t f ant st n" i oi JAMES B. JANUARY. The Subscriber ! ig?gj ZiOfV- -. EfeEI his compliments to bis clients and r&rs. A SaDDLE tkees. JOUJH 2fL n V 01 uu 1, 5ItfibETa fi l ill u a large siulk utjsiujs ncktiu,. I X informs tlicin, tnat during his temporary tm?-- TtTTIL L ohept at Mn Hi'1 JL. and Willi an expLricnccu 4! Tayette court will i being oouctrncU yy J UHJNltUiAiS ft .faawifftfj a their busines in circuit has, nd will Keep A Asseni-ml- 4nflH W wMlH..M-ll- b 1 HOiuman .i.krvi SS-S-an-d s SadJIcisliop n i, to by IJ. Chinn, l.sq. Col. 9sae3Y Son' beattended Richard or BRIJiyiliS, made in tlienca st manner, IT" 'J ST jiii street, Lexington Leslie Comtsand Col. nomas M. Jlicltey, and id Retail, likewise SOAR, CANDLES 3w9i)!, ft.pl4M r CiLtf.7 Shan- Wholesale oi t u es the Jessamine circuit court by M.ij. James and GLUE, by the boc or barrel, ofhia own man- w.iuie .saudU.ri nn- -j bBsiiPP1' atJ! W&& JSHimW- L. Todd. imOifa'IQN. r4A JUL JVA. i ., , non and Capt. Levi ufacture, wananttd good. He will, about the last JACOB H 1326 4-- tf. 10-- &&&$&, Lexington Jan 27th, of April, have sift or sixt) bai rols Glue leady for March G, 1826 tf. tossuay y which will be sold low loi cash, 'those OIV CORNER. delivery, SHORT ST. M.AH HIE N A SI11 t'l 11.1 J POET'S GKOUGE W. ANUEKSOjN, wanting will please call. VI 11 DEN, iMARMX fl S now inaiufacturing and kctps ccrstai.ll oa k. C0MIV1SS10N SAM. CPOLIDGE. "" ii.forms.bis FOR HIE G1ZETTI,. AUCTIONEER iMERCHMT, ESPt.01 h Ul I.V &. hand T RLSSEb toi all hinrls o nptuics 117 illaiii Crois Street. ( .l. , I . v i ..wtflP. JS ell LCXINGTOK, KENIUCKY. ZeDrr& H T L v , spring. Jjck. Ui2C 5- -tf he common Steel, with vii' out the racket heel, entrusted, to him will be (baiikfu'll Echruary 1st &??TisrSZ& . ...t.nrr cirfiorpis. lhat he has - . Most beautiful maiden appioach, "OUSI1S Ebb nevvlv cu uoi Die- himself with lie invented anil nil arpiovtu I liv ioL.es of light green I admue; Jl icceiveo ami puiiciuawy atienueu to. a iaaSPHS) proiKltd headed Steel, St Ih"e"i'ce,aJI disohej at lb) toucli, gcuci al assortment of LKXIKGTON HACK. 'I he Morocco Nonelcstio l'anc' with spiing pad, ar 1 1 air. A COMPLETE yi Thy presence g"es warm li to the 'I russcsfur childien of allaj.es ot' (low er-,- , FOUNDERY, now read) to accom tfi. htxuUtaPgrad vlll mi.tia ... , . HOPE And strong genlle horses, and is Gentlcn ens' best iorocco, III cksVin ( alfslui, and hendi c west n,.ht r '"'-"--- t savour him with ttieir .AiiorjSS'n(l s thy 'i:HU,l7vu' " modatesuchismav please to Russia Dull ng lt.ding (iiullts, wi h and without Retail, will constantl) be himself, and from moie $, iLtt inusic'display al lier pow ers, 9hEssm custom He intends dining siirmgs and with pnvalt pockets, " House VYA. W. Del lie To welcome thee, thnce lovely maid. lent on hand, at the blune tliKn sour jeaisexpent nre in driving in Ltxn gton, Ladies', Gentle mens', and Misses Back Stajs, to re businesj all ilsbranch er corner of Cheapside, foimeily AS commenced the above in C. 1. tl,t hie rliai-irt- as a .afe and rnrttul lieve the brtr.st, end of tin Upper ilark-ei- , him rf pau.sin How sporflxc th'e lambs frisk and play, ooccupitd b) Thomas Andpison. fB es, opposite the uppci driver has been o well established, as to insure Double and single Morocco Suspt nders with rolk is 1 e all kinds of is on '1 heir jif and delight to express, Lexington, January 6, 182G Is. where he is ready to lull share of public patron ge. His lesidencc hasallnifcludawav, ,. -t- Ihesnow IVvass & xon Castings .lillstieet, near the Lexington oieam .uv All of which v. ill be sold by wholesale or retail. fields in rich ve.dure are d.cst. hese-who wish Iiis will plea,t apply. The On the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable services birds are delighted to see, 0-tf. The S, disolv-I- , Lexington, July 29th, H1S The Tailoring Business, Iong.banish'd appear; rjMIK Partnershipof E. R. Henry was tcims The virgin CASH will be gnen for OLD COPPER, BRASS, continued as usual i little industrious bee ed oil 2ith Jly of December ll'24, all those In its various blanches, The May 5, lt-- tf w sear. indebted to aid firm leanest ed to come for- andl'EWlER Lexington, 185 Prepare for his toil, ithout aic 41-- ly Col. Solomon P. Sharp's Clients, and as further indulgence Lexington, Oct 14, 1825 ward make payment, REinformpd, his executors have tmploypd sings with delight, be and all those holding claims that Jcji warbler that cannot given, I"V M U'l. lVf 1 V"F .flnrnna nt ir.w will choose him a mate; to call and ' trtili.n flIn1thy presence said