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Dick McCormack (D- Public Service Board in regulating came together recently in Grafton No participant stated that they Windsor), calling attention to the large energy development projects, to provide answers for concerned actively supported these projects, delicate balance between the in- gubernatorial candidates agreed the citizens regarding their thoughts on a matter that is forging a divide creasing need for renewable energy politics needed to be taken out of Vermont’s energy policies. amongst local communities in the sources in a state that treasures its the equation. unmatched aesthetic qualities. “The Public Service Board and McCormack said he sees a pos- the Public Service Department are sible solution to this quagmire in a allies of the utility companies,” said stricter permitting process and hav- Peter Galbraith, a Democratic gu- ing policies in place that regulate the bernatorial candidate. large energy development projects. Adequate citizen representation Many participants saw this chal- in the rate setting process was also Participants in the forum on renewable energy Monday evening discuss the issues. lenge as a stimulus for developing a common concern of participants. PHOTO BY JENNIFER JONES new energy technology, especially All candidates agreed that lo- in the sectors that consume the cal communities needed the ability most energy in the state: home heat- have more input when large proj- Mike McLaine, town moderator for (D) of the Windham-3 district. ing and transportation. ects, such as the Stiles Brook Proj- Windham. It was held at the White Republican gubernatorial can- State Representative Carolyn Par- ect, are being considered for devel- Church on Main Street in Grafton. didate Bruce Lisman was not able tridge (D-Windham-3), noted that opment in their areas. Participants included: gubernato- to attend, but sent a representative anaerobic digesters and vegetable Randy Brock, Republican can- rial candidates Peter Galbraith (D), who delivered opening and closing oil can be used to produce electric- didate for lieutenant governor, Phil Scott (R); and Randy Brock (R), statements. ity. concisely summarized the general a candidate for lieutenant governor; State Senator Alice Nitka (D- “We need to be creative and feeling of the forum when he said, State Senators Becca Balint (D) and Windsor) did not participate but thoughtful,” she said. “Ridgelines are not renewable.” Jeanette White (D) of Windham was in the audience. Others saw potential for solar and The Friends of Windham and and Dick McCormack (D) of Wind- The sponsors said all gubernato- hydro-electric power. the Grafton Woodlands Group sor; State Representatives Carolyn rial candidates running for election Moderator Mike McLaine outlining the format of the discussion. Phil Scott, a Republican guberna- sponsored the event, moderated by Partridge (D) and Matthew Trieber were invited. PHOTO BY JENNIFER JONES SMCS named one of the healthiest Request for lease option gains traction BY JOEL SLUTSKY companies in America The Shopper SPRINGFIELD, Vt. - Springfield causes of serious health problems. ized course of action,” she adds. BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. - The Medical Care Systems (SMCS) is SMCS scores outperform our peers “It is an honor to be recognized Bellows Falls Historical Society is proud to announce it has earned and other Interactive Health clients.” among the Healthiest Companies close to getting a two-year lease national recognition as one of the “This award recognizes our commit- in America, which demonstrates with purchase option for the his- Healthiest Companies in America by ment to employee health that is sup- our commitment to our employ- toric TLR Mill. Interactive Health, a national leader ported by a corporate culture of well- ees’ health and our strategic com- A Rockingham Town Select- known for its personalized wellness being, where everyone is encouraged mitment to population health. board motion to authorize Mu- solutions. Only 154 companies out to take an active role in their health,” Using health-focused strategies, nicipal Manager Chip Stearns to of 1,200 across the country received Lyle continues. we engage our employees and im- work with the town’s attorney and this honor. SMCS is receiving recog- “We began partnering with IHS to prove their health outcomes,” said proceed with a lease agreement nition for helping employees make implement workplace wellness pro- Tim Ford, President and CEO of that has an option to purchase significant and sometimes life-saving grams in 2008. We established a Well- SMCS. “By partnering with em- passed unanimously. changes to improve their health. This ness Committee (The Fit and Fun ployees and implementing per- Selectboard Chair Lamont is the first year SMCS has won this Committee) to encourage our staff sonalized workplace wellness pro- Barnett said that if the board ap- award. and help them understand how they grams that encourage and achieve proves the request, specific dates With the help of strategic and flex- can improve their health. Beginning great participation, employees for updates, along with an end ible wellness initiatives, the Healthi- with a thorough health evaluation to lead healthier and more produc- date, must be included in the lease Adam Grinold, Executive Director of BDCC and Municipal Manager Chip Stearns. est Companies in America recipients identify risk, individuals learn more tive lives. Working with Interactive agreement. Barnett also said that PHOTO BY JOEL SLUTSKY demonstrate results in achieving about their health status through: Health allows us to tailor programs there should be a plan if the proj- wellness program participation rates rapid outreach by health coaches, to address both the emotional and ect does not go as expected. ciety already owns, including the erty owned by the society. in excess of 70 percent and a low-risk connection to personal physicians physical needs of each person, The TLR complex is located Adams Grist Mill and Museum, and health score for their total population, and other resources, and a personal- which has proven to be the most near buildings the Historical So- is surrounded by eight acres of prop- See LEASE on Page 2A based on rigor- effective approach in ous and clinically empowering individ- sound health uals to improve their Bike rack funding approved evaluations. health.” Janet Lyle, Chief SMCS also earned BY JOEL SLUTSKY School does have two-week courses suggested that Municipal Manager of Human Re- the 2015 Governor’s The Shopper on bike safety. Chip Stearns and Highway Super- sources, reports, Excellence in Work- Resident Deborah Wright said that intendent Mike Hindes review the “As an example, site Wellness Award BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – Bellows she felt cyclists should have to have road markings and signage, and that Interactive Health presented by the Falls Community Bike Project some certification before the town the issue be brought up at the next Index scores help Governor’s Coun- representatives Bonnie Anderson takes action to mark the roads. meeting. us understand cil on Physical Fit- and Hannah Regier have asked Anderson said that the markings A motion to approve the grant ap- where we stand ness and Sports at the Rockingham Selectboard to on the road were to share the road, plication through Windham Region- for future risk of the 2016 Worksite approve road markings and bike not to create a bike lane. Ander- al Commission for bike rack funding coronary heart Wellness conference. racks around the village. son also said that Matt Mann from and authorize the municipal man- disease and dia- Peter Shumlin, Gov- Selectboard member Ann Windham Regional will be assist- ager to sign on behalf of the town betes. The index ernor of Vermont, DiBernardo asked if this project ing with a grant application for bike passed unanimously. is composed of stated in his letter of gave any bike safety classes, and racks if there are enough interested In his report, Stearns said that a five modifi- award, “These awards mentioned a concern about bicy- towns. letter was sent on behalf of the town able risk factors: highlight worksites clists not riding in single file. According to the Community and village congratulating the Bel- smoking, glucose, around the state and Anderson stated that they do Bike Project, racks positioned near lows Falls (Age) 10 and under base- blood pressure, their efforts to pro- not formally provide such train- downtown businesses are an impor- ball team for their recent state cham- triglycerides and mote the health and ing, but do education informally. tant part of increasing use of bicycle pionship. LDL cholesterol SMCS recognized for Exceptional
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