®Wi3afiths0ntan"THE SOUTHSFOREMOST COLLEGE WEEKLY" VOLUME LXXXI1 THURSDAY,NOVEMBER15,1990 NUMBER9 PiKA "Poisoning" _! Due To Stomach Virus ByJENNYSCARBOROUGH who is the infirmary supervisor, administered nausea shots and Afterdiningonshrimp creole ginger ale topreventdehydration. on Monday, November 5, 17 The symptomslastedfor about24 members ofPiKA wereadmitted hours,but most felt weak for sev- totheinfirmary thatTuesdaynight eraldaysafterward.SaidFleming, becauseof nausea,cramping,and "They were uncomfortable, but diarrhea.TheMecklenburgCounty they allgotalong fine.Itwasn'ta Health Department's analysis of life-threatening situation." In all, thefood determined that causeof about thirty people were checked tobea stomach virus,which was asaprecaution.Twomemberswho apparentlyspreadbyapersonwith wereunable tostop vomitingdrove thevirushandling themeal. themselvesto thehospitalinChar- AccordingtoDerrick Willard, lotte. PiKApresident,somestudentswho OnWednesdayPiKAdecided are not members of PiKA have toclosetheirkitchenand eat atthe infirmary visited the with similar Commons until thecause of the PhotoBy ChrisLee symptoms. "It was strangethatso illness was determined.Eachfra- StudentGovernment AssociationPhonathonBegins manyguysgotitatthesametime," ternity andeatinghouse operates Fraleypleads withan affluent alumni to our schoola few said Willard,"Thatmade us sus- its ownkitchen;they areentirely Junior Jeff give measly bucks. The SGA Phonathon began this and continues until pect food poisoning, which it separatefrom thecollege'sdining Monday Thursday, November 29. wasn't." service.WillardexpressedPiKA's About 24hoursafter themeal, thanks to theCommons for their theeffects of the virus were felt. cooperation. Pcoplcbeganfilling theinfirmary. "Everyone'seatingatthehouse BoneMarrow Transplant Onefreshman whodined atPiKA now andeverything'sback tonor- was also affected. Dot Fleming, mal,"saidWillard. Aids Student InFight For Life ByDAVID LINDSAY canbecome the "model" forother fan."And,boy,whenthat doo-doo Casolo's Speech academicinstitutions tofollow.In hit,itsurehithard. [Editors'Note.Thisisthefirst thisarticle, as well as ina future Ihadbegun togradually no- oftwoarticleson thetransplontof article,Iwill be telling my story tice that the level of my play at StirredBy Debate bonemarrow] withthehopethatitwillencourage basketballpracticehad dropped.I Why me? This question is manyofyouthatreadittowant to couldn't get my outside shots to By SARAHSADOWSK guerrillas,theFMLN,intheback often asked in the face of life's beregisteredaspotentialdonors. fall,Ihaddifficultygettingupand ElSalvador isasmallCentral yardof herhome inEl Salvador, adversity.Life can seem unfair in downthe courtevery timeandmy Americancountrycurrentlybeing was arrested by the Salvadoran so many ways-innocent people Part One: Why? rim-shattering dunksweren'tquite tornapartbycivilwar.OnSunday government. are killed by drunk drivers, an Mysenior yearofhighschool asrim-shattering. (Okay, soI've night, Davidson got a small but Shehassincebeenorderedby unlucky bystander gets shot by a wasrolling along quite smoothly neverhadarim-shatteringdunkin significant tasteoftheSalvadoran the Salvadoran government to stray bullet,a woman is brutally at good 'ol West Charlotte that my life,exceptinmy dreams.) conflictamidstaroomfullof ten- leave the country, although she raped,youngchildren sufferfrom winter of 1988. Ihad somehow Anyway, Iblamed my de- sion,animosity,loveandsolidar- still claims innocence of all deadlydiseases,and the list goes finally finished my "early deci- creased intensity on my nagging ity. charges.CasolocametoDavidson on...Ihave discoveredthat when sion" application to Davidson. I legpains.Mymotherguessedthat JenniferCasolo,anAmerican- to speak about her experiences, life issues forth a difficult chal- wasalready miredin the dreaded Ihad an iron-deficiency, so the raised,Brandeis-cducated woman including thoseof her work with lenge,thebestcourse to takeis to "senior slump."Iwasenjoyingmy afternoonbeforeour first gameat who worked in ElSalvador for the Salvadoran people,her arrest meetthatchallengehead-onandat lastyearofschool withthe typical East Mecklenburg,Istoppedby four-and-a-halfyearssharedsome and her imprisonment She was fullspeed.AsTheodoreRoosevelt zest and excitement that anyone the doctor's office for what I ofherperspectivesaridexperiences met by both admiration and ani- oncesaid,"DQn'tfQulTdon'tflinch- wouldhave, thought wouldbea"routine five- lastSundayat7:30p.m.inthe900 mosity. -hit the linehard." Iwas anxiously looking for- minutevisiL"Thatvisitwouldturn Room. Casolo, who wasaccused This spring,a group of stu- ward tomy senior seasonof bas- intoayear-longsaga. of allegedly hiding arms for the ContinuedonPage2 dents (myself included) will be ketballhopingthatmy