2/1 Game Force a Modern Approach a Modern 2/1 Game Force he 2/1 Game Force bidding system is an improvement over the Standard American System that has been in e! ect and played by bridge players for many years. " e advantage of the 2/1 system is that it allows the partnership to know that game is Tpossible with only a single bid. In this book, I have tried to present the fundamental aspects of the bidding structure for playing a “pure” Two-Over-One Game Force system of bidding. 2/1 Game Force In this book, I have tried to change behavior by presenting a series of bids geared toward the 2/1 bidding structure that includes Bergen, Reverse Bergen, and Combined Bergen Raises, A Modern Approach inverted minor suit raises with crisscross and # ip-# op, cuebidding, modi$ ed scroll bids, and many more methods not used in Standard American or Precision. -4th Edition In the fourth edition, the Minorwood Convention has been expanded and several variations of the Flannery Convention are included in this edition. I have added the Hello and SCUM For Beginning and Intermediate Players conventions used to interfer over strong notrumps and a Modi$ ed Landy convention With Chapters on Precision and Fantunes designed to compete over partnerships that employ a weak notrump bid. " e Equal Level Conversion (ELC) double is discussed in Chapter 6 and additional material on slam bidding has been added to Chapter 3. " e material on two-way new minor forcing and the Gazilli Convention has been expanded upon in Chapter 1 and Jacoby transfers with a superaccept -4th Edition structure has been added to Chapter 2. Finally, a new chapter that reviews the new Italian System of bids called Fantunes has been included in this edition. " e System has been modi$ ed to be in compliance with the General Convention Chart. Neil H. Timm is professor emeritus from the University of Pittsburgh where he taught NEILTIMM, H. PH.D. statistics for 35 years. He has written two textbooks in Multivariate Analysis and two books on Linear Models. He is the author of Bridge News, available on his Web site (www.pitt. NEIL H. TIMM, PH.D. edu/~timm). He has developed several new bidding systems called Modi$ ed Scroll Bids, the Montreal Relay System for Clubs and Diamonds, and the extended undercall club convention. In this new addition, he includes the Modi$ ed Fantunes bidding structure adapted for the General Convention Chart. 2014 2/1 Game Force A Modern Approach -4th Edition For Beginning and Intermediate Players With Chapters on Precision and Fantunes NEIL H. TIMM, PH.D. 2014 Order this book online at www.tra! ord.com or email orders@tra! ord.com Most Tra! ord titles are also available at major online book retailers. © Copyright 2014 Neil H. Timm, Ph.D.. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author. Printed in the United States of America. 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Tra! ord rev. 01/21/2014 www.traff ord.com North America & international toll-free: 1 888 232 4444 (USA & Canada) fax: 812 355 4082 CONTENTS Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................xvii Introduction ................................................................................................................................xxi Chapter 1 Hand Evaluation, Opening Bids, and Rebids ...........................................................1 Hand EvaluationStarter Points ............................................................................1 Opening Notrump Bids ...........................................................................................5 Opening One of a Suit (MaJor or Minor) ................................................................9 Hand Evaluation - Dummy Points .........................................................................12 Minor suit Dummy Points ................................................................................ 14 Responses to one-level maJor suit bids ...................................................................14 Game forcing Responses .................................................................................. 14 2/1 Game Forcing Responses .....................................................................14 Jacoby 2NT (forcing to game, with perhaps slam interest) ........................16 Splinter Bids ..............................................................................................17 Swiss Bids .................................................................................................20 Semi - Forcing Responses ................................................................................21 1NT (semi-forcing) .....................................................................................21 Constructive Raises (non-forcing t bid - invitational)..............................22 Non-forcing responses (with a t) ....................................................................23 Bergen Raises and Combined Bergen Raises ............................................23 Combined Bergen with a Spade Gadget ...................................................25 Preemptive Bids ........................................................................................26 Overview Combined Bergen And Bergen Raises ............................................27 Walsh Bidding System ...............................................................................28 Responses to one-level minor suit bids ..................................................................29 Non-Forcing Responses ....................................................................................30 Walsh Responses to the one club (1ƅ) opening ..........................................30 Weak Jump Shifts (Preemptive Bid) ..........................................................32 Forcing Responses ............................................................................................ 32 The bid of 2ƅ over 1Ƈ (game force) ............................................................32 Inverted Minors and Crisscross (game forcing and invitational bids) .......33 Minor Suit Splinter Bids ............................................................................34 Review of responses to minor suit opening of (1ƅ) ................................... 35 Review of responses to minor suit opening of (1Ƈ) ....................................35 Meckwell 2NT Response to Minors Suit Openings ..............................................35 Hand EvaluationBergen Points ...........................................................................36 Overview of Forcing and Semi-Forcing Rebids by Opener ..................................38 Strong Jump Shift .............................................................................................38 Reverses ............................................................................................................39 Jump Reverses (Mini Splinters) ........................................................................40 Jump Rebids into opening suit bid ....................................................................40 Full Splinters or reverse jump shifts .................................................................40 Fit Bids (Jump Minor Suit Support Splinters)................................................... 41 Jumps into Notrump ......................................................................................... 41 Rebids by Opener after MaJor opening bids........................................................... 41 After 1NT (semi-forcing) ..................................................................................41 Basic Lisa ...................................................................................................44 Responders Rebids without Basic Lisa .....................................................44 Gazilli Convention ............................................................................................46 After 2/1 game force bids .................................................................................49 After Jacoby 2NT* ........................................................................................... 51 Examples Responses to Jacoby 2NT ................................................................ 51 After Concealed/Ambiguous Splinters .............................................................52 After Swiss bid of 4ƅ ........................................................................................53 After Swiss bid of 4Ƈ ........................................................................................ 53 After Constructive Raises (support at the two-level) ........................................53 Help Suit Game Try Bids ...........................................................................53
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