Lenin and the Bolsheviks; the Intellectual and Political History of the Triumph of Communism in Russia

Lenin and the Bolsheviks; the Intellectual and Political History of the Triumph of Communism in Russia

ULAM (ADAM BRUNO). --- [The Bolsheviks.] Lenin and the Bolsheviks; the intellectual and political history of the triumph of Communism in Russia. Lond., 1966. .9(470841) Len. Ula. --- Another copy. Hist. Lib. --- Another copy. Russian Lib. --- Expansion and coexistence; the history of Soviet foreign policy, 1917-67. Lond., 1968. .327(47084) Ula. --- 2nd ed. Expansion and coexistence; Soviet foreign y Polic , 1917-73. New York [1974.] Russian Lib. --- The fall of the American university. Lond., 1972. .378(73) Ula. --- A history of Soviet Russia. New York, 1976. Russian Lib. --- 2nd pr. New York, 1976. •9(47084) Ula. --- The new face of Soviet totalitarianism. [Russian Res. Center, Stud. 47.] Cambridge, Mass., 1963. .321642(47) Ula. --- Philosophical foundations of English socialism. [Harvard Pol. Stud.] Cambridge, Mass., 1951. .335(42) Ula. [Continued overleaf.] ULAM (ADAM BRUNO) [continued]. --- Russia l s failed revolutions; from the Decembrists to the dissidents. Lond. [1981.] .9(4707-085) Ufa. --- Stalin; the man and his era. Lond., 1974. .9(470842) Ula. --- Another copy. Russian Lib. --- Titoism and the Cominform. [Russian Res. Center, Stud. No. 5.1 Cambridge, Mass., 1952. •3354(497) Ula. --- The unfinished revolution; an essay on the sources of influence of Marxism and Communism. 2nd pr. New York, copyright 1960. .3354 Ula. --- See BEER (SAMUEL HUTCHISON) and U. (A.B.) ULAM (STANISLAW MARCIN). --- A collection of mathematical problems. [Intersci. Tracts in Pure and Appl. Math. No.8.] New York, 1960. JCM Lib. --- See KAC (MARK) and U. (S.M.) ULAN BATOR. JEBTSUNDAMBA KHUTUKHTU --- The Jebtsundamba Khutukhtus of Urga. Text, translation and notes by C. R. Bawden. [Mongol and Eng.] [Asiat. Forsch. Bd. 9.] Wiesbaden, 1961. .2943 Ula. ULANOV (BARRY). --- See HALL (JAMES BYRON) and U. (B.) ULAR (ALEKMRE). --- Un empire russo-chinois. Paris [1903.] Bc.7.50. * Sir John Murray Collection. UYASZYN (HENRYK). --- Praojczyzna Sxowian. [Lidjkie Towarzystwo Naukowe Soc. Sci. Lodziensio, No. 37•] Lodz, 1 959• .9(367):.4918 UXa. ULBERT (GUNTER). --- Der Lorenzberg bei Epfach; die fruhromische Militarstation. [Bavaria, Bayerische Akad. d. Wiss. Komm. z. Archaol. Erforsch. d. Spatromischen Raetien, Veroff. Bd. 3, Epfach 3; Munchner Beitr. z. Vor- u. Fruhgesch. Bd. 9.] Munchen, 1 965• F •3557(4336) Ulb. ULBERT-SCHEDE (UTE). --- Das Andachtsbild des kreurtragenden Christus in der deutschen Kunst von den Anfangen bis zum Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts; eine ikonographische Untersuchung. Munchen [1968.] •7049485 Ulb. ULBRICHT (ELYRIEDE). --- Das Flussgebiet der Thuringischen Saale; eine namenkundliche Untersuchung. [Leipzig, SHchsische Akad. d. Wiss. Hist. Komm. Deut.