y A 16__MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday. April 2, 1990 CARS I CARS I CARS I CARS [ ^ C A R S I CARS CARS I CARS I FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOFI SALE Disputed Best Plea FOR SALE A Coventry survey Call ’em anything, MCC students push SCRANTON ONLY AT MORANDE LINCOLNl-MERCURY-MAZDA America’s Best Selling CHRYSLER-PIYMOUTH prompts questions/3 call UNLV champs/9 for funding/4 55 Windsor Avs. (Rts. 63), Vsmon Mid-Size Just Got Better 85 Dodge 600ES $3,495 Loaded, Tta,itponatlon Special 85 Toyota Pickup $4,665 Automallc, Extra Clain THE NEW 87 Mazda B-2000P.U. $4,885 S Speed, Low miee. Ready to Qo 67 Dodge Dakota P.U. $6,785 1990 CUTLASS CIERA S Long Bod. Low irtlae, Sharp truck GREAT CARS BUILT IN, FOR AND BY AMERICA! 87 Chrysler New Itokor ^,875 4 Door, Loaded, LeahcInterior, Extra ci6An +500.00 Roll Back 87 Mercury Cougar $7,865 +1250.00 Factory to Dealer Incentive 2 Door, Many axtras. Needs to be told HA 87 Chrysler Lebaron $9,245 SPECIAL PURCHASE +1364.00 Bob Riley Discount Automslic, 20,000 rrilM + 600.00 First Time Buyer* 88 Chrys Lebaron Convert. $SAVE Automatic, Top Down Special 89 Plymouth Sundance $8,645 NEW 1990 MERCURY COUGAR LS l0aitrl|PHtpr Ipralh $3714.00 TOTAL DISCOUNT Automatic. A/C, Only 0,000 milea FULLY LOADEI7»: ‘Rear Defroster 89 Dodge Grand Caravc;i $14,995 ■Speed Control •3.8L V-6 OHV Engine 7 peu., e cyl., 6 year warranty -Power Lock Group -Air Conditioning •Stock iO-6021 -Automate 875-3311 -AM/FM Caatena Sleri#o w 4 Speakera Waa $16,535 Tuesday, /\pril 3,1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents -Tit Wheel Your assurance of quick response when you adver­ YOU PAY tise In Classified Is that our readers are ready to ONILY buy when they turn to the * 1 4 3 9 9 Indicators 10.995 little ads. 643-2711. School cuts Equipped with automatic, tilt steering, rear window defogger, whitewall tires, floor mats, plus many more standard features. Stock #0047, MSRP $14,712 for new 1990 Ciera S. decrease *For qualified first-time new car buyers. Financing with GMAC. Member CT Valley & PER Western mass. Dealer S ch aller's ‘299 MONTH* QualityityF Pre-owned Autos slightly B O B R I L E Y Va/alue Priced take aim Tax & registration extra. Rebate assigned 88 Olds Cutlass Supreme to dealer. Clear Coat Paint Extra. Must ;^@OLDSM OBILE V-€, SL Pkg., Load«d, Low Miiet take delivery by 4/2/90. *60 months at 12.75% with $1183 down cash or trade. 259 Adams St., Manchester, CT By John D. McClain 87 Olds Calais The Associated Press 6 4 9 -1 7 4 9 4 Cyl.. Auto. AJC. Lika New NEW 1990 MERCURY MEW 1990 TOPAZ at sports WASHINGTON — The govern­ GRAND MARQUIS GS ment’s chief economic forecasting 1988 Subaru DLS/W $9 949 5 spaed. : g; gauge fell 1.0 percent in February, schools. By Nancy Foley $10,900 OR $199 P““ the Commerce Department report^ Kennedy said many junior high today, but analysts said it would Manchester Herald schools do not have interscholastic 1990 Integra GS 2Dr. OR $299 PER MONTH* ■2.3L HSC Engine 5 Spd.. AJC, Loaded. Low MIIm ■Automatic Trans- have changed little except for a drop sports. “Wc’vc cut away from Uie ■5 L V-e Engina -4 Spd Auto -A/C PB » PS C ru iw PL miaaion -Air Con­ in building pcimits. Seventh- and eighth-grade inter­ basic day-to-day school mission of $14,000 •PS -Rear D«lio»ler Electronic AM/FM C aw -Toibine ditioning -Speed scholastic sports will be among the Spoke Akiminum Wheel, Light Group -Luxury Sound Control -Rear The Index of Leading Economic the classroom.” 1986 VW Golf Irwul *Elec Dig Clock -Ana­ first casualties if further cuts are O 5Spd.. AA^ Window Defroster Indicators, designed to forecast Despite its presence on the list, log Inttrumentation -1S~ •Power Windows made in the Board of Education 3D -T1 $4,800 WhHe Sidewall Radial Tire, economic activity six to nine months special focus remains a high priority ------------------- -Stock #0-5047 -Was in advance, had risen the previous budget, according to James P. Ken­ for the administration and the school 87 Acuraira Legend Sedan nedy, superintendent of schools. ^ F OUTSTANDING TRUCK VALUES! V-6., Auto. Luxury F^g.F three months. board, Kennedy .said. Without it, But because of the unusual cir­ Deeper cuts would mean the loss Nathan Hale School will continue to $15,900 cumstances surrounding the index's of four teachers, as well as the spe­ draw from a less affluent population — m 88 Ford3rd MustanMustang LX cial focus program at Nathan Hale 4 Cylinder, 5 Sp<MSpe<M building permit componenL many of students, he said. 0 