United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture National Commissions for UNESCO Commissions nationales pour l’UNESCO Annual Report | Rapport annuel 2016 Cover photo: © UNESCO Office in Santiago. Pisagua (Municipality of Huara) region of Tarapaca, Chile Huara, Tarapaca region, Chile Education transforms lives: closing the gap of school infrastructure after the Huara earthquake in Northern Chile. • Over 1100 inhabitants of Huara, among students, parents and education officials, benefited from investment in infrastructure for schools in the community. • These projects reaffirm that quality education must be an even greater aspiration after a disaster. National Commissions for UNESCO Commissions nationales pour l’UNESCO Annual Report | Rapport annuel 2016 © Mosaic of Change FOREWORD National Commissions play an essential This provided a powerful platform for role in embedding UNESCO in civil society, reflection and exchange on such key issues the academic world and the private sector, as the actions of National Commissions anchoring our action as close as possible in implementing the 2030 Agenda, the to actual needs. Over the last years, role of UNESCO in empowering youth National Commissions have also become and preventing violent extremism, and in spearheads of reform, embodying a protecting humanity’s common heritage in dynamic and positive movement to rethink the event of armed conflict or attack. the Organisation’s way of working, to improve impact and influence. The message of this Report is clear. In turbulent times, the mandate of UNESCO This Annual Report shows the outstanding has never been so important, and the action commitment of National Commissions to of National Commissions in advancing our promoting innovation and, in particular shared values and goals is more essential to take forward the 2030 Agenda for than ever. This Report opens a window onto Sustainable Development. The 2016 the remarkable work led by the National Report highlights National Commissions Commissions -- it is also an insightful way to acting across the board, through the share best practices and experience. Associated School Network, the Man © UNESCO / Yulian Donov and the Biosphere Programme, World In this spirit, I wish to thank all National Heritage and Intangible Cultural Heritage, the Memory of the Commissions for their leadership, and I encourage them to World programme as well as the International Hydrological deepen ever more their action and coordination to support Programme and Geoparks, underlining also their dynamic UNESCO in building the foundations for a peaceful and cooperation with the Secretariat, including all Field Offices, sustainable world. Institutes and Centres. This Reports shines light also on the increasing networking and partnerships led by National Commissions with non-governmental organisations, UNESCO Clubs and civil society as a whole. In this respect, I wish to pay tribute to the Chinese Government for generously hosting the 3rd Interregional Meeting of National Commissions, in Shanghai in June 2016, gathering Irina Bokova, participants from more than 110 National Commissions. Director-General of UNESCO 3 AVANT-PROPOS Les commissions nationales jouent un rôle nationales. Cette réunion a été l’occasion essentiel pour ancrer l’UNESCO dans la d’une réflexion et d’un échange sur des société civile, les milieux universitaires et questions essentielles telles que l’action des le secteur privé, rapprochant ainsi notre commissions nationales dans la mise en action au plus près des besoins réels. œuvre du Programme de développement Ces dernières années, les commissions durable à l’horizon 2030 et le rôle de nationales ont également été les fers l’UNESCO en matière d’autonomisation de lance de la réforme, incarnant un des jeunes et de prévention de l’extrémisme mouvement dynamique et positif visant violent, ainsi que de protection du à repenser les méthodes de travail de patrimoine commun de l’humanité en cas l’Organisation, ainsi qu’à accroître son de conflit armé ou d’attaque. impact et à étendre son influence. Le présent rapport délivre un message Le présent rapport annuel fait ressortir la clair. En ces temps troublés, le mandat volonté exceptionnelle des commissions de l’UNESCO n’a jamais revêtu une telle nationales de promouvoir l’innovation importance, et l’action menée par les et, en particulier, de faire progresser le commissions nationales pour porter nos Programme de développement durable à valeurs et objectifs communs se révèle l’horizon 2030. Le Rapport 2016 souligne © UNESCO / Yulian Donov plus que jamais essentielle. Le rapport, ainsi le travail effectué à tous les niveaux qui laisse entrevoir le travail remarquable par les commissions nationales, que ce soit à travers