Journal of Animal &Plant Sciences, 2012. Vol.15, Issue 3: 2200-2242 Publication date 31/10/2012, http://www.m.elewa.org/JAPS ; ISSN 2071-7024 Bibliographic catalog of the forest of Mamora (Morocco) fungal flora. Ahmed OUABBOU, Abdelkarim EL-ASSFOURI, Amina OUAZZANI TOUHAMI, Rachid BENKIRANE and Allal DOUIRA Laboratoire de Botanique et de Protection des Plantes, Université Ibn Tofaïl, Faculté des Sciences, B.P. 133, Kenitra, Maroc. Correponding author email: [email protected] Key words : Morocco, Mamora, Basidiomycetes, Ascomycetes, inventory. 1 SUMMARY The analysis work references on the fungal flora of the forest of Mamora (Morocco) helped to highlight 755 taxa. This richness is constituted primarily of higher fungi, which include 708 species of this total fungal flora. It is divided into 48 orders, 244 genera and 119 families whose richer, have more than 20 species each: Agaricaceae (59species), Puccinaceae (56 species), Cortinariaceae (55 species), Russulaceae (41 species), Tricholomataceae (36 species), Coprinaceae (22 species), Amanitaceae (21 species), Entolomataceae (21 species), Bolbitiaceae (20 species) and Polyporaceae (20 species). The Basidiomycetes class constitutes the major part of this flora (77.65%), following by the Ascomycetes class (16.09%). These two classes account for approximately (93.74%) of total Mamora’s fungal flora. 2 INTRODUCTION Morocco is located in between the remained largely unknown until the 1950. Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Atlantic The first significant information collected on Ocean to the west and the Sahara desert to the higher fungi of the forest of Mamora was in the south. Thus, the relief’s orientation favors the last half of the previous century with the work presence of a very varied fauna and flora.This is of Mayor and Werner (1937) who had why it attracted many mycologists in the 1930s, published a catalog in the Memoirs of the especially the plateau, home to the forest of Society of Natural Sciences of Morocco titled Mamora (Boudy, 1951). It is an exceptional "Reasoned Fungi Known to Date in Morocco". forest, characterized by a highly variable climate This catalog contains only undescribed species. from the sub-humid to semi-arid and the ocean Malençon (mycological Excursion 1935, 1936, (NAAF, 2002) influences it. These conditions 1938 and 1960) published four reports of give rise to a rich flora in general, especially monthly meetings, No. 3, 4, 5 and 8 in the fungal. It was Mayor and Werner (1937) and Bulletin of the Society of Natural Sciences Malençon (1935, 1938) who had taken the first Physical and Morocco, as well as a list of steps to explore the heritage fungal of the Ascomycetes, Volume 7 in the Persoonia forest of Mamora, but due to the war in the (1973) and a list of Basidiomycetes in the fourties, their works were interrruped. Journal of Mycology, Volume XXIX (1974- Therefore, apart fromsome brief information 1975). This work was followed by Malençon given by these mycologists, Mamora had and Bertault who had published between 1960 2200 Journal of Animal &Plant Sciences, 2012. Vol.15, Issue 3: 2200-2242 Publication date 31/10/2012, http://www.m.elewa.org/JAPS ; ISSN 2071-7024 and 1970 lists of three Ascomycetes and higher 1992), the eastern and central southern Basidiomycetes (Hyménomycètes and Morocco (Tahiri, 1997), the main Gastéromycètes) of the Meseta including ectomycorrhizal fungi in natural and planted Mamora in the Bulletin of the IS. forests (Abourouh 2000), on Gastéromycètes In 1970 and 1975, Malençon and Bertault (Ait Aguila et al, 2002, Ait Aguila, 2005), milk published two entitled volumes " Flore des caps and Agaricus (El-Assfouri et al., 2005), champignons supérieurs du Maroc " where they Lepiota Haimed et al. 2005), Gymnopilus Suber only describes the Agaricales. (Outcoumit et al., 2004) and Basidiomycetes In 1978 /1979, Bertault had published a series edible of the plane of the city of Kenitra of articles on Lactario-Russulacées and (Yamni et al., 2004). Bolétacées. The assembly of all the bibliographic data could Other work has focused on Coprinus be valuable for future studies and it is this heterocommus var. marocainsis in the forest of aspect that is addressed in this work, which Mamora (Guennon 1987), Gender Terfezia represents the first part of the inventory for the Tull, (Terfass) forest of Mamora (Khabar, higher fungi of Mamora in Morocco. 