summerof Therealnervousanxietysetin having a campus-wide "Bone runningandpracticingwouldearn whenmydoctorrepeatedtheblood Marrow Registry Drive." During me something better than just tests for athird time. Thelook on the weeksup until thatpoint, this another yearof having that great his facewhenheenteredtheexam- on Davidson, committee will educate the cam- frontrowseaton thebench.Allthe ining room wasdefinitely one of Thieves pus community (througharticles pieces of my life seemed to be "falseconfidence."Hesentmeover in the Davidsonianand speeches fallingneatly intoplace.Then,as aroundcampus)andtry toencour- they say, "the doo-doo hit the "It's Easy Pickin's" age enthusiastic participation GARY WHEELER Davidson isnotisolated from this amongthestudents,whom wefeel crime." Thrower encourages confident will recognize the im- INSIDE TheDavidson CollegePolice Davidson students, faculty, and portanceofthisworthwhilecause. Department's high visibility this staff to practice good crime pre- Iampersonallyverycommitted to News CampusLiving 5 yearhasresultedingreaterrecov- vention techniques:lockingdorm thiseffort becauseit was thelife- Davidsongets new Editors' review Back- rooms,registeringandlockingup savingbone marrow donation by eryratesofstolenproperty.Crime comptroller. Page2. street Cafe on campus, however,is notde- bicycles, registering expensive my eight-yearold sister,Lee,that creasing. equipment,and using the college helpedsavemy ownlife. RayThrower,ChiefofPolice, escortservice. Thedonationofbonemarrow Blue Paper Shoes to be Sports 7 says thatDavidson students' hab- Although the college police to those who sodesperately need performed. Page2 Fallseason team registertheir . its of leaving dorm rooms and encouragestudentsto it, offers the high potential and wrap-up. bicycles unlocked has given the bicycles, few have done so. In hope for a cure,in an otherwise Opinions collegeareputationforbeing"easy October, fourteen bicycles were bleak scenario.Ournationalbone R.O.T.C. I pickip's." Of the 128 cases of stolen,sevenofthose wererecov- marrowregistrycanonlycurrently cadet doesn't : breaking widcentering-test year, ered,butonlypneoftherecovered jwovide "donor matches" for a Want War. Page4 , FirstClassMail there wasonlyonecasewhere the bicycleshadbeenregistered. smallproportionofthosewhoneed ; U.S.PostagePaid victim hadlockedhisorher door. Throwerremindsstudentsthat one.With theassistanceoftheRed D.A. Thompson urges Permitm North "Crime in Mecklenburg is Cross and various sponsors,it is Students tO Write.Page4 Davidson. Carolina28036 increasing," Thrower said, "and ContinuedonPage2 our wish that Davidson College z THE DAVIDSONIAN NEWS THURSDAY,NOVEMBER15, 1990 Blue Paper Shoes Production Kann Hired As New Inspired By John Lennon's Life College Controller Courtesyof CollegeRelations take a fresh look at Davidson's ByCARLA DAVIS andtransformshimselfintodiffer- of the Roy Hart Theatre since financial accounting system, entpersonalities,hecreatesa meta- 1974,isco-directorofthe theater Davidson has announced the strengthening and modernizing Kania, Thepublicisinvited toapres- phorical suggestion of Lennon's company,Archipelago,inFrance appointment ofEdward A. procedures whereappropriate.He entation ofBluePaper Shoes,a life. and director of Archipelago C.P.A., as controller of the col- saidheislookingforwardtousing one-personperformanceinspired Blue Paper Shoes has been U.S.A.Heisapermanentteacher lege. He succeeds Robert his skills ataneducational institu- January by the music and lyrics of John performedin theaters in Chicago, at the National Superior School Davidson, whoretires on tion."Davidsoninparticularhasa Lennon. It will bepresented in ChapelHillandFrance.S.Baunof of the ArtofMarionettes(Voice 1after 22 yearsof service. goodreputation,and there'sasense the900RoomonThursday,No- ChicagoPerformanceArtsMaga- andTheatre)inFrance.His most Kania,28,comes toDavidson of academic excellence here," vember 15,at8p.m. zine said,"Barrantes sculptedin- recenttheatricalplaysincludeExit from a previousposition as con- Kaniasaid. Theperformer,RafaelLopez- tonations and theatrical energy the KingbyIonesco, Kasparby troller of the Charlotte architec- "In that type of setting your Barrantes, who lives in Chapel gave Lennon's lyrics an added P.Handke,EscurialbyGhclder- tural firmof Clark TribbleHarris work withpeople whoareintelli- Hill,describes theproductionas weightanddepth..." ode and the musical Big Girls &Li.Prior tothat,he workedasan gentanddedicated to what they're a theater "moment" inspired by The text for the show was Don'tCry. auditorfor Coopers&Lybrandin doing." Lennon,ratherthan aportraitof writtenbyLopez-Barrantes'wife, BluePaperShoesisdirected, CharlotteandPhiladelphia. AnativeofPhiladelphia,Kania
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