I. ■ ■■ .pVv':\- — ■ / ■ I^AGE FOURTEEN TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1962 Average Daily Net Press Ran r^- iHattrii^Bt(r ^it^nlttg lieiraUi For the Week Ended The Weather Feb’hiary 10. 1962 ForeoMt of D. S. WeoUior Bureau Dr. Peter Oram of the Manches­ The Nathan Hale PTA will R<L; Mrs. Sylvia. Garey,-42 ilpaman ter Memorial Hospital medical meet tonight et 7:30. RefreshmlihU Pythians to Mark Circle; Lawrence Keama^-Jb., 192 13,545 PaHly cloudy, cold toulfht. Low AboutV • Town. , • will bo served after the meeting. In the tOs. Tbnreday generally foie, ataff attended the annual meeting Spruce S t; Mra. Mary Barry, 120 AMERICAN LEGION Member of the Audit IhM M«rieh«Bter Registered of the American Academy of 'Dual Anniversary HawrthorAe S t; William Salrino, Bnresn of drcnlatloii little change In temperature, mgh Orthopedic Surgeons in Chicago, James E. Harvey, son of Mr. and New Britain; Henry Laraon, Tun­ so to 88. Nuraea' Awoclatlon will irieet at Mrs. Bernard ;J. Harvey. 18 Nye tlM Manchester Memorial Hospital IH.. Jon. 26; to Feb. 1. , \ Dual anniversi^ea of Unne nel Rd., Vernon; Uaa Parry, GJaa- Manchester-r-A City of Village Charm calgterla tonight at 8. The country S{.,' completed recruit training re­ tonbuty; Ruaaell Peteraen, 1S7 maintenance employe |md cently at the Naval Training Cen-v Lodge, Knights of Pythias, and the Tanner St.; Stanley Mazuraltla, Players eX South Windsor wMl pre­ VOL. LXXXI, NO. 114 sent a one-act play. Refreshments ’two cooks have Joined the staffs at- ter, Great Lakes, 111; national. Pythian Order will be cele­ South Glastonbury; David Kidney, (EIGHTEEN PAGRS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNipSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, I96Z (Cloeelfied Adrerttolng ,enr Pi|ge 16) Mencheeter Memorial Hoapitu> Griffin Rd.. Rockville; Mra. Mary PRICE n V E CENTS will be served. ^. \^The exe;puUve board of Bowers brated tomorrow at 8 p.m. In The maintenance man is Peter Orange H«UJ. Crawford, 36 Hamlin St.: David Mattice, 43 Mill St., retired from SchMl PTA will meet tonight at Phillips, 14 South St.. Rockville: Temple Chapter. Order of East- 7:30^4p the school library. Frederick Beyer, grand qhancel- Mrs. Sandra Leaker and daughter, am Jltar, will meet tomorrow at the U.S. Na\T. and the cooks are BINGO Mrs. Mary Bell.,30 Coluj^us St., lor, and his staff -will make an of­ Glastonbury; Mrs. Mary Girard 8 0 ‘CLOCKi^EGION HOME. LEONARD ST. State News .8 p.m. at the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Members of St. Gerard's Mother- ficial visit to Llnne Lodge for the and son. 60 Ellington' Ave., Rock- Evelyn Rappa of Palestine Chap­ and Joseph Gaiidreau, 11 Rosemarv PI. ers Circle wth meet at the home of 55th anniversary of the Manches­ -ville: Mra. Nancy Daniels and' . EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT ter, New Haven, and past grand Mrs. Luclen Vegiard, 12 Alice Dr.. ter lodgre, which was organized daughter, Hazardville: Mrs. Jahe matron. OES. State of Connecti­ Thursday at 8:15 d.m. Co-hqstess Feb. 13,1907. The Order of lUiights Gleim and son. East Hartford. cut. will discuss plans and aims of Mr. and Mrs. John KomSa, for­ will be Mrs. George Blake. of Pythias was organized at Wash­ DlStJHARGED TODAY: -nmo- W e st B a r s the endowment fund of which she merly of 237 Woodland Sl„ have ington, D.C.. Feb. 19, 18fl4, so the thy Quinn. Mansfield Center: John la chairman. moved to their new home In St. The distributive education class event will also mark the 9?th na­ Colby, Wapping; Catherine Lap- Petersburg, Fla-. Their new address at Manchester High School will pen, 66 Baldwin Rd. S t Joseph's Mothers’ Circle is 2625 N. 56th Ave„ gt. Peters­ tional anniversary. Anonymous - Tip will meet tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. burg. Komsa'was a carpenter for sponsor a bake, sale Saturdayat W. Refreshments will be served dur­ T. Grant;s'store in the Parkade,'be­ ing a social period after the meet­ at the home of Mrs. William Rice, many years with the Jarvis CmH ginning at 9 a.m. ing. ^ Leads Police to 190 Chestnut St. strucUon CO. befofe his retlrefnent. Beta Sigma Phi Stor>' Orcle, WSCS of South ■ (Fraccl* photo) MILITARY WHIST Alleged Slayer Methodist Church, will hold a Val­ Conducts Ritual A s k s June entine luncheon after a 10:30 a.m. ^ Engaged Hoi^pital Notes HARTFOrF ” (AP) — Act-| meeting tomorrow in Cooper Hall. The engagement of Miss Louise The ritual of the badge degree AND SETBACK ing on an anon.vmou.s tip, po­ Members of Gibbong Assembly, Ann Musoliho to David John Vujs, VMttaig hoars »ro $ to 8 p.m. ceremony will 'be conducted by lice have arrested