March 4, 2017 Wailea, HI Page 1 Page 2 PROCEEDINGS 1 Agenda 2 3 Page Line I. Opening Remarks and 4 Introduction 4 3 *Presentation by 5 Victor Montagliani 16 25 6 II. Moment of Silence 4 19 7 III. Pledge of Allegiance 5 4 8 IV. Roll Call 6 23 UNITED STATES SOCCER FEDERATION 9 V. 2017 Credential Committee Report 7 20 NATIONAL COUNCIL MEETING 10 VI. Approval of 2016 National Council Meeting Minutes 15 10 11 VII. Reports of Officers and Committees: 25 16 12 A. President's Report 26 1 B. Vice-President's Report 13 C. CEO/Secretary General's Report D. Appeals Committee Report 14 E. Athletes Council Report F. Credentials Committee Report (2016) Wailea Beach Resort 15 G. Disability Soccer Committee Report Wailea, Hawaii H. Finance Committee Report 16 I. Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Committee Report 17 J. Referee Committee Report K. Rules Committee Report March 4, 2017 18 L. Sports Medicine Research, Education and Advisory Committee Report 8:00 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. 19 VIII. New Business: 63 15 20 A. Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 2018 63 16 21 B. Life Member Nominations 69 1 1. Mike Edwards Reported by Debra K. Resling, RMR, CRR 22 2. Bruno Trapikas C. Membership Application for 70 3 23 the USA Deaf Organization 24 IX. Election of Independent Directors 70 17 25 Page 3 Page 4 1 Agenda (cont'd.) 1 (Commencing at 8:00 am.) 2 X. Affirmation of Federation Policies Adopted Since 2016 AGM: 72 17 2 PRESIDENT GULATI: Okay. Thank you. 3 A. Policy 102(4)1 Lamar Hunt 3 Welcome, again, to Maui. We've got a U.S. Open Cup 4 B. New Policy 532-1 4 full agenda for the day, and I just went through * National Anthem Policy 5 this with Dan. We'll do most of our business, 5 XI. Proposed Amendments to the 6 have lunch at 12:30, and then reconvene after 6 Federation Bylaws: 74 12 7 that. A. Bylaw 213(BOD) 85 2 7 B. Bylaw 232(BOD) 92 7 8 For those that are new, that was a C. Bylaw 401(BOD) 96 2 9 joke. For those of you that were here 8 D. Bylaw 401(John Collins) 96 21 E. Bylaw 413(BOD) 106 17 10 previously, which is almost all of you, 9 * Bylaws 531, 532 107 5 11 understood that very well. We'll get you out in * Bylaw 804 83 15 10 F. Amendments to Multiple 12 plenty of time for some sun, but we do have a Bylaws (BOD) 110 23 13 number of things to go through. So thank you-all 11 * Life Member Presentations 112 8 14 for coming. The weather has gotten better. 12 15 We're all very pleased about that. We will have XII. For the Good of the Game 114 14 13 16 a number of presentations and some rules that we Adjournment 131 11 17 need to go through, so we will get right to it. 14 * Denotes Added Agenda Items 18 Before we get started, if we could 15 have a Moment of Silence followed by the Pledge 16 19 17 20 of Allegiance. So if you could all stand, 18 19 21 please, for a minute, for a Moment of Silence for 20 22 those that we have lost over the last 12 months 21 22 23 in our soccer family. 23 24 (Moment of silence.) 24 25 25 PRESIDENT GULATI: Thank you. If you 1 (Pages 1 to 4) National Council Meeting U.S. Soccer Federation March 4, 2017 Wailea, HI Page 5 Page 6 1 remain standing, I'm going to have Hank 1 folks that were on that first one, that's what 2 Steinbrecher, a proud father of a former Navy 2 you are going to look like in 29 years. 3 seal, former Navy seal, always a Navy seal, Hank, 3 And then, of course, those that have 4 please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. 4 represented us in various competitions including 5 (Pledge of Allegiance recited.) 5 World Cup winners, including Olympic Gold 6 PRESIDENT GULATI: Before we get 6 medalists, including World Cup participants on 7 started with the official roll call and a few 7 the men's side and multiple world cups, our 8 other things, as always a few special guests that 8 athletes; if you've played for the United States, 9 we want to recognize. Last night, I said, we had 9 please stand. 10 500 VIPs, and we did, and we do, but there are a 10 (Applause.) 11 few who have traveled a long way or have done 11 PRESIDENT GULATI: Our Life Members. 