Western Australian natives resistant to Phytophthora cinnamomi Compiled by E. Groves, G. Hardy & J. McComb, Murdoch University Information used to determine resistance to P. cinnamomi : 1a- field observations, 1b- field observation and recovery of P.cinnamomi; 2a- glasshouse inoculation of P. cinnamomi and recovery, 2b- field inoculation with P. cinnamomi and recovery. Not Provided- no information was provided from the reference. PLANT SPECIES COMMON NAME ASSESSMENT NURSERY REFERENCES AVALABILITY Acacia barbinervis Benth. 1b 12, 15 Acacia baxteri Benth. Baxter's Wattle 1a 19 Acacia browniana H.L.Wendl. 1b 15 Acacia browniana var. intermedia 1a 20 (E.Pritz)Maslin. Acacia cyclops G.Don. Coastal Wattle 1a A 20 Acacia drummondii Lindl. Drummond's Wattle 1b A 15 Acacia extensa Lindl. Wiry Wattle 1b 15 Acacia huegelii Benth. 1b 16 Acacia lateriticola Maslin Rib Wattle 1b 12, 15 Acacia nervosa DC. 1b 12, 15 Acacia preissiana (Meisn.) Maslin 1b 15 Acacia pulchella R.Br. Prickly Moses 1a A 5 Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L.Wendl. Orange Wattle 1b A 16 Acacia semitrullata Maslin. 1b 16 Acacia urophylla Lindl. 1b A 12, 14, 15 Agonis flexuosa (Willd.) Sweet. Peppermint 1b A 16 Agonis juniperiana Schauer. Wattie NP 10 Allocasuarina lehmanniana (Miq.) Dune Sheoak 1a 20 L.A.S.Johnson Allocasuarina humilis (Otto & F.Dietr.) Dwarf Sheoak 1a A 20 L.A.S.Johnson Allocasuarina microstachya (Miq.) 1a 20 L.A.S.Johnson Anarthria gracilis R.Br. 1a 20 Anarthria prolifera R.Br. 1a 20 Anarthria scabra R.Br. 1a 20 Anigozanthos flavidus DC. Tall Kangaroo Paw 1b A 17 Anigozanthos manglesii D.Don. Mangle's Kangaroo 1b A 16 Paw Anigozanthos rufus Labill. Red Kangaroo Paw 1b 17 Asartea heteranthera 1a A 5, 10 Astartea fascicularis (Labill.) DC. 1a A 20 Astroloma pallidum R.Br. Kick Bush 1b 12, 15 Baeckea pachyphylla (Benth.) 1a 20 Baeckea camphorosmae Endl. Camphor Myrtle 1b A 5, 12, 15, 16 Billardiera drummondiana (Putt.) E.M.Benn. 1b 15 Billardiera variifolia DC. 1b 16 Boronia crenulata (Sm.) Aniseed Boronia 1a A 20 Boronia spathulata Lindl. Boronia 1b 15 Bossiaea linophylla R.Br. 1a 20 Bossiaea rufa R.Br. 1a 20 Bossiaea webbii F.Muell. Water Bush 1a A 20 Burchardia multiflora Lindl. Dwarf Burchardia 1a 20 Burchardia umbellata R.Br. Milkmaids 1a 20 Calothamnus affinis var longistamineus Turcz. 1a 20 Calothamnus quadrifidus R.Br. One-sided Bottle 1a A 20 Brush Calothamnus sanguineus Labill. Silky-leaved Blood 1a A 20 Flower Calytix asperula (Schauer) Benth. Brush Starflower 1a 20 Calytrix flavescens A.Cunn. Summer Starflower 1b 20 Calytrix leschenaultii (Schauer) Benth. 1a 20 Calytrix tenuiramea (Turcz.) Benth. 1a 20 Western Australian natives resistant to Phytophthora cinnamomi (continued) PLANT SPECIES COMMON NAME ASSESSMENT NURSERY REFERENCES AVALABILITY Cassytha flava Ness. Dodder Laurel 1b 16 Cassytha glabella R.Br. Tangled Dodder 1b 16 Laurel Casuarina obesa Miq. Swamp Sheoak 1a A 5, 10 Caustis dioica R.Br. 1a 20 Chamaexeros serra (Endl.) Benth. Little Fringed Leaf 1a 20 Chorizema aciculare (DC.) C.A.Gardner Needle-leafed 1a 20 Chorizema Clematis pubescens Endl. Common Clematis 1b 12, 15 Comesperma calymega Labill. Blue-spiked Milkwort 1a 12 Comesperma confertum Labill. 