Published weekly. Entered as 2nd class matter in post office at Los An,eles, CaW Editorial-Business OUice: 258 E. 1st St., Los An,eles n, Call'., ~L\dlson S-tnl Vol 44 No.3 Los Angeles, California Friday, January 18, 1957 Every Friday-10c a Copy PRESIDENT'S CORNER: On the theme of REFUGEES FROM JACL critics HUNGARY AIDED Garden Grove citizen group .protests Any national board or staff member who has BY OREGON NISEI -purchase of home by naval officer been with the JACL for ONTARIO, Ore.-Early last week, a period of several years the first Hungarian reftigees ar­ will hear, on occasion, cri- rived in Snake River Valley by Dr. Lee slandered ticisms of one type or an- train from Camp Kilmer, N.J. Mr. and Mrs. John Kiss were other against the organi- greeted by Joe Saito, Oregon Slope at protest meeting zation. Some of these cri- farmer, who is employing them. SANTA ANA.-Dr. Sammy Lee. ticisms are valid. Most Another r efugee will work for a two - time Olympic gold m e d a 1 local ba~ e r y. winner who recently returned are not. The farm, opE'rated by the Saito I from his Presidential observer The severest critics are brothers, J'Oe and Paul, has coop- post at Melbourne's Games to're­ are g II th h era ted with the government in sume his medical practice in San­ enera y ose w 0 I teaching exchange farm students know the least about the from Japan this past year. Both ta Ana, last Tuesday threatened court action against unidentifie4 JACL. JACL cannot be Ibrother s a re 'also active lACLers Garden. Grove citizens who, he improved very much by h e S~hn Kiss and his wife Charlote claimed, slandered him in a racial prejudice incident. outside critics, but it cel'- lived in Csepel, Hungary. Dr. Lee was the central figure tainly can be improved if All three r efugees. fled from Hun- in a racial hOllsing controversy in these same critics would gar?, af.tel' the RUS SIan troops mov-, ~ugust . 1955, first being refused . " ed 10, 111 an attempt to crush the Jom theIr local chapters revolt against the communist Hun­ entry to a Garden Grove tract be­ ~ ause he was of Korean extraction and contribute their time, garian government. and later being welcomed as a ~ tayed their efforts and their . They in a refugee camp homeowner in an Anah~im sub­ , • 10 Austna for a month before com- support as well as theIr ing to the United States. division. Snake River Valley last week greeted its first Hungarian refugees The threatened court action by criticisms. Earl Jones, farm director for the famous Olympic diver grew · radio station KSRV, is acting as from the current Communist persecution. Offered jobs and a change The grea t est t rage d les coordinator in placing refugees to pick up their lives in America, new employers Joe Saito (left) out of a week-end incident in­ volving the decision of a . Negro ar~ the so-called self-suf· in the Snake Riv.er Valley. He said a~d Donald Schutt (right) greets Mr. and Mrs. John Kiss (in Continued on Page 8 ficient ones who do not that many applications offering leather coats) and George Keleman. Kiss was a butcher in Hun­ gary and' Keleman was a baker in Budapest. Saito, active JACLer' .... know and who do not ~?m~s a~d employment for ~am- .. illes 111 thiS area had been recelved and former Intermountain District Council chairman, operates a care. Angelo Herndon, but that few positions for single farm with his brother Paul in nearby Oregon Slope. Sheriffs walch age 19, when offered the men had been fqund. -Ontario (Ore.) Argus-Observer Photo by Phil Gardner opportunity to run away There are many single men ~r . men who were unable to get theIr menadng crowd rather than face possIble families out of Hungary. Jones urg- OVER 3500 JAP- ArnESE ADMITTED TO death in a Georgia State ; ed anyone who can use - a single __ I ". ' . '" '!" ~:e~I?!