NIVERSITY OF OREGON ~EGULAR SESSION EUGENE, OREGON UNIVERSITY OF OREGON BULLETIN NUMBER-120 MARCH 1964 Entered as second-class matter, January 28, 1950, at the post office at Eugene, Oregon, under act of August 24, 1912. Issued eight times a year, in January (two numbers), February, March, May, June, July, and August. Published by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education, at the University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. 1964-65 Fee Schedule UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Because of action by the State of Oregon through the State Emergency Board and the State Board of Higher Education, there will be no changes in the tuition and fee charges at the University of Oregon in the 1964-65 academic year. This action super­ cedes the higher fee schedule published on page 76 of the 1964-65 University Catalog. Tuition and fee charges for the 1964-65 aca­ demic year will be as follows: PerTerm Per Year Resident $110.00 $330.00 Nonresident 300.00 900.00 "'Graduate Students 110.00 330.00 *Graduate students pay the resident fee. OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON JUNE 5,1964 04444 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON REGULAR SESSION 1964-65 CATALOG it t, I \ EUGENE, OREGON Table of Contents Page OREGON STATE SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION........................................................ 5 State System of Higher Education........ 5 State Board of Higher Education.................. 6 Officers of Administration _.......................... __ .. _.._...... 7 ACADEMIC CALENDAR, 1964-65 . 8 UNIVERSITY STAFF .......................................•.................................................................. 10 Officers of Administration._ . 10 University Faculty __ _ _._ . 11 GENERAL INFORMATION . 57 History of the University__ __ .. __.. 57 Inconle .__ . 58 Campuses .. .. __ . 58 Libraries __ . 59 Museums and Collections . 62 Official Publications........ 63 ACADEMIC REGULATIONS . 65 Admission........ 65 Entrance Examination , . 67 Degrees . 68 Group Requirement _. 71 Honors _ _ . 72 Academic Procedure.._ . 73 Fees and Deposits . 75 STUDENT LIFE AND WELFARE . 79 Office of Student Affairs . 79 New Student Week. 80 Student Living . 81 Student Health Service . 84 Financial Aid .. 86 Prizes and Awards _ . 98 Erh Memorial Student Union . 102 GRADUATE SCHOOL . 104 Advanced Degrees ._._............... .. _._. 104 General Regulations . 105 Degree Requirements.. .. 107 Assistantships, Scholarships, Fellowships. 114 Graduate Work in Portland..... 115 Research.. _ . 115 HONORS COLLEGE . 120 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS . 124 General Arts and Letters . 125 General Science.. _ . 127 General Social ~cience 128 Anthropology. 129 lliology 133 Chemistry 139 Comparative Literature 145 Dentistry, Preparatory 145 East Asian Studies.. 146 Economics 147 English . 151 Foreign Languages. 159 Geography.. IiI Geology . 174 History. 178 Home Economics . 182 :\Iathematics 184 Medical Technology. 190 .:\ledicine, Preparatory.... 190 Nursing, Preparatory 191 Philosophy.. 192 Physics _ . 195 [ 3 J COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS (continued) Page Political Science __ __ . 198 Psych"l"gy . 203 Religion. __ _ _ __ . 209 S"ci"l"gy . 211 Speech. .. 219 Bureau of ldunieipal Research and Service. 226 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND ALLIED ARTS................•.................................. 227 Architecture..... 229 Interior Architecture __ __ __ .__ _. 232 Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning __ .. __ . 234 Drawing, Painting, and Graphic Arts 237 Sculpture and Applied Design 240 Art Hist"ry . 242 Art Educati"n . 244 SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION . 247 Division of Undergraduate Studies.. .__ . 249 Division of Graduate Studies . 271 DENTAL SCHOOL •............................................................................................................. 280 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ......................•........................................................................... 281 General Education.... 283 Elementary Education.. 285 Secondary Education . 287 Sch,,"l Psych"l"gical Services... 290 Higher Educati"n . 294 Educational Administration....... .. 295 Librarianship. 297 SCHOOL OF HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND RECREATION . 301 Physical Educati"n.............. 305 Dance. 311 Health Educati"n . 313 Recreation .Management . 315 SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM . 321 SCHOOL OF LAW ....•.................................................................................................. 328 MEDICAL SCHOOL . 336 SCHOOL OF MUSIC . 337 lViusic . 341 Music Education.. 346 SCHOOL OF NURSING . 348 DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AND AIR SCIENCE . 349 lVlilitary Science.. 350 Air Science.................. 35 I SUMMER SESSIONS 353 DIVISION OF CONTINUING EDUCATION.................................. 