd.-1918, 53, 1394. Association.-1913. Accidents-1914, 513. Acetylene Equipment Co., Ltd., See Dissolved Acetylene Aerial defence, (See also London)-1916, 112, 161, 173, Accidents-1916, 341, 354, 459, 471, 953, 1083. Co., Ltd.-1919. 264, 314, 355, 358, 360, 390, 437, 658, 676, 699, 719. Accidents-1917, 6, 18, 41, 104, 132, 290, 298, 325, 362, Acetylene generator-1914, 370. Aerial defence, (See also London)-1917, 3, 17, 84, 302, 517, 588, 847, 917, 989, 1298. Acetylene Illuminating Co.,-1915, S3. 325, 576, 596, 598, 623, 693, 708, 736, 769, 936. Accidents-1918, 169, 215, 237, 318, 484, 787, 798, 844, Acetylene Welding-1915, 745. Aerial defence, (See also London)-1918, 269, 340, 856. 943, 1095. Acetylene Welding, See Welding.-1918. Aerial Derby, See Derby.-1913,1914,1919. Accidents-1919, 20, 89, 154, 392, 607, 778, 905, 1062, Acetylene, cylinders for See Cylinders-1918. Aerial disturbances, structure of (Shaw)-1914, 70. 1094, 1415, 1506, 1544. Achievement, invention versus-1911, 174, 202. Aerial Experimental Association, See Curtiss and Bell Accidents (Col. Holden)-1914, 310, 370. Achievement, opinion versus-1911, 106. (Dr. Graham.)-1909, 5, 39, 119, 131, 145, 162, 185, 186, Accidents and their morals-1910, 458, 612, 812. Ackermann, A. S. E.-1913, 579, 714. 211. Accidents Committee, Air Ministry-1918, 827, 1092. Acland, 2nd Lt. W. H. Dyke-1915, 626. Aerial Express, Ltd.-1915, 584. Accidents, Commission on Monoplane, See Monoplanes- Acland, Capt., P. D.-1919, 1331. Aerial fleet-1911, 503. 1913. Acland, F. E. D., on " Still " engine-1919, 721. Aerial Gunnery (J. Hirst, B.A )-1911, 383. Accidents, correspondence on-1912, 575, 782, 886, 925, Acland, Lt. W. H. Dyke-1916, 15, 53, 270. Aerial law, See Law.-1918. 1012, 1039, 1067, 1186. Acrofoil (Lanchester)-1915, 157, 180, 187, 198, 215, 233. Aerial League-1909, 52, 56, 204, 209, 228, 238, 258, 331, Accidents, correspondence on-1913, 945, 1132. Active Service Exhibition-1916, 254. 348, 362, 615, 628. Accidents, correspondence on-1914, 203, 550. Adam, Grimaldi and Co.-1918, 53, 495. Aerial League-1910, 26, 194, 256, 433, 600. Accidents, fatal-1911, 10, 16, 17, 27, 37, 98, 122, 149, Adam, Grimaldi and Co.-1919, 158. Aerial League-1912, 672, 692, 732, 760, 951, 982, 1005. 178, 187, 204, 298, 356, 406, 426, 448, 455, 470, 480, Adams-1913, 520. Aerial League-1913, 17, 570, 886, 1306. 492, 533, 555, 594, 644, 665, 727, 741, 747, 767, 790, Adams (Alfred) and Co., Ltd.-1917, 260. Aerial League-1914, 890. 799, 811, 830, 832, 833, 856, 872, 890, 901, 921, 932, Adams (L.), Ltd.-1915, 908. Aerial League-1917, 66, 936, 1312. 943, 981, 982, 1020, 1027, 1051, 1068, 1073, 1082, 1096, Adams engine-1912, 434. Aerial League and General Election-1910, 10. 1007, 1118. Adams engine-1913, 20. Aerial League, See Air League.-1918. Accidents, fatal-1912, 62, 79, 89, 123, 153, 172, 178, 179, Adams, A. J.-1915, 194. Aerial legislation, See Legislation-1911. 202, 248, 271, 292, 314, 334, 356, 380, 381, 425, 426, Adams, A. T. P.-1915, 497. Aerial Lloyds' Registry-1919, 294. 427, 447, 473, 521, 544, 571, 592, 600, 616, 617, 634, Adams, Lt.-1914, 723. Aerial mails-1911, 699, 751, 764, 798, 829, 841, 857, 641, 642, 666, 687, 711, 729, 735, 756, 803, 837, 842, Adams, S.-1912, 429, 509, 567. 879, 918, 1004. 843, 861, 870, 881, 899, 922, 948, 954, 974, 77, 978, Adams, Stanley-1913, 844. Aerial mails-1912, 242, 334, 572, 729, 1108. 1008, 1036, 1064, 1120, 1149, 1196, 1217, 1221. Adams-Farwell engine-1911, 791. Aerial mails-1913, 471, 572, 597, 620, 830, 916, 1153, Accidents, fatal-1913, 10, 21, 45, 65, 77, 103, 128, 163, Adastral House-1916, 826. 1214, 1259, 1308. 200, 237, 275, 291, 292, 311, 345, 371, 396, 420, 447, Adastral House-1919, 492.

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