-Slawische Forsch, z. Namenkunde u. Siedlungsgesch. Nr. 2.1 Halle (Scale), 1957• 9Z94- (ti-3Lz) alb. ULBRICHT (TILO LAJOS VITTORIO). --- Introduction to nucleic acids and related natural products. [Oldbourne Chem. Ser.] Lond. [1965.] Chem. Lib. ADDITIONS ULANOV (BARRY). --- A history of jazz in America. Unabridged republication of the first ed. publ. in New York in 1952. [Da Capo Press Music Reprint Ser.] New York, 1972. Reid Music Lib. ULBERT (THILO). -- ed. Ad Pirum (Hrusica); spatromische Passbefestigung in den Julischen Alpen. Der deutsche Beitra zu den slowenisch-deutschen Grabungen, 1971-1973. fveroff. d. Komm. z. Archaol. Erforsch. d. Spatromischen Raetien;- Munchner Beitr. z. Vor - u. Fruhggesch. Bd. 31.1 Munchen [1981.] F .913(4367) Ulb. ULBRICHT (H.). — Wayang Purwa; shadows of the past. Repr. [Oxford in Asia Paperback.] Kuala Lumpur, 1972• •7915(922) Ulb. ULBRICHT (TILO LAJOS V =ORIO). — Purines, pyrimidines and nucleotides, and the chemistry of nucleic acids. [Commonwealth and Int. Lib. A Course in Organ. Chem. Adv. Sect. Vol. 25.1 Oxford [1964.] Chem. Lib. ULBRICHT (WALTER). --- Whiter Germany? Speeches and essays on the national question. A Dresden, 1966. .9(43085-086)04 Ulb. --- Another copy. Politics Lib. --- See STERN (CAROLA). U.; a political biography. ADDITIONS --- Lehrbucli ffi.• dean demolcratisclien Ctaats-und ':lirteclktitoaufoau. 3erlin [1919.1 .33(4;1007) Ulb. ULCOQ (CLEMENT JOHN ANDREW). --- Disput. jurid. ad Lib. XXIII Tit. 2 Digest. De ritu nuptiarum. Edin., 1845• QP. 1025/63. ULDALL (Mrs. ELIZABETH THEODORA). --- What is a speech defect? [Offprint from Speech Therapists Bulletin, December, 1954•1 n. p. Q P. 1377/2. ULDALL (HANS). --- Das Klavierkonzert der Berliner Schule, mit kurzem YTberblick fiber seine allgemeine Entstehungsgeschichte and spatere Entwicklung. [Samml. Musikwiss. Einzeldarstellungen, Hft. 10.1 Leipzig, 1928. Reid Music Lib. ULDALL (HANS JORGEN). --- A Danish phonetic reader. [The London Phonetic Readers.] Lond., 1 933• •4398115 Uld. --- Another copy. Ling. Lib. --- On equivalent relations. [Extract from Travaux du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhagee, Vol. 5, 1949•1 Copenhagee. QP. 1377/1. --- Outline of glossematics; a study in the methodology of the humanities with special reference to linguistics. Pt. 1. General theory. [Tray. du Cercle Ling. de Copenhagee, 10, 1.1 Copenhagen, 1957• .415018 Uld. * On series title-page the complete work is ascribed to Louis Hjelmslev and H.J. Uldall, but Pt. 2 was never written. --- Another copy. English Lib. 0v" cIt'u'r . --- . Ling. Lib. --- 2nd ed. Copenhagen, 1967. .415018 Uld. --- Another copy. Ling. Lib. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS Ui,917G& (I I A Il.) . Agah Sirri Levend. "ail- , 1982. .894358 .Lev. Ulo. ULDALL (HANS JORGEN) [continued]. --- A sketch of Achumawi phonetics. Repr. [from] International Journal of American Linguistics, Vol. 8, No. 1, December 1933. [ New York.] Q_ P. 1377/3. --- and SHIPLEY (WILLIAM FRANCIS). --- Nisen/rm texts and dictionary. [Univ. of California Publ. in Ling., Vol. 46. 1 Berkeley, 1966. .4974 Ul d• ULDALL (KAI). --- Folkeliv og kulturlevn; studier tilegnet Kai Uldall, 14. september, 1960. [Copenhagen, 1960? 1 Scott. Stud. Lib. --- Frilandsmuseet; the open-air museum ... English guide. Translation [by] J. Higgs. Copenhagen [1957.] Scott. Stud. Lib. --- Another ed. With additions by P. Michelson and B. Stoklund. [Copenhagen] 1966. Scott. Stud. Lib. --- Gammel dansk folkekunst. K/benhavn, 1966. Scott. Stud. Lib. ULDERICUS veridicus, sive de statu ecclesin Scoticana L^' dialogus ... See NEWTON (ARCHIBALD). Uldericus ... ULE (CARL HERMANN). --- Empfiehlt es sich, die Bestimmungen des europaischen Gemeinschaftsrechts fiber den Rechtsschuts zu andern and zu ergansen? Gutachten fur den 46. Deutschen Juristentag. Verhandlungen der Sochsundvierzigsten Deutschen Juristentages Essen, 1966. Hrsg. von der Standligen Deputation des Deutsches Juristengages, Bd. 1. Gutachten Tl. 4. Munchen, 1966. C.E.G.S. --- Studien fiber Recht and Verwaltung. See STUDIEN VEER RECHT UND VERWALTUNG. [Continued overleaf.] ULDALL (ROBERT). Renal nursing. 