somethin "out of this for the h Hte coinnm experiment- mentally h e ESP and 1 a vengeancei bit of siipiwrtin of the test most ca ly origina Fiction lanet. T1 r if and h ic acc«r< it point the i tendrils, g II ha Jf to 1 ard 1pnietl deg|ition looked co how? There is i You have igh to drive this man y mnir Mtmn? fl*’ Munn I kne Iley of shock loice cried: "1 1 leave F impostor?” ’ hits not hi g nfiK£i i jhotited Anti That ion* | Jno •niostl * if ■t I 1 <1 ■ Mem f< ■v of g ■jig 2 The Convention To Date I THE VOTES received from the members Due to the number of small conventions of the convention on the banquet and mas­ and conferences held this year, the supply of querade have been tabulated. The banquet science-fiction ARTiffCRK has been seriously de­ has been approved at the price of $li.25 pleted. Since one of the main methods of de­ per plate. Speakers at the banquet in­ fraying convention expenses is through the clude Hugo Gernsback, John W. Campbell,Jr. auction of professional artwork, we would like Robert Bloch, Hans Stefan Santesson, and to ask convention members who may have artwork L. Sprague de Camp, For information on to help us. Would you donate a picture or two the masquerade, which is to be sponsored to help the convention? The illustrations you by the Elves’, Gnomes and Little Men ’ s contribute will be exhibited with the name of Science-Fiction, Chowder and Marching So­ the donor in the SCIENCE-FICTION ART GALLERY ciety of Berkeley, Calif., see page h . on the right convention hall balcony before the auction. The theme of the party will be FLY­ ING SAUCERS. Pictures to be donated may be sent to Box U»22, Chicago 90, Illinois. And thanksI LETTERS GIVING AD RATES and page specifications have been sent or are being LIVE IN CHICAGO? Want to take an active sent to each convention member. We hope part in the convention? The convention com­ that each member will want to take a small mittee is anxious to get in touch with members booster ad at least. Support the conven­ who would like to help either now or at con­ tion, extend your best wishes to "the rest vention time. We’d particularly be glad to of the delegates, and immortalize yourself hear from artists, draftsmen, photographers, in printl .carpenters, electrical and mechanical engin­ eers and typists. Or let us know if you’d This issue features a huge CONTRANS- just be willing to lend a hand! PORT section, giving fares for main bus, train and plane routes’ from major cities Call the Convention Chairman, Julian May, to Chicago,and convenient schedules. Don’t at her home. The number is Gladstone 3-8020. miss it on pages 10 to 15, She’ll let you know what you can do to help. There are only a few tables left for ALLOW AT LEAST TEN DAYS for answers to FAN EXHIBITS, If you wish to reserve one, inquiries. If an answer is required sooner, please let us know immediately. Members please mark your letter to that effect. Also, who have ordered tables and who have not when writing, address your letter to the con­ yet sent us their rent of are urged vention department in question; such as Con- to do so at once. All rents must be paid transport, Reservations, Program Booklet, Ex­ in advance. hibits, etc. We have compartmentalized the convention for efficiency, and promptness will Material for exhibits, etc., may be be insured if your letter is directed correct­ sent to the hotel ahead of time to await ly. We will never knowingly disappoint you, your arrival. Use the following address1 but if you send us a long, chatty letter with requests for reservations, exhibit tables, YOUR NAME an ad in the booklet and a membership dollar, % Science Fiction Convention don’t be surprised if it takes a month for Morrison Hotel all the requests to be sorted out. Chicago, Illinois RESERVATIONS have been coming in quite HOLD FOR ARRIVAL well, but there are still a number of members who have not returned their cards.