FOIPA COVER SHEET FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: BARKER/KARPIS GANG BREMER KIDNAPPING FILE NUMBER: 7-576 SECTION : 147 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. sub1a@ I-311.6 DUmB¬R - 5¬CZ5iOT2 nUTDE>¬R___LH.IL__%_____.__ 5¬RiAL5 Z50 Z§792L DA§¬5____L2_________ PA§¬5R¬LeAse >__1l3___________- p;>,_§¬5 w1Z<5DDeLo ;____1_______ ¬X¬mp@i0D! u5¬O > Q &#39; /7 92 - . ,>< iuumzo STATESBUREAU INVESTIGATIQN OF .9" <Y. &#39; I 3/.&#39; .. C! lr 92> .&#39; Donn No.4" " E"-encore: mu&#39;-{Q Tms ens: oR|<:|NA&#39;rtb A1 cmcnmm, omo. n. 1. "~-1~<>@""1-""""s.e-:-_ 20 _ _ _ _ I &#39; * __ 3 &#39; IQOIT MADII AT - llDATI Hi lAAD£ l f1s,19,2oIDPOI WHICH MAUI RZOIT Ki-Y 5; Q&#39;f_-,:_{£; - Q -~ j. " . KEY YORKCIT! .,.,.. .,12-5-55,_._ ___22 a_=_12/Q35, _ J.B. DICKIBQIH .:-&#39;-&#39;~-/ e Y _ _ = ; » I e 1 r ~ ,~. 1:. WV"-="&#39;r"> TIl&#39;I-ItQ 92&#39; . 2 . t &#39; O ~ ~ &#39;,3.? I &#39;11"11, .. ouuanorcnm -1?! &#39;i&#39;~-;--P. mmmo. .-- 1- _ ~ , ~. ._ ALVIN- II OI KLHPI3, "&#39; Iith 511189! .1i4:4i&#39;-;. < Y R, r 1 ; _ oasnmcnon or msmcn, +1 . ,?- ~_&#39; HWLHDGEORGE BRBJIB- _&#39;1¢ii.IQ»;92,.&#39;,~&#39;,&#39;*:92 .2- . » T I , » ..- .9 .4 . - ,. .1 = .. -1-, -~-~. *.NATIOHAL1&#39;I1EAId£SA.G&#39;g,,.> -J,» A»-.~, , »~ , I H <* ~ , &#39; ;&#39;-~ _ 4 _ -.4,~ 92. ~ , . 92,;.:~":.ts-<| . 34» we ._ ,&#39;,.,- ~14 , V ~ - . ,_- 1 - &#39;.&#39; _ ¢,- .I".&#39;-tn--»"&#39;~u L. _. -_ -.1-_ _ 1.&#39;92&#39; -&#39;_ . SYNOPSl$_or FACTS: - Hr.ed Stocking, Loynaz-Paez Dnpireis deceased, Hotel, NewB. hudaik,Ior City, stat-7.LendI.l.i_ L} ,l House, and In I. Duertell, Relic Investigator-,"_ f _ ;.- - t have no information with reference to Ksrpis. ~__ -.1: Louise lqioeberline presently at Pittsburgh.,- g I 1 &#39;.°l5 Ir, Stretton denies knowing Karpis; however, thinks -92 , , that lren2&#39;YCochrenprobably serving time at peni-~__ c ~ _ V -Id or»: tertiary in Baby-Face Nelsoncase, Probably nee". >_7 o 92, a--&#39;- &#39;_ ,_$_ 1 -I _ informationthat mayhelp in the locationof Kerpis J j . 1.{x:f_"-l V . 5 1 and Campbell, Iilliamson, McCe1terty and Neighbors, * .&#39;J&#39;;!3~._;&#39; friends or Meade, probably residing at Casper, 170- I v~~ ;-.: &#39;.»[.7&#39;-1. ming. &#39;Ih<xnai§&#39;De11by letter advised thgtjhe _l;_i_ _&#39; _ -, ,4 .. -- only seen Meade once in his life and does" not knoid. &#39; .,_.!_.., ",T._»¬&#39; his present whereabouts. J. Jfyan; in Sing Bing &#39;4 - Penitentiary, admits association with Vez-_ma-11-iller. - tr V,-»_;1~9292_> _&#39; However,claims he only sewssembere Barker-Iarpir» -A e J /_ 5 &#39; :.. . gang on one occasion, and doe! n hawO anything oi _ _ .* , 3 .., , I _e -Ag their .activities, - . 1 . .. &#39; /&#39;_. .,/ * . ._.&#39;r _ __. _ ".92_. I . &#39; &#39; "&#39;4,-.1 .- I z <5 .4 -. 