SCK'CEN 0096098 CK C W/C()92()36/IVK/P-1S STUDIECENTRUM VOOR KERNENERGIE CENTRE D'ÉTUDE DE L'ÉNERGIE NUCLÉAIRE Late Pliocène to Holocene évolution of the palaeogeography and the hydrographie net of the Campine (N-Belgium) An overview from literature Use Van Keer Waste and Disposai SCK'CEN, Mol, Bel.sium BLG-840 May 2000 DISTRIBUTION LIST H. von Maravic, EC (5) H. Pitsch, CEA (2) M. Hassanizadeh, TUD (2) J.L. Michelot, UPS (2) SCK'CEN Mr. P. Govaerts (1) Mr. P. De Cannière ( I ) General Manager Mrs. M. De Cracn ( I ) Mrs. L. Hardy ( I ) Mr. L. Veuchelen ( 1 ) Mr. S. Labat ( I ) Contract Manager Mr. D. Mallants ( 1 ) Mr. X. Sillen(l) Mr. G. Collard(l) Mrs. 1. Van Keer ( I ) Head Research Unit Waste and Dismantling Mrs. I. Wemaere ( I ) Mr. B.Neerdael(l) Department Head Waste and Disposai Project Leaders Waste & Disposai department Mr. M. Buyens (1) Mr. D. DeBruyn(l) Mr. J. Marivoet (3) Mr. M. Put(l) Mr. P. Vanlseghem(l) SCK'CEN central documentation/library (2) Mr. G. Volckaert(l) Documentation Waste and Disposai Program (5) This document has been written and approved by: Date Approval Author: Use Van Keer .looc' os ~ Vèrified by: Isabelle Wemaere loco -oS. o9 Approved by: Jan Marivoet lOOO-ÖS 'O'J RESTRICTED Ail property right and copyright are reserved. Any communication or reproduction of this document, and any communication or use of its content without explicit authorization is prohibited. Any iniVingemeni lo this ruic is illégal and entitles to claim damages from the infringer, without préjudice to any oiher right in case of graniing a patent of registration in the field or intellectual property. SCK'CEN, Boeretang 200. B-2400 Mol. My/C()92()36/IVK/I'l,S PHYMOI. PmiCLi Late Pliocène to Holocene évolution of the palaeogeography and the hydrographie net of the Campine (N-Belgium) An overview from literature Ilse Van Keer BLG-840 EC Contract No FI4W-CT96-0026 Waste and Disposai SCK-CEN, Mol, Belgium May 2000 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction. 3 2 Late Pliocène to Middle Pleistocene évolution of tidal and fluvial environments in the Belgium - Dutch border région 3 2.1 Late Pliocène and Praetiglian (2.55 - 2.20 Ma BP) 3 2.1.1 Late Pliocène '. .'. 3 2.1.2 Late Pliocène - Praetiglian transition 3 2.2 Eburonian - Waalian - Menapian (1.70 - 0.77 Ma BP) 6 2.2.1 Eburonian 6 2.2.2 Waalian 7 2.2.3 Menapian 7 2.3 Bavelian - Cromerian (0.77 - 0.30 Ma years BP) 7 2.4 Elsterian .....7 2.5 Holsteinian 7 3 Palaeogeographical évolution of the Belgium - Dutch border région over the last 150 000 years 8 3.1 Saalian (200 000 -126 000 years BP) 8 3.2 Eemian (126 000 -116 000 years BP) 8 3.3 Weichselian glacial (116 000 -10 000 years BP).. 11 3.4 Holocene interglacial 11 4 Palàeoclimate estimâtes over the last 150 000 years 11 4.1 Température and précipitation 11 4.2 Végétation 13 4.3 Sea-level fluctuations 13 4.4 Permafrost conditions 15 4.5 Relief and évolution of the hydrographie net 17 5 Summary 22 REFERENCES 23 ABBREVIATIONS •• 26 ABSTRACT A literature study has been carried out to describe the palaeogeographical and palaeohydrological évolution of the Belgium-Dutch border région during the Late Pliocène to Holocene time period. Palaeogeographic maps given by Zagwijn (1974) and Kasse (1988) are enclosed. KEYWORDS Belgium - Dutch border région, literature study, palaeoclimatology, palaeogeography, Quatemary 1 Introduction A literature study on the palaeogeographical and palaeohydrographical évolution of the Belgium-Dutch border région during Late Pliocène to Holocene has been carried out in the framework of the EC project: "A palaeohydrogeological study of the Mol site, Belgium". The main objective of the PHYMOL project is to develop a methodology that can be applied in performance assessments of an argillaceous repository System to simulate the ground-water flow and transport of radionuclides for the present conditions as well as for conditions corresponding to the expected long term climatological évolution. The results of the geochemical and isotopic analyses performed on ground-water samples from aquifers surrounding the Boom Clay, suggest that the deep groundwaters resuit from a mixing between a large fraction of meteoric water and a small fraction of marine water (Marivoet et al, 1998). To reconstruct the composition of the ground waters, it is essential to know when the infiltration of meteoric water to the ground water has started. Therefore, a comprehensive literature study has been carried out to illustrate the palaeo• geographical évolution of the Belgium-Dutch border région during the Late-Pliocene and Holocene periods. Hereby spécifie attention is paid to the évolution of tidal and fluvatile environments. Figure 1 shows the chronostratigraphy of the mentioned time period. From palaeogeographic maps information on 1) the timing of meteoric water infiltration; 2) the extent of the mixing zone; 3) évidence for perturbation of the water rock system (glaciations, sea-level change, river network and permafrost); 4) the extent of these perturbations, can be deduced. In this report a compilation of palaeogeographic maps from Zagwijn (1974) and Kasse (1988), who described and illustrated the palaeogeographical évolution of the mentioned area thoroughly, is given. 