California Fungi Bibliography

California Fungi Bibliography

California Fungi Bibliography Abbott, S.O. & Currah, R.S. (1997). The Antonín, V. (1999). Notes on the genus Fayodia Helvellaceae: Systematic revision and occurrence s.l. (Tricholomataceae) - I. Type studies of in northern and northwestern North America. European Myxomphalia species. Mycotaxon 73: Mycotaxon 62: 1-125. 325-334. Adamcík, S. (2002). Taxonomy of the Russula Antonín, V. (2004). Notes on the genus Fayodia xerampelina group. Part 2. Taxonomic and s.l. (Tricholomataceae) - II. Type studies of nomenclatural study of Russula xerampelina and European species described in the genera R. erythropoda. Mycotaxon 82: 241-267. Fayodia and Gamundia. Persoonia 18(3): 341- Albee-Scott, S. (2007). The phylogenetic 364. placement of the Leucogastrales, including Arnold, J.D. (1935). A Comparative Study of Mycolevis siccigleba (Cribbeaceae), in the Certain Species of Marasmius and Collybia in Albatrellaceae using morphological and Culture. Mycologia 27(4): 388-417. molecular data. Mycol. Res. 111(6): 653-662. Arnolds, E. (2003). Notulae ad floram agaricinam Albee-Scott, S.R. (2005). The phylogeny and neerlandicam – XL. New combinations in phylogeography of two false-truffles, Leucophleps Conocybe and Pholiotina. Persoonia 18(2): 225- spinispora and Hymenogaster sublilacinus, in the 230. Great Basin, USA. PhD Thesis. University of Aronsen, A. & Læssøe, T. (2016). The Genus Michigan: Ann Arbor. Mycena s.l. Danish Mycological Society: Ammirati, J.F. & Smith, A.H. (1977). Studies in Copenhagen, Denmark. 373 p. the Genus Cortinarius III: Section Dermocybe, Arora, D. & Burk, W.R. (1982). Clathrus archeri, a New North American Species. Mycotaxon 5(2): Stinkhorn New to North America. Mycologia 74: 381-397. 501-504. Ammirati, J.F. (1989). Dermocybe, sugenus Arora, D. & Dunham, S.M. (2008). A New, Dermocybe, section Sanguineae in Northern Commercially Valuable Chanterelle Species, California. Mycotaxon 34: 21-36. Cantharellus californicus sp. nov., Associated with Ammirati, J.F., Thiers, H.D. & Horgen, P.A. Live Oak in California, USA. Economic Botany (1977). Amatoxin-containing mushrooms: 62(3): 376-391 Amanita ocreata and A. phalloides in California. Arora, D. & Frank, J.L. (2014). Clarifying the Mycologia 69: 1095-1108. butter Boletes: a new genus, Butyriboletus, is Antonín, V. & Buyck, B. (2006). Marasmius established to accommodate Boletus sect. (Basidiomycota, Marasmiaceae) in Madagascar Appendiculati, and six new species are described. and the Mascarenes. Fungal Diversity 23: 17-50. Mycologia 106(3): 464-480. Antonín, V. & Noordeloos, M.E. (1997). A Arora, D. (1986). Mushrooms Demystified. Ten Monograph of Marasmius, Collybia and related Speed Press: Berkeley, CA. 959 p. general in Europe. Part 2: Collybia, Gymnopus, Arora, D. (2008). California Porcini: Three New Rhodocollybia, Crinipellis, Chaetocalathus, and Taxa, Observations on Their Harvest, and the additions to Marasmius. IHW - Verlag: Eching, Tragedy of No Commons. Economic Botany 62(3): Germany. 256 p. 356-375. Antonín, V. & Noordeloos, M.E. (2004). A Arthur, J.C. (1912). Cultures of Uredineae in monograph of the genera Hemimycena, 1911. Mycologia 4(2): 49-65. Delicatula, Fayodia, Gamundia, Myxomphalia, Atkinson, G.F. (1902). Preliminary Notes on Some Resinomycena, Rickenella, and Xeromphalina in New Species of Fungi. J. Mycol. 8(3): 110-119. Europe. IHW-Verlag: Eching, Germany. 