Collection SFN 13, 04001 (2014) DOI: 10.1051/sfn/20141304001 C Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014 Neutron scattering studies of spin ices and spin liquids T. Fennell Laboratory for Neutron Scattering, Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Abstract. In frustrated magnets, competition between interactions, usually due to incompatible lattice and exchange geometries, produces an extensively degenerate manifold of groundstates. Exploration of these states results in a highly correlated and strongly fluctuating cooperative paramagnet, a broad classification which includes phases such as spin liquids and spin ices. Generally, there is no long range order and associated broken symmetry, so quantities typically measured by neutron scattering such as magnetic Bragg peaks and magnon dispersions are absent. Instead, spin correlations characterized by emergent gauge structure and exotic fractional quasiparticles may emerge. Neutron scattering is still an excellent tool for the investigation these phenomena, and this review outlines examples of frustrated magnets on the pyrochlore and kagome lattices with reference to experiments and quantities of interest for neutron scattering. 1. PREAMBLE In physics, a frustrated system is one in which all interactions cannot be simultaneously minimized, which is also to say that there is competition amongst the interactions. Frustration is most commonly associated with spin systems [1], where its consequences can be particularly well identified, but is by no means limited to magnetism. Frustrated interactions are also relevant in certain structural problems [2–6], colloids and liquid crystals [7], spin glasses [8], stripe phases [9, 10], Josephson junction arrays [11], stellar nuclear matter [12, 13], social dynamics [14], origami [15], and protein folding [16], to name a few. Interest in frustrated spin systems stems from the idea that conventional order will be suppressed by the frustration, and an unconventional state will appear in its place. For example, Anderson proposed that in high temperature superconductors, antiferromagnetic Néel ordering would be replaced by a resonating valence bond state (RVB) [17], which would host the superconductivity on doping. If the RVB state could be promoted by enhancing frustration, a route to high(er)-Tc materials might appear. This has never been realized, and understanding the character of the “unconventional” states, particularly the quantum spin liquid, which emerge in frustrated magnets is usually the objective of current studies. Extensive reviews of topics in frustrated magnetism can be found in the books edited by Lacroix, Mendels and Mila [1], and by Diep [18]. Topics recently reviewed in the literature include quantum spin liquids [19, 20]; various aspects of spin ice [21–23]; rare earth pyrochlores [24], spinels [25]; and spin ices and kagome spin liquids have their own chapters in Ref. [1]. In the following, I present a brief This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Collection SFN Figure 1. Left: ferromagnetically coupled spins on single triangles are unfrustrated, while antiferromagnetic coupling is frustrated. Note that the frustration greatly increases the degeneracy of the groundstate. The groundstate of a triangular lattice antiferromagnet has many groundstates constructed by ensuring that the local groundstate is realized on every triangle. These states may be ordered, but the vast majority are disordered. Right: the kagome and pyrochlore lattice, two and three-dimensional corner sharing triangles. overview of frustrated magnetism, followed by examples on the pyrochlore (spin ice and quantum spin ice) and kagome lattices (spin liquids). 2. FRUSTRATION The canonical example of frustration is the triangular lattice Ising1 antiferromagnet [26]. On a single triangle, it is not possible for all pairwise interactions to be minimized - in the ground state, one spin will point up and two down (or vice-versa), such that one magnetic interaction is unsatisfied. This imparts a significant degeneracy, as an individual antiferromagnetic triangle has six ground states, while the ferromagnet conversely has just two (all up or all down). The interesting question concerns the ground states of the entire lattice of triangles. Because of the frustration, the ground state of the whole system must also be governed by some compromise condition. Generally, provided that every plaquette2 of the lattice is individually in a ground state, a global ground state is achieved [27, 28]. However, the inherent degeneracy of the individual plaquettes means that an enormous number of states can be constructed, most of them disordered [26]. These states form an extensive manifold of degenerate groundstates (i.e. the number of groundstates scales with the system size) in which a small number of ordered states are far outweighed by the disordered ones. Although the most direct way to produce a frustrated magnet is 1 Spins on lattices may have different dimensionalities d - we call spins with d = 1, which is to say that they are confined to point parallel or antiparallel to a particular direction, Ising spins; d = 2, spins which may rotate freely within a plane are XY-spins; and d = 3, where the spins may orient freely in space, we describe as Heisenberg or continuous. 2 An isolated unit of a geometrically frustrated lattice such as a single triangle or tetrahedron is sometimes called a plaquette or a simplex. 04001-p.2 JDN 20 to identify a system with antiferromagnetic interactions on a lattice based on triangular units, this is not the only way to generate frustration. For example, bipartite lattices with antiferromagnetic interactions are unfrustrated, since the partition into two sublattices, each with neighbors only drawn from the other, means that any spin can always be antiparallel to all its neighbors. However, introduction of further neighbor exchanges which compete with the main exchange interaction can create important frustration effects in bipartite lattices such as the diamond lattice [29], as well as in 1-dimensional systems [30]. Conventional magnets3, in which the number of groundstates is limited to the small number of symmetry-related, long-range ordered groundstates are compatible with the Third Law of Thermodynamics, which requires the entropy of the system to vanish as T → 0. On the other hand, in a simple, frustrated, spin model such as the triangular Ising antiferromagnet, where the number of groundstates is extensive, and there is no way to resolve the degeneracy, the entropy will persist to zero temperature. In general, the spins of a frustrated magnet become strongly correlated at a temperature corresponding to the energy scale of the dominant interaction, i.e. the Curie-Weiss temperature. Because of the frustration, ordering does not occur at this temperature, so the correlated state persists to lower temperature than “expected”. This part is generically called a cooperative paramagnet [31], a term which spans many specific behaviors, including classical and quantum spin ices and spin liquids. Usually this region is signified by the extension of the Curie-Weiss law below the expected ordering temperature. The persistence of the Curie-Weiss law can be used as a simple way to quantify the frustration of a compound - the frustration index is the ratio CW /TN . No real material threatens the third law, but, as in the RVB/Hi-Tc example, the conflict is at the root of the original interest in frustrated magnets since it may drive the emergence of an unconventional order parameter. In a real system, a much smaller energy scale is eventually reached and a normally small effect such as a further neighbor exchange or magnetoelastic coupling (e.g. as in ZnCr2O4 [32]) becomes relevant and drives an ordering transition. Alternatively, the system may fall out of equilibrium, in which case all bets about the Third Law of Thermodynamics are off. The current main interest in frustrated magnetism could probably be summarized as the identification of a genuine spin liquid. This would be a magnetic system in which the groundstate has no broken symmetries. Pragmatically, it may be defined as a magnetic state in which the spin correlations remain short ranged, and a gapless continuum of spin excitations exists, as in a liquid [33, 34]. However, the detailed usage in theory is more complicated, and conflicting definitions seem to exist (gapped, gapless, with or without spinons etc.) [19]. While conventional ordered phases can be classified and described by the Landau paradigm of broken symmetry, by which a local order parameter can be defined, spin liquids are examples of “topological order” [35], and are now classified by the topological properties of their groundstate wavefunctions. Other examples of topological materials are the FQHE and 3He [36–38]. Integer valued topological quantum numbers characterize topological states, which are are robustly protected and can offer remarkable reproducibilty and stability, as in the case of FQHE voltage standards or Josephson junction flux quantization. In this context, spin liquids are interesting systems for topologically protected quantum computing. Connection between exotic many body theory and experiment is still developing, but some concrete consequences are established – local measurements cannot detect the development
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