I t ■ PAGE IWENTY-TWO HanrbPHtfr lEnratng Jimlb Manchester Area Special Hearing mniK SMALL s m s o The Weather Chance of showers today and . Head-On Crash On Subdivision Delivered in Manchester Equipped with leatherette interior, 15,459 tonight, high in 70s. Sunday, Injures Man In windshield washer, 2-epeed elec­ partly cloudy and cool. A apecial public hearing has tric wipers, heater, (Mogger, 4- Manchester-—4 City of 'ViUafie Charm South Windsor been called by M. Adler Dobkin, vkay ^ e t y flaebers, back-ig> chairman of the Planning and lights, front and rear seat belts, V<KL. L X X X y ill, NO. 252 (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TV SECHON) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JCTLY 26, 1969 (Classified Advertlsbqt on Pagvi 14) Andre Cajrriveau, 84 .Miller Zoning Commission, for a 16-lot leatherette headrests, steering PRICE TEN CENTS Rd.,. South Windsor, is report­ wheel lock and rear window de- subdlvtsion of some Residence froeter. ed in saitiafajctory condition at AA property on Tolland T^ke. \ Manchester Hospital today after I t t . 88, IVilland Tpke. The land is part of a 64-iacre TED TRUDON I Taloottvine-Manciiester being injured in a head-on col- parcel owned by Richard Hayes, 649-2888 Uston in South Windsor yester­ whose application to change the VOLKSWAGEN day. zone of tlje entire tract to In­ dustrial, making way for Man­ Kennedy Puts Political Future Four occupants of the second chester’s third industrial park, oar Involved were taken to the was denied by the commission • FRESH or NATIVE, WE HAVE IT • hospital, treated and discharg­ on May 5. ed. They were John DeMartino, At that time, the commission NATIVE: Butter and Sus^r Com, Tomatoes, driver of the second sar, his members said they would “look Cukes, Lettuce, Romaine Lettuce, Bos­ On Line Before Divided Public wife and two small children. ton and Salad Bowl, Green and Yellow more* favorably” on a plan that HYANNIS PORT. Mass. college student in Pittsburgh. South Windsor police s,ald,the would leave the Tolland Tpke. Beans, Egg Plant, Scallions, Limas and ty while at a plnnkclc of Ameri­ levlslon On the same day he sold Senate Majority Leader Kennedy, in an unprecedented can political power. accident la still under Inveeti- frontage residential. , Shell Beans, Green and Yellow Sfiuash, (AP) — Sen, Edward M. illleaded guilty in court to leav­ .Mike Mansfield, D-mont. gation. It happened at the in­ natianat television appearance, And in those terrible mo­ ing the .scene of an accident. A But, according to J. Eric Pot­ A com and Butternut Squash, Beets, Kennedy has put his fabled said there is “no truth whatev­ Sen. Fred Harris, D-Okla., the tersection of Buckland and ter, the town planning director, political future <m the line ments. he said, he questioned two-month sentence was eus- party’s national chairman, said Smith Rds. Leeks, Swiss CharA Piffling Cukes, er” to ugly rumors of Immoral “whether some awful curse did pendi-d and he w as placed on the hearing is unnecessary. Dill, Raspberries, Blueberries, Peas, before a divided public conduct that shadow the acci­ “Kennedy has my unqualified Other area police activity Potter told Dobkin that since actually hang over all Ih* Ken- probation for one year. support.’’ Catdiflower, Red Onions, White Onions, ter a pretty secretary’s dent. "Nor was I driving under nedys." The senator said his failure to VERNON the land is already zoned resl- death that left haunting the Influence of liquor,” he add­ ITntil the accident, Kennedy, dentially, no ' public hearing Yams, New Crop Apples, Lodi, Red The S7-year-old senator told of report the accident Imitledlately the No 1 Democrat in the Sen­ Earl C. Plrtel, 21, Of 95 ^nlon ed. would be necessary; only the Astrakans, Early Macs. questions still unanswered . the water rushing into hla lungs was “indefensible He said he ate aa aaalstant majority leader, St., Rockville, was arrested yes­ today. But nowhere in his .speech did ns he (ought to escape his sunk­ waa confused, tortured, tired. commission's review of the sub­ FRESH; Peaches, Phtms, Pears, Grapes, Pineap­ he make any mention of why his had been regarded aa a (ront- terday on a warrant issued by Kennedy announced BYiday en car after it plunged off a He Iniciited he still did not re­ division plans is required. Pot­ ples, Bing Cherrie^ Cantaloupes, Honey- car was on the deserted dirt nmner for the 1972 nomination Circuit Court 12 charging him ter Said. night he may rtrign from the bridge into an estuary. And he member nil that happened m dews, Sunkist Oranges, Grapefruit, road that led to the death of for the presidency—the prise with delivery