o analysts expressed skepticism in ad­ School, and a leaky roof at Illing The special focus pro^am at m : $6,600 vance of the February report. Junior High School would not be Nathan Hale School is designed to ^ DD 88 Chevylevy BerettaBeretl GT The analysts said today’s index repaired. V-6. Auto, Loaded, BladtE draw students from other schools by H ■< would be lowered by the February Kennedy revealed a “hit list” offering special courses in com­ m $8,700 drop from the unusu^ly. large num­ today in response to a request from puters and foreign language. Tax and registration extra. Rebate assigned to dealer. Clear Coat Paint extra. Tax 6 registration extra. Rebate assigned to dealer. Clear Coat Paint extra. Democratic town Director Peter 86 HyundaiHyundai EnExcel Must lake delivery by 4/2/90. *60 rrx>nths at 12.75% with $3783 down cash or Musi lake delivery by 4/2/90. *60 months at 12.75% APR with $1203.54 down, ber of permits builders sought in “Nathan Hale School was 5 Speed, Silver DiRosa, who said at last week’s trade. January to take advantage of record changed by an act of die Board of $2,900 warm weather and to beat a deadline joint meeting of the Board of Direc­ Education,” Kennedy said, referring 1 CHECK THE DIFFERENCE BEFORE YOU BUY*... for meeting expensive new building tors and the Board of Education that to the re-opening of Highland Park 90 Acura Legend citizens should know exactly what 5 Spd., Luxury Pkg., &K mitet standards. School. | - DD further reductions in the school $23,900 I FREE SCHEDULED ■ FREE 24-HOUR The standards, required by 1989 Tho Associated Press The impetus to get the program O O fair housing legislation, arc designed board’s $45.2 million budget would going would be lost if the program O “Ti 84 Olds Ciera Brougham MAINTENANCE* TOW/ROAD SERVICE* to make apartment buildings more DIRTY WORK — Cleanup workers from the Buckeye Pipeline Co. work in Knapp H=turt-in mean. were delayed for a year, he said. V-6, Auto. Loaded, Sport Coupe If your new Lincoln or Mercury becomes The list revealed what areas Ken­ r n NEW FULL SIZE 2WD NEW 4W D FULL SIZE On your new Lincoln or Mercury accessible to the handicapped. The Pennsylvania Monday to recover some of the fuel spilled Saturday near Freedom, Pa. “Delaying it a year invites delaying V-6, 5 Speed, Base Truck 350 V-8, Auto, 1/2 ton. $3,900 inoperative anyplace or any lime we will National Association of Home nedy would recommend the school it another year,” according to Ken­ Knapp Run flows into the Allegheny River, where there is a 30-mile slick affecting water board cut if the Board of Directors Stock #3360 Stock #3111 89 Acura Legend Sedan arrange replacement transportalbn and nedy. V 4 . S SpaedrLuiury Pka- sends back a budget reduced by town your vehicle. FREE OF CHARGEII Please see INDICATORS, page 8 supplies. Republican town Director Wal­ $21,900 I FREE COURTESY CAR* $750,000. The areas were listed in O O Whenever your new Lincoln or lace J. Irish said he was disap­ *10,246*13,794 90 Acura Integra GS increments ranging from $135,000 pointed that Kennedy had not con­ m ' z Auto, A/C, Loaded Mercury needs service n FREE FORD AUTO CLUB* to $264,000. sidered asking the unions to lake D > $16,400 In addition to the sports, the first smaller pay incrca.scs this year, and Snow-removal budget clobbered round of cuts would include three > 1“ MORE NEW 1990 MORE NEW 1990 Many Others In Stock to spread the increases that they arc JO 03 THE UNBEATABLE TEAMT^ clerical aides in the secondary enliUcd to over three years instead FULL SIZE PICKUPS 4 X 4's Immediate Delivery Monday that Uie primary reason the He projects the town will spend Directors. schools, a security guard at the high *EffoclN0 with pur­ By Rick Santos However, that is not expected to of two. Increases in teachers’ JO > NEW 1990 PICKUP NEW 1990 4 X 4 FORMCRLY MORIARTY BROTHERS chases 3/24/90-4/2/ budget of about $228,000 has been about $348,000 for snow removal school and eight elementary teach­ salaries and benefits make up a sig­ SCHALLER 90, good tor first 12 Manchester Herald before the season is over, so the affect taxpayers because money for ing aides. > - • V6, Auto, stereo, months of ownership. drastically overspent is not because nificant portion of the incrca.se in #3124 1/2 Ton, #3497 $ 1 5, 994 LINCOLN highway budget deficit will be about such unanticipated expenses is set The second round of cuts would ”D $10,996 ACURA Taxjjaycrs should not be burdened of heavy winter snowfall.
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