THE JEWISH VETERAN Volume 71 • Number 3 • 2017 Mazel Tov We crushed the Nazi movement in America in to our New Leaders! the 30’s and we will do it again! The horrific events that ganization, was holding ral- occured in Charlottesville, lies in support of Hitler and Virginia should be a stark beating up Jews in the streets reminder to Americans that of New York. although the fires of Nazism When members of the were contained in the 1940’s, American Jewish Congress the spark was never fully refused to respond to these extinguished. As we see the atrocities, members of the rise of Nazism in America Jewish War Veterans of the today, it is important to look U.S.A. (JWV) decided they back at how our predecessors had to do something. They JWV National Commander dealt with this hate in the could no longer sit on the Paul D. Warner 1930’s and the 1940’s. sidelines while they watched When Adolf Hitler came these horrors unfold. That to power in January of 1933, very night, they convened the Germans unleashed a a committee that would ad- brutal campaign against dress Nazi Germany and German Jews. It was so the growing number of Nazi bad that on the morning of supporters in America, ul- March 20th, photos of Jews timately deciding that they being beaten, terrorized and would start a boycott of ultimately murdered in the German goods. streets of Germany covered Three days later on the front pages of newspa- March 23rd, JWV headed pers on both sides of the a massive protest march to JWVA National President Atlantic. At the same time, kick off the boycott. This the German American Bund march, which ran from Iris Goldwasser 1933 JWV Protest March Against Nazism Party, an American-Nazi or- Continued on page 17 Convention Round Up! Page 12 The G.I. Bill – the Great, the Bad and the Ugly By PNC Carl Singer CONTENTS The Great a better America. VA loans also enabled name it. All thanks to the G.I. Bill. Your Letters ...............................2 First a quick these GI's to buy homes and reach for the D’vrei HaShomrim ...................2 history lesson American Dream. The Bad – the original “The World War II G.I. Bill, it's Over the years G.I. Bill benefits withered Message From the G.I. Bill was one of the most cherished programs in – with a less understanding Congress Commander ..............................3 enacted in 1944. JWV proudly can claim American History, it paid the full cost of and less pressure from voters, benefits On The Hill .................................5 to have been a strong supporter and ad- an education at any four-year college or were reduced. In 2008, this was finally vocate for the G.I. Bill. We, along with university,” said Aaron Glantz of PBS. addressed in support of the Post 9/11 G.I. Membership Corner ...............6 other veterans groups, made it happen! For the G.I. – the G.I. Bill provid- Bill. JWV in the Community .........8 Some say that World War II brought ed opportunity and an open door to a However, there are still many is- Profiles in Service ..................14 America out of the Depression, but I say brighter future. sues to be addressed. For-profit schools that the G.I. Bill enabled and sparked the For colleges and universities – the have gotten into the act - preying on Review .......................................16 remarkable growth of the post-World G.I. Bill filled classrooms with enthusi- veterans because they see the oppor- National Ladies Auxiliary ....18 War II American economy. Young sol- astic students and revenue to build, ex- tunity of providing services where the diers that came home from the war got pand and do research. recipient doesn't pay. Museum News ....................... 20 their education thanks to the G.I. Bill, For America – the G.I. Bill was the Kate O'Gorman of IAVA said, Taps ............................................ 22 and they applied their learning, can-do catalyst for fantastic growth, interna- "many veterans are being aggressively spirit and military discipline to building tional leadership, the space age – you Continued on page 17 D'vrei HaShomrim THE JEWISH YOUR LET TERS Thank You VETERAN My name is Cadet Liam Kuelbs, and I am a 4th year The Jewish Veteran is the Official Publication of the cadet at West Lincoln High School’s “Rebel Navy” Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America JROTC. I deeply appreciate receiving the Junior ROTC award at our Blue & Gold award ceremony. I National Commander Paul D. Warner am extremely proud that your organization selected National Editor Lance Wang Managing Editor Anna Selman me to receive your award. I look forward to wearing Graphics/Production Editor Christy Turner my award on my uniform with pride. EDITORIAL OFFICE Rabbi Michael