JAH 09 2013 16:51 FR PETROLEUM we 316 291 8231 TO 9-17852913051 P.01/14 KANSAS GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS COMMISSION RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES REPOR FILED OF A POLITICAL OR PARTY COMMITTE ~ January 10,2013 JAN 09 2013 FILE WITH SECRETARY OF STATE KRISW KOBACH SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTION ( SECRETARY 01" STATE Idi& at A. Name of Committee: Kansans for Limited Government Address: 300 W. Douglas, Suite 1050 City and Zip Code: Wichita, KS 67202 This is a (check one): __ Party Committee L Political Committee B. Check only ifappropriate: __Amended Filing __ Tennination Report 2. Total Contributions and Other Receipts (Use Schedule A) .. 3. Cash available this period (Add Lines 1 and 2) . 16442.18 4. Total Expenditures and Other Disbursements (Use Schedule C) .. 14811.28 5. Cash on hand at close of period (Subtract Line 4 from. 3) , .. 1630.90 6. In-Kind Contributions (Use Schedule B) 67 7. Other Transactions (Use Schedule D) .. • •• D. "I declare that this report, including any accompanying schedules and statements, has been examined by me and to the best ofmy knowledge and belief is true, correct and complete. I understand that the intentional failure to file this document or intentionally filing a false document is a class A misdemeanor." Date GEe Form Rev, 2001 JAt'l 09 2013 16: 52 FR PETROLEUr1 INC 316 291 8231 TO 9-17852913051 P.02/14 SCHEDULEC EXP.END.lTURES AND OTHER DISBURSEM.ENTS Kansans for Limited Govemment (Name ofParty Corrunittcc or Political Committee) Purpose of Expenditure Name and Address Amount Date To Whom Expenditure is Made Itindependent or in-kind expenditure tn excess of $300 is made for a candidate. list candidate name & address Dennis pyle· KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 2979 Kingfisher Rd $250.00 Hiawatha, KS 66434 Ronald B. Ellis - KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11101/12 9199K-4Hwy $99.00 Meriden, KS 66512 Anthony R. Brown - KS Sen.2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 799 E 2200 Rd. $199.00 Eudora, KS 66025 Joe Ward· KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 7315 Lafayette Ave $99.00 Kansas City, KS 66109 Steve Fitzgerald - KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 3100TonganoxieRD $199.00 Leavenworth,KS 66048 Jim Denning· KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 8416 W. 115th Street $99.00 Overland Park, KS 66210 Julia Lynn - KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 18837W.116thTerr $99.00 Olathe, KS 66061 Mary Pilcher-Cook KS Sen. 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 13910W58PI $250.00 Shawnee, KS 66216 Caryn Tyson - KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01112 P.O. Box 191 $199.00 Parker. KS 66072 Jacob LaTurner • KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 204 E. Euclid St. $250.00 Pittsburg, KS 66762 Forrest J. Knox' KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 17120 Udall Rd. $199.00 Altoona, KS 66710 $1,942.00 page~of!L JA~I 09 2013 16: 52 FR PETROLEUr1 INC 316 291 8231 TO 9-17852913051 P.03/14 SCHEDULEC EXPENDJTURES AND OTH.ER DISBURSEMENTS Kansans for Limited Government (Name ofParty Committee or Political Committee) Purpose of Expenditure Narne and Address A.mount Date To Whom Expenditure i$ Made Ifindependent or in-kind expenditure in excesR (If $300 Is made for n candidate, list candidate name & address DiCk Barta Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 5332 NW Lincoln $500.00 Topeka, KS 66618 Casey W. Moore· KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 3825 SE 31 st St $199.00 Topeka, KS 66605 Greg A. Smith - K5 Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 8605 Robinson $99.00 Overland Park, KS 66212 Bob Reader - KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 6560 N. 52nd 51. $199.00 Manhattan, KS 66503 Rob Olson - KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 19050 W 161st S $250.00 Olathe, KS 66062 Tom Arpke - KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 512 West Iron Avenue $250.00 Salina, Ks 67401 Michael O'Donnell· KS Sen. 2012 Campaign Contribution 11101/12 1435 W. Haskell $500.00 Wichita, KS 67213 Mike Petersen· KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 2608 Southeast Drive $500.00 Wichita, KS 67216 Kenya Cox· KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 P.O. Box: 575 $100.00 Wichita, KS 67201 Steve Abrams - KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 4579 242nd Rd $250.00 Arkansas City, KS 67005 Mitch Holmes - KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 211 SE 20th Ave $99.00 St John, Ks 67576 ~""l:lI4b.UU Page 3 of iJ ~- -- Jm-! 