THI! CATHOLIC- · Vol. VII. No. 12 OCTOBER, 1940 Price One Cent Wreckers WE HAVE FOUND HE STIRS UP SHORT TRIP TUISMAN THE PEOPU/ 01 Europe tEJ..VfllTING/ TO NEAR-BY .. ' OUA. NATI ON. SAY1N6 THAT.. HE IS CUR.IST C.W. GROUPS by Peter Maurin - . THE KING! September. I visit Ade Beth­ une at Newport on my way up I. Philipp the Fair to Boston and Upton to speak. 1. In the middle I A de has a house now across the of the thirteenth century street from the studio, and there some Universities is a real craft school up here. It · gave up the exclusive is cold and clear out, after a day teaching of Canon Law of heavy rain. We went to Mass and started to teach at the Cenacle and after break­ Rom~n Law. fast, Fr. Woods and John Cor:t 2. Roman-Law-minded came 'to the studio, and while 'Ye sat cutting up rags for hooked lawyers backed Philipp rugs, we discussed war, conscrip­ the Fair in his disputes tion, labor unions. It is hard not with Boniface VIII. to be over-vigorous and even ex­ 3. The aim of Roman Law hausting in opposing others in is to enable the rich men Peace .. Time· ·Conscription-._ what we consider false and to live among poor men harmful convictions. by teaching the rich men We had a delicious lunch of how to keep the poor potatoes, baked dressing and 'to­ men poor. A Catholic View matoes, brown bread and tea. 4. The aim of Canon Law Ade and one of her apprentices is to enable the good men By Rt. R ev. G. Barry O'Toole, Ph.D ., S.T.D. live on $1.50 a week each for food. to live among bad men In a series of articles begun side of a t-ime of 11ationa.l danger, by' the presence of malcontents 1 by tea.ching the good one year ago I opposed war-time one would have a perfect right and p'ossible saboteurs. The way Basic Culture men ~o carry their cross conscription . for expeditionary to refuse obedience to a law of to have secured an army like that Here are the beginnings of a and not to double-cross. wars of doubtful justification. this kind. was the traditional American way real craft college, the "folk II. Machiavelli ... Recently, by passing the Burke- ( 4) Actually, however, Ameri- of voluntary enlistti1ent, which school" that Peter is always talk­ Wadsworth Bill, Congress en- ca's need of defense is grave, and Congress has just scrapped with­ ing about. Mr. Benson is taking - l - 1. According to R.H. Tawney acfed a law of peace-time con- not to jeopardi2e that defense, out so much as giving it two apprentices and so is Ade. Ade 11.igh ethics scription for the ostensible pur- there should be- no passive re- months of fair trial. In fact, so and her crowd are doing book were taught to. people pose of national defetise. Clearly, sistance to the law until after the bound and determined were the covers, wood cuts, book plates, when the Canon Law the problem posed by this con- time of crisis has passei:I. Washington politicians and army engravings, wood carvmgs and was the Law of the Land. scription legislation is not the ( 5) But this does not mean heads to foist conscription on many other things. They have same as the question considered that we are to relax our efforts American manhood that they de­ decorated the walls of their 2. While Savonarola to have this bad law repealed and liberately concealed from the studio and the house across the was trying to bring back in my articles. For this reason certam readers of THE CATHOLIC to i:etire from office the Senators _youth of the nation the fact that street and have built benches and the high ethics and Congressmen who voted for in the terms of the existing law beds. Ade has designed a most of the Canon Law WoRKER have asked me to take into account the changed cir­ its passage; on the contrary, we provision had been made for one­ ingenious bed with drawers in Machiavelli cumstances and to state my atti­ ought to redouble our · efforts, ye<n' enlistments. Hence, our the bottom, a compartment for in his book "The Prince" tude towards the law actually in particularly because the sinister young men were confronted with blankets and a sail cloth top was trying to teach the force. forces responsible for this law no choice save that between a which suffices in summer but · rulers how to rule people are now hard at work seeking to three-·year period of enlistment which needs a mattress in winter. by dividing them. Five New Points have Congress make , said law and a one-year period of con­ There is a good library in the J. "Dividing to rule" Here let me sum up- under permanent and widen ·its