dutch live content music venues members map 2 and festivals events & visits music venues 3 facts & figures work music venues 4 income & expenditure music venues 5 music festivals 6 members list 7 VNPF activities 8 2017 vnpf members 2018 click name or symbol to go to the website active members members vnpf members July 2018 in 2017 (data) LARGE MUSIC VENUES (1000 OR MORE) 16 16 MEDIUM SIZED MUSIC VENUES (400-999) 29 23 SMALL MUSIC VENUES (LESS THAN 400) 13 12 TOTAL MUSIC VENUES 58 51 TOTAL MUSIC FESTIVALS 47 45 TOTAL VNPF MEMBERS 105 96 2 events & visits private letting 11.5 % concerts club nights foreign artists foreign artists concerts in own spaces 36% 16% 42.7% events non-musical events 15.0% music events Dutch artists Dutch artists on other locations 64% 84% 11.4 % club nights in own spaces 19.3% 15,426 events, visited 4,969,854 times 25,045 music performances 73% music events, attracted 88% of all audience mostly Dutch acts, especially during club nights live concerts attracted most audience in total club nights attracted most audience per event well over 84% of the audience paid admission non-musical mainly cinema, theatre and debates distribution of paid visits and free visits free visits to free accessible events private letting 4.5% 5.9% non-musical events free visits to events with 7.6 % admission fees concerts in own spaces 10.0% 45.8% visits music events on other locations 15.3% club nights in own spaces 26.8% paid visits 84.1% 3 work music venues distribution of workers distribution of working hours (FTE) per venues capacity paid employed 19.5% paid hired 9.2% paid freelance 10.6% 44% 44% 18% volunteers and volunteers and volunteers and volunteers 56.2% trainees work trainees work trainees work trainees 3.7% other 0.9% 56% 56% 82% paid work paid work paid work smaller venues smaller medium sized venue large music venues 7,277 workers large music venues mostly paid work smaller venues more volunteers work 56% volunteers and 4% trainees especially during music events 40% paid: employed, payroll, temporary and freelance 48% of all working hours for catering and production 72% of all working hours (FTE) were paid other working hours (32%) used for example for box office, cloakroom, security, administration and distribution of working hours (FTE) cleaning paidover employedig 54.7% paid hired 8.5% stagiair paid freelance 7.5 % distribution of working hours (FTE) per function volunteersvrijwillig 17.4 % trainees 10.5% % 32.1% 21.0% 27.1 % 10.1% otherfreelanc 1.5% e 3.2% 6.5 payroll/uitzendkracht loondienst 54,7% management program marketing production catering other 4 income & expenditure music venues other 9.1% other 10.6% private letting 2.3% program 34.9% marketing 2.8% sponsoring % 1.7 tickets 36.8% capital costs 12.5% subsidy 24,9% catering purchase 6.8% catering 25.1% personnel 32.5% € 147.3 million total turnover € 146.2 million total expenditure 98% non-profit all music venues comparable share of employment costs larger venues higher share of program costs 25% subsidies, 96.5% from municipalities larger music venues higher share of income from audiences 64% program costs were artists fees smaller music venues higher share of subsidies other program costs were for example copyright, booking fees, hotel and catering € 17.77 average admission fee paid at box office € 9.89 average catering sales per visitor ticketing revenues (not) covering program costs distribution of income per venues capacity 100% small music venues 21.3% 23.2% 16.8% 38.6% medium sized music venues 70% 91% 112% 106% 27.0 % 32.0% 8.4% 32.5% large music venues 40.5% 23.5% 14.2% 21.9% tickets catering other subsidy venues music small venues music sized medium venues music large all music venues 5 Kleine podia Middelgrote podia Grote podia 020406080 100 120 music festivals distribution music festivals and visits with and without admission fee visits 68.6% 71% outdoor festival 37.8 % free visits 20% mix indoor outdoor festival 31.4% 9% 62.2% indoor festival paid visits 45 VNPF music festivals 38% were freely accessible festivals and attracted 69% of the audience 117 music stages 2,213 music performances 51% were multi-day festivals average 49 music acts per festival and attracted 65% of the audience 1.8 million visits 90% of the festivals were (partly) outside 80% took place in May, June July and August 6 vnpf music venues 2018 vnpf music festivals 2018 013 FLUOR Merleyn Rotown Back at Sea Bevrijdingsfestival Zuid-Holland Motel Mozaïque We Are Electric Tilburg Amersfoort Nijmegen Rotterdam Brouwersdam Rotterdam Rotterdam Eersel www.013.nl www.fluor033.nl www.doornroosje.nl/merleyn www.rotown.nl www.backatsea.nl www.bevrijdingsfestivalzh.nl www.motelmozaique.nl www.we-are-electric.nl Baroeg Flux, De Metropool Simplon Befrijdingsfestival Fryslân Bevrijdingspop Haarlem