cross the line January 14 – February 2, 2014 Vancouver's International Performing Arts Festival Vancouver's leading arts source. Proud Media Sponsor PuSh 2014 Congratulations on 10 fantastic years! STAY CONNECTED AT STRAIGHT.COM Congratulations on ten years crossing the line! To a festival that has given stage to the world’s most exciting performing arts, challenged and evolved our contemporary culture, and encouraged us all to enjoy the ride, we at me&lewis offer our most sincere congratulations. May you continue to ideas. incorporated. meehanlewis.com Good Money™ is transforming the place where we live. Thanks to our members, Vancity is proud to be an Accessibility Partner at this year’s PuSh Festival. We’d like to congratulate PuSh on their 10th anniversary. vancity.com 2 All-Nations Canoe Gathering, Reconciliation Canada. Good Money (TM) and Make Good Money (TM) are trademarks of Vancouver City Savings Credit Union. Vancity - PuSh Festival Display Ad Colour(s) AD SIZE: 7.25” X 3.67" PRESS / STOCK: US SWOP COAT V2 RES ARTWORK: 300 PPI CYAN BLEED: N/A ARTWORK SCALE: 1 : 1 FILE FORMAT: PDF/X-1A MAG Vancity - PuSh Festival_7.25x3.67_Ad_FNL.PDF YELLOW NOTE : Trap at Output 604-224-3757 October 17, 2013 4:43 PM BLACK A PERSISTENCE OF VISION ← Back in the early naughts, PuSh was an impulse both simple and far-reaching. A bold and original mid-winter, international festival was envisioned as a much-needed platform for creating a “new context” for the performing arts here in Vancouver. Such a festival would both challenge and inspire colleagues. It would be founded on an ethos of partnership, demonstrating what new economies of scale might be achieved, what new audiences might be reached, and the new relationships that might be fostered Y between BC and other regions in Canada and abroad. All of this would, in turn, help NLE PHOTo: Andrew Querner PHOTo: O stimulate new public and private investment in the arts. The festival’s mission and sense of possibility would fuel our conversations with curatorial PHOTo: YukikO YukikO PHOTo: collaborators on shared interests and what artistic innovations might be tested by local and visiting artists. This would also include an expanded sense of horizons, of risk-taking norman armour for you, our audience. A festival such as the one imagined over a decade ago would artistic & executive director engage with the issues of the day, placing the aspirations and concerns of Vancouver artists, audiences and communities within a wider framework and on a larger stage, ultimately serving as an act of affirmation and provocation. Peter Dickinson Naming it “PuSh”? Here, too, the thought was fairly straightforward. Push boundaries; Board President push the form; push forward new ideas, new aesthetics, new thinking and new work. Yet, no matter how challenging or far-fetched the artistic proposition might be, we would stick by our credo: no hype; tell the truth; never lie. From the beginning we have hoped to present artists and works that stay with you—through a persistence of vision—long after the show is over. Perhaps you’re one of the lucky ones PuSh Festival Founders Norman Armour, Ilena Lee Cramer, Katrina Dunn, who saw Jimmy in the original PuSh series—a beguiling and utterly unforgettable act of Jane Heyman, David (DK) Kerr, Rob Lodder & Maeve Slein, Ken Manning, theatre by Montreal’s Marie Brassard. One night in particular, the theatre at Studio 16 Alice Niwinski, Ellie O'Day, Minna Schendlinger, Lainé Slater, Camilla Tibbs, was packed—over-sold at a hundred people, or so. After the show it took Marie a good Donna Wong-Juliani, Max Wyman, and the many, many people who had 20 minutes to change into her street clothes, remove her makeup and put away the faith in what we were proposing. portable microphone she had used to create the work’s dream-world effect. When she returned to the stage for the post-performance talk not a single person had left. They had remained in the theatre—having witnessed a work of art of profound meaning, of exhilarating artistry, of surprising and breathtaking moments—eager to take in more. We hope you are fortunate enough to have a similar experience at this year’s 10th tabLE OF contENTS ↓ Anniversary PuSh International Performing Arts Festival. And may that experience resonate with you for some time to come, into a future where, rest assured, we’ll be FESTIvaL PERFORMANCES waiting to cross the line with you one more time. SUPER NIGHT Shot 11 Please join us in celebration of this momentous occasion. It's a birthday, after all! THE PIXELatED REvoLUTION 12 GOB SQUAd'S KitchEN 13 A BRIMFUL OF ASHA 14 HUMAN LIBRARY 15 OTHER PUSH paGES THE QUIET VOLUME 16 DansE LHASA DansE 17 WELcomE MESSAGES 3–4 L.A. PARTY/AN EVENING WITH WILLIAM ShatnER ASTERISK 18 SPONSORS, paRTNERS & FUNDERS 5 THE DRAGONFLY OF ChicoUTIMI 