2nd ed. Oxford, 1977. .6166073 Uld. ULDRICKS (TEDDY J.). --- Diplomacy and idegology; the origins of Soviet foreign relations, 1917-1930. [SAGE Stud. in 20th Cent. Hist., Vol. 9. ] Lond. [ 1 979•] •327(470841-0842) Uld. ULE ( CARL HMM.NN) . --- Beamtenrecht. Bearb. von C.H.U. See BRAUCHITSCH (MAX VON). [Verwaltungsgesetze des Bundes and der Lander. Neu hrsg. von C.H. Ule.] Beamtenrecht. ULE (CARL HERMANN) [continued]. --- ed. Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit. 2. neubearb. Aufl. See BRAUCHITZ (M. VON. [Verwaltungsgesetze des Bundes and der Lander.] Verwaltungs- gerichtsbarkeit. --- Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetze des Auslandes. Hrsgb. in Verbindung mit F. Becker and K. KUnig. [Schrrhe. der Hochschule Speyer, Bde. 31/1, 31/2.] Berlin, 1967. C.E.G.S. ULE (WILLI). --- Das deutsche Reich; eine geographische Landeskunde. 2. verbess. Aufl. Leipzig, 1925. & C ULEHLA (LUDMILA). --- Contemporary harmony; romanticism through the twelve-tone row. New York [1966.] Reid Music Lib. AI ► 1 ► I'UMNS ULE (CARL HERMANN). --- ed. Verwaltungsgesetze des Bundes and der Lander. See BRAUCHITSCH (MAX VON). — Verwaltungsprozessrecht; ein Studienbuch. 6te. neubearb. Aufl. [Juristische Kurz-Lehrbucher.] Munchen, 1975. C.E.G.S. ULE (LOUIS). --- A concordance to the works of Christopher Marlowe. [The Elizabethan Concordance Ser. 1.] Hildesheim, 1979• F •8223203 Ule. Ulenbeeg (Caspar). lfistoria do vita, moribus, rebus gestic . praedicant ium Lut heranorum, Al. Lut heri, 1'. Melan- chthonis, Al. Flacii lllyrici, G. Maioris et A. Osiandri, etc. 2 pts. (in 1). 8° Coloniae Agrippinae, 1622. A. 15. 80. Ulenspiegel (Tyel). SCC EULF.NSPIEGEL (T.). Ulfeld (Eleonora Christina, Orevinde). Denkwiirdigkoiten der Griilin zu Schleswig-Holstein Leonora Christina aus '► ihrer Gefangenschaft im Blauen Thurm des Konigsehlesses zu Copenhagen, 1663-1685 ... Hrsg. von Johannes Ziegler. [With a preface by Count J.'von 1Valdstein Wartenberg.] Ill. 8° Wien, 1871. Bp. 1. 27. — Memoirs of Leonora Christina, daughter of Christiany r of Denmark, written during her imprisonment in tho Blue Tower at Copenhagen, 1663-85. Tr. [from the German] by F. E. Bunnbtt. Port. and ill. 2nd ed. 8° Lond., 1872. Bs. 3. 251. Ulffers (Wohlertus Joannes). See AcxERMANN (J. F.) press. Ulffers (Wolderus Joannes). See WEiss (P. H.), U. (W. J.), etc. 1 AUDITIONS ULENBERG (CASPAR). --- See SOBZBACHER (JOSEPH) . Kaspar U.; eine Preistergestalt aus der Zeit der Gegenreformation in Ko1n . ULF (CHRISTOPH). -- Das romische Lupercalienfest; ein Modellfall fur Methodenprobleme in der Altertumswissenschaft. [Impulse d. Forsch. Bd. 38.1 Darmstadt, 1982. .29236 Ulf. -- Sport bei den Naturvolkern. See WEILER (INGOMAR). Der Sport bei den Yolkern der alten Welt ... ULFILAS, Bp. of the Goths. --- Uber das Leben and die Lehre des Ulfila. [Lat.

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