BAERFOR FEDERAL HAPPENINGS IN SOCIETY Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs. Phillips Give Dinner for Marshalls. S.ttatNjSotnCo. WILLBERESUMED EDUCATIONDEPT. Two Debutantes Presented.Dinners and Dances. The busy corn AVE AT 8TH. The vice president and Me<l111 McCormick, Sfra Win1am Mor¬ . "are P mafl Ml1 Ice between New York To prevent the spread of Bolabe- , MRS. MARSHALL, the ton, Giinnell, Mrs. Heanen Jennings. Chlwago win probably be resumed ?Ism, to help solve unemployment, to guests in wh<*e honor Assist¬ Mrs. Joseph Letter, Mrs. Stephen B. Wltbln the next two or three ant Secretary of State ana Ins. weefcs> aid in promoting tbe education of re¬ Elk Mrs. Martus A. Hanna. Mrs. to an announcement from Mrs. Wlllltm PhiUlps will Cary T. Grayson. Mrs. James McDob- of Second Assistant Post- turned soldiers, and to strengthen the »t dinner tonight. A distinguished ali Mrs. John Hays Hammond, Mrs. Plans for etuM of education generally. Con¬ company has been asked to meet William McClallan Rltter. Mrs Sher¬ iMuni|iUon of the service have gressman Baer of North Dakota, Non¬ them. man MrCallum. Mrs. Thomas T. Gaff WopuriBf Tery favorably, and partisan League member, today Intro¬ Mra Arthur Glasgow, and Mrs. Stell-J Outing Funnel Gowns, PostofBce Department la detor- A nnnbir of guests are coming wa«r*n. \ . J! in the Houste & for cre¬ ' that no failrrrs ahjJl mar the duced bill the from York and to ation of a new to be New Philadelphia Although the tlekets hare not yet saw luimdon. department, attend the dinner which John Barrett, been on known as the Department of Educa¬ pot eale, all of the boxes but It Is considered very probable that director of the Pan-American one have Etc. flto tion and Human Welfare. general been sold. Some of those Quilted Robes, giant Haadley-Page bombing Union, will give tomorrow evening ai who have taken boxas are Iff. Phuee will be pat on this route, While in many respects resembling in long other bills in to tbe the Pan-American building honor Charles Boughton Wood, William .You will want them nor, almost more than hare parts of twelve of than baring been respect proposed of Don Beltran Mathiett, the new am¬ yoo Atrnlshed the War department of education, the human Phelps Eno, Mrs. Marshall Field. before this winter, and niw is to by Department. welfare and features the bassador of Chile, and .Mme. Matbieu. Mrs. Edson Bradley. Mrs. William your opportunity pur¬ Work haa already commenced on the self-help of The Vice President apd M's. Marshall chase much under aaaambllng of the It Is said. measure are new. Phillips, Mra. Breckinridge Long. Mra price. machines. It will attend the dinner and amopg the Robert M Thompson. Mra flu heads of the air mail service provides for the centralisation of guests from out of town will be Mr. Jra Copley, ¦Ow the educational activities of the Gov* Mrs. Walter Sehoelkopf. Major Con- i;.*3.50 OUTING PLATNEL have at their disposal the Serv¬ and Mrs. §tuart Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. 11 GOWNS in ian of competent Liberty motor me¬ emment and an inquiry into illiteracy n*"y« Thomas Logan, Major fancy striped rffects; in all Mrs. Edward T. Stotesbury, of Phila¬ William Eric Mra Charles (food warm or chanics sad aeroplane experts from parts of the country where It and Rear Admiral Rod¬ Fowler, quality, gown*. the airplane industry. exists. It contemplates spreading of delphia. Hugh M. Ffoulks, and Mra Stellwagen. at ^ . Special tomorrow, |hmw masses man, of the American flc.et now in Tfca chairman of Twehrv pilots have been engaged. all real Americanism among the New York. the young ladles' .13.60 BRIGHTON of them with over 1.000 hoars of fly- and the creation of sound and endur¬ committee Is Mrs. Howard Hume and PAjrNION of them were patriotism. her aids are Mrs. Ffoulke-Smtth. GARMENTS, made with "V neck experience. Many ing Miss Lelia Gordon, one of the mostl army flyers and flve of them To prevent unemployment and idle¬ Mra Robert Tart. Mra Thomas Bow¬ and round neck, trimmed wit) fancy ness and Bolshevism is charming of this season's buds, will ers, Mrs. wash some the rank of "ace' in the allied consequent be to this afternoon Thomas Holcomb, Mrs. braid, with fro®, md air forces. one of the main objects of the bill. presented society George Boyle, Miss Mildred Bnom- at a tea which her mother, Mrs. wsll, Ml»s pockets; fancy striped aa It was found that the De Hariland The care and education of returned George wife of the Courtney Letts, Miss designs. At ptanes were ansuited to the use of the soldiers are provided for. The cen¬ Barnett, major Frances Hopkins. Miss Alys Down¬ Prmbofnc and that tralisation and democratization of ed¬ general commandant of the marine ing. Miss Elsie Miss .