E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 155 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 2009 No. 111 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was WELCOMING RABBI STEPHEN A. Not only has the stimulus bill not called to order by the Speaker. LEON worked and the economy not been res- f The SPEAKER. Without objection, cued, the President continues to pro- mote policies that will create more un- PRAYER the gentleman from Texas (Mr. REYES) is recognized for 1 minute. employment in America. Rabbi Stephen A. Leon, Congregation There was no objection. The national energy tax that went B’Nai Zion, El Paso, Texas, offered the Mr. REYES. Madam Speaker, it is a through this House last month will following prayer: real honor and privilege to have Rabbi cause millions of Americans to lose O Lord, ‘‘This is the day that God has Leon here this morning in this great their jobs over the next 10 years, like made, on it may we rejoice.’’ people’s House. 2.5 million per year. And we’re debat- These words from the Book of Psalms I want to especially welcome not just ing the health care plan, the govern- reflect the thoughts that are in my the rabbi but members of his family ment takeover of health care, which heart on this glorious day. Imagine if that are here. I know that back in my according to the President’s Council of every person each day would arise and district, back in El Paso, people have Economic Advisers’ model will cost 5 thank God for one more day of life, for gotten up extra early to see the rabbi million more Americans their jobs. one more precious moment to make a give our opening prayer. I don’t believe that the economy has difference for good in this world. It’s a real honor and a real privilege been rescued. How fortunate I feel to live in this and pleasure. f blessed country of America where a rabbi from El Paso, Texas, is given the f H.R. 1503 IS A SHAMEFUL PLOY TO opportunity to offer a prayer before ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER STIR UP FEAR AND DISSENSION this historic assembly which represents The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- (Mr. PASCRELL asked and was given the highest ideals of democracy. tain up to 15 further requests for 1- permission to address the House for 1 May each of us here realize what minute speeches on each side of the minute.) awesome moments God gives us each aisle. Mr. PASCRELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise day, and may we in partnership with f in strong opposition to H.R. 1503, the the Almighty help speed that day when so-called ‘‘Birther Bill.’’ You ought to every person in the world will be privi- THE ECONOMY HAS NOT BEEN read it. leged to live in peace and freedom. RESCUED H.R. 1503 is predicated on the vicious Let us say, Amen. (Mr. BOEHNER asked and was given and false rumor that circulates among f permission to address the House for 1 fringe elements of our society that THE JOURNAL minute.) Barack Obama is not a citizen of the Mr. BOEHNER. Madam Speaker, United States and his Presidency is, The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- American families and small busi- therefore, illegitimate. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- nesses are hurting. The economy has I bring you a copy—and I hold it up— ceedings and announces to the House been hurting; but this morning, in pre- of his birth certificate which has been her approval thereof. viewing the President’s speech tonight, authenticated in the State of Hawaii Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- our former colleague, the President’s by the Department of Health, and I nal stands approved. chief of staff, said this: We’ve rescued also hold up an announcement in the f the economy. newspaper on August 14. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Now, I’m sure that the 9.5 percent un- Yet, despite being proved categori- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman employment rate that we have in our cally untrue time and time again, this from Texas (Mr. REYES) come forward country today—and from most eco- rumor stays alive because of tacit ac- and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- nomic experts on its way up, don’t be- knowledgment embodied in this legis- legiance. lieve that we’ve rescued the economy. lation from legislators in this room. Mr. REYES led the Pledge of Alle- The 11.1 percent unemployment rate Anything to bring the messenger down. giance as follows: that we have in Ohio, I’m sure those These rumors hurt America. They I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the people are looking up today wondering, hurt the strength of our country. The United States of America, and to the Repub- wait a minute, the President’s going to fact that some Members of the minor- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, say we rescued the economy? I don’t ity would embrace this hateful rhetoric indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. think so. stuns me. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8497 . VerDate Nov 24 2008 03:42 Jul 23, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22JY7.000 H22JYPT1 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with HOUSE H8498 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 22, 2009 These allegations have no grounding The reforms would cap out-of-pocket I urge my colleagues to vote for this in fact, and this bill is nothing more expenses at $10,000 per year, ensuring legislation and to return fiscal dis- than a shameful ploy to stir fear and that no American will have to face fi- cipline to the Congress. dissension in the minds of the Amer- nancial ruin due to health care costs. f ican people. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to f work together to find solutions. GOVERNMENT SPENDING BIPARTISAN SOLUTIONS ARE BEST f (Mr. WITTMAN asked and was given b 1015 permission to address the House for 1 (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina minute.) asked and was given permission to ad- HEALTH CARE BILL Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I come dress the House for 1 minute and to re- (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was before you today to highlight exactly vise and extend his remarks.) given permission to address the House how out of control government spend- Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. for 1 minute.) ing has become. As some in Congress Speaker, Republicans agree we need to Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the charge towards a more than $1 trillion reform the health care system. Yet the administration is demanding that Con- health care bill with little regard for Democrat leadership hide behind closed gress pass nationalized health care be- our national debt, I think a reminder doors. They’ve chosen to go it alone; fore we go back to our districts for the of how much we have already spent is and as a result, they have a scheme of August work period. They said it’s ur- in order. proposals that adds to the deficit, gent, that we have to do it or it will be This year’s budget increased spend- spends over $1 trillion, enacts a govern- the end of health care in America for- ing to $4 trillion. That’s 48 percent of ment takeover of health care, and has ever. GDP, the highest since World War II. garnered bipartisan opposition. That’s what was said about the Wall For FY 2009 alone, we have a $2 trillion Democrats should sit down at the Street bailout. Congress had to pass deficit. This summer, we’ve been busy table with Republicans and work on a the Wall Street bailout in 24 hours or passing bills with double-digit in- bipartisan plan of reform. Republicans we were all going to die. And it passed. creases in spending. Already, there have commonsense solutions that will And it’s a miserable failure. have been mentions of tax increases to help Americans afford insurance, re- Next came the so-called stimulus cover our financial obligations. gardless of preexisting conditions. We bill. It was over a thousand pages long, Where does all of this stop? Sadly, it want to provide small businesses the filed in the darkness of night. Nobody would appear, not in this Congress. resources and freedom to offer and had a chance to read it. We were told We only have to look towards the keep insurance for their employees. we had to vote on it immediately or West Coast to see a cautionary tale of House Republicans and the American the world would end. Well, none of that a government with no fiscal discipline. people do not believe we need to let Big happened. The stimulus bill, too, was a In California, they’ve laid off thou- Government take over our health care, disaster for our country. sands of workers, withheld tax refunds, ration out the taxpayer-subsidized Hasn’t Congress learned its lesson and started paying contractors with care, and raise taxes on small busi- that quickly passing legislation be- IOUs.
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