IIC'(CUNG CENTER location-Dalo-Timo Below Home of the News NIWSf'AI'IRS Orval 'ginlt Ac:ochm 'f 1.1 loU !lbo" R.. ~ s....,rMy, Od9btr ... 10 o.m. to 04 p•." CANS ,......c. <4" 1651 ., 7 MIlo I~, ......,.s.t-Ioy. 10 .,0', .. 4 '.m, rosse Pointe ~ws leO-UNE '79-1333 .... v....... ,. 10 •. m,'. ~',0', Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Ue Per Cop)' Pages-Two Sections-Section One Vol, 33-No, 40 GROSSE POINTE MICHIGAN, THURSpAY, OCTOBER 5, 1972 ".00 Per Year jO _____________________________________________________________________________ ,,i, GP Symphony Tuning Up For A New SEMTARep HEADLINES Park to Explain Will Confer of the ;~ Reasons Behind With Woods WEEK ,,;J~f;fi. AI CompUed by the Co Un c i I Unanimously Gro'" Pointe Newl ,Occupancy Law Approves Joint Senion Scheduled for Monday, TbUHay, september 28 Home Owners' Request for Clarification of Ordi- October 9 THREE U. S.' AIRMEN nance Answered by Arranging Meeting By Roger A. Waha freed by North Vietnam,turn. ed down an American gov. {or Monday, October 9 A 'proposed joint meet- emment offer Wednesday for By James J, Njalm ing ,between The Woods bed. for the night, medical Park property owners and other interested Council and Southeast- attention and transportation citizens who do not fully understand, or who are ern Michigan Transporta- home. Lieutenants Mark opposed to the city's Certificate of Occupancy Ordi- tion Authority, (SEMTA), Gartley and Norris Charles of the Navy and Major Ed. nance, enacted tilis past summer, will be given an Gene~al Manag~r Thomas ward ~:Uass of the Air Force opportunity to hear art explanation to clarify the H. Lipscomb IS set for reached' Moscow late Wednes. reason for the law, at a regular meeting of the Monda.y" October.~, at day on a long flight from council to be held on Monday, October 9, at 5 p.m. th~ ~Ity s m un 1c I pal Peking. They were released A group of home owners r.,>-----------Ibuil~mg. from a POW camp Septem. had petitioned that the item p This date was unaOlmou~" ber 17 with the understanding be placed on the meeting's armsier Iy approved by th~ counCIl agenda F althe regular meetlOg Mon- they would take civilian air. i craft to America. They told Acco~dlng to a phone call A - H day, <?ctober 2..The vole was j U. S. Charge d' Affaires to the NEWS from one of galn. 0me 6.0 With Councllman George , Adolph Dubs at Moscow air. the petitioners, received on S. Frf:em~n excus~d. (Mr. port that they wanted to go Monday, October 2, a large Of Gun Club Freeman IS recove~lDg from home with the escort of anti. number of property owners a heart attack at hi!'. home). war activisls who arranged ap pea r not to be fully The main topic for discus. their release. aware of what had been T Sh W'II B sion will be The Woods' pre. done by the solons. rap ooters I e vi?uS no~ce of intent to t~r. Friday, "September" " 29 It was disclosed that an Allowed to Continue nunale lis agreement WIth F OR'ME R NAVY CAR. anti.ordinancegroup will at. Their Sessions Saturdays SEMTA for the operation l''Id tempt to rally "a lal'ge num. d S d subsidy of the Lake Shore RIERPILOT, William G. ber of citizens to attend the an un ays Coach Lines upon expiration Groepper tOld Senate investi. Photo by Ed:lle :l!cGrath, Jr. meeting. The caller said that of the contract December gators Thursday that Navy Looking over the program for the opening KAY, first-vice president of the Symphony the council will be asked by By Kathy Duff 31. 1972. The Council unan- planes had taken part in un. the anti's to repeal the bw Clay pigeons and lead imously v 0 t e d discontinu- concert of the Grosse Pointe Symphony Orches- Society. Monroe and Jacobs are members of authorized attacks on North because it is felt tb3t it is pellets will soon be flying ance of participation al the Vietnam similar to ones al. tra Sunday,. October 22, are, left to right: MRS. "Metamorphosis," the rock ensemble of musi. cians who will be featured at the opening con. an invasion of rights to pi!. at The Farms Pier as the August 21 regular meeting. ready admitted by the Air PIERRE V. HEFTLER, chairman of the Grosse vate property. Grosse Poi n t e Farms . In rel~ted action, the coun- cert at North High School's Performing Arts Force, but his testimony W8S Pointe Symphony Society memberships; ERVIN Have Other Ob~ectiODS Trap Shooting Club be. cII unaDlmously voted to pay contradicted by tonner squad- MONROE; FELIX RESNICK, conductor of the Center. They