VISITATIONS AND MEMORIALS OF SOUTHWELL MINSTER. 145 bequaith to John Lyttelton twoo quarters of Barley, and one quarter of pease. Item I bequaith to the high ways of Easthorpe vj8 viijd. Item I bequaith to John Arnall of Morton a quarter of barleye, and a busshell of pease. Item I bequaith to my gostlye father xiid. Item I bequaith to our Ladye att the highe alter xiid. The Residue of my goods before not geven nor bequaithed I gyve and bequaithe to my son Richard Arnall, whome I ordeyne and make the executor of this my last will & testament ; and John Palmer to be supervisor of this my will, and he to have for his labor vis viiid. Thies being witnes Sir Edmunde Kingstone, John Palmer, Richard Banes, John Lescoo with other moo. Probatum fuit hujusmodi testamentum xxvi0. die mensis Maii Probate 26 May, anno Domini 1542°; coram magistro Edwardo Bassett, Legum Befoje -$ Basaett doctore, commissario Reverendissimi in Christo patris et domini LL.p., special com- Domini Edwardi, permissione divina, Eboracensis archiepiscopi, et bishop Edward [Lee] legitime deputato etc. Commissaque fuit administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum etc. executori in dicto testamento nominato, in forma juris jurato : et salvo jure cujuscunque. Nota : quod repertum et registratum fuit praedictum testamentum NOTE.—This was per me Johannem Lee, notarium publicum, Registrarium Capituli ?om^ antl registere(i Eeclesise collegiate de Southwell; anno domini 1567°. Notary Public and Chapter Registrar, A.D. 1567. ADMISSIONS OF CANONS.* p. 1. xv*0. die mensis Novembris, anno Domini millesimo ccccm0. 15 Nov., 1470. Master John Bower, a The list of admissions given below, under date of admission, taken from the S.T.P., admitted to Southwell Register, is curiously incomplete. 2nd prebend of The form of admission of canons was pretty much the same in all cases, though ^f^j^tion'o there is a curious variety of expression in detail. It is the exception when the canon Randolph Bird, is admitted in person. The first few forms are given as specimens. CAMD. SOC. U 146 VISITATIONS AND MEMORIALS OF SOUTHWELL MINSTER. His proctor, Thomas septuagesimo Magister Johannes Bower, sacra Theologise professor, White, is admitted, installed, and admissus erat ad alteram prebendam de Oxton et Crophyll per inducted. liberam resignationem Domini Ranulphi Bryd," ultimi canonici ejusdem • et Thomas Whyte procurator ejusdem, cum sufficienti mandato, nomine suo, erat admissus, installatus, et inductus. 30 June, 1471. Fenultimo die mensis Junii, Anno Domini, m° ccccm° lxxi0, Master John Barnby M.A., admitted to Magister Johannes Barnby, artium Magister, admissus erat per prebend and canonry of Northleverton, capitulum ad prebendam et canonicatum de Northleverton, in vacant by death of persona Magistri Eoberti Dey, procurutoris sui legitime constituti, Alexander Pyrwett, in person of his per mortem Magistri Alexandri Pyrwett vacantem. proxy, Robert Day. Eodem die Magister Eobertus Dey, cum sufficienti auctoritate, W. Schyrburn, chap, auctoritate substituti, de et tanquam nomine procuratoris ejusdem, lain, constituted b deputy proxy. substituit Willelmum Schyrburn, capellanum, sibi dans, nomine Domini sui, potestatem specialem et generalem. 0 8 Jan. 1471. viii die mensis Januarii Doininus Ricardus Fletcher admissus Sir Richard Fletcher admitted to Norwell, erat ad tertiam prebendam de Norwell, auctoritate literarum Domini 3rd part, on authority Regis Edwardi, capitulo directarum sub ipsius Domini Regis of letter from King Edward IV. under signeto, per mortem Domini Johannis Averel ultimi possessoris his signet on death ejusdem vacantem, in ipsius propria persona, juxta dictse ecclesise of John Averel. laudabilem consuetudinem etc. m 0 16 Jan.1474 p. 2. xvi° die mensis Januarii Anno Domini m° cccc ° Ixxiixi.* Sir Edmund Chater- 0 ton collated by Dominus EdmundusChaterton, cui Reverendissimus pater, Dominus George Neville, Abp. of York, a inducted personally Randolph Bird, of Ripon, who is the first canon we come across (see p. 1), was into canonry and also a canon and prebendary of York, Ripon, and S. Pancras, London. He had prebend of South- been appointed canon of Northwell in Southwell, 26 Oct. 1457, and canon of Oxton muskljain, on death and Crophyll, 2nd part, 14 April, 1462. He appears to have become a residentiary of J. Wraby; and stall in choir and at York on resigning this prebend. His will, proved at York, is given in Surteet place in chapter Society, No. 45, Testament. Ebor, vol. iii. cxiii. It is dated 25 March, 1483. assigned to him. b This proceeding seems to ignore the legal maxim " delegates non potest delegare." 