a. mechanic'^ The MAGIC MIRROR Cathoilc I.adies of Columbus, will both of Glastonbury, has been an­ for all areas, except matemitv, Mrs. Martha Routhler and officers SPONSORED BY IME OTIltD OF OUR and charged him ivith killing meet tonight at 8 at the W. P .: nounced byiher parents, Mr. and where they are 2 to 4:80 aiid «:S0 of Nu Phi Mu Chapter. Beta Sig- i Roland Gaudreau during an Quish Funeral Home. 225 Main St., | Mrs. Antonio J. Musollno, 75 Pond to 8 p.m.; and private rooms ma Phi, tonight at 7:30 at the LADY OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW BEAUTY STUDIO INC. to pay respects to Mrs. Stanley Ur-' w'here they are 10 a.ro; to 8 p.m.. unsucce.8sful robbery. Urges Russia Seud Circle, Glastonbury. home of Miss June Ban^ett, 249 Gaudreau. 27. of 24* Heath St., banlk, a member of the organiza-: Her flanee is the son of Mr. and Visitors are reqiinitrd not to Vernon St. O f 527 Main St., Mancheiter , tion; 'j smoke. In patients rooms. Vo more BUCKLEY SCHOOL • WEDNESDAY, Hartford, was found gravelv Mrs. John W. Vujs. 21 Melrose St.' Tho.se receiving the degree are wounded on Capitol Ave. -Monday Miss Mu.sqlino is a 19.59 graduate Ulan two visitors at one tiire per Miss Dorothy Slavtn and Miss night. The Italian American Club Auxll. of Glastonbury High School and patient. Elaine J. Verharg, both of Man- IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE ; iary will meet tomorrow et 7:30 ‘ Filiniary 14 at 8 P.M. He died yesterday, but not be­ Gromyko to Geueva the Hartford Academy of Hair- cbc.sler. Mrs. Conniie' Bourbon of fore telling police that his as.sall- p.m. at the clubhouse on Eldfldge drcs.sing. She i.s employed at Patients Today: 25t . A THE ADDITION OF THE TALENTED St. East Haddam and Mrs. Loretta DOOR PRIZES ★ REFRESmiENTS ant had tried to rob him. Gau- Glady’s .Cut and Curl Comer, A D M I T T E D YESTERDAY: Habercm of CSoventry. dreaii said he had refused to hand Bj- JOHN' M. HIGHTOWER Wethersfield. James Sargent, 76' Orchard St., A nominating committee will be DONATION.................. $1.00 over any money and was shot when I A musical panel quiz program Mr. V’ujs is a 1956 graduate of RpekviUe; Mrs. Corrine Bray, Haz- appointed for election of officers WASHINTAON (AT’)—President Kennedy and British • Miss Janet Richmond will be presented by the Sisterhood ardville; Mrs. Jean Cochrane, Cov­ he tried to chase the man. Prime Minister Harold Macmillan turned down, today Soviet i of Tefnple Beth Sholom tonight at Glastonbury High School and at­ next month. A.s police ses"che1 yesterday . > *. tended Fairfield University, entry: Scott Warner. RFD 2; Mrs. Plhns will be discussed for a morning foi the killer, a telenhonc Premier Khrushchev’.s proposal for a March summit confer- I 8:15 at the Temple in honor of Bridgeport. He is an evening stu­ Beverly Trea|dweII, 124 Hawthorne trip to New York City and volun­ to its excellent .staff. Miss Janet will be available I Jewish Music month. Husbands of St.; Mrs. Rose Rottner, 19 Lawton cell wa.s received at police head­ I ence. but held the door ojien to a top level meeting on disarms- j memberg are Invited to attend. dent at the Univer.sity of Hartford teer work for Manchester Me­ quarters. to please you in the congenial atmosphere of the and an alumni member of Omega Rd.: Wilbert Howe, Glastonbury; morial Hospital. I nient before June 1. ' Magic Mirror. Call today for an appointment at MI Mrs. Elizabeth . Marshall Tunnel "‘I'll give you a tip." the voice ! Immediately after delivery of U.S. and British notes in Manchester- Chapter. Disabled Kappa Delta fraternity. Refreshments wiH'be seiwed. .said "The man .you want is Sam 3-7484. The couple plans.to be married Rd.. Vempn: William ^Kplpuch. .Moscow Kennedy told a news conference that “of course I .American Veterans, will mMt tn- Wethersfield: Donald Gliha,. 460 \ Chabotte. He lives on Hawthorne j night at 8 St the American Legion April 28 at St. Paul's Church, S t” would go to the summit” if such action offered any real hope Glastpnbury. Hillstown Rd.; Mrs, Claire Ek. Home, Leonard St. South Windsor; Mrs Geraldine . A pply for Detectives were waiting for Cha­ of getting an effective di.sarmament treaty. Michaud, 59 Broad St'.; Mrs. Mar­ botte, a business ma'-hine repair­ The Pie.sident, replying to reporters’ quiestions, said hia garet MacAlpine, Wapping: Donald man. when he came to his apart­ general view: i.s that “W’e should climb the summit after Willard Asks TPC Bemis, Ea.st Hampton: Mrs. Doris ment at 49 Hawthorne St. at mid- Engagement Spiesta, RFD 2, RoHtviller Bettv ■UNO NEW ne MODEL Reluctant Valentine da,v.
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