3&#39;57. :5, &#39; Q.g. 92 K Ed ___e A ,. _., 1 / 1 . - * 4. &#39; &#39;-&#39;. LY .__ 1 ". T *4-..&#39;.-. -. =~ W- -1&#39; ALQ ~ ,-. _ &#39;_. ~ -~50! &#39; "" _92, v_?&#39; . &#39;. A _ 92 - . T-_ . &#39;~ .- ~.: ,&#39;"-v &#39; 1 &#39;1- " e - . ~» » in ._ » 1 , _ -¢~, - , 31- , e , _, - 1 REFERENCES -2,. &#39;»F4» .¢- . .1»-_.> Report of Special Agent P. ll. Plunkett, Boston, lass - _ - 1: I dated ll-l3-35;letters fromChicago Officeto liew.;,&#39;-.;._..-_ .. 2*. +3 York Office dated ll-B-35 and ll-5-35; and report of &#39; 7&#39; j C &#39; . -n J g I ah Q - , .4 .-, . ,,_&#39;_ &#39;. _ - &#39;:~_,- ~-.&#39; ~ &#39; -1 &#39; I"-92._"&#39;7iI- &#39;__.~ 1 §_ 0. -_s ..- w , ._ _ k r_ -92, -"~1 J; , &#39;»:&#39; --- -_&#39;.., » &#39;1 -&#39;__"-&#39; - .» &#39;92&#39; 1&#39;." A 2%-92_&#39; > -- - Y -. - ff - . A ~ L.. -, :7. ,.. _ &#39; - Special AgentI. B. Dickerson, NewYork Gity, dstc_d_&#39;-5_. ;>_| - -. -. .-;~ -_ &#39;. 11_2_35. - . __~_o_- ._._~...; c _ . _ q &#39; "~ -.11 . -4 ._, _ r 1, &#39; r . ~ "~ *"" ;--A :_~&#39;_=.92|».-J. kt! _. 92" ~ .2 -1 .~,- &#39; - 4 *4" ~ _.92 4 -:-&#39;4" ea a .121 1 ",,"_.-"_.&#39;-~ -1- "&#39;1 "&#39; -=-V nouurwnnudu-n4uzu3a4:a_1 Io Y 1 I Ar-Pnovtu nap IORWARDIIa . ,1 g &._-_-___---_-.__.__.-.___ OOPIQ fx Tn-us runuln-1:910:gavel?92 &#39; 7. &#39; 7-5Q -3-TAT.&#39; » _ &#39; ; _&#39; ~ "c"bK=6IlCOD£D&#39;ANDlNDEXIZD:* W d 3-Bureau 2 .. __~;;_ g_5&#39;?é£7Z/ DEC9oece - |935 1936* 2 - SteP801 &#39;e 2 - Pittsburgh r e _ 2 - Denver .1. nncl-i 2 - CincinnaCbléagu xml.!I "mia-T>T"""*&#39;_&#39; ,_.,u,&#39;e. °"&#39;~ A IFOPIES nmwR&&#39;$:§°&#39;Y°rk f 92»_92Y&#39;»92 f g _r fro I-$IIIl1fIlI7II7Rl-1"T > Q v , 7&3 ~ __ .4. N f /v - x s - :1-D P I . 9-1200 j F DETAIL52 _ RW. »-" » &#39; llr. aoaxar s7srocx:mc,I-seietant llanager,Hotel &#39;f&#39;~"" -_u. ,. .,,_. Empire Broadway at 63rd Street, New York City, advised that Ir."-_ t OSC YKA2.-PAIZ-, e Venezuelan, checked out of, the Empire Hotel O " f.&#39;»_&#39;7f&#39; about one week after Special Agent GKCRGE I. smm, of the Iew &#39; I 1:-_ York Office, interviewed him, which wee on Lugust 25, 1935; that 1}-~T~_, e .- F he understood that Mr. LOYRLZ-PLRZ was to return to his native ~ &#39; ! , I 1" i --§- rt country. Hr. STOCKING stated further that within the past few days, he received information that Mr, LOYKLZ-PLEZ died about the middle of October, 1935. Hr. SIOCKIRG, after viewing the photo- graph oi subject KARPI5, advised that he Ins not seen anyone " around his hotel who resembled the subject, with the exception of Mr. LOYNLZ-PLEZ, and that he is sure Hr. IDYNLZ-PLEZ was not identical with subject KARPIS after more closely viewing the photo- sre1>h- -. I "?.._ ~, ~-.»». ..,. ».