also object to other gins its 17th seaSi)n" the. ~ity'S share of SEMTA's ron-mate Lieutenant William orchestra; WES JACOBS; ,and RICHARD W. items included In tile or- However, it was a close deflclls for the quarter end. C.' Moore Jr., who insisted dinance, which, they claim, fight ina recent Farms COUD- ing June 30, 1972, in the that the planes dropped bombs only .after being fired will entail costly repairs, cil meeting as members of amount of$2,700, '.'"',~Refuse Amendment Po:ntesII Due either to the sellers or buy. the club fought to retain $15,162 DeUcit upOn. Start Ne'!v Park o 0 0 ers before new owners or use of The Pier facilities. The five Pointes and SI. .. saturday, september 30 es Effective Oct. 16: To Receive renters will be. allowed to Opposing the trap shooters Clair Shores pay a percent- Bus Service Becom " occupy the homes. This they were two' obStacles: first, age of the $5,000 per month TAIWAN (FOIWOSa) ap. e 'V charge. preates a hardship. the'safety hazard involved operatlngsubsidy to SEMTA, pearl to have been.left out d al Aid 'equ- ti L' Under the Certl,ficate. of with shooting, at The Pier if needed, and it was needed bitbil cOlda5'.Japan and Red To R est.Full Coopera on e e,. Concerts _______ Occupa.ncy Ordinance, 'aDin~ where chlldren'or boats could for the months of April and I:h~ tQiulted a new accord. 'lbe two' giants of the Far Joint Statement Concerning New Service Issued spection must be 'made of appear within range; second. June. The Woods pays 27 SEMT A Providing Ex- First Revenue - Sharing all buildings sold rented, Iy, the ecology hazard of per cent, (hence, 27 percent East toasted an bistoric rec- or onciliation yesterday, tha t ress Rides to Ford AJJ- by City Manager Slone and Public Checks for Half of Total before anyone can moW! in. ducks or fish eating the lead of $10,000 for April Bnd P Service Director Heger d The inspections are made pellets discharged from the June); S1. Clair Shores, 25; presented Ute world with a ditorium for Morning Amount Expecteby the Department of Pub. guns. The Park, 20; The Farms, possible new political and Coffee Programs By James J. Njaim This Month lic Works for a fee of $35, Wen Reprellented 16; The City, eight, and The economic order in Asia at The Park's recently passed amendment to its TheinspecUons, as de. The group was ably repre- Shores, four. the. expense of the National- ist Chinese Government of The Lake Shore Divi. Garbage and Rubbish Ordinance will go into effect It looks as though the fined by the ordinance, are sented by n. T. Johnstone, Informaiion rele'ased by Taiwan, which retaliated by sion of SEMTA has an. on Monday" October 16, and the first pick-up, as Pointes will receive the m8de to make sure tuat all of, 107 Meadow lane, who SEMTA shows the April de. severing diplomatic relations nounced special bus ser. defined by the amendment, will be on Thursday, fir s t revenue. sharing buildings conform 10 up-to. sketched the 16-year history ficit totalled $7,674 and the with Japan. Japanese Prime October 19. There is one stipulation, the Depart- checks around the end of date building codes of the of the club, and emphasized June 'deficit was $10,157. vihce to ethfe Detcroit Srtym. ment of Publl'C Servl'ce must be notified in advance October The checks rep CI '1YThhe. law does ~ot ap' the' club's perfect 9afety The month of May was on Mlnlster K a k u e i Tanaka pony 0 fee once s. p yI to ' omes now bemg oc. record. He stressed that over the plus side for SEMTA wound up his triumphant Patrons can park their cars because this is an added service, apart from the resent one.half of the to- cupied, only when Il build- GO men, residents of The in the amount of $2,669. China visit In S ha n g h a I, at the Municipal Parking regular weekly pickups. • Ital revenues the munici: ir,g is sold or rented to new F.arms, enjoyed the club, Overall fol' the quarter, Communist China's largest Lot, 20025 Mack avenue, In a joint statement, City Reger warned that there palities will get under the occupants. and that guests were limited SEMTA showed a deficit of city, by signing a joint eom- board a special coach at 9 Manager Robert Slone and may be a backlog at the revenue.sharing act of City Manager (Robert Slone in number and. were requir. $15,162, munique w hi c 'h officially a.m, and ride express to the Public service Director Her- start of this new program.
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