% «• a m NO. 269. AdMrUriag ia R tf* if.)^ >A¥;.'Asciu9r43, loss,. ■ ■ ■ ■ : i ■r'iih' f W-b . (5.' ! il l n e^S-Na t R W r. / i rr APPEAL TO COURT A. V. AeliM e( Lawyers In Taldng BATSTATEVnS Delendes Say Tjiey Wisb To Seleetmen To Adopt More 0. K. Legal E x c ^ n s T e Rees- ASKUWCHAM A v i^ die Wide Day Ry A-.-- - . Strict Regniations On Dis­ L E V nr SILENCED, vnUfs Rdings Seems Te D i? Fhictoations That \ V:%sr . pensing Aid — Conclude Indicate Tins. Americas Legion Also Wants Exist In Britain Now. Fiscal Year’s Work. NOT THROWN OUT tioD Ponrs la Dnwn^ AJbuiy, N. Y., A.\jg. 1»—(AP) — Immediate Payment of courts, sad not Govcrnpr Roose- Ottawa, Ont., Aug. 13.— (AP) — The Board of Selectmen last night Honors Easy Between Kng- hotests of I^ofesaonait; v^t nny- havc thie lu t word in the Boniis— Elects Officers Americans observing the work of forecast the initiation of a new • ' * ' ' . • ■ the Imperial conference interpreted Witter case. plsm in hsuidllng charity cases, the a final report of the monetary com­ liam BaRer and Water- Efon Henry Forff Senjt defense intends to turn Today. cost of which has mounted this year to the "courts if the governor’s de- mittee today as a definite -bid for IK.' well over- the hundred thousand dMoh Is agatnit Mayor Walker hais continuation of currency on a gold mark in addition to the $91,000 ex­ bnry Church Tmstee. CmigratahtionsIhV- been indioated t>y the legal excep* Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 13.— (AP) is and for: leniency by Uie United pended through the offices of the tiens takra to two of Mr.. Roose- —Prohibition repeal and immediate ttes in settlement of war debts. c4;v:vo . Manchester Emergency Employment velfp^nnu^ at the hearing in the Waterbury, Aug. IS.— (A P )— cash payment of the bonus were the The report was prepared for the Association. nijpeupi'VB chamber on the charges plensu7 session expected to end the Regular Republicans and p a rtisw ag|ttst the mayor. leading issues before the closing ses­ Need System Change conference next. Thursday. of the Dry-Levltt utl-Bingbtm T%e defense has challenged the . To date, with an estimate given Washington, Au^ 13.—ItopuMl-’ sion of the 14th annual convention “The conference” the report said movement are argxiing here today governor’s ii|dit to scrutinize the of the Massachusetts State Depart­ “recognized that the ultimate aim by the Charity Commissioner, there can wets and drys.alike engaged.to jhi^rer’a hrst^tem and also his adr Will have been expended 8109,000 for as to whether Prof. Albert Levitt of ment o f the Americsm Legion today of a monetary, policy should be the Redding or Charles J. De Blsschop, an old-time love feast yesterday and mil^on of Bofstadter Conunittee testoration of a satisfactory inter­ the relief of the needy in town. The today over the prohibltioh debla^ - fladlngs as evidmce. with every Indication, leaders said, national standard.” It added, that system now in use to determine Republican chsdrman of tte Fifth John J. Curtin, Walker’s attorney both would ' be ovemhelmlngly trying to achieve low interest rates those who are actually in want is Ward here, got. away with tte hon­ tlon of Prerident H<k>vCr and drfti- took eaceptlons yesterday on both and an abundance ,of short term not' applicable here, and the Board ors at yesterday afternoon’s meet­ cismz of Democrats and p rof^ on il; adopted. ing of tte New Haven County and these grounds. There was no hint money for restorution of trade last night voted to refer the matter prohibitionists were nearly drowned as to how such an appeal would be Resolutions on both subjects were Utchfleld Cdunty W. C. T. U. at should not be predicated on “in­ of changing the policy and program out ' in the thousands o f messages taken. favorably reported by the resolu­ flationary creation of additional of. glvli^ relief to better guarantee Mill Plain Union .church. Oremids for Action tions coumqlLtee. late yesterday along xheans of payment to finance pub­ the town its rightful protection in Mr. De Bisschop is 'a trustee of congratulating him on his ae€ept- ,Lam l steps, to halt the hearing on with 3s othw proposals including lic expenditures.” the. mattftt of gratuitous payments the church. Professor Levitt had aaee speech. tte Seabuzy charges against the one which would record the Legion New Far Value in all case|l>, been aimounced as a spe^er before the W. C. T. U. m eetog. Mr. De As militant a 'repeallat as . Repre­ yA maybr bs|ve already been taken on as strongly opposed to any curtail­ Gold