OPEN ACCESS Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences ISSN 1028-8880 DOI: 10.3923/pjbs.2020.XX.XX Research Article Farming Production Analysis of Seaweed and Farmer’s Perception towards Climate Change Effect in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia 1La Ode Geo, 2Halim and 3Wa Ode Rachmasari Ariani 1Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia 2Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia 3Faculty of Economics and Business, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia Abstract Background and Objective: The seaweed farming has a high economic value for the community's economic development as well as one of the cores of the national economic support. Therefore, it is relatively easy for farmers to adopt its technical cultivation. Moreover, 80% of fishery products in Southeast Sulawesi are seaweed commodities. This study was to know the income of seaweed in Southeast Sulawesi and the coping strategy of climate change effect. Materials and Methods: This research was carried out from September-December, 2019 in Regency of Central Buton and Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. There were 311 farmers selected by simple random sampling. Primary data was collected through direct face to face interviews guided by questionnaires, while secondary data was obtained from documentary observation from related institutions. This was then analyzed descriptively. Results: The result revealed that the average income of seaweed farmers is approximately IDR 8,566,000 for each production season. Moreover, in conforming climate change, farmers had been prepared with superior and qualified seed and strong construction stretch which was relatively safe for deeper waters. At the same time, they also had livelihood alternatives. Conclusion: The results of the analysis and discussion showed that average income of seaweed farmers was IDR 8,566,000 for each production season, R-C ratio value is 2.30 and it means that seaweed farming is financially profitable to continue to work on. Key words: Seaweed, coping strategy, climate change, quality seeds, farming production Citation: La Ode Geo, Halim and Wa Ode Rachmasari Ariani, 2020. Farming production analysis of seaweed and farmer’s perception towards climate change effect in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 23: XX-XX. Corresponding Author: Halim, Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia Copyright: © 2020 La Ode Geo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Competing Interest: The authors have declared that no competing interest exists. Data Availability: All relevant data are within the paper and its supporting information files. Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 23 (X): XX-XX, 2020 INTRODUCTION constrained by limited working capital, difficulties in obtaining quality seeds and the absence of accelerating farming The seaweed farming has a high economic value for the technology to cope with climate change. Therefore, this study community's economic development as well as one of the wants to know the strategies in dealing with the challenges cores of the national economic support. Seaweed does not and problems, particularly the climate change effect. This require sophisticated technology and high production costs. study also wants to know the amount of recent seaweed Therefore, it is relatively easy for farmers to adopt its technical farmers income. cultivation. Moreover, 80% of fishery products in Southeast Sulawesi are seaweed commodities. According to Director MATERIALS AND METHODS General of Aquacultur1 that seaweed itself is utilized to produce various and high-added-value products such as; food Time and location: This research was carried out from ingredients, cosmetic and medicine. September-December, 2019. The research location was in The seaweed farming is categorized in a field of fishery. It seven districts of Central Buton Regency (Rahia, Gu, has a good prospect to be developed in almost all coastal Wakambangura, Mawasangka) and Bombana Regency (Laea, areas in Indonesia2. Seaweed is a top export commodity and Batu Putih, East Poleang). The location of the research was has been prioritized by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and determined purposively with the consideration that the Fisheries of Republic of Indonesia. Based on data from the 15 location is the center of seaweed production. major regions of seaweed producers in Indonesia, Southeast Sulawesi is the top 41. In 2016, seaweed production amounted Sample of variable and data resource: Populations in this to 480,728 t per year. It was increasing in the next one year study were 622 seaweed farmers in the study location. From which amounted to 872,615 t per year. While, it decreased by all populations, 311 samples were selected by a simple about 50% in 2018 to 492.505 t per year. The regency of random sampling method. The type of data