~e\~~:!g -;;-l!S~e~~:e:n chain gang, said "I can-I :~~a~~ h~rr:~~ ~:i: ab~~~:S~: II this community early this week af- not run away. If I run skills is represented among these ~.. S UNDER REFUGEE 'RfLIEF -ACT ter crowds gathered Sunday night away and you run away, to protest against a Negro family men. WASHINGTON. - More than a officials in Japan issued a few re'portedly planning to move here. who will be left to fight I,OOQ refugees from Japan have I more than a thousand visas. Prac- Residents began gathering at the good fight? Death is COLO. MIXED MARRIAGE been issued visas to the United · tically al:l of the Japanese refugees Morrie and Geneva Lanes in the t th t st tr d States under the Refugee Relief were victims of such natural ca· central section at 5:30 p.m. Two no e grea e age y. BAN TARGET OF BILL Act of 1953, which expired last lamities as ·floods and tornadoes hours later it had overflowed from The greatest tragedy. is to DENVER. _ Members of the Colo. Dec. 31, the Washington Office 01 and came principally from Kago- sidewalks into the streets_ live safely and placidly, ' rado House of Representatives will the Japanese American ~itizens shima, Wakayarna, and Hiroshima Deputies, ordered earlier to not knowing and not car- try again to remove an ancient I~eagu: reported, followmg an prefectures. I stand by, said there was ta~k of . .. 1state ban prohibiting inter-racial analYSIS released by ~e State De-, Under another JACL proposed I' burning a cross in the vicimty. mg In the face of ill)USt- marriages. partment on the subJect. I amendment, 4.000 visas were made When several Negroes arrived at ice and oppression." A new bill, designed to accomp· Under an amendment urged by I available for orph~ns from all over the scene, the crowd surged for· lish this, was introduced to the low· JACL that Asians too should be in- the world to be admitted to tht ward menacingly and officers mov· - er chamber on Jan. 10. It bore the cluded in the legislation, 3,000 vi· United States as adopted children ed in. Deputies said there was no Perhaps injustice and signature of Rep. Robert E . Allen sas were allocated to the entire of American citizens or to be trouble and two and one-half hours oppression are now larg _I CD) Of. Denver and 40 other memo Far East fol' refug~es and esca- adopt.ed by U~ted States citizen. after i~ started to gather, the crowd _ e bel'S of the 55-member house. pees from Commun~sm generally Of thIS world Vlsa pool, more than had dispersed. ly over for persons of Ja- Similar bills unanimously clear- and for victims of natural cala-, half, or about 2,500, were issued Garden Grove citizens in 1955 re- panese ancestry. But it ed the house in 1953 and 1955 but mities. to Japanese orphans. buffed efforts of Dr. Sammy Lee, might be well to remem- were not acted upon by the senate. Of this total, American consular Thus, in .all, more th~n 3,500.Ja- Olympic swimmer and Army doc- . panese nationals were ISsued Vlsas tor, to buy a home and set up a ber the lonely and bltter for .admission to the United States l)ractice in the area. California da~s of enforced evacua- Rep. McDonough elected chairman of for perma.nent residence under the born, he is of Korean ancestry.. tion and incarcer~tion Refugee Relief Act of 1953. All 01 Dr. Lee subsequently moved m- . 30 C I·' · I d I I· these 3,500 will be admitted out- to a district on the outskirts of Ana- Smugness and compla- -man aI . congresslona e ega Ion side of Japan's annual quota of heim-an area which became a cency are altogether too only 185 under the regular irnmi· part of Garden Grove when that . th WASHINGTON. - R~p . Gordon cludes all Republican ancLDemo- gration laws. city incorporated recently. common In ese secure L. McDonough, Los Angeles Re- cratic representatives from Cali· dayS. publican, was unanimously elected foma, the Washington Office oj chairman of the Califoma state the Japanese - American Citizen~ . But 'organizations like congressional delegation, which in- League was informed this week. Yas .Abiko ·cnlicaHy injured in aulo the JACL will go on as * ",~, Mike Masaoka, Washington JA· long as there are people CL representative, in congratula· accidenl; doctors report condition fair who believe in justice, in I ting the veteran California law· maker, recalled that he has been SANFRANCISCO.- ~ Yas Abiko, of time and rest. equality, and in goodwill among the most sympathetic memo who was critically injured last Fri­ In checking with the hospital. it towards aU men, and WhO ' bel'S of the Congress to the legis· day night in an auto accident, is was learned that Abiko regained want to help make a bet- lative objectives of the JACL since understood to have passed the cri­ consciousness after emergency sur· his election to the 79th Congress tical stage and it is now a matter gery Friday night. ter society and a better I' in 1944. "I saw Yas for a few minuts Saturday night," national JACL di­ world. A personal friend of many Nisei I JACL Berk Ie rectQr Ma~ Satow disclosed, "and To have joined in the in the southwest Los Angeles area.
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