scope scription. Indeed, so eager was studio and there is a good selec­ has been the slogan five points my conclusions rela­ so as to include men at all ages, the Administration to make a tion of recorded music, so that of politicians tive to the new issues raised : and even women. failure of voluntary enlistment classes this year include folk · since Machiavelli ( 1) Inasmuch as the recom­ that, far from maki.ng a dramatic dancing as well as metaphysics with few exceptions. mendation not to shed blood is a Lobbying Militarists appeal for volunteers, it instruct­ which one of the professors froni counsel of Christian perfection, We cannot afford to give a ed all army recruiting offices to the Priory teaches once a week. 4. So today we say proposed to all the faithful and free hand to the army of lobby­ refuse to accept enlistments for Here surrounding Ade is one that politics imposed by Cahon Law upon the ists whose persistent aim is to one year---Orders that were coun­ of the most interesting cells of · is only politics. termanded only after Congress The CATHOLIC WORKER. It ·is (Continued on page 3) clergy, and inasmuch as the militarize America and to substi­ Church has enrolled as saints in tute for its democratic institu­ had passed the Conscription Act. (Continued 'on page 2) her Martyrology men who like tions the very totalitarianism they "Conscription of men leads FUNDS NEEDED SS. Marcellinus and Maximillian profess to combat. Not long ago, logically to conscription of capi­ s1:1ffered martyrdom rather than in a message addressed to a civic tal, and conscription of capital CLOTHES NEEDED It is impossible to give do military service, Catholics Committee Against War, I had is but another name for State so­ W e are badly in need all the news of groups have the right, though not the occasion to develop this thought ; cialism. Why should a govern­ right now of men's clothes. throughout the country in duty, .to be conscientious object­ let me set down iti substance ment that does not scruple to Today it is dank and chilly these four pages. We must ors, an5i, under the terms of the what I said: transgress God's commandments outs~e and the men who continue this format until present Conscription Act, their "Because I am thoroughly in by e n s 1 a v i fl g and kidnaping our bills are paid, and it is come to us for food are in right to be such is legally recog­ sympathy with the aim of keep­ human beings draw the line at raga. W e need underwear, hard to include the serfous nized; however, it goes without ing America out of war, I was stealing private property Is the matter of principles and sweaters, socks, any kind saying that they must be sincere glad to receive the invitation to pocketbook of a rich man some­ of coats and vestS-.:.any­ still have space for the in their motivation,_not refusing speak at your meeting. thing more sacred than the life human interest stories military service out of cowardice "Let me begin by stating that and liberty of an ordinary man? thing that has warmth in it • which illustrate those prin­ or indolence, but from the pure I am unequivocally in favor of God forbid !-whatever h a 1 f - no matter how ragged. ciples. and supernatural motive of seek­ such military · preparedness as wrong Willkie may thirik to the Please do not throw any­ We are sending out an ing Christian perfection. will be adequate to defend our contrary. thing away, but remember appeal now for funds as (2) Since the professed pur­ shores; that much is absolutely the thousands who are be­ there is very little money pose of the Conscription Act is necessary until the United States Modern Slavery ginning alr e~dy t o shiver coming in. What with something morally good, namely has time to build a two-ocean "Thanks to our cowardly ac­ in the damp of the fall thirty houses and ten the legitimate defense of our na­ navy. We must be prepared, as quiescence, our nation has trav­ weather. "The coat that farms, the support needed tive country, Catholics need fear Archbishop Spellman remarked eled a long way by now upon the hangs in your closet be­ for these necessarily means no sin in submitting to conscrip­ the other day, to demand peace, road that leads to State socialism. longs t o the poor." Right that many old friends are tion or even in accepting mili­ for other nations have wanted Call to mind the confiscatory-in­ now, as I write it is raining not able to respond to the tary service.
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