09 2013 16: 53 FR PETROLEUM INC 316 291 8231 TO 9-17852913051 P.0"V14 SCHEDULEC EXPENDITURES AND OTHER DlSBURS.EM.ENTS Kansans for Limited Government (Name ofParty Committee or Political Committee) Purpose ofExpenditure Name and Address Amount Date To Whom Expenditure b Made IfJndependent or in-kind expenditure in excess of $300 is made for a candidate, list candidate name & address Jay Scott Emler - KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 1457 Shawnee Road $250.00 Lindsborg I KS 67456 Larry Powell- KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 2209 Grandview Dr. E. $100.00 Garden City. KS 67846 Ralph Ostmeyer - KS Senate 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 Box 97 $99.00 Grinnell, KS 67738 Jeff Melcher - Ks Senate 2012 Campaign COntribution 11/01/12 11424 Canterbury Circle $500.00 Leawood, KS 66211 Michael Houser - KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 6891 SW 10th 5t $99.00 Columbus, KS 66727 Jeffley G. Locke· KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 118 West Main $250.00 Arma, KS 66712 Marty Read - KS - House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01112 18244 KS Hwy 52 $99.00 Mound City, KS 66056 Kevin Jones - KS House 2012 Campaign Crlntribotion 11101/12 416 E. 7th St. $99.00 Wellsville. K5 66092 Virgil Peck u KS House· 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 Box 277 $99.00 Tyro, KS 67364 Brett M. Hildabrand ~ KS Hou56 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 16B20 W 67th St. Apt. 407 $99.00 Shawnee,KS 66217 John Rubin - KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 13803 W. 53rd St. $99.00 Shawnee, KS 66216 $1,793.00 Page..!:L-- orL JAt·1 09 :2,013 16:54 FR PETROLEUr1 INC 316 291 8231 TO 9-17852913051 P.05/14 SCHEDULEC EXPENDlTURES AND OTHER DISBURSEMENTS Kansans for Limited Government (Name ofPalty Committee or Political Committee) Purpose o(Expenditure Name and Address Amount Date To Whom Expenditure is Made Ifindependent or in-kind expenditure in excess of 5300 Is made for l\ candidate, list candidate name &. address Ray Merrick - KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 6874W.164thTerr. $99.00 Stilwell, KS 66085 Jerry Lunn • KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 14512 Horton St. $99.00 Overland Park, KS 66223 James Todd· KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 10456 W. 116th Terr. Apt. 205 $99.00 Overland Park. KS 66210 Lance Kinzer • KS House 2012 Ciilmpaign Contribution 11/01/12 12549 S. Brougham $99.00 Olathe, Ks 66062 Tim Kelb· KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 1802 $. 3215t Street $250.00 Kansas City, KS 66106 Tony Sukaty - KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 13123 Washington Court $99.00 Kansas City, KS 66109 Willie Dove - KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 14715 Timber Lane $99.00 Bonner Springs, KS 66012 Charles Macheers - KS Hse 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 21704 W. 57th Terrace $199.00 Shawnee,KS 66218 John Bradford - KS HOUStt 2012 Campaign Contribution 11101/12 125 Rock Creed Loop $99.00 Lansing. Ks 66043 Jana Goodman -KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 410 South Broadway $500.00 Leavenworth, KS 66048 Connie O'Brien - KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 22123211th $250.00 Tol1ganoxie. KS 66086 51,892.00 JA!'I 09 2013 16: 54 FR PETROLEUM INC 316 291 8231 TO 9-17852913051 P.06/14 SCHEDULEC EXPENDITURES AND OTHER DISBURSEMENTS Kansans for Limited Government (Name ofParty Committee or Political Committee) Purpose of Expenditure Name and Address Amount Date To Whom Expenditure is Made Ifindependent or in-ldnd expenditure in excess of $300 is made for a candidate, list candidate name & address Bill Sutton ~ KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 301 W. Westhoff PI. $99.00 Gardner. KS 66030 Joseph Soaps - KS Hou~e 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 2209 S. White Cliff Ln. $250.00 Wichita, KS 67207 Ron Highland. KS House 2012 Campi:1ign Contribution 11/01/12 27487 Wells Creek Rd. $250.00 Wamego, KS 66547 Ken Corbert - KS House 2012 Ci:1mpaign Contribution 11/01/12 10351 SW61 st $500.00 Topeka,KS 66610 Becky Nioce - KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 825 SW Oakley Ave $99.00 Topeka, KS 66606 Aimee Rosenow - KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01112 2536 SE Alexander Drive $99.00 Topeka. KS 66605 Richard Carlson - Ks House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 26810 Jeffrey Rd. $100.00 Sf. Marys, KS 66536 Randy Garber - KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 2424 Timberfane Terrace $99.00 Sabetha, KS 66534 Lee Modesitt· KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 1200 Fremont #15 $99.00 Manhattan, KS 66502 J. R. Claeys - KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 PO Box 501 $99.00 Salina. KS 67402 Peggy Ma$t - KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 765 Road 110 $100.00 Emporia. KS 66801 $1,794.00 Page~Of~ JAI'1 09 2013 16: 55 FR PETROLEUI1 ri'lC 316 291 8231 TO 9-17852913051 P.07/14 SCHEDUL:EC EXPENDITURES AND OTHER DISBURSEMENTS Kansans for Limited Government (Name of Party Committee or Political Committee) Purpose of Expenditure Name and Address Amount Date To Whom Expenditure is Made IfIndependent or in-kind expenditure in excess of $300 is made for a candidate, list candidate name & address Larry Alley - KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 517 Quail Nest Rd $99.00 Winfield, KS 67156 Jim Howell- KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 125 Buckthorn Rd $250.00 Derby, KS 67037 Pete DeGraaf· KS House 2012 Campaign Contribution 11/01/12 1545 E.
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