North Sea Jazz Welcome to The Village Rotterdam Zaandam Hengelo Groningen Leeuwarden Haarlem Rotterdam Leeuwarden www.baroeg.nl www.podiumdeflux.nl www.metropool.nl www.simplon.nl www.befrijdingsfestivalfryslan.nl www.bevrijdingspop.nl www.northseajazz.nl www.welcometothevillage.nl Beest, ‘t Gebouw-T Mezz So What! Best Kept Secret Festival Bospop Oranjepop WOO HAH! Goes Bergen op Zoom Breda Gouda Hilvarenbeek Weert Nijmegen Tilburg www.tbeest.nl www.gebouw-t.nl www.mezz.nl www.so-what.nl www.bestkeptsecret.nl www.bospop.nl www.oranjepop-nijmegen.nl www.woohahfestival.com Bibelot Gebr. De Nobel Muziekgieterij Spot, De Bevrijdingsfestival Amsterdam Catch Parkpop Den Haag Zomerparkfeest Dordrecht Leiden Maastricht Middelburg Amsterdam Utrecht Den Haag Venlo www.bibelot.net www.gebrdenobel.nl www.muziekgieterij.nl www.despotmiddelburg.nl www.4en5meiamsterdam.nl www.catchfestival.nl www.parkpop.nl/parkpop-festival www.zomerparkfeest.nl Boerderij Gigant Neushoorn Sugarfactory Bevrijdingsfestival Brabant Concert at Sea Parkpop Downtown Zoetermeer Apeldoorn Leeuwarden Amsterdam Den Bosch Brouwersdam Den Haag www.cultuurpodiumboerderij.nl www.gigant.nl www.neushoorn.nl www.sugarfactory.nl www.bevrijdingsfestivalbrabant.nl www.concertatsea.nl www.parkpop.nl/downtown Bolwerk, Het Grenswerk Nieuwe Nor TivoliVredenburg Bevrijdingsfestival Den Haag Down The Rabbit Hole Parkpop Saturday Night Sneek Venlo Heerlen Utrecht Den Haag Beuningen Den Haag www.hetbolwerk.nl www.grenswerk.nl www.nieuwenor.nl www.tivolivredenburg.nl www.bevrijdingsfestivaldenhaag.nl www.downtherabbithole.nl www.parkpop.nl/saturdaynight Burgerweeshuis Groene Engel Oosterpoort, De Tolhuistuin Bevrijdingsfestival Flevoland Encore Festival Pinkpop Deventer Oss Groningen Amsterdam Almere Amsterdam Landgraaf www.burgerweeshuis.nl www.groene-engel.nl www.de-oosterpoort.nl www.tolhuistuin.nl www.bevrijdingsfestivalflevoland.nl www.encorefestival.nl www.pinkpop.nl Capsloc Hedon P3 Vera Bevrijdingsfestival Groningen Eurosonic Noorderslag Popronde Capelle aan den IJssel Zwolle Purmerend Groningen Groningen Groningen diverse steden www.capsloc.nl www.hedon-zwolle.nl www.p3purmerend.nl www.vera-groningen.nl www.bevrijdingsfestivalgroningen.nl www.noorderslag.nl www.popronde.nl Corneel Helling, De P60 Victorie Bevrijdingsfestival Limburg Holland International Rotterdam Unlimited Lelystad Utrecht Amstelveen Alkmaar Roermond Blues Festival Rotterdam www.corneel.nl www.dehelling.nl www.p60.nl www.podiumvictorie.nl www.bevrijdingsfestivallimburg.nl Grolloo www.rotterdamunlimited.com/nl www.hollandinternational Doornroosje Iduna Paard Volt Bevrijdingsfestival Nijmegen bluesfestival.com Royal Park Nijmegen Drachten Den Haag Sittard Nijmegen Baarn www.doornroosje.nl www.iduna.nl www.paard.nl www.poppodium-volt.nl www.4en5mei-nijmegen.nl Indian Summer www.royalparklive.nl Langedijk Duycker Kroepoekfabriek Paradiso Vorstin, De Bevrijdingsfestival Overijssel www.indiansummerfestival.nl So What’s Next? Hoofddorp Vlaardingen Amsterdam Hilversum Zwolle Eindhoven www.duycker.nl www.kroepoekfabriek.nl www.paradiso.nl www.devorstin.nl www.bevrijdingsfestivaloverijssel.nl Into The Great Wide Open www.sowhatsnext.nl Vlieland ECI Cultuurfabriek Luxor Live Patronaat Willem Twee Bevrijdingsfestival Utrecht www.intothegreatwideopen.nl Soccerrocker Roermond Arnhem Haarlem Den Bosch Utrecht Amsterdam www.ecicultuurfabriek.nl www.luxorlive.nl www.patronaat.nl www.willem-twee.nl www.bevrijdingsfestivalutrecht.nl Latin Weekender www.soccerrocker.nl America Effenaar Manifesto Peppel, De WORM Bevrijdingsfestival Wageningen www.latinweekender.com Transition Festival Eindhoven Hoorn Zeist Rotterdam Wageningen Utrecht www.effenaar.nl www.manifesto-hoorn.nl www.peppel-zeist.nl www.worm.org www.bevrijdingsfestivalwageningen.nl Le Guess Who? www.tivolivredenburg.nl Utrecht EKKO Meester, De Podium Gorcum Bevrijdingsfestival Zeeland www.leguesswho.nl Tuckerville Utrecht Almere Gorinchem Vlissingen Enschede www.ekko.nl www.demeesteralmere.nl www.podiumgorcum.nl www.bevrijdingsfestivalzeeland.nl Lowlands www.tuckerville.nl Biddinghuizen Estrado Melkweg Pul, De www.lowlands.nl Valkhof Festival Harderwijk Amsterdam Uden Nijmegen www.estrado.nl www.melkweg.nl www.livepul.com www.valkhoffestival.nl 7 association of dutch music venues and festivals (Vereniging Nederlandse Poppodia en -Festivals, VNPF) Bataviastraat 24, unit 1.13, 1095 ET Amsterdam +31 (0) 20 4215005 [email protected] www.vnpf.nl editors Arne Dee (VNPF), Berend Schans (VNPF) translation VNPF activities Arne Dee (VNPF) data processing music venues The VNPF is the industry association of music venues and music Arne Dee (VNPF), Fenke Legerstee (ABF Research, Delft) festivals in the Netherlands and has existed since 1993.
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