used is primary Central Buton and Bombana are two of the seaweed and secondary data. Primary data is obtained directly from production centers in Southeast Sulawesi. The regency of seaweed farmers consisting of the amount of production, Central Buton seaweed productions in the last three years, costs and revenues which was done by direct interview. from 2016-2018 were 97.924, 356.417 and 183.552 t, Meanwhile, secondary data is obtained through searching respectively3. Based on this data, the seaweed production is related documents. To find out the income of seaweed yet still optimal. According of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs farmers, the amount of revenue and the amount of cost must and Fisheries of republic of Indonesia4 has enforced seaweed be known first. factories in three regency i.e., Wakatobi, Central Buton and Bombana. However, to develop a seaweed industry Data analysis: The income analysis using the formula was sustainably, it involves many challenges and problems, proposed by Soekartawi6: spinning from upstream to down stream problems. The aforementioned upstream problems are the TR = P×Q phenomenon of global climate change and the diversion of land in which the area of seaweed construction is converted Where: to tourism attractions transportation land or land diversion. TR = Total revenue Moreover, global climate change, in fact, affects the P = Selling price of seaweed in one season (IDR/t) productivity of seaweed and farming activity in general 5. In the Q = Number of production in one season (t) downstream problems, bargaining position and low added value become remarkable for farmers. All those problems and The formula to find out the production cost and it was challenges inevitably could affect farmers income. The proposed by Soekartawi6: adaptation strategies employed by seaweed farmers differed combined with several adaptation options according to the TC = FC+VC resources. Nevertheless, there have been failures, due to time- consuming factors, inefficient allocation of resources and the Where: impact of non-optimal aquaculture results. There has been no TC = Total cost in one production specific government policy that has focused on tackling the FC = Fixed costs incurred in one production (IDR) problem of climate change. Seaweed farmers are still VC = Variable costs in one production (IDR) 2 Pak. J. Biol. Sci., 23 (X): XX-XX, 2020 The analysis of revenue was proposed by Aluman et al.7: Table 1: Identity of respondents of seaweed farming in Southeast Sulawesi province Variables Value = TR-TC A Age (years) 48 Education (years) 6 Where: The amount of family members (person) 5 A = Profit/income Experience in farming business (years) 16 Source: Primary data, 2019 TR = Total revenue (IDR) TC = Total cost (IDR) Table 2: Fixed costs for seaweed farming production in Southeast Sulawesi province in one harvest season R/C analysis is to figure out whether this farm is Duration Investment cost Depreciation cost Cost type in usage (IDR) (IDR/Season) profitable/loss and feasible/unfeasible. Adaptation strategies Boat machine 5 years 1,500,000 50,000 for dealing with climate change are analyzed descriptively. Boat 5 years 12,000,000 400,000 The formula used was proposed by Soekartawi6: Wood 3 months 300,000 150,000 Net 3 years 450,000 25,000 Tarpaulins 1 years 480,000 80,000 R/C = TR/TC Rope Rope No. 2.5 in size 2 years 520,000 43,000 Where: Rope No. 4 in size 3 years 1,200,000 66,000 Total 16,450,000 814,000 If: R/C> 1 farming is feasible Source: Primary data, 2019 R/C = 1 breakeven farm R/C<1 farming is not feasible Table 3: Average cost of seaweed farming in Southeast Sulawesi province Cost type Volume Unit Prices (IDR) Total value Tying seaweed seeds 100 Stretching lines 10,000 1,000,000 RESULTS Planting 6 Work day 100,000 600,000 Maintenance 60 Liter 10,000 600,000 Identity of respondents: Respondents identities consist of Harvest 6 Work day 100,000 600,000 Seeds 600 kilogram 5,000 3,000,000 age of the respondent, level of education, number of family Total 5,800,000 members and seaweed farming experience. It is presented in Source: Primary data, 2019 Table 1. Based on the data in Table 1, it can be seen that from 311 Table 4: Average income of seaweed farming per production season Total production (IDR) Selling price of seaweed (IDR) Income (IDR) respondents, the average age of the respondent is 48 1,012 15,000 15,180,000 years. This showed that the age of the respondents included Source: Primary data, 2019 in the productive age category is still relatively strong and healthy in running seaweed farming. Averagely, farmers Income analysis: Data related to the average income of stopped their education level when they were 6 years in seaweed farming is presented in Table 4. Elementary School (ES). The result of the analysis, the average revenue received in one production season is IDR 15,180,000.
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