Gisser, MSMFT (CPT) Thank you for your continued support of my unit. 1811 R Street, NW • Washington, D.C. 20009 Cadet Liam Kuelbs The High Holy days are upon us. The past year is Telephone (202) 265-6280 x504 Fax (202) 234-5662 coming to an end and we start to look back at the past E-mail [email protected] On behalf of the cadets and staff of the Brunswick year and begin our plans and outlook for the coming Web Site www.jwv.org High School NJROTC, I would like to offer sincere year. It is a chance for each of us to have a certain The Jewish Veteran is published 4 times a year: appreciation for the prestigious award you provided to amount of closure and a renewal of our energy. This Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall, by the a deserving cadet in our unit. We enjoy every occa- year had its moments with hurricanes, threats on our Jewish War Veterans sion to recognize cadets who demonstrate excellence, peace and a tumultuous political climate. We have of the United States of America whether in academics, service or participation. 1811 R Street, NW had our ups and downs and are now getting ourselves Washington, DC 20009 By taking the time to recognize cadet efforts, you prepared once again. provide much needed encouragement that spurs the Periodical postage paid at Washington, DC, and at There is a Yiddish expression “Mann Tracht, Un additional mailing offices. individual cadet on to future success. Specifically, Gott Lacht” (“People Plan, and God Laughs”). No Postmaster: Send form 3579 to Jewish War each award provides a sense of accomplishment and matter how organized we are in our planning. No the knowledge that the recipient’s efforts are appre- Veterans, 1811 R Street, NW, Washington, DC matter how perfect we might think it is, it is never 20009. ciated in the community. Be assured that your par- a certainty. Each of us lives with some level of un- ticipation in the annual award ceremony is helping Subscription price in the United States is $5.00 certainty. Whether is as an individual, or from a na- per year, included in membership. Nonmember to build good citizens both now and into the future. tional and international level. We have seen this over subscriptions: $10.00. Single copies: $2.50. Thanks again for all you do on behalf of our youth! the past few weeks with chaos from Mother Nature, Photos and articles submitted to The Jewish We look forward to the next opportunity to work various health concerns, and both domestic violence Veteran shall be used at the discretion of the together in making Glynn County a better place for and Military threats. organization. The opinions expressed in signed all citizens. articles and letters in this magazine are not When we chant the poem Unetanah Tokef, we necessarily those of JWV. Herbert M. Hadley understand it to be a describing God’s judgement. Senior Naval Science Instructor Advertising information and rates available from We shall ascribe holiness to this day. the Editorial Office. JWV assumes no responsibility For it is awesome and terrible. Your kingship is for products and services advertised in this Warrior Weekend exalted upon it. Your throne is established in mercy. publication. The annual weekend of comradeship and learning You are enthroned upon it in truth. In truth You are © 2017 by the Jewish War Veterans of the USA. for Jewish cadets is a wonderful idea that has ap- the judge, The exhorter, the all‑knowing, the wit‑ NPA#112285 • ISSN 047-2018. parently been running for a number of years. And ness, He who inscribes and seals, Remembering Reproduction without permission is prohibited. the front page coverage that prints an article by Dr. all that is forgotten. You open the book of remem‑ Barry Schneider of Fort Wort Post 755 with several brance, which proclaims itself, and the seal of each Elohehecha hu haholaech imach, lo yarpecha v’lo photographs in The Jewish Veteran is admirable. As person is there. ya’azvecha”. Be strong and of good courage; have no is sponsorship by the Jewish War Veterans Founda- The great shofar is sounded, a still small voice fear . for Adonai your God is the One who goes tion and others, apparently including Post 755. is heard. The angels are dismayed, they are seized with you, never failing you or forsaking you. It’s a shame, however, that The Jewish Veteran did by fear and trembling as they proclaim: Behold the "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportu- not properly perform its professional editing (vet- Day of Judgment! For all the hosts of heaven are nity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every dif- ting) duty regarding Dr. Schneider’s submission or brought for judgment.
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