NON-PROFIT ORS. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Bronx, N.Y. Permit No. 7608 Vol. 53 — No. 17 • < B Fordham University, Dronx, N.Y., 10458 -"€Si2« 232 Friday, April 2, 1971 Spring offensive meeting set War activists form Members of the Fordham Lib- ers, entertainment, films, and a lr.bby. Yesterday, according to eration Front, the Student Peace dance in the Ramskellar. Molinari and Shapiro, the peti- Union, and Women's Liberation Sam Molinari, College class of tioners were approached by As- will meet today at 12:30 p.m. to 73, said that the speakers will sociate Dean of Students Vincent mark "the opening of their spring be from the Catholic Peace Fel- Bucei and asked to leave that anti-War offensive," according to lowship, Fellowship for Reconcili- section of the lr.bby since the Dan King, an FLF member. ation, the Harrisburgh Six, and group had no author'zation to be At the meeting, to be held in organizations of former veterans. there. The group refused. _the Keating third floor lecture The "wargasm" celebration is hall, those attending will en- intended to mobilize students for Dean of Students William dorse either the April 24th the two national protests. Crawley later approached the "march on Washington" or the Buses will be rented for which- table, asked that the table be "seven days in May," a week of ever events today's coalition de- moved, was refused, asked for non-violent civil disobedience cides to support and will trans- identification cards, was refused, with the intent of preventing port Fordham. students from and then "took names" and left, "bus'ness as usual," King said. New York to Washington, Moli- according to Molinari and Shap- iro. John C. Walton Plans will also be made at to- nari reported. IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAK AGAIN: Information table in the Cam- day's gathering for a late April Dr. Joseph Shapiro, professor "The regulations do not say pus Center lobby advertises the opening of nntl-wnr activities lor strike and the "wargasm" cele- of physics, calls this activity an a table cannot be used here—it the spring. bration which will feature speak- effort "to revitalize the anti-war just means that the director has movement on campus." to authorize it," Shapiro noted. He estimates that approxim- King notified The Kiun that ately 500 signatures have been the tables today would be located Administration, Institute begin dash placed on the group petition, between the two center posts of part of the "People's Peace the main lobby, facing the doors Treaty," an international, stu- of the cafeteria, if agreed upon dent-organized treaty for a dec- by the students and Crawley. If as Reiss announces tenure denial laration of peace between the Crawley failed to authorize the by Joe DiSalvo signatures are now on the peti- yet completed her already be- peoples, not the governments, of group's relocated presence. King South and North Vietnam and The Office of University Ac- tions. gun doctoral work because she stated "He will only give cred- the United States. ence to suspicions among FLF ademic Affairs has refused to ac- Trensky cited a 1940 statement decided two years ago to accept cept a unanimous recommenda- The petitions accorded were lo- members that he is making the of the American Association of an offer to write the monograph ! tion from the Russian Institute University Professors, which cated, unt l today, in the lower table an issue for political rea- that Alexandra Lyngstad be offi- Fordham has officially adopted, on Goncharov first. section of the Campus Center sons," cially recognized as having ten- and said, "It is .our judgment ure according to Dr. Paul Tren- that provisions of the 1940 state- sky, chairman of the. Institute. ment clearly provide that she Trensky daimii the.administra- should' be granted tenure." Colleges alter fifth course policy tion has not granted tenure, and Martin Lapidus, of the North- by Mary Ann DeCarolis ure used to measure one's aca-. a fifth course.' The students on thereby renewal of contract, be- eastern Regional ,AAUP office . The Rose Hill Liberal Arts demic ability, The people who the council recommended that cause, the language and litera- has sent, a letter.to University College Council passed a resolu- voted against the measure should audits be available to any stu- ture instructor has not completed President Michael Walsh stating tion making a 3.5 cumulative in- be more concerned with the con- dent," he noted. her doctoral work. their recommendation that Lyng- dex mandatory for any student The chairman declared "There stad be recognized as tenured. • wishing to take a fifth course. tent of the four courses