No. 3368. An Act to sanction the Issue and Applica­ tion of certain Sums of Money available under Loan Acts for Eailways and for other purposes. [23rd December, 1924.] E it enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty by B and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly of 'Victoria in this present Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows (that is to say):— Short title. 1. 'This Act may be cited as the Railway Loan Application Act 1924. Issue and application of 2. There may be issued and applied out of any loan £1,875,000 out of loan funds authorized bv Parliament and out of anv monevs in the for railways or tramways and Railway Loans Repayment Fund and appropriated by worke. Parliament 15 GEO. V.] Railway Loan Application. [No. 3368 93 Parliament for the construction of railways or tramways and works connected with either (including rolling-stock) any sums of money not exceeding in the whole One million eight hundred and seventy-five thousand pounds for the works and purposes mentioned in the Schedule to this Act soueduie. and in sums not exceeding the amounts specified therein in the column headed "Amount Issued and Applied " and with the sanction of the Minister the Victorian Railways Commissioners may enter upon take and use such lauds as are required for any of the purposes specified in the Schedule to this Act, and the provisions of sub­ section (3) of section eighty of the Railways Act 1915 J8;^2716 shall extend and apply to the exercise of the powers conferred by this section with respect to such lands. 3. No authority other than this Act is necessary to Authority, authorize the expenditure herein provided. 4. Notwithstanding anything contained in any Railway NO expenditure Construction Act or Railway Loan Application Act tilmraSSroniot in force before the commencement of this Act no money unJeVtw?Act. shall by virtue of any such Act be expended out of any loan funds for railways or tramwavs or works connected therewith other than such as are respectively specified in the column headed " Amount Issued and Appliedv in the Schedule to this Act and to the extent therein schedule. mentioned. 5- The sums of money authorized by this Act to be f[owftffocted b y issued and applied for the works and purposes mentioned ActNo-2717- in the Schedule to this Act may be so issued and applied schedule. notwithstanding anything contained in the Railways Standing Committee Act l$\5: Provided that such works and purposes were specified in the printed statement which accompanied the Railway Loan Application Rill on its introduction into Parliament in the year One thousand nine hundred and fifteen and were in course of construction on or before the thirtieth day of November One thousand nine hundred and sixteen, but otherwise the provisions of the Railways Standing Committee Act 1915 (except paragraphs NO. 2717 u. 22 (1) (2) and (3) of section twenty-two and except section twenty-four thereof) shall apply to all works and purposes specified in Item 1 in the first column of the Schedule to this Act the estimated cost of completing which as specified in the said Schedule exceeds Twenty thousand pounds. SCHEDULE. 94 15 GEO. V.] Railway Loan Application, [No. 3368 SCPIEDULE. Sections 2, 4, 5. Amount Description of Work. Issued and Applied. £ ADDITIONS AND IMPKOVEMENTS TO WAY AND WORKS. 860,000 List of specifio works (excluding bridges and the strengthening of tracks), the estimated Capital Cost of each of which is over £2,000, towards the construction of which provision is made in this Act:— Original Revised Expendi­ Estimated Estimated Estimated Cost ture at Amount Work. Capital Cost as at 30th 30th required to of September, September 30th Work. 1924. 1924. September, 1925. £ Annuello and Quambatook (be­ tween)—Regrading the line at various places, including the purchase of land 6,500* 6,500 Ararat—Accommodation for the Victorian Railwaj's Institute.. 2,500* 2,500 Ararat—Provision of improved locomotive facilities, including the purchase of land t 20,000$ Ararat—Additional refreshment room accommodation,including the purchaso of land 2,500* 2,500 Aspendale—Provision of pedes­ trian subway,interlocked gates and wickets, and re-arrange­ ment of station buildings, &c. 5,700* 7,000 4,097 2,903 Ballan—Facilities for crossing trains and additional and im­ proved accommodation for live stock traffic 4,077 5,000 315 4,685 Ballarat—Accommodation for the Victorian Railways Institute.. 3,500* • • 3,500 8 Ballarat—Sewerage of station buildings, &c. t • • 2,500J Ballarat North — Provision of truck repair shops and track work at locomotive dep6t 5,819 3,050 2,769 10 Bealiba andEmu{betwecn)—Re- grading the line at 139 miles.. 