12 some very special things for us in the past, so 12 If you guys and gals would take a quick stand for 13 I'd like to make sure I recognize them. 13 us in the front row. 14 Let's start, as we always do -- or at 14 (Applause.) 15 least as I always do, for those of you that are 15 PRESIDENT GULATI: And we'll hear a 16 here for your first Annual General Meeting, 16 little bit later and I will do a proper 17 please stand so we can recognize you. Our 17 introduction of the president of CONCACAF; and 18 first-year folks. 18 also the president of the Canadian Soccer 19 (Applause.) 19 Association, Victor Montagliani, and I will talk 20 PRESIDENT GULATI: And why don't we 20 about him in just a few minutes. 21 go at the other end. Anybody here at 40? No, 21 But before we do that, Mr. Kepner, as 22 let's go with 30, 30 AGMS or more, please stand, 22 always, we need you up to do the Credentials 23 30 annual meetings or more. 23 Committee Report and take a roll call. 24 (Applause.) 24 MR. KEPNER: Thank you very much. 25 PRESIDENT GULATI: All the young 25 Before I start, I want to point out Page 7 Page 8 1 one player who wasn't up front here to receive 1 Council. Then we have other individual members: 2 applause, because she's a member of the 2 NBOD, Life Members, Past Presidents, and Life 3 Credentials Committee, and that's Siri Mullinix. 3 Mem- -- oh, I mentioned Life Members. Okay. So 4 She was standing in the back. Thank you. 4 those are individual ones. 5 (Applause.) 5 We put all of those together. Up 6 MR. KEPNER: She's also a member of 6 until now, you have been numbers and names on the 7 the North Carolina Soccer Hall of Fame, and she's 7 sheets of paper. Now, you are real live people. 8 from Greensboro, North Carolina, area, Jamestown, 8 So we'll go ahead and start this. This is the 9 right? Okay. Very good. 9 manner in which we determine whether or not we 10 This is always an exciting time for 10 have a quorum. And I have never used this device 11 me. It takes a lot of work by a lot of people. 11 before, but here we go. 12 The staff this year has just been absolutely 12 The Youth Council is really the, sort 13 superlative in terms of preparing us for this 13 of the governing, determining factor as to what 14 event, providing reports in an early fashion. 14 we use, eventually, to make sure that all three 15 Everything moved along very smoothly. Staff did 15 councils, the Pros, the Youth, and the Adults, 16 well. Committee did a great job. It just came 16 are weighted equivalently. So we have these 17 together very nicely. 17 states, and these states, together with AYSO, and 18 Now -- oh, where is this little 18 U.S. Club, and the commissioners, giving a total 19 clicker? 19 council weight or vote of 293. 20 In terms of the system that we have, 20 Now, the other two councils, 21 it's been around for a long time. We have four 21 Professional and Adult, must be equivalent to 22 different councils. We have the Youth Council, 22 that. We'll first go to the adults. 23 which is sort of the big guy or gal on the block. 23 We then go, complete the adults, 24 We have the Adult Council. We have the 24 including the affiliates, and the commissioners, 25 Professional Council. And we have the Athletes 25 and they're 190. You will see later that we'll 2 (Pages 5 to 8) National Council Meeting U.S. Soccer Federation March 4, 2017 Wailea, HI Page 9 Page 10 1 use a multiplier factor, to "make," 1 1.54, equals 293. 2 quote/unquote, "make," the 190 equal to 293. 2 You can see down in the bottom left, 3 We go from there to the Professional 3 the effect of this. And so 1,134 total weighted 4 Council. Same sort of thing prevails here. 4 votes of a simple majority of that, if you were 5 They're 13 persons, 13 voters. We will use a 5 to divide 1,134 by 2, you get 567. But you can't 6 multiplying factor to make that number equal to 6 have exactly half as a majority, so we add 1. So 7 293. Those are the three councils that must have 7 our total majority would be 568, a two-thirds 8 equal weight.
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