1a 20 Comesperma virgatum Labill. Milkwort 1b 12, 15 Conostylis aculeata R.Br. Prickly Conostylis 1b A 15, 16 Conostylis pusilla Endl. 1b 15 Conostylis serrulata R.Br. 1b 12, 15, 16 Conostylis setigera R.Br. Bristly Cottonhead 1a 20 Conostylis setosa Lindl. White Cottonhead 1b 12, 15 Corymbia calophylla K.D.Hill & Marri 1a A 5, 12, 14, 15,16 L.A.S.Johnson Corymbia ficifolia (F. Muell.) K.D.Hill & 1a A 5 L.A.S.Johnson Cryptostylis ovata R.Br. Slipper Orchid 1a 20 Cyathochaeta avenacea (R.Br.) Benth. 1a 20 Cyathochaeta clandestina (R.Br.) Benth. 1b 15 Dampiera linearis R.Br. Common Dampiera 1b A 12, 16 Darwinia citriodora (Endl.) Benth. Lemon-scented 1a A 5, 10 Darwinia Darwinia leiostyla (Turcz) Dorman 1a A 20 Darwinia vestita (Endl.) Benth. Pom Pom Darwinia 1a 20 Desmocladus fasciculatus (R.Br.) 1b 16 B.G.Briggs & L.A.S.Briggs Desmocladus flexuosa (R. Br.) B.G.Briggs & 1b 16 L.A.S.Briggs Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. Sticky Hopbush 1a A 5, 10 Drosera erthrorhiza Lindl. Red Ink Sundew 1a 20 Drosera pallida Lindl. Pale Rainbow 1a 20 Eriochilus dilatatus Lindl. White Bunny Orchid 1a 20 Eriostemon spicatus A.Rich. Pepper and Salt 1b A 15, 16 Eucalyptus accedens W.Fitzg. Powderpark Wandoo 1a A 5 Eucalyptus angulosa Schauer Ridge-fruited Mallee 1a 20 Eucalyptus astringens (Maiden) Maiden Brown Mallee NP 5 Eucalyptus buprestium F.Muell. Apple Mallee 1a 20 Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehm. River Gum 1a A 5 Eucalyptus conferruminata D.J.Carr & Bald Island Marlock 1a A 5 S.G.M.Carr Eucalyptus falcata Turcz Silver Mallet 1a 20 Eucalyptus forrestiana Diels. Fuchsia Gum 1a A 5 Eucalyptus gardneri Maiden Blue Mallet 1a 5 Eucalyptus gomphocephala DC. Tuart 1a A 5 Eucalyptus incrassata Labill. Lerp Mallee NP A 10 Eucalyptus krusana F.Muell. Bookleaf Mallee 1a A 5, 10 Eucalyptus laeliae Podger & Chippend Darling Range 1a A 5, 10 Ghost-Gum Eucalyptus lehmanniii (Schauer) Benth. Bushy Yate 1a A 19 Eucalyptus megacarpa F.Muell. Bullich 1a A 5, 10 Eucalyptus occidentalis Endl. Flat-topped Yate 1a A 5, 10 Eucalyptus pachyloma Benth. Kalgan Plains Mallee 1a 20 Eucalyptus patens Benth. Swan River Blackbutt 1a 5 Eucalyptus preissiana Schauer Bell Fruited Mallee 1a A 20 Eucalyptus rudis Endl. Flooded Gum 1a A 5 Eucalyptus salmonophloia F.Muell. Salmon Gum NP A 10 Eucalyptus spathulata Hook. Swamp Mallet 1a A 5 Western Australian natives resistant to Phytophthora cinnamomi (continued) PLANT SPECIES COMMON NAME ASSESSMENT NURSERY REFERENCES AVALABILITY Eucalyptus uncinata Turcz Hook-leafed Mallee 1a 20 Eucalyptus wandoo Blakey. Wandoo 1a A 5, 10 Gahnia trifida Labill. coast Saw-Sedge 1a 20 Gompholobium capitatum A.Cunn. 1b 15 Gompholobium tomentosum Labill. Hairy Yellow Pea 1b A 16 Goodenia caerulea R.Br. 1a 20 Goodenia scapigera R.Br. White Goodenia 1a 20 Grevillea fasciculata var linearis R.Br. 1a 20 Grevillea hookeriana Meisn. Red Toothbrushes 1a A 5, 10 Grevillea synapheae R.Br. Catkin Grevillea 1b A 15 Haemodorum paniculatum Lindl. Mardja 1b 16 Hakea amplexicaulis R.Br. Prickly Hakea 1b 15 Hakea corymbosa R.Br. Cauliflower hakea 1a 20 Hakea lissocarpha R.Br. Honey Bush 1b A 12, 15, 16 Hakea petiolaris Meisn. Sea Urchin Hakea 1a A 5, 10 Hakea scoparia Meisn. NP A 10 Hardenbergia comptoniana (Andrews) Native Wisteria 1b A 10, 16 Benth. Hemiandra pungens R.Br. 1b A 16 Hemigenia curvifolia F.Muell. Snakebush 1b 15 Hibbertia silvestris Diels. 