Gildan Media Companion PDF BRAIN BYTES by Eric H. Chudler and Lise A. Johnson APPENDIX 1 Greek and Latin Origins of Neuroscientific Terminology TABLE A.1. Commonly Used Neuroscience Words and Their Definitions abducens = drawing away ataxia = not orderly ablation = carrying away atrophy = want of nourishment acetylcholine = vinegar bile auditory = to hear adrenaline = near the kidney aura = breath, breeze afferent = to carry auricle = a little ear agnosia = no knowledge autonomic = self-law alar = wing-like axon = axis, axle alexia = no words basilar = base alveus = canal bouton = button amacrine = no long fiber brachium = arm ambidextrous = both right bregma = front of the head ambiguus = doubtful calcarine = spur-shaped amblyopia = dull vision callosum = hard, tough amnesia = forgetfulness cannula = reed ampulla = small bottle carotid = to put to sleep amygdala = almond cataplexy = down stroke, seizure analgesia = no pain catatonia = down tone aneurysm = widening cauda = tail anesthesia = no sensation cauda equina = horse tail ansa = urn handle caudate = tail antitoxin = against poison causalgia = burning pain aphagia = no eat cenereum = ash gray aphasia = no speech cephalic = head aqueduct = water canal cerebellum = little brain arachnoid = spider web–like cerebrum = brain arbor vitae = tree of life ceruleus = blue arcuate = bow-shaped cerumen = wax astigmatism = not a point cervical = neck astrocyte = star-like cell chiasm = a crossing APPENDIX 1 251 BrainBytes_txt_final.indd 251 9/27/16 2:29 PM chorea = to dance ethmoid = sieve-like choroid = like a membrane falx = sickle ciliary = eyelash fasciculus = little bundle cinereum = ashen-hued femoral = thigh cingulum = girdle or belt filum = thread circadian = about a day fimbria = fringe cistern = reservoir or well fissure = cleft or slit claustrum = barrier flocculus = tuft of wool coccyx = cuckoo folium = leaf cochlea = snail shell foramen = opening colliculus = little hill fornix = arch conscious = aware fossa = trench, channel conus = cone or peg fovea = pit, depression coma = deep sleep fundus = bottom commissure = joining together funiculus = little cord conjunctivum = join fusiform = spindle-shaped convolution = a turn, a folding ganglion = knot, swelling convulsion = pulling together genu = knee cornu = horn geniculate = bent like a knee corona = crown glabrous = bald corpus = body gland = acorn cortex = bark, shell, outer layer glia = glue cribiform = sieve-like globus pallidus = pale ball crista = crest glossal = tongue cruciate = cross-shaped gracile = slender crus = leg gyrus = ring, circle culmen = ridge, summit habenula = rein cuneate = wedge hallucination = to wander in the cupula = little tub mind decussation = crossing hemorrhage = to burst forth with dementia = away from mind blood dendrite = tree hippocampus = sea horse dentate = notched hypnosis = sleep dura = hard hypoglossal = under the tongue dyskinesia = improper motion hypophysis = down growth edema = swelling hypothalamus = under thalamus efferent = carry out (away) incus = anvil emboliform = plug-like infundibulum = funnel encephalitis = brain inflammation insula = island encephalogram = brain writing iris = rainbow ependyma = upper garment lamina = layer, thin plate epilepsy = seizure lemniscus = woolen band or filet 252 APPENDIX 1 BrainBytes_txt_final.indd 252 9/27/16 2:29 PM lens = lentil placebo = to please lenticular = shaped like a lens plexus = a braid limbic = border, hem, fringe pons = bridge lingula = little tongue potential = power lumbar = related to the loins pterygoid = wing-shaped macula = spot pulp = flesh malleus = hammer pulvinar = cushion, pillow, couch mater (dura) = mother pupil = doll, little girl medulla = innermost, marrow putamen = shell melanin = black pyramis = pyramid meninges = membrane pyriform = pear-shaped meningitis = membrane quadrigemina = four twins inflammation rabies = to rage microglia = small glue ramus = branch myelin = marrow raphe = seam myopia = to shut eye rectus = straight narcolepsy = numbness seizure restiform = rope-like narcotic = benumbing, reticular = net-like deadening rhodopsin = rose eye neuron = nerve rostral = beak node = knot rubro = red nucleus = nut sacral = sacred, holy obex = barrier sagittal = arrow oblongata = rather long schizophrenia = split mind oculomotor = eye movement sclera = hard oligodendrocyte = few tree cell sella turcica = Turkish saddle operculus = cover, lid semilunar = half-moon optic = for sight serotonin = blood-stretching oscilloscope = to examine septum = wall, partition swinging sinus = a hollow pallidus = pale soma = body paralysis = to loosen somnambulism = sleep walk paranoia = mind beside itself somniloquism = sleep speak (talk) parietal = wall spine = thorn patella = little plate splenium = bandage peduncle = stemlike stapes = stirrup pellucidum = translucent stellate = star pia = soft stimulate = to goad pineal = pine cone striated = striped pinna = wing substantia nigra = black piriform = pear-shaped substance pituitary = slime, mucus sulcus = groove, trench, furrow APPENDIX 1 253 BrainBytes_txt_final.indd 253 9/27/16 2:29 PM synapse = connection trigeminal = three twins synesthesia = together trochlear = pulley perception tubercle = swelling tapetum = carpet uncus = hook tectum = roof vagus = wandering tegmentum = covering velum = covering temporal = time ventricle = small cavity tentorium = tent vermis = worm thalamus = inner chamber vertex = top, summit thoracic = chest vesicle = blister, bladder trabecula = little beam vitreous = glassy tremor = to shake TABLE A.2. Prefixes to Commonly Used Terms in Neuroscience PREFIX MEANING audi- hearing ab- away from aur- ear acou- hear ax-, axon- axis act- do, act bar- weight ad-, aff- to bi- two, double aden- gland blast- bud aer- air, gas brachi- arm alg- pain brady- slow alve- tough capit- head ambi- both sides cata- down andr- man caud- tail angi- blood vessel, duct cell- cell, room ante- before centr- center anti- against, counter cephal- head arachn- spider cerv- neck arch- beginning, origin chord- string, cord arthr- joint chro- color articul- joint chron- time 254 APPENDIX 1 BrainBytes_txt_final.indd 254 9/27/16 2:29 PM contra- against, counter infra- beneath corpus- body inter- among, between crani- skull intra- inside cry- cold lingu- tongue cut- skin medi- middle dendr- tree mega- large dent- tooth meningo- membrane derm- skin mes- middle dors- back meta- beyond dys- bad, improper micro- small ect- outside multi- many electr- amber ophthalm- eye encephal- brain para- beside, beyond end- inside peri- around epi- upon, after phag- eat esthe- feel, perceive phon- sound eu- good, normal phot- light exo- outside poly- many extra- outside of, beyond proprio- self, one’s own fibr- fibrous, fibers resti- rope glom- little ball retro- backward gloss- tongue somat- body graph- write, scratch spondyl - vertebra hemi- half sub- under, below hyper- above, beyond, extreme supra- above hypno- sleep syringo- pipe, tube hypo- below, under tel- end inflamm- setting on fire APPENDIX 1 255 BrainBytes_txt_final.indd 255 9/27/16 2:29 PM APPENDIX 2 Eponyms: Neuroscientific Diseases, Symptoms, Methods, and Structures Named after People Achilles’ tendon reflex Huntington’s disease Aicardi syndrome Jacksonian epilepsy Alzheimer’s disease Jendrassik’s maneuver Angelman syndrome Kluver-Bucy syndrome Aqueduct of Sylvius Korsakoff’s syndrome Arnold-Chiari malformation Landau-Kleffner syndrome Asperger syndrome Lewy bodies Babinski’s sign Lewy body dementia Bell’s palsy Lissauer’s tract Bodian method Lou Gehrig’s disease Broca’s aphasia Martinotti cell Brodmann’s areas Meissner’s corpuscle Brown-Sequard syndrome Merkel disc Cajal cell Meynert’s basal nucleus Capgras syndrome Ménière’s disease Charcot’s disease Moro’s reflex Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease Nissl stain Circle of Willis Pacinian corpuscle Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Parkinson’s disease Cushing reflex Pick’s disease Dandy-Walker syndrome Purkinje cell Down syndrome Romberg sign Duchenne’s dystrophy Schwann cell Edinger-Westphal nucleus Sylvian fissure Ekbom’s syndrome Tourette syndrome Foramina of Monro Wada test Foramina of Luschka Wallenberg syndrome Friedreich’s ataxia Wallerian degeneration Golgi apparatus Wernicke’s aphasia Golgi neuron Weigert’s stain Golgi stain Weil stain Gower’s sign Wilson’s disease Guillain-Barré syndrome Zonule of Zinn Horner’s syndrome 256 APPENDIX 2 BrainBytes_txt_final.indd 256 9/27/16 2:29 PM APPENDIX 3 Average Brain Weights (in Grams) ANIMAL BRAIN WEIGHT (G) Baboon 137 Sperm whale 7,800 Rhesus monkey 90–97 Fin whale 6,930 Dog (beagle) 72 Elephant 4,783 Aardvark 72 Humpback whale 4,675 Beaver 45 Gray whale 4,317 Shark (great white) 34 Killer whale 5,620 Shark (nurse) 32 Bowhead whale 2,738 Cat 30 Pilot whale 2,670 Porcupine 25 Bottle-nosed dolphin 1,500–1,600 Squirrel monkey 22 Adult human 1,300–1,400 Marmot 17 Walrus 1,020–1,126 Rabbit 10–13 Camel 762 Platypus 9 Giraffe 680 Alligator 8.4 Hippopotamus 582 Squirrel 7.6 Leopard seal 542 Opossum 6 Horse 532 Flying lemur 6 Polar bear 498 Fairy anteater 4.4 Gorilla 465–540 Guinea pig 4 Cow 425–458 Ring-necked pheasant 4 Chimpanzee 420 Hedgehog 3.35 Orangutan 370 Tree shrew 3 California sea lion 363 Fairy armadillo 2.5 Manatee 360 Owl 2.2 Tiger 263.5 Grey partridge 1.9 Lion 240 Rat 2 Grizzly bear 234 Hamster 1.4 Pig 180 Elephant shrew 1.3 Jaguar 157 House sparrow 1.0 Sheep 140 European quail 0.9 APPENDIX 3 257 BrainBytes_txt_final.indd 257 9/27/16 2:29 PM Turtle 0.3-0.7 Goldfish 0.097 Bull frog 0.24 Green lizard 0.08 Viper 0.1 Source: Adapted from
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