354 ENROLLMENT AND DEGREES, 1962-63............. 355 INDEX ....................•...........•...........................•............................................................ 357 [ 4 ] Oregon State System of Higher Education The Oregon State System of Higher Education, as organized in 1932 by the State Board of Higher Education, following a survey of higher education in Oregon by the U. S. Office of Education, includes all the ,tate-supported institutions of higher education. The several in­ stitutions are elements of an articulated system, parts of an integrated whole. The educational program is so organized as to distribute as widely as possible throughout the state the opportunities for general education and to center on a particular campus specialized, technical, and professional curricula closely related to one another. The institutions of the State SYstem of Higher Education are the University of Oregon at Eugene, Oregon State University at Corvallis, Portlar.d State College at Portland, Oregon College of Education at Monmouth, Southern Oregon College at Ashland, Eastern Oregon Col­ lege at La Grande, and Oregon Technical Institute at Klamath Falls. The University of Oregon Medical School and the University of Ore­ gon Dental School are located in Portland. The Division of Continuing Education, representing all the institutions, has headquarters in Portland and offices in Ashland, Corvallis, Eugene, La Grande, Monmouth, and Salem. At Oregon College of Education, Southern Oregon College, and Eastern Oregon College, students may ~omplete major work in teacher education or general studies or enroll ill a preprofessional program. Southern Oregon College offers a major program in business. Portland State College offers maj or work in general studies and se­ lected liberal arts and professional fields as well as certain preprofes­ sional programs. At the University of Oregon and Oregon State University, major curricula, both liberal and professional, are grouped on either campus in accordance with the distinctive functions of the respective institu­ tions in the unified State System of Higher Education. Terminal courses in technical and semiprofessional areas are offered at Oregon Technical Institute. An interinstitutional booklet, Your Education, which outlines the curricula. of the several instituitons and contains other information, is available. For a copy, write to Board of Higher Education, P.O. Box 5175, Eugene, Oregon. [ 5 ] State Board of Higher Education Term Expires RALPH E. PURVINE, Salem 1965 RAY T. YASUI, Hood River. 1965 JOHN MERRIFIELD, Portland 1966 CHARLES R. HOLLOWAY, JR., Portland 1967 ELIZABETH H. JOHNSON, Redmond 1968 ]. F. FORRESTER, JR., Pendleton 1969 JOHN W. SNIDER, Medford 1969 PHILIP A. J oss, Portland 1970 GEORGE LAYMAN, Newberg 1970 Officers CHARLES R. HOLLOWAY, JR President J. W. FORRESTER, JR Vice-President RALPH E. PURVINE Member, Executive Committee Roy E. LIEUALLEN, Chancellor RICHARD L. COLLINS, Secretary of Board Office of State Board of Higher Education Post Office Box 5175 Eugene, Oregon Board members are appointed to six-year terms by the Governor of Oregon with confirmatlOn by the State Senate. [ 6] Oregon State System of Higher Education Officers Roy E. LIEU ALLEN, Ed.D.. L.H.D., Chancellor ARTHUR S. FLEMMING, LL.D. JAMES H. JENSEN, Ph.D. President, University of Oregon President, Oregon State University DAVID W. E. BAIRD. M.D., LL.D. ELMO N. STEVENSON, Ed.D. Dean, Medieal School President, Southern Oregon College HAROLD]. NOYES, D.D.S.. M.D. FRANK B. BENNETT, Ed.D. Dean, Dental Sehool President, Eastern Oregon College BRANFORD P. MILLAR, Ph.D. LEONARD W. RICE, Ph.D. President, Portland State College President, Oregon College of Educatioll WINSTON D. PURVINE, A.B., LL.D. Director, Oregon Technical Institute HEHBERT A. BOHK, M.S., C.P.A Vice-Chancellor for Business Affairs RICHARD L. COLLINS, M.A., C.P.A Secretary of the Board; Budget Director MILES C. ROMNEY, Ph.D Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs JAMES W. SHERBUHNE, Ph.D Vice-Chancellor for Continuing Education DONALD R. LAHSON, B.A Assistant Chancellor for Public Affairs WILLIAM M. CAHLSON, M.A. Director of Libraries Former Chancellors Oregon State System of Higher Education WILLIAl"l ]. KERR, D.Se., LL.D .. 1932-1935 FREDERICK M. HUNTEH, Ed.D., LL.D . 1935-1946 PAUL C. PACKEH, Ph.D., LL.D. 1946-1950 CHARLES D. BYRNE, Ed.D... 1950-1955 JOHN R. RICHARDS, Ph.D. 1955-1961 [ 7 ] University of Oregon Fall Term, 1964-65 September 1964 S MTWT F S August 31, M onday Last day to apply 1 2 3 4 5 for fall-term admission without penalty 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 September 22-26, Tuesda)' to Satllrday New 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Student and Registration '''''eek September 28, ]1'[ onday Classes begin October 1964 October 1, Thllrsday Last day for S MTWT F S payment of fees without penalty 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 October 9,
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