- e &#39; ,- - 1, x 8 t 3 Lgent called at the Leno: House, 45 Fulton Street, &#39; Brooklyn, H. Y., and interviewed Mr. B. I. CHUDACK, Day Clerk at &#39; the Leno: House, Photographs of subjects KLRPIS and CAMPBELL were exhibited to Ir, CHUDA-CK and he advised that he does not recal1______, §§t$. I "_ ever having seen any person at the Leno: House who would fit the I&#39;.~._92-,.$91; 5l"_.» description and appearance of either of these subjects, He had e copy of I. O. #1218, which Special Agent I. J. McNUL&#39;IY,the of New York Office, had furnished to him on a previous interview, and he &#39;b" stated that he was lceeping his eyes open for any person who resen- _/ 4 bled sub jsct KLRPIS, and that he would notify the Bureau Office at r 93.,m~». once if he aw any person at the Leno: House who would fit the dee- _ cription and appearance of subject KLRPIS. Hr. CHUDACK advised that I 92..». when Lgent licNU&#39;L&#39;I&#39;Yto him talkedand exhibited to him pictures of -~. KARPIS, he thought he had seen an individual resembling KARPIS but," I,» t, since that time, he has refreshed his memory and feels certain that 1 he has not seen any person who resembles the photograph of KARPIS; _ I that he probably had seen pictures of KARPIS in the newspapers 1nd,, ~. at the time Agent McNulty exhibited pictures of KARPIS to him, he ~ advised Lgent lick»-ULTY herecalled having seen an individual resemé - bling KAEPIS, and that it was very probable the reason he did this » - .1. was because he remembered the newspaper pictures of K-ARPI5e V1 . ~. 1 e - I q, - _ , . t _ _ I I a &#39; l ur. L. J. DuBAR&#39;2ELL, SpecialInvestigator, in I .%;~_ charge of the Unattached dc TransientDivision, Emergency Relief A _ »-4 Bureau, 262 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, R. Y., informed agent that he __» recalls having been interviewed by Special Agent McNUL&#39;1Ya couple ,... of months ago and that he has pictures of subject KARPIS in his desk, >1 -3- _,_ .1 .1 _ .-- . _. ..e _.._@_........._... _.-...__._.._._.__-_--_...@..._..._--._~._ -_.._. .-_ -_-_,-> . rt 92 _w &#39;/-iao. 1.»-an U. - and that if any person applies to him for relief who resembles, &#39;~&#39;v&#39;.&#39;-R I 4.:1? the description and appeemnce of KLRPIS, he will notify the law &#39;- 92_ .~ York Bureau Office at once; that he has not seen any perscn who &#39; ri. would fit the description or appearance of XARPIS since he was f " .e""Y .,-I u interviewed by Agent HcNU&#39;L&#39;1&#39;Y in September, 1955, &#39;,_ &#39; _; ta. | 44 ~- 7. " , .&#39; .- . 1, - . »;;~,; . 92v.;.c&#39;--_, "&#39;.92&#39;_ x &#39; . .&#39; 7&#39; . < _tr :- 1 Lt 230 lest 97th Street, New York City, itwas r ascertained that lire, CHRISTENSEN had moved from this address &#39; v about 1two months age, p _, &#39; &#39; n .
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