le Réseau accompli par les commissions nationales, est aussi une manière du système des écoles associées, le Programme sur l’Homme instructive de partager les bonnes pratiques et les expériences. et la biosphère, le patrimoine mondial et le patrimoine culturel immatériel, le Programme Mémoire du monde, le Programme Dans cet esprit, je souhaite remercier toutes les commissions hydrologique international ou bien encore les géoparcs, nationales pour leur rôle moteur, et je les encourage à toujours mettant également en exergue leur coopération dynamique approfondir leur action et accroître la coordination afin d’aider avec le Secrétariat, y compris les bureaux hors Siège, les l’UNESCO à poser les fondements d’un monde pacifique instituts et les centres. Le présent rapport met enfin en lumière et durable. le nombre croissant de réseaux et partenariats conduits par les commissions nationales avec les organisations non gouvernementales, les Clubs UNESCO et la société civile dans son ensemble. À cet égard, je souhaite rendre hommage au Gouvernement chinois qui a généreusement accueilli la 3e réunion interrégionale des commissions nationales à Shanghai, en Irina Bokova, juin 2016, avec la participation de plus de 110 commissions Directrice générale de l’UNESCO 4 INTRODUCTION Unlike previous Reports, the fourth edition of the Annual Report share and promote best practices among themselves. Thus, it of the National Commissions for UNESCO is published online was three years ago that the Organization produced for the first only and on a single combined English/French document. time an annual report, in English and in French, summarizing This is due to the financial difficulties that the Organization the various efforts and achievements made by the National has been facing. Nevertheless, it is encouraging to note Commissions in each of their individual country. that this publication reflects our joint efforts on enhancing the cooperation between the National Commissions and the In response to this Recommendation, the Secretariat has Secretariat of UNESCO. The number of contributions received continued to invite all National Commissions to provide an for each edition shows the great interest of the National update of their activities in 2016, including one success story Commissions in this publication. and a photographic illustration. Based on the contributions received from 123 out of 199 National Commissions around The National Commissions for UNESCO are national the world, during the period between October 2016 and entities that are established by Member State governments February 2017, the Secretariat has been able to compile the in accordance with UNESCO’s Constitution (Article VII) and relevant information and produce this fourth single English/ the Charter of National Commissions for UNESCO. They French edition of the Annual Report of National Commissions serve as important bodies for liaison, advice, information and for UNESCO. This publication is intended to demonstrate the programme implementation. Through the direct links to their real value of our National Commissions and their contribution governments and their close contacts with academia and civil to UNESCO’s ideals and programmes. This was portrayed society networks, the National Commissions contribute to the through their actions, and their cooperation among other achievement of UNESCO’s objectives; especially in regards National Commissions. We hope that the next edition of to programme delivery, partnerships with civil society and this Annual Report will reflect the activities of an even larger visibility at national, sub-regional and regional levels. They number of National Commissions. are considered to be constituent elements of the Organization. Please note that the contents of this Annual Report were You may recall that Recommendation 7 of the Action Plan for edited to fit a common format. However, every effort has Strengthening the Cooperation of the UNESCO Secretariat with been made to retain the essence of the information provided. National Commissions for UNESCO stipulates that the National The Secretariat wishes to apologize for any possible oversight Commissions should regularly report on their concrete actions or misunderstanding. and major achievements, and that they should endeavour to 5 INTRODUCTION Contrairement aux précédents rapports, la quatrième principales réalisations, ainsi qu’à s’efforcer de édition du Rapport annuel des commissions nationales partager et de promouvoir entre elles les meilleures pour l’UNESCO n’est disponible qu’en ligne et pratiques. C’est ainsi que l’Organisation, il y a de uniquement dans une version mixte anglais/français, cela trois ans, publiait
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