- ---------------------------, r~~~ The Bulletin of the UNIVERSITY of MINNESOTA The College of Pharmacy Announcement for the Years 1947... 1949 Volume L, Number 12 April 21, 1947 Entered at the post office in Minneapolis as semi-monthly second-class matter, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 12, 1918 l , UNIVEI{SITY CALENDAH, 1947-48 Fall Quarter 1947 August 1 - September 26 Entrance Tests.' Fall Registration': Dates for the various colleges will be announced in the press and in mailed instructions. Students who can do so are urged to register early. It is expected that all stu­ dents who can do so will register before September 1 September 15 Monday Extension registration, first semester, begins September 18 Thursday Fall quarter fees due for students registered through September 11 September 22-26 New student week; program of orientation. Details will be announced in instructions issued at registra­ tion. All new students are expected to attend September 26 Friday Last day for registration' and payment of fees for the undergraduate colleges September 29 Monday Fall quarter classes begin 8 :00 a.m." First semester extension classes begin' October 2 Thursday Opening convocation, 11:00 a.m. October 4 Saturday Last day for extension registration and for registration and payment of fees for the Graudate School, and for teachers in service Octobet- 13 Monday (Sunday, October 12, Columbus Day) ; holiday (except extension) November 1 Saturday Dads Day November 8 Saturday Homecoming Day November 11 Tuesday Armistice Day; holiday (except extension) November 13 Thursday Senate meeting, 4 :00 p.m. November 27 Thursday Thanksgiving Day; holiday December 12-13 and 15-18 Final examination period December 18 Thursday Fall quarter ends 6 ;()() p.m."; Commencement, 8 :00 p.m. Willter Quarter December 26 Friday W inter quarter fees due for students in residence fall quarter in undergraduate colleges 1948 January 2 Friday Entrance tests' January 2-3 Registration' in all colleges for new students not al­ ready registered. Registration and payment of fees for new students in all undergraduate colleges closes at noon, Saturday, January 3 January 5 Monday Winter quarter classes begin 8:00 a.m." Extension classes resume January 10 Saturday Last day for registration and payment of fees for the Graduate School, and for teachers in service January 26 Monday Second semester extension registration begins February 7 Saturday First semester extension classes close See page for footnotes. CALENDAR 3 February I} Monday Second semester extension classes begin' February 12 Thursday Lincoln's Birthday; holiday (except extension) February 14 Saturday Last day for extension registration ~ February 19 Thursday Charter Day Convocation, 11 :00 a.m.; Senate meeting, 4:00 p.m. February 23 Monday (Sunday, February 22, Washington's Birthday); holi­ day (except extension) ~farch 12-13 and 15-18 Final examination period March 18 Thursday Spring quarter fees due for students in residence winter quarter in undergraduate colleges. Winter quarter ends 6 :00 p.m.; Commencement, 8:00 p.m. Spring Quarter March 26 Friday Good Friday; holiday (except extension) March 27 Saturday Entrance tests'; Registration' for new students not already registered Registration and payment of fees for new students III all undergraduate colleges closes at 4:00 p.m. March 29 Monday Spring quarter classes begin 8:00 a.m.· April 3 Saturday Last day for registration and payment of fees for the Graduate School, and for teachers in service May 8 Saturday Mothers Day May 13 Thursday Cap and Gown Day Convocation, 11 :00 a.m.; Senate meeting, 4:00 p.m. May 31 Monday (Sunday, May 30, Memorial Day); holiday (except extension) June 4 Friday Second semester extension classes close June 6 Sunday Baccalaureate service June 7-12 Final examination period June 12 Saturday Spring quarter ends 6:00 p.Ill.; Seventy-sixth annual commencement, 8 :00 p.lll. Summer Session June 15 Tuesday Registration' for new students not already registered. First term fees due for students in all colleges June 16 Wednesday First terlll Summer Session classes begin 8:00 a.m.' July 5 Monday (Sunday, July 4, Independence Day) ; holiday July 23 Friday First term closes July 26 Monday Registration' for new students not already registered. Second term fees due for students in all colleges July 2i Tuesday Second term classes begin 8:00 a.m." August 26 Thursday Summer commencement, R:oo p.m. August 28 Saturday Second term closes 1 Applicants are urged to take entrance tests one to two months in advance of the quarter for which admission is desired. Tests may be taken at the Student Counseling Bureau, 101 Eddy Hall. 2 Registration subsequent to the date specified will necessitate the approval of the college concerned. See privilege fees for late registration or late payment of fees, page 36 in General Information Bulletin. 