3 LIST Of TAXA INVENTORIED. The adopted nomenclature is that used by the considered. Underlined taxa not included in the 9th Mayor and Werner (1937), Malençon Bertault (1970 edition of Dictionary of the Fungi (Kirk, 2005). The and 1975) and Bertault (1978 and 1980). This current name of the species is preceded by the sign nomenclature is updated according to the 9th (=), and synonyms are noted. Species preceded by edition of Dictionary of the Fungi (2004 and 2005), an asterisk have not been described by Mayor and an international literature Courtecuisse (2000) and Werner (1937), Malençon and Bertault (1970, 1975) Romagnesi (1995). Varieties and forms are also and Bertault (1978, 1980). I/ Division : Gymnomycota 1 Subdivision : Plasmodiogymnomycotina Classe : Myxomycètes This species was collected in January 2006 on the Liceales cork of Quercus suber (Yamni and al., 2008). Tubiferaceae Didymium squamulosum (Alb. and Schwein.) Fr. Lycogala Pers. (1794). This species was collected in November 2005 on Lycogala epidendrum (L.) Fr. This species was dead wood of Platanus acerifolia (Yamni and al., collected in December 2005 on rotten wood of 2008). Pinus sp . (Yamni and al., 2008). *Didymium xanthopus Fr (1829), = Didymium *Lycogala flavofuscum (Ehrenb.) Rostaf. (1874), iridis Fr. (1829), syn.: Didymium nigripes var. xanthopus syn.: Reticularia flavofusca (Ehrenb.) Fr. (1829). LNS, (Fr.) Lister (1894). LNS, on Quercus suber on Quercus suber (avril). (décembre). Reticularia Bull. (1791). Mucilago Battarra (1755). *Reticularia lycoperdon Bull. (1791), = Enteridium *Mucilago spongiosa Morgan. (1897), = Mucilago lycoperdon (Bull.) M.L. Farr (1976). On Quercus suber crustacea P. Micheli ex F.H. Wigg. var. crustacea of Mamora (Maire R. and Werner G., 1937.). (1780). On plant debris in the forest of Mamora. Physarales (Maire R. and Werner G., 1937) Didymiaceae Physaraceae Diderma Pers. (1794). Badhamia Berk (1853). *Diderma spumarioides (Fr.) Fr. (1829), syn.: *Badhamia panicea (Fr.) Rostaf. (1873), syn.: Chondrioderma spumarioides (Fr.) Rostaf. (1873). LNS, Physarum paniceum Fr. (1829). LNS, on Quercus suber on Stenotaphrum secundatum (Janvier). (novembre). Didymium Schrad. (1797). Leocarpus link (1809). Didymium clavus (Alb. and Schwein.) Rabenh. Leocarpus fragilis var . bisporus (Nann.-Bremek. 2201 Journal of Animal &Plant Sciences, 2012. Vol.15, Issue 3: 2200-2242 Publication date 31/10/2012, http://www.m.elewa.org/JAPS ; ISSN 2071-7024 and D.W. Mitch.) D.W. Mitch) The species was 1937). collected in January 2006 on the leaves and wood of Stemonitopsis (Nann.-Bremek.) Nann.-Bremek. Quercus suber . Yamni and al., 2008. 1975 Physarum Pers. (1794). Stemonitopsis typhina (F.H.Wigg.) Nann.- *Physarum cinereum Schumach. (1875), syn.: Bremek = Comatricha typhina (F.H.Wigg.) Rostaf. Lignydium cinereum (Batsch) Kuntze (1898). LNS, on This species was collected in November 2006 and Stenotaphrum secundatum (Janvier-février). January 2008 on rotten wood of Platanus acerifolia. Physarum nutans Pers. (1795), syn.: Tilmadoche (Yamni and al., 2008). nutans (Pers.) Rostaf. (1875). On plant debris, Rabat Trichiales (Maire R. and Werner G., 1937). Arcyriaceae *Physarum pusillum (Berk. and M.A. Curtis) G. Arcyria Hill ex F. H. Wigg. (1780). Lister (1911), syn.: Didymium pusillum Berk. and M.A. *Arcyria denudata (L.) Wettst. (1886), syn.: Curtis (1873). SNS, in forest of Mamora (Maire R. Stemonitis denudata (L.) Relhan, (1820) SNS, in forest and Werner G., 1937). of Mamora (Maire R. and Werner G., 1937). Physarum vernum Sommerf. (1829), syn.: Arcyria obvelata (Oeder.) Onsberg. = Arcyria Physarum styriacum Gottsb. (1966). On living leaves nutans (Bull.) Grev. The species was observed in of Scilla sp. (novembre). November 2006 on dead wood of Quercus suber . Physarum viride (Bull.) Pers. This species was (Yamni and al., 2008). collected in December 2005 on rotten wood of Arcyria pomiformis (Leers.) Rostaf. The species was Pinus sp. (Yamni and al., 2008). observed in October 2006 on dead wood of Quercus Fuligo Haller (1768). suber . (Yamni and al., 2008). *Fuligo cinerea (Schwein.) Morgan.(1832), syn.: Trichiaceae Enteridium cinereum Schwein. (1832). O n rotten Metatrichia Ing (1964). wood, Rabat (Maire R. and Werner G., 1937). Metatrichia vesparia (Batsch) Nann.-Bremek. ex Stemonitales G.W. Martin and Alexop. The harvest was Stemonitidaceae conducted in May 2006 on the cork and wood of Diachea Fr. 1825 Quercus suber along with Oligonema schweinitzii . Diachea leucopodia (Bull.) Rostaf. The species (Yamni and al., 2008). has developed in the litter on leaves of Eucalyptus Oligonema Rostaf. (1875). and the harvest was completed in November 2005. Oligonema schweinitzii (Berk.) G.W.Martin. The (Yamni and al., 2008). harvest was conducted in 2006 on the cork and Stemonitis Roth (1788). wood of Quercus suber along with Metatrichia *Stemonitis ferruginea Ehrenb. (1818). On dead vesparium. (Yamni and al., 2008). wood, Rabat (Maire R. and Werner G., 1937). Perichaena Fr. (1817). *Stemonitis fusca Roth. (1787). On plant debris in *Perichaena orticans var. liceoides ? LNS, on the forest of Mamora (Maire R. and Werner G., Crottin
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