2 Late Pliocène to Middle Pleistocene évolution of tidal and fluvial environments in the Belgium - Dutch border région 2.1 Late Pliocène and Praetiglian (2.55 - 2.20 Ma BP) 2.LI Late Pliocène During the Late Pliocène a sédimentation basin of fluviatile and marine deposits existed in the southem part of the Netherlands and in northem Belgium (Zagwijn, 1974; Kasse, 1988). The coast line, the shape of which is determined by the tectonic activity of the Roer Valley Graben and the Lower Rhine Embayement, went through Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen and the Northem Campine. The River Rhine had its course towards the northwest and was building a delta in the Roer Valley Graben. 2.L2 Late Pliocène - Praetiglian transition This time period is characterised by marine and fluvial sédimentation followed by a period of non-deposition (Kasse, 1988; Fig. 2A). The occurrence of the Meuse fluvial system is thought to be Late Pliocène to Praetiglian in age. The ancient Meuse followed a northeastem course and discharged into the Rhine east of Heerlen-Sittard. From this point, the Rhine and Meuse flowed in a northwest-westerly direction through northem Belgium, where they deposited thick beds of the Mol and the Merksplas sands. Because of the eastwest-northeast palaeocoastline configuration, it is possible that the Merksplas sands are the estuarine or nearshore equivalent of the fluviatile Mol sands. To the north the Mol and Merksplas sands change into marine deposits. mean température in July(°C) T paleo- martne magnetism influence T T lOVars O 20 HOLOCENE Weichselian Eemian Saalian Holsteinianl tlstenan MIDOLE PLEISTOCENE Cromerian Bavelian Menapian Waaüan EARLY Eburonian PLEISTOCENE Tiglian Praetiglian LATE Reuverian PLIOCENE SCK-CEN/IVK/flg99022 Figure 1 Chronostratigraphy and température curve of the Late Pliocène to Holocene (firom Zagwijn, 1989). 2.2 Tigiian (2.20 - 1.70 Ma BP) Afler the Praetiglian the Rhine-Meuse sédimentation ceased in western Noord Brabant (the Netherlands) and adjacent northem Belgium. It seems that this period of non-deposition, which corresponds to the cool Tiglian B, lasted until the Middle Tiglian (Tiglian C3). Subsequenly, the climate ameliorated and a sea-level rise resulted in a transgression in the mentioned area (Kasse, 1988). Hereby, large parts of the Belgium-Dutch border région were Ti-rn NnTi-nzRi.ANi)^ THE NLI HERLANDSs Mcrkspl Legend EO Rh.ne ^ Meuse landward tidal ^ seaward tidal ® tidal litter zone marine jOKni BELGIUM O 10 20 sok BELGIUM SCK-CEN/IVK/llcWdOl SC'K-n;N71VK/|-n:'J')l)ll2 THE NETHERLANDS,- ^iii rrîtrtîl riî: THE NETHERLANDS ;ïyS; iiinho Legend ]3 Rliine SU Meuse Legend § landward tidal ^ seaward tidal Ç3 Rhine H tidal litter zone E Meuse . marine 113 Scheldt r' J O » 20 301 O » 20 30wn BELGIUM ' BELGIUM SCK-CEN/IVK/ng99(X)4 SCK-CEN/IVK/lis'jy(X)5 NETHERLANDS Legend ED Rhme Ei Meuse El Scheldt § landward ^ seaward O X) 20 30km BELGIUM SCK-CEN71VK/lis')')IKlf, Figure 2 Palaeogeography of the Belgium - Dutch border région (from Kasse. 1988) during the A) Late Pliocène; B) Tiglian C3; C) Tiglian C5; D) Eburonian and E) Waalian. Référence cities: A: Antwerp; B: Breda; Br: Brussels; E: Eindhoven; M: Maastricht. affected by tidal processes. The tidal sédiments are found north of the line Putte, Westmalle and Turnhout. The Rhine still occupied a north-western course through the Roer Valley Graben. In the neighbourhoód of Eindhoven the fluviatile environment of the Rhine probably merged into tidal environments. Outside the estuaries the flooding of the Tertiary plain is reflected by the déposition of the Rijkevorsel Member (Fig. 2B), which fprms the lower part of the Campine Clays. These, probably lagoonal clays were deposited in an inshore landward tidal environment characterised by a fairly low salinity. Simultaniously with the déposition of the Rijkevorsel Clay, the Hoogerheide Member was formed in a seaward inshore tidal environment, where salinity could have been somewhat higher. The period between the Tiglian C3 and C5 is characterised by régression of the sea and déposition of eolian and fluviatile sédiments (Beerse Member) in periglacial environments. The sédiments from the Beerse Member were probably supplied by rivers from the Scheldt Basin in central Belgium. After the Tiglian C4 the cümate ameliorated duHng the Tiglian C5. This climatic improvement caused a transgression of thé sea in Noord-Brabant, northem Belgium and the southwestem Netherlands. During the Tiglian C5 the Belgium-Dutch border région was completely covered by tidal deposits (Kasse, 1988; Fig.
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