279 p. Atkinson, G.F. (1908). Notes on some new Antonín, V. & Noordeloos, M.E. (2010). A species of fungi from the United States. Annales monograph of marasmioid and collybioid fungi in Mycologici 6: 54-62. Europe. IHW-Verlag: Eching, Germany. 480 p. Atkinson, G.F. (1909). Preliminary notes on some Antonín, V. (1989). Type studies in Marasmioid new species of Agaricaceae and Clavaria. Annales and Collybioid Fungi (Tricholomataceae) II. Mycologici 7 (4): 365-376. Agaricus graminum. Mycotaxon 36(1): 19-27. Page 1 of 26 California Fungi Bibliography Baird, R.E. & Khan, S.R. (1987). Spore Neerlandica—Critical monographs on the families Ornamentation of North American Phellodon of agarics and boleti occuring in the Netherlands. Species. Mycologia 79(2): 334-337. Volume 2. Pluteaceae, Tricholomataceae. A. A. Baird, R.E. (1986). Study of the stipitate hydnums Balkema: Rotterdam, Netherlands. 137 p. for the Southern Appalachian Mountains— Bas, C., Kuyper, T.W., Noordeloos, M.E. & Genera: Bankera, Hydnellum, Phellodon, Vellinga, E.C. (1995). Flora Agaricina Sarcodon. (Bibliotheca Mycologia: Band 103). J. Neerlandica—Critical monographs on the families Cramer: Berlin, Germany. 156 p. of agarics and boleti occuring in the Netherlands. Baird, R.E. (1986). Type Studies of North Volume 3. Tricholomataceae. A. A. Balkema: American and Other Related Taxa of Stipitate Rotterdam, Netherlands. 183 p. Hydnums: Genera Bankera, Hydnellum, Bas, C., Kuyper, T.W., Noordeloos, M.E. & Phellodon, Sarcodon (Bibliotheca Mycologia: Vellinga, E.C. (1999). Flora Agaricina Band 103). J. Cramer: Berlin, Germany. 89 p. Neerlandica—Critical monographs on the families Banerjee, P. & Sundberg, W.J. (1995). The Genus of agarics and boleti occurring in the Pluteus Section Pluteus (Pluteaceae, Agaricales) Netherlands. Volume 4. Strophariaceae, in the Midwestern United States. Mycotaxon 53: Tricholomataceae. A. A. Balkema: Rotterdam, 189-246. Netherlands. 191 p. Banker, H.J. (1912). Type Studies in the Bates, S.T. (2004). Arizona members of the Hydnaceae: II. The Genus Steccherinum. Geastraceae and Lycoperdaceae (Basidiomycota, Mycologia 4(6): 309-318. Fungi). Masters Thesis. Arizona State University: Banker, H.J. (1913). Type Studies in the Tempe, AZ. 445 p. Hydnaceae: V. The Genus Hydnellum. Mycologia Bates, S.T., Robertson, R.W. & Desjardin, D.E. 5(4): 194-205. (2009). Arizona gasteroid fungi I: Lycoperdaceae Banker, Howard J. (1913). Type Studies in the (Agaricales, Basidiomycota). Fungal Diversity 37: Hydnaceae: III. The Genus Sarcodon. Mycologia 5: 153-207. 1. 12-17. Beardslee, H.C. (1905). The Rosy Spored Agarics Baroni, T.J. & Both, E.E. (1991). Chalciporus or Rhodosporae. The Journal of Mycology 11(3): piperatoides in North America. Mycotaxon 83: 109-110. 559-564. Beaton, G., Peglar, D.N. & Young, T.W.K. (1984). Baroni, T.J. & Largent, D.L. (1989). The genus Gasteroid Basidiomycota of Victoria State, Rhodocybe: New combinations and a revised key Australia. I. Hydnangiaceae. Kew Bull. 39: 499- to section Rhodophana in North America. 508. Mycotaxon 34: 47-53. Beaton, G., Peglar, D.N. & Young, T.W.K. (1985). Baroni, T.J. (1981). A revision of the genus Gasteroid Basidiomycota of Victoria State, Rhodocybe Maire (Agaricales). J. Cramer: Vaduz. Australia. III. Cortinariales. Kew Bull. 40(1): 167- 194 p. 204. Bas, C. (1983). Flammulina in Western Europe. Beker, H.J., Eberhardt, U. & Vesterholt, J. (2016). Persoonia 12(1): 51-66. Hebeloma (Fr.) P. Kumm. Edizioni Tecnografica: Bas, C. (1983). On the application of the name Lomazzo, Italy. 