19 PatRONS CIRCLE 7 SEEDS 20 CURatoRIAL MESSAGE 10 NIGHT 21 FEstivaL SCHEDULE 26 MIXtapE 22 FEstivaL VENUES 27 USUALLY BEAUTY FAILS 23 PUSH PASSES & TICKETING 27 ONE 24 PUSH CONVERsations 33 HavE I NO MOUTH 25 PUSH FILM SERIES 39 INHERitoR ALBUM 28 PUSH ASSEMBLY 40–41 NANOOK OF THE NORTH 29 PUSH ARTISTS-IN-RESIDENCE 42 ANTÓNIO ZAMBUJO 30 GET InvoLVED 45 FUSE 32 PUSH YOUTH PROGRAM & AccESSIBLE PUSH 46 A PRESENCE OF MONSTER 32 PUSH PRomotions 48 CLUB PUSH 34–37 Staff, BoaRD & LEADERS COUNCIL 50 3 I am pleased to extend my warmest greetings to As Premier of the Province of British Columbia, it is On behalf of my colleagues on Vancouver City Council, everyone taking part in the 2014 PuSh International my pleasure to welcome everyone to the 2014 PuSh I want to congratulate the organizers, performers Performing Arts Festival. International Performing Arts Festival. and audiences of the 2014 PuSh International Performing Arts Festival on the occasion of their 10th Now in its 10th year, this festival offers patrons In British Columbia, we are fortunate to live in a Anniversary. a chance to take in a variety of entertaining and place that embraces creativity and innovation. The sometimes unconventional performances by events and performances planned over these next It is the unique character of our city that all our acclaimed local, national and international artists. It few weeks provide wonderful opportunities for citizens can enjoy and participate in a large, diverse promises to be an exceptional display of creativity, artists to collaborate and allow for audiences to be selection of cultural entertainment events. The emotion and talent. exposed to new and exciting art forms. The festival PuSh Festival tests the boundaries of the traditional also does amazing work in promoting art and culture performing arts show. It provides an avenue through I would like to commend the organizers and the in our province, while helping those involved in the which creativity and innovation can be showcased performers for their continued commitment to performing arts industry create new relationships to audiences that are hungry for something different. making this festival such an important part of the with people from around the world. There are a variety of performances that are sure city's spirit. I am certain that this year’s edition of to please everyone. We are very proud of our PuSh will, once again, delight audiences with its I would like to take this opportunity to thank all enlightened arts community and we welcome all the diverse showcase of live performing arts. those involved with making this festival come to performers from across Canada and around the world. fruition. Your efforts provide our performing arts It is an honour to have you in Vancouver. Please accept my best wishes for a memorable community with the venues needed to promote their experience. original and inspirational showcases of work, and are Congratulations on a fabulous event and I hope an incredible contribution to art in our province and everyone enjoys the festivities. country. Congratulations on your 10th Anniversary, and best wishes for an inspiring and enlightening festival. The Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada Gregor Robertson Mayor of Vancouver Christy Clark Premier of British Columbia secret Become a member of spaces Theatre Conspiracy food + drink + inspiring places for your chance to win two tickets to a Theatre Conspiracy’s signature fundraising Secret Spaces event! series presents cocktail parties and (up to $300 value) intimate dinners in architecturally or To sign up : historically significant (or simply unique) Visit the support page locations around the Lower Mainland. of our website (conspiracy.ca/support) 4 conspiracy.ca | facebook.com/theatreconspiracy | @Conspiracy_Now Thank yoU TO PUSH SPONSORS, PARTNERS & FUNDERS The support and partnership of our Sponsors, Partners and Funders—this year and over the past decade—have been essential to making PuSh possible. We couldn't do it without them! Premier Media Partners Production Partner Accessibility Partner Official Creative Partner Cultural Partner Gala & Event Partner Outreach Partner Program Partners Community Partner Telecommunications Partner Transportation Partner telephonic Job No. 231162 Client Carlsberg Brand Kronenbourg SKU K1664 PMS - Simple Country Hotel Partner Catering Partner Club PuSh Beer Partner Generic Club PuSh Wine Partner Contact @ Kontrapunkt Telephone Ronnie Greve Tel +45 33 93 18 83 Format Substrate: Pantone 282 Pantone 485 Pantone 877 Proof Initial - Date #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 Approved by Date Submitted by Date LoH: 2012-01-09 Comments 2012-01-09 : Checked by Kontrapunkt THIS DOCUMENT HAS
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