0 Chaterton or Chaderton was a typical secular canon. He was a great adherent of Edward IV., and afterwards of Henry VII., in whose reign he was a master in Chancery, and to whose Yorkist Queen he was chancellor. He had held the sacrist prebend since 29 Oct. 1472, when he became a residentiary; he held the prebend of Soutflmuskham only for a year, when he exchanged it for Northwell III., ands this again 16 Nov. 1476 for Oxton and Crophill, and this again foi Dunham YISITATIONS AND MEMORIALS OF SOUTHWELL MINSTEB. 147 Georgius" Eboraci Archiepisccpus contulit canonicatum et pre- bendam de Suthmuskham, per mortem Domini Johannis Wraby ultimi possessoris ejusdem vacantein, inductus erat in realern possessionem dicfci Canonicatus et prebend*; stallum in Choro et locus in capitulo ejusdem Canonicatus et prebendse per capkuluin f'uerunt assignata &e. Date. Canon. Proctor. Prebend. Last holder. p. 1 25 Nov. 1470 John Bower S.T.P. T. Whyte OxtOQ & Randolph Bryd Crophyll res. 30 Jane 1471 John Barnby M.A. E. Dey North Leverton Alex. Pyrwett al. Magister Prowet d. 8 Jan. 7471 Richard Fletcher In person Norwell III. John Averel Dominus d. p. 2 16 June 1474 Edmund Chaterton do. Southmuskham John Wraby Dominus d. b » Edmund Lichfield R. Hardyng Rampton J. Rawald Magister d. 10 Mar. 1474 John Doget Dec. D. E. Deyne . do. E. Lichfield Chaplain res. p. 3 19 Mar. 1474 John Warkwof th T. Orston Sacristaria J. Barrow M.A. res. 8 April, 1485. He was also a canon and prebendary of Beverley, Kipon, Lincoln, S. Paul's, S. Stephen's, Westminster, and Salisbury ; Warden of Sibthorpe College; Rector of Calverton, Bucks ; Dean of Barking ; and Archdeacon at the same time of Chester, Salisbury, and Totness. This last piece of plaralism is rather astonishing, as an archdeacon, unlike a canon, bad cure of souls ; laxity though there was as to plurality in benefices without cure, the line was generally drawn at archdeaconries. Chaterton's will, 6 April, 1499, is at Somerset House. He died before 27 Aug., 1499. * George Neville, Bishop of Exeter, brother of Warwick the kingmaker, Chan- cellor of England, made archbishop by Edward IV. in 1465. He died 8 June, 1476. b Sic, but the name was Rainalds, i.e., Reynolds, as appears from Archbishop Booth's Register where his collation was entered in 1459. 148 VISITATIONS AND MEMOBIALS OP SOUTHWELL MINSTER. Date. tlanon. Proctor. Prebend. Last holder. 19 Mar. 1474 William Clayton T. Orston Norwell III. J. Averela Dec. Bac. d. p. 4 17 Feb. 1475 Edmund Chaderton G. Radcliff Esq. do. W. Clayton Dom. res. 20 Feb. 1475 Thomas Chaundeler0 G. Radcliff Esq. Southmuskham Exchange with S.T.P. Chaderton for canonry and prebend in Royal Free Chapel beneath Westminster Palace p. 5 6 May 1477 Gervase Clifton J. Mere Dunham John Bate Clerk Chaplain res. 20 Nov. 1480 Oliver King c G. Clifton sq Bekyngham J. Suthwell King's Secretary d. 5 Dec. 1480 Robert Frank R. Elot Eton Exchange d for Dec. D. Chaplain Southhykham in Lincoln Cathedral. p. 6 24 April 1485 William Talbot R. Roper Oxton E. Chaderton • Dec. D. Dom. Edmund Chaderton T. Urkyll Donham James Staneley conf rater noster Dom. res. et concanicus a This is rather odd. Fletcher had been admitted three years before on death of Averel or Averyll. Probably it is a mistake of the clerk. b Chawndler (see p. 48, where, in A.D. 1434, he is accused of not keeping up the hedge between the vicars' garden and his prebendal mansion at Southwell) was a great person. He was admitted a Scholar of Winchester, A.D. 1430 ; was Fellow of New College ; Warden of Winchester, A.D. 1450 ; Warden of New College, A.D. 1453 (Kirby's Winchester Scholars). He was Chancellor of Wells and York, Dean of Chapel Royal, and Secretary of State ; d. 2 Nov. 1490. He was Chancellor of the University of Oxford at least from 5 July, 1457 to 3 June, 1467. (Anstey. Mum. Acad. ii., p. 667, &c.) c Canon of York and Windsor ; Bishop of Bath and of Exeter, under Henry VII. d The collation is accordingly said to be made by John, Bishop of Lincoln, by the authority of Thomas (Rotherham) Abp. of York. 6 This is said to be " per dimissionem " of Chaderton, in the sense of surrender, as he can hardly have leased it. VISITATIONS AND MEMORIALS 01' SOUTHWELL MINSTEE. 149 Date. Canon. Proctor. Prebena. Last holder. p. 7 26 July 1485 John Stoke In person Southmuskham T. Chaundeler M.A. res. 25 Feb. 1485 William Byrley R. Roper Northmuskham J. Hardyng Clerk Dom. d. 29 April 1486 Robert Grymston In person Eton R. Franks Chaplain res. p. 8 >' William Skelton do. Southmuskham T. Stok" S.T.B. res. 15 Feb. 1488 William Fitzherbert do. Rampton Master J. Doket Dec. D. res. p. 9 5 Feb. 1492 J. Raynald J. Wygemore Bekyngham 0. King LL.B. Dom. res. 15 Feb. 1492 Richard Nykks b R. Dyson Wadbnrghe J. Lascy LL.D. Dom. res. 25 Feb. 1492 Edmund Carter' R. Symthe Polyshall Hugh Fuller Dom. Dom. S.T.D. res. p. 10 9 Dec 1494 William Carpenter d R. Dyson Bekyngham J. Raynald LL.D.
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