AilARCHYJ{0.109 3shillings lSpence 40cents "-*"*"'"'r ,Eh$ Russell andthe Anarchists Other issues of "Anarchy"l Gontents of il0. 109 Please note that the following issues are out of print: I to 15 inclusive, 26,27, 38, ANiARCHY 109 (Vol l0 No 3) MARCH 1970 65 March 1970 39, 66, 89, 90, 96, 98, 102. Vol. I 1961l. 1. Sex-and-Violence; 2. Workers' control; 3. What does anar- chism mcarr today?: 4. Deinstitutioni- sariorr; 5. Spain; 6. Cinema; 7. Adventure playgrourrd; 3. Anthropology; 9. Prison; 10. [ndustrial decentralisation. Neither God nor Master V. Ncill; 12. Who are the anarchists?; 13. Richard Drinnon 65 Direct action; 14. Disobcdience; 15. David Wills; 16. Ethics of anarchism; 17. Lum- lleilther God pcn proletariat ; I {l.Comprehensive schools; Russell and the anarchists 19. 'Ihcatrc; 20. Non-violence; 21. Secon- dary Vivian Harper 68 modern; 22. Marx and Bakunin. nor Master Vol. 3. l96f : 23. Squatters; 24. Com- murrity of scholars; 25. Cybernetics; 26. RIOHABD DNIililOI{ Counter-culture 'l'horcarri 27. Yor-rth; 28. Future of anar- chisml 2t). Spies for peace;30. Com- Kingsley lAidmer 18 rnurrity workshop; 31. Self-organising systcmsi 32. Orimc; 33. Alex Comfort; Kropotkin and his memoirs J4. Scicnce fiction. Nicolas Walter 84 .17. I won't votc; 38. Nottingham; 39. Tsoucn ITS Roors ARE DBEpLy BURIED, modern anarchism I Iorncr l-ancl 40. Unions; 41. Land; dates from the entry of the Bakuninists into the First Inter- 42. India; 43. Parents and teachers; 44, Observations on eNanttnv 104 l'rarrsport; 45. Thc Greeks;46. Anarchisrn national just a hundred years ago. David Kipling 95 and historians. Vol. 5. 1965: 47. Freedom in work; 48. As it happens, this is the centenary year as well of the l-ord of the flies; 49. Automation; 50. a Cover by Rufus Segar Anarchist outlonk; 51. Blues, pop, folk; birth of the American anarchist, Emma Goldman. As 52. Limits of pacifism; 53. After school; modest, in-the-nick-of-time tribute to that splendid rebel, I 54. Buber, l-andauer, Mulrsam; 55. here Mutual aid; 56. Women; 57. Law; 58. should like, with your indulgence, to imagine her up Stateless societies. presiding over this session. Vol. 6. 1966: 59. White problem; 60. Drugs; 61. Creative vandalism; 62. Orga- She might commence with a sombre recital of the nisation; 63. Voluntary servitude; 64. Mis- spent youth: 65. Dercvolutionisation; 66. number of limes historians have pronounced anarchism Provo; 67. USA; 68. Class and anarchism; irrelevant to complex societies, as at best "poetic nonsense". 69. Ecology; 70. Libertarian psychiatry. A recent example: Mr. George Woodcock contended in 72. Strike City, USA; 73. Street School; his book called-Anarchism, published in 1961, that modern 74. Anarchism and reality; 75. Improvised drama; 76. 1984', 77. Anarchist group anarchists "form only the ghost of the historical anarchist handbook; 78. l.iberatory technology; movement, a ghost which inspires neither fear among 79. Latin America; 80. Workers' controll 81. Russian arrarchistsl 82. Braehead governmerts nor hope among people nor even interest School. among newspapermen". Hard after this prophesy followed Vol. 8. 1968: 83. Tcnants take over; Berkeley, the imaginative politics of the Provos in Amster- 84. Poverty; 85. Anarchist conversations; 86. Fishermen; 87. Penal System; 88. dam, the comic-strip uprising of the Situationists at Stras- IIATES: Wasteland culture: 89. France; 90. Stu- bourg University, the rebellion of the Berlin SDS, and then, dcnts; 91. Artists: 92. Two schools; 93. Single copies 3s. (40c.). Annual subscrip- in May 1968, the rise of the New Paris Commune" But let tion (12 i.ssues) 36s. ($5.00). Joint annual subscription with FREEDoM, the anarchist Vol. 9. 1969: 95. Yugoslavia; 96. Playing weekly-lwhich readers of eNencuv will at revolution; 97. Architects and people; RICHARD DRINNON is Professor of History ot Bucknell find iirdispensable) €3 l9s. 4d. Cheques. 98. Criminology; 99' Lessons fiom P.O.s and Money Orders should be made France: 100. About i anarchism; 101. University. These remarks were made from the chair at out to FREEDOM PRESS, 84s White- Approved schools, Detention Centres; the recent session on anarchism at the American Historical chapel High Street, London, E.1, England. 