- If we have Material may be sent up to two weeks ahead no record of having received a reply from you of the convention, and claimed from the we will enclose a second card with this bul­ Hotel Receiving Clerk at time of arrival, letin. PLEASE FILL IT OUT AND RETURN IT AT i ONCE. Remember, it costs you nothing to make j PLEASE NOTIFY US PR CMP UY OF ALL your reservation now. You’ll be glad you didl 1 ADDRESS CHANGESI Do it today, before you forget. | 3 We have had many distinguished additions to the convention program. Among them is Dr. Hermann Muller, Novel Prise winner in biology, who will speak on LIFE ELSEWHERE AND ELSEWHEN. Speaking in a lighter vein are Robert Bloch, whose topic is "What Every Yeung Spaceman Should Know", and L. Sprague de Camp, • telling us "How to Write a Science-Fiction Story." Hans Stefan Santesson, editor of the Unicorn Mystery Book Club, has as his topic "Editors: Myth and Reality." Dr. Oscar C. Brauner will review the book Posthlstoric Man. Added to our board of pseudoscience experts is s—f author Randall Garrett, who will entertain us with his learned discourse on "The Perfect Thermoplastic." Harlan Ellison, fan editor and (as those who have ever met him will agree) a MURRAY LEINSTER colorful personality, will talk on an unspecified banquet will be Hugo Gernsbach, John W. subject. Being prewarned by our spies, we are Campbell, Jr., Robert Bloch, L. Sprague de keeping smelling salts, fire extinguishers, and Camp, and others. our Sergeant-at-Arms handy. Featured on the Monday evening enter­ Sam Moskowitz, long-time fan and author of tainment program will be an event unique, The Immorta1 Storm, a monumental history of fan­ we believe, in science-fiction history. It dom, will be moderator of a debate between Wal­ is the first science-fiction ballet, the ter A. Willis, editor of Slant, and Edward Wood, story of one spaceman meeting his fate in co-editor of The Journa1 of Science-Fiction. The outer space. Entitled ASTEROID, and with topic of debate will be "Fandom---- Is It Still A original music composed especially for it, Force in Science-Fiction?" Mr. Willis will take the ballet will be danced by the Univer­ the affirmative and Mr. Wood the negative. sity of Chicago Knights of the Ballet, under the direction of Guy Bassett. Cos­ The Philadelphia Science - Fiction Society tumes, designed by Perdita Nelson, will be tells us that they are preparing a skit for us, fluorescent. The ballet will be danced but have sworn us to secrecy regarding its sub— under ultraviolet light. Ballet lovers ject. Take our word for it, though---- it sounds will find ASTEROID a new experience, and like it’ll be the surprise hit of the entertain­ even those who can’t quite see "Swan Lake" ment session! will, we feel sure, be enthusiastic. Toastmaster for the banquet will be Will F. In addition to the notables who are Jenkins---- better known to the science - fiction scheduled on the program, many other per­ world as Murray Leinster. Also speaking at the sonalities well-known in science-fiction will be attending the convention. Among these are Forrest J. Ackerman, Poul And­ erson, Jerry Bixby, Howard Browne, Anthony Boucher, Lester del Rey, Ted Dikty, Lloyd Eshbach, E. E. Evans, Philip Jose Farmer, Mrs. H. L. Gold, Curme Gray, Martin Green­ berg, William L. Hamling, David Kyle, Fritz Leiber, Judith Merril, Samuel Mines, Ray Palmer, Rog Phillips, Frederik Pohl, Mack Reynolds, Ralph Robin, Frank M. Rob­ inson, Oliver Saari, Wilson Tucker, Jack Williamson and Mari Wolf. Probably atten­ ding will be August Derleth, Walter M, Miller, Jr., and A. E. van Vogt. L. Sprague de Camp Il MASQUERADE THEME'FLYING SAUCERS’ The idea of a masquerade We wouldn’t be at all surprised to was very well received. About find the Demolished Man and Deirdre, the one third of those attending robot dancer, or Kinnison and Joe -Jim the convention promised to be Gregory, Or if you like, come as a mobile, at the ball in costume, and or the Atom Bum, or ENIAC. most of the rest mentioned that they’d like to be there to see You girls can always be Bergey fems, the fun dressed as Earthmen, circa 1952* but you’ll have just as much fun in an evening dress wearing a hat called "The The masquerade will be scheduled Sunday Conquest of Space." And has anyone thought evening, the last night of the convention, of coming as a tesseract or that new Minsky and will be held after the entertainment part attraction, the Moebius Strip! of the program, from 10: JO until (probably) dawn. A little ingenuity can make you a clever costume at little The party will be sponsored by the Elves' cost. Why not start to Gnomes and Little Men’s Science- Fiction, plan now to attend the Chowder and Marching Society, who initially masquerade! Come in cos­ reau«sted that such an affair be held. The tume if possible, but in Little Men have engaged the beautiful pent­ any case, come! There’ll house bungalow suite of the Morrison for the I *” fun and color s°°? party, and there will be music, refreshments time t0 b8 taking photo.) and humorous prizes for the best costumes.
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