firm are requested receive Jor Sate, tt.P firtAnietitfil tineii.pcc ns C.n Rham. ill lllP. &Vfiml Transported, they then take their slight, stand Richard Hen- tf payment at Iheir former where and coun- Hesolving to not separate. of ; courts holden in Frankfort the adjoining JOHN NORTON, ry who is authorised to settle all accounts siid m$4M.vs?t room ' tie love of each other they're blest, ties. Mr. Mayes has taken possession of the received from the East In fiim will stiictly attend to that business. r:fefsssrsw 145 Wl.prn. HASjust JfnlTnnfi,rni1uvv-..p- Frankfort, ns law neither or coy; . hvVJ nn.VW.. ...W. ,. , ...in a an Invoice of fresh I And unhappy ELIJAH HENRY, m wwcs ACRES Of riRST RATE "."'J Tli.toil'tiirthey've finish'd a nest RICHARD HENRY. office, and will reeularlv attend to any business of Drugs and Medicines which ht oii i. Which' g'relUly increases their joy. 3L 5 a protessionai chaiacier tnai may oe conuuto 10 ers for sale bk ASTB him. It ic I.ir intntinn tn resipn his station as a yBta"jp' Wholesale und Beluil; Sweef flowers soring ip at thy feet, (KTBl acksmith's Business. One mile and a halffiom Lexmgton on the Fiank-for- t icpresentative, immediately on the rising ofthe comey. together with a general assortment 'i'JjA Where evi r ihuu deignest to Richard Hpnn nontmues to carrv on the Black- - road, nearlj one half is timbered land, the bal legislature v to lesiaein i laniiioii.. sends forth its sweets qmilhc thp Ktnnd . (he Gm ot Paints, Dve Slutrs, Patent Medi- Eglantine hncintaae ot fnrmnr at urtner lance is in agondstate of cultivation, aframe house Dec 16th 1825 50 'Tlm pinks and the roses will bloom. all of superior quality. Also 4 jThe end of the uppcrmarket, Water Street Lexington. and Oi chard, and one of the Fajette cines, TheUjJlJtHS'lieadyioiiprears, bcstspnngsin Swaim's Panacea, Perlumeiy, Stugical Instru- " lie lntenus Keeping on uana, ax.es ana a general county, and an indisputable title. 'J he above land ' Sweet violets perfuming the air, LAW NOTICE. ments, Medicine Chests, and Apothecary's A are ' $ assoitmontof newwoikin his line, wanantedof being the property of William McCouncll dee'd, V All nature delighted appears, L of all sizes, at his Drug and Chymical Store, cor- the best quality. onTia noicr nfforpd fnr cnto imn frti. I" AKH Vv slip kid men must contribute, ttieir share J. M. and J. O. ner of Main and Upper streets, south Court January 7th 182G -tf heirs ofsaiddec'd. For further particulaisenqune M'Calla Harrison, ofthe OSCAR. united in the piactice of the law, in the House. 111 anu me ivji oi iue suustriuer ljexiiigiou, luwns HAVE and odicc be made known by lnm and the lai.d shown, Kg. ette Jessamiue courts. Their BUTLERS 'iftOU THE CINCINNATI EMPORIUM. GEORGE ROBINSON. is kept at the corner of short and upper streets, op posite the public square, in the loom lately occupi, Vegetable Indian Specific , COLLEGE.1 '" Lex. April 14--t- f. .MEDICAL ed by Dr Wai field; where one or bothmayatal. TOR the Cure of Colds, Coughs, Consumptions, The.commencement'fif the Medical College of Spitting & times be sound. of Blood, Asthma's, Sole disordeisof the jielil on 14th the Chapel ol l?iUsmYgh YoYtfcY, Ale. 49-- Breast and Lungs, above lecom-mend- eJ Ohu,Av,is the inst. in et' Lexington Dec 8, 1815 tf. the Medicines are theiiifimr.iti. College. The cqiemony ds by many Certificates price - opetijeiyy aprajer from the Rev Martin Ruter, rfHE Subscriber respectfully informs the citi- Sold by JOHN NORTON Druggist. ens ot Lexington and vicinity, that lie lias N. B. Country Physicians and Apothecary 'sor-der- s, the I rustees; samtiei J its EVDiJonepl alter utiicn recentlj brought Hth him from Pittsburgh, supplied on the most RamsdV.'lih D. the President, proceeded to con WHEAT. at the shortest holice highest price in CASH will be give'n for- - reasonable terms. ofTDoctor Medicine on each of, STEAM FOUNDERY. One Hundred and tfur rinllE ser the degree of 1st 1826 9- -tf iiifurmi public -- 4ti ftnvvaiti .t tti. JL good Merchantable Lexington, March uc- - jnilF. subscriber respectfully the that faF Hie IOljOWlug w geuiuuuieu, ivuw uiu uccii A "THE LEXIAGI'OjY lrKJl.U FUUAJJLJil" ' Tiou&Iy examined .md approved by the faculty; ' ...(S8B WHKAT IS now in operation at his uld stand back ot the Wool OllllViV o ursi quauiy &VaAe o1l lientwcky, Inaugur-nbDesettatio- w .&JA ALLUYIAN-MILL- S and h.iil e.ieh wnttenand defended the n Ciniii'o 1'AtToai on Water-Slie- opposite the lower At the in Lcxingtono where Grant Circuit Set.
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