102. Squattcrs; 103. Rights of the young; 104. Refusing; 105. feich; 106. What is Association's Convention in Washington. property? Printed by Express Printers, London, E.l I 66 67 me draw on the breathless authority of Time magazine of and Red Rudi and Bernadette Devlin, and, for that matter, May 24, 1968, by way of summary: the women and men of the Resistance, the Women's Libera- "The black flag that flew last week above the tumul- tion Movement, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, and even, tuous disorders of ?aris stood for a philosophy that the if the Vice-President is to be believed, the organizers of the modern world has all but forgotten: anarchy. Few of the October Moratorium-Agnew ruled them to be, you know, students who riot in France, Germany or Italy-or in many "hardcore dissidents and professional anarchists". another country-would profess outright allegiance to Isn't it lovely, she might gleefully observe, that anarchy, anarchy, but its basic tenets inspire many of their leaders. like adultery, seems to be coming back ? And isn't it lovely Germany's 'Red Rudi' Dutschksand France's'Red Danny' that the august-nay, magisterial American Historical Cohn-Bdndit openly espouse anarchy. Not silce the Association has unbended to devote an entire session to the anarchist surge in the Spanish Civil War has the Western topic? And this at one of its annual meetings at the heart world seen a movement so enthusiastically devoted to the of the American Empire, or, better, in the National Seat ! destruction of law, order and society in the name of un- limited individual freedom." But here she might raise a final series of questions: Why have historians made so many eager attempts to So Time is finally on our side, Emma might wryly entomb anarchism and other varieties of radicalism? Why observe. Nor will it do for Mr. Woodcock to contend that has the present unparalleled interest in anarchism been so the recent spurt of interest in anarchy lacks continuity with long in coming? the historic movement (see Commentary, August 1968). As Daniel Cohn-Bendit has made quite clear, he is well aware Can it be that anarchism's reiection of the Nation that while Marx stood to the left of Proudhon, Bakunin State and Empires, its commitment to decentralization, to stood to the left of Marx. the primacy of functional groups, to direct action, and to direct participation in decision-making--can it be that these And just a generation ago, she might recall, an editor commitments have frightened the great washed majority of of. Harpei's magazine commenced premature last rites for historians who have their own commitments to a distrust her by prefacing an article of hers written in 1934 with this of spontaneity, to an affection for order, for discipline, for comment: bureaucratic authority? Have not most of you, she might "It is strange what time does to political causes. A say to us-have not most of you really undertaken to be generation ago i1 seemed to many American conservatives scribes of the Prince or his successors? Haven't you found as if the opinions which Emma Goldman was expressing yourselves, despite all your rhetoric, locked into Michels' might sweep the world. Now she fights almost alone for Iron Law of Oligarchy? And liking your unfreedom? what seems a lost cause; contemporary radicals are over- Self-help, mutual-aid rnovements, organized from the whelmingly opposed to her. ." bottom up, she might conclude, have long awaited their It ls strange what time does to political causes, she chroniclers. If they seem another series of lost causes, be might agree-perhaps they, like the historical profession, not unduly distressed: I accept wholeheartedly one of the are subject to the same boom-bust cycle as the economy and graffiti on the walls of the Sorbonne which went: BE perhapi subject to the same mysterious causes-can we rule REALISTIC ! DEMAND THE IMPOSSIBLE. out wlth confidence the sunspot thesis of Jevons? What- ever reasons are adduced, she would accept with delight recent changes in the fortunes of anarchism and embrace with delight, as spiritual brothers and sisters, Red Danny 68 69 being devoted to the author's views on 'Problems of the Future' and how they might be solved. "Mr. Russell in his frrst chapter gives a sketch of Karl Marx Russell and his socialist doctrine and points out that although state socialism Bertrand might be the outcome of the proposals of Marx and Engels, as put forth in the Communist Manilesto, they cannot be accused of any and the anarchists glorification of the Slate. lt is their foliowers who have made an idol of the State. The second chapter on "Bakunin and Anarchism' VIVIATI HABPER deals with the struggle between Marx and Bakunin in the International Working Men's Association. The Germans and English followed Marx, but the Latin nations in the main followed Bakunin in opposing the State and disbelieving in the machinery of representative government. l(e had ur atrurclist front Holland stuying with us' the secretary of Although Bakunin did not produce finished and systematic body *'ut a chunning urd vcry intalligent rnan, and has been a the AlT. He of doctrine, he may be regarded a good tleol in Spain with thc CNT. He v'as a gt-eat admirer 9f lours. as the founder of anarchist communism. HZ sai(l that hi lmtl recently written un atticle on anarchism for, 'There is something of anarchism in his ]ack of litcrary order.' If an Encycktpedirt.-of In the bibliography at tlrc ettd hc included "All we wish to understand anarchism, says Mr.
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