1b 15 Hibbertia racemosa (Endl.) Gilg. Stalked Guinea 1b 16 Flower Hibbertia vaginata (Benth.) F.Muell. 1b 16 Hovea chorizemifolia (Sweet) DC. Holly-leaved Hovea 1b 12, 15 Hovea trisperma Benth. Common Hovea 1b A 16 Hypocalymma angustifolium (Endl.) White Myrtle 1b 12, 15, 16 Schauer Hypocalymma myrtifolium Turcz. 1a 20 Hypocalymma speciosum Turcz. 1a 20 Isotoma hypocrateriformis (R.Br.) Druce. Woodbridge Poison 1a 12 Johnsonia lupulina R.Br. Hooded Lily 1a 20 Johnsonia teretifolia Endl. Hooded Lily 1a 20 Kennedia coccinea Vent. Coral Vine 1b A 15 Kennedia prostrata R.Br. Scarlet Runner 1b A 10, 15 Kunzea preissiana Schauer 1a 20 Lechenaultia biloba Lindl. Blue Lechenaultia 1b A 12, 15 Lepidosperma scabrum Nees. 1b 15 Lepidosperma squamatum Labill. 1a 12 Lepidosperma tenue Benth. 1b 15 Lepidosperma tetraquetrum Nees 1a 14 Lepidosperma viscidum R.Br. Sticky Sword Sedge 1a 20 Leporella fimbriata (Lindl.) A.S.George Hare Orchid 1a 20 Leptocarpus tenax (Labill.) R.Br. Slender Twine Rush 1a 20 Leptomeria cunninghamii Miq. 1b 15 Leptomeria eriocoides Miq. 1a 20 Leptospermum erubescens Schauer Roadside Teatree 1a 20 Leucopogon glabellus R.Br. 1b 16 Leucopogon pendulus R.Br. 1a 20 Levenhookia pusilla R.Br Midget Stylewort 1a 12 Lindsaea linearis SW. Screw Fern 1a 20 Lobelia gibbosa Labill. Tall Lobelia 1a 20 Lobelia rhytidosperma Benth. Wrinkled-Seeded 1a 12 Lobelia Logania serpyllifolia R.Br. 1a 20 Lomandra integra T. Macfarlane 1b 16 Lomandra nigricans T. Macfarlane 1b 16 Lomandra pauciflora (R.Br.) Ewart. 1a 20 Lomandra preissii (Endl.) Ewart. 1a 20 Lomandra sonderi (F.Muell.) Ewart. 1b 16 Lyginia barbata R.Br. 1b 16 Western Australian natives resistant to Phytophthora cinnamomi (continued) PLANT SPECIES COMMON NAME ASSESSMENT NURSERY REFERENCES AVALABILITY Macropidia fuliginosa (Hook.) Druce. Black Kangaroo Paw 2a A 17 Meeboldina scariosa (R.Br) B.G.Briggs & 1b 16 L.A.S.Briggs. Melalecua suberosa (Schauer) Corky Honeymyrtle 1a 20 C.A.Gardner Melaleuca cuticularis Labill. Saltwater Paperbark 1a A 20 Melaleuca diosmifolia Andrews. 1a A 5, 10 Melaleuca holosericea Schauer 1a 19 Melaleuca lanceolata Otto. Rottnest Teatree 1a A 5, 10 Melaleuca laxiflora Turcz. 1a 14 Melaleuca macronychia Turcz. 1a 5 Melaleuca nesophila F.Muell. Mindiyed 1a A 5, 10 Melaleuca pentagona Labill. 1a A 5, 10 Melaleuca preissiana Schauer Moonash 1b A 16 Melaleuca pulchella R.Br. Claw Flower 1a A 5, 10 Melaleuca seriata Lindl. 1a A 20 Melaleuca spathulata Schauer. 1a A 5, 10 Melaleuca violacea Schauer. 1a A 5, 10 Mesomelaena graciliceps (C.B.Clarke) 1a 12 K.L.Wilson Mesomelaena stygia (R.Br.) Nees 1a 20 Mesomelaena tetragona (R.Br.) Benth. Semaphora Sedge 1b 15, 16 Millotia tenuifolia Cass. Soft Millotia 1a 12 Mirbelia dilatata R.Br. Holly-leaved Mirbelia 1b A 15 Myoporum insulare R.Br. Blueberry Tree NP A 10 Eucalyptus decurva F.Muell. Slender Mallee 1a 20 Nuytsia floribunda (Labill.) Fenzl. Christmas Tree 1b A 16 Olax phyllanthi (Labill.) R.Br. 1a 20 Opercularia echinocephala Benth. Bristly Headed Stink 1b 12, 15 Weed Orthrosanthus laxus (Endl.) Benth. Morning Iris 1b A 16 Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd). Benth. Albizia NP 10 Patersonia pygmaea Lindl.
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