E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2014 No. 151—Book III House of Representatives FAREWELL ADDRESS constituents, and friends. I am thank- I have often wondered what it would (Mr. KINGSTON asked and was given ful tonight that some of them are in be like to cast my last vote. Today I the gallery: my wife, Libby; son, Jim; permission to address the House for 1 have done that, and I wonder no longer. daughter, Ann; son, John; Betsy and minute and to revise and extend his re- In a minute, I will walk off the floor Trey. I also have some staffers who marks.) for the last time as a Member of Con- stayed up late to be here: Chris, Mary, gress. I look forward to the next chap- Mr. KINGSTON. Madam Speaker, I Alexandra, Brianna, and Natalie. I ter in my life and the great things that have had the privilege of serving in thank them for hanging in here with public office for 30 years, 22 of which me. lie ahead for our beloved country. have been in the United States Con- Madam Speaker, in the words of the Once more, I thank God, my family, gress. I have met many wonderful peo- great philosopher Thomas Carlyle, who my staff, friends, and constituents. It ple, cast some tough votes, and made in his masterpiece ‘‘Sartor Resartus’’ truly has been an honor of a lifetime. some difficult decisions. It has been an said this: And now I end with this, that state- honor, a challenge, a great responsi- Sic vos non vobis. Thus we labor, but ment that thousands of Members be- bility, and I have enjoyed it im- not for ourselves. mensely. That is what I have tried to do as a fore me have used: For this I thank the Lord, my family, Member of Congress, and tried to make Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- my extended family, staff, supporters, a difference doing it. ance of my time. NOTICE If the 113th Congress, 2nd Session, adjourns sine die on or before December 24, 2014, a final issue of the Congres- sional Record for the 113th Congress, 2nd Session, will be published on Wednesday, December 31, 2014, to permit Mem- bers to insert statements. All material for insertion must be signed by the Member and delivered to the respective offices of the Official Reporters of Debates (Room HT–59 or S–123 of the Capitol), Monday through Friday, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. through Tuesday, December 30. The final issue will be dated Wednesday, December 31, 2014, and will be delivered on Monday, January 5, 2015. None of the material printed in the final issue of the Congressional Record may contain subject matter, or relate to any event, that occurred after the sine die date. Senators’ statements should also be formatted according to the instructions at http://webster/secretary/conglrecord.pdf, and submitted electronically, either on a disk to accompany the signed statement, or by e-mail to the Official Reporters of Debates at ‘‘[email protected]’’. Members of the House of Representatives’ statements may also be submitted electronically by e-mail, to accompany the signed statement, and formatted according to the instructions for the Extensions of Remarks template at https://housenet.house.gov/legislative/research-and-reference/transcripts-and-records/electronic-congressional-record-inserts. The Official Reporters will transmit to GPO the template formatted electronic file only after receipt of, and authentication with, the hard copy, and signed manuscript. Deliver statements to the Official Reporters in Room HT–59. Members of Congress desiring to purchase reprints of material submitted for inclusion in the Congressional Record may do so by contacting the Office of Congressional Publishing Services, at the Government Printing Office, on 512–0224, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. daily. By order of the Joint Committee on Printing. CHARLES E. SCHUMER, Chairman. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H10301 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:49 Dec 13, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 8633 E:\CR\FM\K11DE7.079 H11DEPT3 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H10302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 11, 2014 Madam Speaker, I have had the privilege of machine, the daily delivery of ice, the arrival of be a weather vane of popular opinion. You are serving in public office for 30 years, 22 of email and the Internet. When digital photog- expected to learn all about an issue. You must which have been in the United States Con- raphy replaced traditional film and drastically consider all arguments and consequences gress. I have met many wonderful people, reduced the cost of photographs, visual re- when formulating your decision to support or cast some tough votes, and made some dif- cording of events—both still shots and video— oppose. ficult decisions. It has been an honor, a chal- exploded. I was elected when cell phones Don’t ever confuse your knowledge of an lenge, a great responsibility, and I have en- were rare. I leave with virtually every staffer issue as being superior to your constituents’ joyed it immensely. For this I thank the Lord, having a smart phone which can do the func- knowledge of life and experience. You must my family, extended family, staff, supporters, tions of what rooms full of computers could never tire of hearing his perspective. constituents, and friends. not accomplish years ago. 2. Always be accessible for there is truly The job of serving in Congress is misunder- I have participated in a number of high visi- wisdom on the street ‘‘Pressing the flesh’’ is stood, maligned, and widely criticized but pub- bility, tough votes from impeachment to the not just being in parades, it’s talking and lis- lic service is a noble calling if one remembers use of force in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Con- tening to people. Do not let any well-intended the key words ‘‘public’’ and ‘‘servant’’ he will tract with America, Obamacare, censuing, bail- friend, staffer, or volunteer get between you be appreciated. ‘‘Public’’ meaning you are ac- outs, and many cliff-hanger appropriations bills and a constituent who wants to take you to cessible, you are seen, approachable, and like the one we’ve debated today. task. Hear him out. available. ‘‘Servant’’ meaning you have not I served in Congress on September 11, 3. Engage with Members of Congress from forgotten for whom you work and have not for- 2001, when the world changed. I joined the all parties, philosophies, and geographic re- gotten your job is to help those who you rep- masses as we exited the buildings, not real- gions. Never pass up an opportunity to work resent. In the words of the great philosopher izing who the enemy was or the extent of the with anyone who wants to make the world and Thomas Carlyle stated in his masterpiece attacks. In our first chaotic briefing, we were America a better place. I did not always agree Sartor Resartus, ‘‘sic vos non vobis.’’ Thus we told that 5 planes were involved and the fifth with my Ranking Members but we always had labor but not for ourselves. had crashed in Kentucky. Later that day when the highest degree of respect. I thank JIM Members of Congress have a lifestyle of air- we returned to the Capitol steps to sing ‘‘God MORAN, SAM FARR, and ROSA DELAURO. ports, car rides, motel rooms, cell phones, Bless America,’’ I have never known a more 4. Respect the institution. Anyone can go laptops, and logistical houses of cards. Sepa- unified moment as an American citizen. back home, feign indignation and with a sigh ration from family is routine. One cannot serve In the sensitivities that followed, we evacu- denounce Congress. Yet as a Member, you without a supportive spouse and family struc- ated two other times for false alarms and once can either be part of the problem or part of the ture as well as a hardworking and dedicated left our offices for weeks because of an an- solution. Choose wisely. thrax attack. Today we are much safer be- staff. All must join together as a team. I have 5. Be active—attend committee meetings, cause of the invaluable training that takes had great family support from Libby, Betsy read testimonies and ask questions. Speak place at the Federal Law Enforcement Train- and Trey, John, Ann, and Jim. My parents and and participate on the House floor. Do one ing Center in Brunswick. minute speeches, special orders, and preside all our staff has been there throughout my ten- We have been able to move legislation of in the chair if you’re given the privilege. Run ure. great importance to Georgia and the nation. I have often described congressional service for leadership and caucus positions. Return From the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, as a three part job. press calls and say yes to interviews. If you’re the pond building program for our farmers, the First there is Washington, D.C. work—com- a Democrat, go on with Sean Hannity. If Sidney Lanier Bridge, expanding access to mittee hearings, legislation, debates, voting, you’re a Republican, don’t be afraid to spar Cumberland Island National Seashore, the fifth interest groups, constituents, and dozens of with Chris Matthews or Bill Maher.
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