$10.00 QUILTED SILK in Department they in the room of Downing, ROBS, wmia safe nor are aims of measure. corps, is giving band "neither economical."* ucation the the Marine Barracks. This Mary Hellen. Miss Eleanor John¬ Copenhagen blue, rose, and urple, awarding to a statement from Mr. hospitality son, Miss Majorie Wright, Miss with self-colord linings. The reason is that the will be followed by a dance for young Eliaabeth Praeger. given this and later in the Hamlin Toung. Miss Alice De Hartland was built entirely for people evening Raoua. Ml* Olyve Graef. Miss Anna frQQ war purposes and not for the carry- winter General and Mrs. Barnett will Hamlin, Mlso Margaret Harding. Miss .113.60 QUILTED SATIN R4BES, toe of heavy cargoes. give a ball for Mies Gordon. Leila Gordon. Mlas Adelaide Tuttle, "V" neck styles, with frog fascninx Ob the other hand, the Handley-Page eberTanoaides General and Mrs. Barnett are enter¬ Miss at neck. These are in 1 a for Margaret Tuttle, Miss Cecilia black gA ti built expressly for the purpose of taining house party the occasion. McCallum. Miss Anita Henry. Miss only. Broken sises. At... carrying heavy loads of bombs and 1? Their guests are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Virginia 9AJL0U Sinclair, of New York, and Mri. Sin¬ Minor, Miss Adelaide Heath. .$12.50 Quilted Satin Robes hvoae. spiend.dly fitted for the carrying of MRS. JQEL WILLIAM BRINTCLEY, Miss Carolyn Nash. Miss Elisabeth lined with and clair's daughter. Miss Peggy Wallace; Hamilton. Miss Nannie Hamilton, white, oink linedwith T1» Poetofflce Department Is ready LEAVECABINET Mr*- Patrick .Bellinger, wife of Com¬ Who is risitlns Mrs. Harvey Delano. She is th« daughter of Senator and Miss white, these hare collars. " Helen Langmnlr, Miss Florence a commence an air mail route from mander Bellinger; Miss Dorothy Sav¬ Mrs. John Sharp Williams. Only a few in this lot. of and Misa Jane Mar- 1; . Judge, and Miss Rath Hitchcock. York to Boston as soon as sea- age. Baltimore, The men's committee has not yst £2050 tn be obtained. The route LONDON, Jan. Chancellor Ebert bel, of Wilmington. Mra. Barnett's been .THREE ar¬ Requa. The dinner will precede the dsf the auspices of the completed. It Is headed by Com¬ SAMPLE QUILTED ILK w|H follow the Atlantic seaboard. S o mem¬ sister. Mrs. Heary C. Mustln, will Wuhlnrtoi mander and the other majority Socialist rive this from dance which Senator James D. Pine Arts Enterprises. Their Theodore Jewell. Among ROBES. the details have not been entirely afternoon Atlantic City Phelan is for Miss guests those serring are Arthur tad, but with the receipt of the bers of the Berlin government resign¬ to help with the festivities, and an¬ giving Requa. were Mrs. Charles S. Brosnweil and Bradley One plain, and One ed today, according to an Exchange Miss Louise Griswold, of Evaqs^pn, Lieut, and Mrs. Campbell. William Bowie Clark. Capt richlyem- this would take only a very other sister, Mrs. Phillips Hill, will and George Almy Percy. Maurice one embroidered. broideredftne time. Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen. also be in the at the 111., Miss Anita Adama, of Cali¬ Boyer, Captain Dumouret, of receiving party fornia, are visiting the Misses' Requa. Mrs. the French high commission; Captain Were $16.60. quality robe. Vas tea. David Klncheloe has gone to Latham, of the British Mra Josephus Daniels will preside Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., to remain embassy: Choice, $27.60. At, Mrs. Clarence Ridley,. wife »f a week and to series recitals Majpr, Connelly, Boas Long, snd at the tea table and the debutante Colonel Ridley, U. S. A., wfll he host-, give a of Archibald Wells and Viscount d'Ad- will be assisted by a group of this for the soMfers, under the auspicea of shemar. $12.50 $20.0( ess at a tea dance on Saturday after¬ the Y. M. C. A. Mrs. who season's buds. The ball room Is noon. Kincheloe, It i». that Mma .QUILTED SLEEVED GEN. HEAD has a voice and whistles de¬ hoped Slavkon JACKITS. KUTZ with and charming decorated flags Christmas i ¦¦ .f Groultch will arrive in time to at¬ formerly $2.50. To close, greens, and Mrs. Barnett and her Lieut. flarrison Irwin, air service, lightfully, has been giving her time tend. She will be the guest of Mrs. $2.(0 daughter will stand before a huge U. S. A., has arrived in this country to entertainment work for the soldiers Walter Sehoelkopf. American ( flag flanked with marine after serving for several months. In ever since the United States entered .QUILTED SATIN JACKETS, deeveles* style, in *1 fQ standards. Mrs. Barnett will wear a France, and is expected in Washing¬ the war. She has appeared under the ©* Fa* Paris.
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