was not specifically men­ $iast Sign Card sentative Bedk of Pexuisylv*toa, the ground tiiat the governor has no ment' <of ben^ts now received by tioned but Amercians read Into it a The Selectmen voted to refer the Bisschop served, notice that he would, attend and ttat if Le'vitt leader <ff the RepuMlean wet bloc of authority to sit in judgment The service men. auggeaUmi that a new par value be plan, the ;outline o f which wus the Siotise, accepted.the Hoov*r. plan' gdvemor’s Jeghl advisers, however, While the coiivention busied Itself Mtablished on a gold baaia for de­ given by Qeprge H. Waddell, chair, mentioned Senator Bingham or Re­ preciated Empire currency. publican State Chsdrman Rora- as>oomnM» ground upon wUCh ad do net fear this line of attack, be­ with -consideration of the resolu- man of the Charity Committee, to reasonable” people; opuld work for lieving it will net be upheld by the tloiM, individual delegates were cast­ The report recommended creation the Charity Board for investigation back he would throw the professor of an area of stability among coun­ out of tte church, acting in his solution of tte liquor iSroblem, whUe eourts. ing their ballots for state comman­ and ppssi^e institution if found a telegram from offidids of tte<liy- tries regulaUng their currencies in to be pnifttcable. 'tlie plan in es­ trustee capacity.. It is based on the fact that the der and other offices. relation to sterliing and avoidance Names the Names ing Squadron Foundation hailed jtoe state constitution does not directly Frank Foy, Quincy market man, sence Will require that all applicants President as the “Abraham Lin­ of wide day to day fluctuations be­ for relief, of whatever nature com Levitt started out by saying; say that the governor shall have the and James P. Rose retired Boston tween sterling and gold.: *!Tba poliiteal boss of tte state, J. coln” of prdhibition. power to remove the mayor of a ing from trepprK ^ fireman, both vice-commaad^s, It said also that a rise la, the gen­ asked'to iMgn a notanzra rorm, al Henty Roraback, has said ttat I Ford “Heartened” city. The constitution says merely were ari^ed against each otht^ m eral level of who!isale..'J>iicez was HW^mfidltleo sfgravana'h y woRry over her dwindlii^fOTtanerilffith Rockefi^er MeCSomtfek (upper left), daughter of John D. Rookefelebr and lowing, thq-town officials to invest! cannot speak, but I shall. The Unit- Henry Ford, an ardent prohibition-' that dties dwai have the power to the context for the right to succeed the nx>st desirable meaps for facUi- oA States Senator who so misrepre­ 1st, telegraphed ttat everyone hS had adopt local..laws relating, among one of the wbrld’s-'rlohest WOhies, is seriously ill in her Drake hotel apart­ gate thrir case, allowing inquiry in Stephen C. Oarrity of Lowell, the tating such a resrdt but that inter­ banks, trust companies, or any otter sented this state, whose name is seen was “greatly heartehed by tte other th i^ , to the “mode of selec- present state commander. national action was^ urgently neces< ment at Chicago; Her dmightw Miiriel (upper right), vi^e of Major tieh and rem o^’’ of their officials. places wheVe it may seem that the H ira^ Bingham—’’ evidence you have given of a. strong The result of this and other con­ sary in that coanectiom ond that Hubbards Is a k h ^ . '<^bstantly at. her bedside, as is Mrs. Mc- He got no further for Mr. De grasp of affairs and o f courage and However, a special provision the the commonwealth nhtloaia were aon, Fowten hushand, Harold F. applicant haa funds on deposit or in­ tests was not expected to be known v ite d . # Bisschop shouted "Stop it!” apd energy in dealing w|tt these tipea” ' New York clfy charter brings the for several hours since the ballot eay^r to co-operate with other na- McOej^mc (Ihft, below) is raitaiiyh^ to C h i^ o from the west coast with warned tte speaker that he woiild mayor and the commissioner of tl<ims toward that end. a recohdua^chi re^rted assumS^irand another daughter, MathUde (right, . A sp4oli| f meeting of the Board Stanley High, rormiBVedltor.of Yho- boxes will not be closed imtil noon, of Selectmen will be held August 23 not be i^wed to continue along .Christian Herald, wired ttat a p^ ce under the law. This has never U. 8. In Picture betow),, Wtfa of Qier, b«a ImK her S^ss home to sail for the United victory For Byjrd . to consider reduction in salaries of that linyi.. dry, I welcome ybur courageoue pro­ been ruled on by the courts.
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