1217 p. Agaricus lacrymabundus Bull.: Fr. Persoonia Benjamin, D.R. (1995). Mushrooms: Poisons and 12(1): 103-106. Panaceas. W. H. Freeman: New York, NY. 422 p. Bas, C., Kuyper, T.W., Noordeloos, M.E. & Berch, S.M. & Fortin, A. (1983). Lectotypification Vellinga, E.C. (1988). Flora Agaricina of Glomus macrocarpum and proposal of new Neerlandica—Critical monographs on the families combinations: Glomus australe, Glomus of agarics and boleti occuring in the Netherlands. versiforme, and Glomus tenebrosum Volume 1. Entolomataceae. A. A. Balkema: (Endogonaceae). Can. J. Bot. 61: 2608-2617. Rotterdam, Netherlands. 182 p. Berkeley, M. A. (1873). Notices of North Bas, C., Kuyper, T.W., Noordeloos, M.E. & American Fungi. Grevillea 2(14): 17-20. Vellinga, E.C. (1990). Flora Agaricina Page 2 of 26 California Fungi Bibliography Berkeley, M.J. & Broome, C.E. (1848). Notices of Cantharellula, Myxomphalia, Omphaliaster. Beih. British fungi XXVII. Annals and Magazine of Nova Hedw. 51: 61-77. Natural History, Ser. 2 2: 259-268. Bigelow, H.E. (1976). Studies on some lignicolous Berkeley, M.J. & Broome, C.E. (1854). Notices of Clitocybe. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 28(1): 9-15. British fungi XXXV. Annals and Magazine of Bigelow, H.E. (1977). New Taxa of Clitocybe. Natural History, Ser. 2 12: 396-407. Mycotaxon 6(1): 181-185. Berkeley, M.J. & Curtis, M.A. (1859). Centuries of Bigelow, H.E. (1978). The Cantharelloid Fungi of North American Fungi. Annals and Magazine of New England and Adjacent Areas. Mycologia Natural History 3(4): 284-296. 70(4): 707-756. Berkeley, M.J. (1873). Notices of North American Bigelow, H.E. (1979). A contribution to Fungi. Grevillea 2(14): 33-35. Tricholoma. Sydowia Beih. 8: 54-62. Berkeley, M.J. (1873). Notices of North American Bigelow, H.E. (1982). North American Species of Fungi. Grevillea 2(16): 49-53. Clitocybe. Part I. J. Cramer: Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Berkeley, M.J., Curtis, M.A. (1869). Fungi 280 p. Cubensis (Hymenomycetes). Journal of the Bigelow, H.E. (1985). North American Species of Linnean Society of London. Botany 10 (45): 280– Clitocybe. Part II. J. Cramer: Berlin, Germany. 241 341. p. Bernicchia, A. & Gorjón, S.P. (2010). Corticiaceae Bigelow, H.E., Miller Jr., O.K. & Thiers, H.D. s.l. Edizioni Candusso: Alassio, Italy. 1008 p. (1976). A new species of Omphalotus. Mycotaxon Bernicchia, A. (2005). Polyporaceae s.l. (Fungi 3(3): 363-372. Europaei). Edizioni Candusso: Alassio, Italy. 807 p. Bird, C.J. & Grund, D.W. (1979). Nova Scotian Bérubé, J.A. & Dessureault, M. (1988). Species of Hygrophorus. The Nova Scotia Morphological characterization of Armillaria Museum: Nova Scotia. 131 p. ostoyae and Armillaria sinapina sp.nov. Canadian Bird, C.J. & Grund, D.W. (1979). Nova Scotian Journal of Botany Can. J. Bot. 66(10): 2027-2034. Species of Hygrophorus. The Nova Scotia Bessette, A.E., Bessette, A.R., Roody, W.C. & Museum: Nova Scotia. 131 p. Trudell, S.A. (2013). Tricholomas of North Blanco-Dios, J.B. (2015). Notas sobre el género America. University of Texas Press: Austin, TX. Entoloma en el Noroeste de la Península Ibérica 208 p. (VII): nuevas combinaciones y nuevos nombres. Bessette, A.E., Roody, W.C. & Bessette, A.R. Tarrelos. 17:32-38. (2000). North American Boletes: A Color Guide to Boertmann, D. (1996). The Genus Hygrocybe the Fleshy Pored Mushrooms.

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