3,255 3,807 195 3,612 11 Bell—Re-arrangement of tracks and extension of passenger platforms to facilitate goods business and accommodate longer trains, including the pur­ chase of land 5,000* 5,000 Bonalla—Accommodation for the Victorian Railways Institute.. 2,293 2,693 2,233 460 13 Bendigo—.Sewerage of station buildings, &c. t 8,500J 14 Bondigo—Accommodation for the Victorian Railways Institute.. 4,298 5,300 4,275 1,025 15 Bendigo and Inglewood (between) —Regrading the line, including the purchase of land 11,600* 11,600 IG Birchip—Provision of refresh­ ment room accommodation .. 5,784 5,496 288 Carried forward m • 78,342 860,000 Hough estimate only. t Estimates not completed. J Estimated expenditure durkig the currency of this Act. SCHEDULE 15 GEO. Y.] BaUivay Loan Application. [No. 3368 95 SCHEDULE—continued. No. Amount Of Description of Work. Issued and Item Applied. £ Brought forward 860,000 ADDITIONS AND IMPEOVEMENTB TO WAT AND WORKS—continued. List of specifio works (excluding bridges and the strengthening of tracks), the estimated Capital Cost of each of which is over £2,000, towards the con­ struction of which provision ia made in this Act:— Estimated Original "Revised <1xpendi Amount Estimated Estimated Cost ture at required to Work. Capital Cost as at 30th 80 th 30th of September, September September, Work. 1924. 1921. 1925. Brought forward 78,342 17 Brunswick and Moreland (be­ tween)—Provision of a new station, including the purchase of land 4,500* 12,000 12,000 18 Carrum and Chelsea (between) — Provision of a new station at Bondi, including the purchase of land 5,000* 5,000 19 Canterbury and Surrey Hilla (be­ tween)—Provision of a new station, including the purchase of land 5,000* 9,000 9,000 20 Carwarp—Facilities for crossing trains 3,059 3,200 2,517 683 21 Charlton—Improved locomotive watering facilities 3,665 3,665 22 Chelsea—Provision of subway, interlocked gates, and re-ar­ rangement of station buildings, <\_ G • •• •• •• 5,700* 6,300 5,700 600 23 Clifton Hill—Regrading the lino to eliminate the level crossing at Queen's-parado, including the purchase of land 17,650* 17,650 24 Cressy and Maroona Line—Water supply works at Derrinallum, including tho purchaso of land 16,561 14,377 2,184 25 Dandencng—Towards improved station, yard and other ac­ commodation, including tho provision of bridges, pedestrian subway, closing of level cross­ ing, diversion of roads, and the purchase of land 2,590 20.000J 26 Dandenong and Warragul (be­ tween)—Provision of selector telephone system 4,000" 4,000 27 Daylosford—Additional siding accommodation and improved stock yards, including purchase of land 2,300 2,300 Carried forward 155,424 860,000 Rough estimate only. t Estimate not competed. % Estimated expenditure during the currency of this Act. SCHEDULE I \ 96 15 GEO. V.] Railway Loan Application. [No. 3368 SCHEDULE—continued. No. Amount of Description of Work. Issued and Item, Applied. Brought forward « ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS TO WAY AND WORKS—continued. List of specifio works (excluding bridges and the strengthening of traoks), tbo estimated Capital Cost of each of which is over £2,000, towards the construction of which provision is made in this Act:— Estimated Original Revised Expendi­ Amount Estimated Estimated Cost ture at required to Work. Capital Cost m at 30th ' 30 th 30th of September, September September, Work. 1924. 1924. 1925. £ Brought forward 155,424 28 Deniliquin and Moama (between) —Additions and improvements in order to raise the standard of the line, including tho pur­ chase of land 11,000$ 29 Diapur—Provision of locomotive watering facilities 5,082 5,082 30 East Kew—Establishment of a goods depot, &c. 2,421 2,421 31 Echuca — Re-arrangement of tracks and provision of a 70-ft. turntable 3,239 3,239 32 Edithvale—Provision of inter­ locked gates and re-arrange­ ment of station buildings, &c. 3,000 3,000 33 Euroa—Facilities for crossing trains 5,163 5,163 34 Flemington—Provision of subway, &c, under the Racecourse Line at Epsom-road in lieu of level crossing, including the purchaso of land 5,500 5,500 35 Geelong—Additional refreshment room accommodation 4,000* 4,000 36 Geelong to Camperdown Line— Provisions of copper metallic circuit telephone service be­ tween Geelong and Colac, and an additional Morse line, &c, between Colac and Camper- down 3,600* 3,600 37 Hamilton—Provision of addi­ tional tracks, locomotive dep6t, &c, including the purchase of land 19,600* 763 18,837 38 Ingle wood and Korong Vale (be­ tween)—Regrading the line .. 11,557 14,307 11,557 2,750 39 Kyneton—Additional refreshment room accommodation and can­ tilever verandah 16,200 14,000 40 Lancefield Junction—Provision 12,930 2,200 of additional siding accommo­ dation, including the purchase of land 2,856 2,856 Carried forward 225,072 800,000 * Bough estimate only.
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