3 First hour classes begin at 7 :45 a.m. at University Farm. 4 This date does not refer to correspondence study courses. which may be started at any time during the year. J'j Extension classes end Friday, Decemher 19, and resume 1'londay, January 5. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS James L. Morrill, B.A., LL.D., President Charles H. Rogers, D.Sc., Dean of the College of Pharmacy and Professor of Pharma- ceutical Chemistry Malcolm M. Willey, Ph.D., Vice President, Academic Administration William T. Middlebrook, B.A., M.C.S., Vice President, Business Administration Anne D. Blitz, M.A., LL.D., Dean of Women Ruth E. Boynton, M.S., M.D., Director of Students' Health Service True E. Pettengill, M.S., Recorder Edmund G. Williamson, Ph.D., Dean of Students Robert E. Summers, M.s., M.E., Dean of Admissions and Records GENERAL INFORMATION COURSES OF STUDY At the beginning of the fall quarter, 1944-45, the course in Pharmacy was decelerated for all classes. Therefore the College of Pharmacy is again offering one undergraduate course of four academic years leading to the degree bachelor of science in pharmacy (B.S. in Phm.) The College of Pharmacy and the School of Business Administration offer an optional combined course in Pharmacy and Business Administration leading to the degree bachelor of science in pharmacy (B.S. in Phm.) and bachelor of business administration (B.B.A.). This optional course is open only to those students who register in the College of Pharmacy either with or without advanced standing and who can present evidence of better than average ability. Students who are permitted to register for this course of study must take the professional and business administration courses in the sequences in which they are offered. See page 15. Graduate study with major work in pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy, leading to the degrees of master of science (M.S.) and doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) respectively, is offered by the Graduate School. Graduate work with a major in pharma­ ceutical chemistry or pharmacognosy is open to those students who have shown exceptional scholarship and ability in the undergraduate course of this or some other college of pharmacy of equal standing. Consideration will be given to the applications of those stu­ dents who are not graduates in pharmacy but whose pattern of undergraduate work in­ cludes training in such allied or related subjects as would implement them to pursue wor\<; successfully at the graduate level with a major in pharmaceutical chemistry or pharma­ cognosy. Detailed information on graduate courses in pharmaceutical chemistry and phar­ macognosy is contained in the Bulletin of the Graduate School which may be obtained from the office of the Graduate School, University of Minnesota. ADMISSION BY CERTIFICATE Diplomas or other evidences of the completion of an accredited four-year high school course, or of its educational equivalent, are required for admission. For details concerning the requirements for admission, consult the Bulletin of General Information. ADMISSION BY EXAMINATION Students who do not meet the requirements for admission by certificate may qualify for admission on the basis of entrance tests as described in the Bulletin of General In­ formation. GENERAL lSFORMATION 5 ADMISSION TO THE PROFESSIONAL WORK OF THE SOPHOMORE YEAR IN PHARMACY In order to maintain instruction at the necessary professional level, the existing educa­ tional emergency has made it imperative to restrict admissions to the sophomore year in the College of Pharmacy. Students interested in entering the sophomore year of this college at the beginning of any fall quarter, should apply for admission not later than May 15 of the corresponding year. Applications should be accompanied by an official tran­ script of the student's record up to the date upon which the application is filed. These applications will be reviewed subsequent to that date and those accepted will be notified on or before August 1. All applicants with honor point ratios of 1.5 (C+) or above, meeting all prerequisites will be assured of admission to the sophomore year. Those stu­ dents with less than 1.5 (C+) will be considered individually. Those found ineligible will be notified as soon as possible after )'Iay 15 with tlle expectation that all will be advised not later than August 1. Students who will have completed only t\VO quarters of work by the end of the spring quarter and who expect to complete their work in the foIlowing summer session, should apply prior to May 15 for admission to the sophomore class beginning the fall quarter. In such cases final action upon their allplications will be deferred pending examination of the quality of their summer session \\"ark. Application forms for pharmacy ireshmen at )'Iinnesota may be obtained at the col­ lege office (\VuH 101). Other students in the University may obtain forms for change of college at window 16, Office of Admissions and Records.
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