of liquor to a min­ U.S. Senate if Massachusetts said he nearly drowned again ns the nine-hour perlo<l. But Dobkin scheduled the hear­ Mary dfo Kopechne, 28, on Chap- that brought hts two brothers to or. Limes, Nectarines, Watennelons. voters have lost confidenca in he swam across a channel from In Berkeley Heights, N.J., the ing anyway. He said, "I just poqulddlck Island around mid­ violent death. The arrest stemmed from a him because of the car accident the island to the village where mother of the victim. .Mrs. Jo­ hate to change the precedent, night July 18. Former Gov. John Oonnally of complaint to police, made by ^ WEEKEND SPECIALS ^ which killed his young blonde tie had been staying. seph Kopechne, came out onto n especially on something that’s A Memphis, Tenn., man said. Texas, riding in the same car Raymond Lebel, 18, of Village so controversial.”. passenger on a lonely Island Tills was the first explanation neighbor's front porch after the NA’nVE CUKES ...................................... a for 2 9 « “To me, It’s about as big a mys­ when President John F. Keiln^ St., who told police he obtain­ Potter said, ’'They (the pub­ road a week ago. of how Kennedy got off the is­ broadcast to any hi a halting ICEBERG L E ’TTUCE ................................head tery as It was before. 1 still land in the nine hours between dy was killed, said of the young­ ed liquor from Pirtel. Plrtel was lic) cannot object, and you (the The first swelUng Ude of tele­ voice ■'! am saltafled with the TOMA-TOES ................ ..................................lb. a o l don’t know what to think.” the accident and the time he est brother; released on a promise to ap­ commission) cannot deny it.” grams and'teleiriione calls in his Bi-nator’s statement and do FANCY FREESTONE PEACHES . .* lbs. 4A« Kennedy told a dramatic sto­ walked into the police station in "Therti’s no doubt he arill be pear bond for appearance In The hearing is set for Mon­ home state ran strongly in sup­ )iope he docldea to stay in-the SEALTEST ICE CREAM .................... i/j gal. 8 ^ ry of a night of tragedy and hor­ Edgurtown to report the death. hurt unless he gives more satis­ Rockville Circuit C w rt 12 Aug. And Classes Don’t Start Until September day night a t 7 :30 in the Munici­ port of the Senator. But across Senate." ror in which he twice brushed And tile swim seemed to raise factory answers. He really gave S. pal Building. We Carry The Manchester Evening Herald the naUon, the doubts lingered. Kennedy's fellow Democrats none of substance tonight.” Manchester Community Collefye students are wait­ against the very brink of death, more new questions instead of hailed the speech. RepubUciuis John Bellasky Jr ., 35, of 12 street in the morning. About 700 returning stu­ OOMPUSTE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPERS ”I still trust him. But I don’t Kennedy's speech srss his OPEN 6 AJM. to 9 PJW. DAILY of nearly becoming the third quieting old ones. were generally silent, Ward St., Rockville, was charg­ ing in the morning, some since before 9 a.m., to dents registered through today. A student’s mother think a lot of people do,” said a brother to die in sudden calami- Keimedy appeared on national "H e has my full confidence," (See Page Nine) ed with operating under the in­ regifiter for fjill cour.ses at the Hartford Rd. campus stood in line for him as he was working and she fluence of liquor after being in­ FO R RENT P p p W volved in a two-car aoident last even though the doors do not open until 1 p.m. A said, “This is more like a fire sale than a college.’’ 8 and !• mm. Movie Pn>- night. registrar said the choice of tciichers, courses and Jectors—sound or sUent, also The registrar said they expect worse the last week 85 mm. tdlde projeotors. The Bellasky car, police said, times is all on a first come, first .servfe basis. On in Augu.st when they register the 950 expected ■ Pi^oDucE" struck the rear of n car driven Tuesday, the etudents .started lining up out to the WELDON DRUG CO. Tough Road Ahead I ^Past Courage^ | by Charles Hllderbrand, 62, of 37 freshmen. (Herald photo by Silver). 767 Main St.—Tel. 648-5821 276 OAKLAND ST., MANCHESTHR^-648-6884 Favorable Response Village St., Rockville. There HYANNIS PORT, Maas. (AP) were no Injuries reported. Bel­ Sen. Edward M Kennedy, in lasky is scheduled to appear in. On Political Trail his address to the nation ex­ Rockville Circuit Court 12 Aug. From Massachusetts Story of Town plaining his role In ii fatal auto­ 1 2 . WASHING’TON (AP)—Sen. Ekiward M. Kennedy’s mobile accident, drew u|h»i the BOSTON (A D —Sen.
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