than in Rev. Raymond Schroth of the is no statement that a terminal Student arid faculty members This new policy will hold for prohibiting students from taking (Continued on Page 4) degree is necessary for tenure." of the Institute's governing board both Fordham College and Thom- "There are a lot of other fac- passed a resolution last Novem- as More College students. ulty who have been given tenure ber supporting Lyngstad's serv- without a PhD.and have been ices. Previous to this decision, vary- "You feel mighty free ing index requirements were nec- given senior rank," Trensky add- The instructor is the author and easy und comfort- ed. essary for permission to take a able on a raft" old of both a major monograph, a fifth course. University Academic Vice study of the Russian author Gon- Hiickfobsrry Finn wilt President Paul Reiss was unav- charov, and a translation of Tol- Dean Jean Murphy of Thom- tell you, even if that ailable for comment. stoy's "Childhood, Boyhood and as More College noted that "Up raft happens to be the Under the direction of TMC Youth." For Tolstoy's work, until January, Thomas More had Staten Island Ferry sophomore Marilyn Bonander, Lyngstnd, in Trensky's words, required a 3.2 index. But we re- And it just so happens students are circulating a peti- "provided a very scholarly pref- viewed each case separately and that it is. Flip Inside to tion stating "We recommend that ace." examined the reasons why the "other voices number Mrs. Lyngstad continue to teach Lyngstad has taught both student wanted the extra course. two," our invitation to in the Russian Institute with no graduate and undergraduate Fordham College required a 3.0. feel mighty free and loss of status." Bonander esti- courses at Fordham since 1963 "In January, Thomas More com- easy with Fordham mates that between 400 and 500 and explains that she has not plied with the 3.0 index to be in people outside the eon- uniformity with Fordham Col- fines of The Ram of- lege," the assistant dean added. fice anil synonymous Murphy further explained that staff. Liberal Arts students the council's "general consensus With a heavy dose of was that the catalogue states urbanization, could that the fifth courses be open to Hue!: have made it? prepare for elections superior students. We're not saying, hut !i<nv about you? Life The Liberal Arts College Stu- til after the Easter recess, but "The index of superior students consent, for si'ch a move would has risen to a 3.5 over the years in the city—one: give dent Government elections are it all a good look anil presently slated to be held on have to be given at an emergency in Thomas More," the dean said. meet:ng cf the present Senate, The council made certain stip- sec'what yon come up tlie Lowcnstein plaza next Tues- with. Tile invitation is day through Thursday. The of- probub'y early next week. ulations on the 3.5 requirement: the dean of a college may grant out for life in the city fices of Liberal Arts president, Nominating pet tions are now — two. H.S.V.P. on vice president and secretary being accepted in room 408-B by permission to take a fifth course waving the index requirement to Helm.Hit's Fourth Floor tieasuror will be dee'ded as well the three man election commit- just about anytime. as the awarding of six Student tee of Craig Bannister, Herbie a senior who is fulfill'ng a double Senate seats for each class. Croth and Bill McKay. The com- major and a special considera- And we're not going; ij "a'.lopt anil sivilize" As election time draws near, mittee has formulated a set of tion will also be given to trans- campaign guidelines and restric- fer students who are in their anyoiif, that's for New hrwever, a general lack of intrr- Yi.rU City to do. Like ''•<• and a scarcity of candidates tions aimed at fostering respon- senior year and need no more sible, meaningful campaigns by than four credits to graduate. iSm'Uli'berry says, "I has resulted in only two conten- run't stand it. I been ders, Gary Nicolosi and John the candidates. Commitments dealing with fifth courses already made to in- there lu-fori'" — sub- C'liecalupo, filing for the offce McKay expressed the hope that ways, tile Village, the <>r president. For the total of 18 this year's elections would lose dividuals such as the students in the Mexico Project will be kept. Yankees, a n il the senate seats available, only six the "popularity contest" image ISrooklyn Bridge. candidates have announced. so widespread in the past and Fordham College senior John that the student body would lie McGlennon, who voted against (Jet reading. The Because of the poor response, thoughts are on us.
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