3. SS PANZER-DIVISION "TOTENKOPF" - UNIT HISTORY 125 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1939/11/01 Munich, Dachau Activation C.O.: SS Gruppenfuehrer Theodor Eicke, 1939/11/01-1943/02/27 Subordinate to: Stellv.Gen.Kdo. VII 1939/11/29 Stuttgart, Bad Kreuznach, Formation with "V" units, training AOK 1, AK 14, 1939/11/20-1940/02/28 Muensing, Korbach AOK 2 (OKH Res.), 1940/02/28-1940/05/10 1940/05/11 Bergisch-Gladbach, Geilenkirchen Movement, assembly OKH (Res.), 1940/05/10-1940/05/17 1940/05/17 Liege, Namur, Fraire, Belgium Movement AK 15 (Gruppe Hoth), 1940/05/17-1940/05/19 1940/05/20 Liessies, Aubigny, Arras, France Offensive and defensive AK 39 Pz, 1940/05/20-1940/05/22 Cambrai, Armentieres, Staples, operations AK 15 (Gruppe Hoth), 1940/05/23 Vieille Chapelle, Bethune, AK 16, 1940/05/24-1940/05/30 La Bassee Canal, Boulogne-sur-Mer AK 14 Pz, 1940/05/31-1940/06/01 1940/06/01 Calais, Gravelines, Dunkirk Coastal defense, battle AOK 18, 1940/06/02 AK 4, 1940/06/03-1940/06/04 1940/06/07 Saint-Pol, Hesdin, Le Parcq, Offensive operations AK 28, 1940/06/05-1940/06/08 Clamecy, Peronne, Soissons AOK 6 (HGr-B), 1940/06/09-1940/06/12 AK 14 Pz, 1940/06/13-1940/06/16 1940/06/14 Seine and Loire Rivers, Lyons, Pursuit AK 22, 1940/06/17 Marcigny, Issy-L'Eveque AK 14 Pz, 1940/06/18-1940/06/23 Panzergruppe von Kleist, 1940/06/24 1940/06/26 Arcachon, Bordeaux, Moulins, Occupation duty, coastal Chalons-sur-Saone, Saintes defense AOK 7, 1940/09/08-1940/10/31 AK 31, 1940/11/01-1940/12/15 AK 39 Pz, 1940/12/16-1940/12/20 AK 31, 1940/12/21-1941/01/15 AK 39 Pz, 1941/01/15-1941/04/25 Hoeh.Kdo. 31, 1941/04/26-1941/05/12 AK 59, 1941/05/12-1941/05/31 1941/06/06 Parthenay, France Transfer Panzergruppe 4, 1941/06/05-1941/06/26 Sztum (Stuhm), East Prussia, Germany 1941/06/20 Mamonovo (Heiligenbeil) Assembly Elbing, Hirschfeld 1941/06/22 Lida, Vilnyus, Deguciai, Invasion, advance, offensive AK 56 (mot), 1941/06/26-1941/07/31 Ukmerge, Jurbarkas, Lithuania operations [email protected] 126 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1941/06/29 Daugavpils (Duenaburg), Advance, offensive operations Kraslava, Dagda, Izvalta, Latvia 1941/07/06 Rasina (Rosenow), Opochka, Offensive operations Gorki, Sebezh, Soviet Union 1941/07/31 Gorodishche, Dno, Utorgosh, Defensive operations AK 28, 1941/07/31-1941/08/15 Derglets, Zamoshye 1941/08/15 Polist, Lovat, Pola Rivers, Attack, advance AOK 16, 1941/08/15-1941/08/17 Onufriyevka, Demyansk, AK 56 (mot), 1941/08/17-1941/09/13 Kiri1lovshchina 1941/09/24 Luzhno, Mshaga, Lyubnitsa, Defensive operations AK 2, 1941/09/13-1941/09/27 Valdai 1942/01/08 Ostashkov, Kholm, Lake Ilmen, Defense against Russian AK 10, 1941/09/27-1942/00/00 Staraya Russa breakthrough 1942/02/09 Demyansk, Kirillovshchina Defensive operations of Kampfgr. Simon 1942/03/21 Staraya Russa, Demyansk Pocket, Encirclement, Lovat River defensive operations, breakthrough of Kampfgr. Eicke C.O.: SS Oberfuehrer Max Simon (mfb) 1942/07/01 Ramushevo, Demyansk Defense of land bridgehead Subordinate to: HGr-Nord, 1942/07/01-1942/10/17 1942/10/24 Angouleme, France Coastal defense, security of demarkation line 1942/11/11 Millau Occupation of unoccupied France 1942/11/13 Perpignan, Mediterranean Coast Coastal defense 1942/11/16 redesignated as PzGrenD 1942/12/19 Angouleme, Atlantic Coast Coastal defense 1943/02/08 Kharkov, Soviet Union Transfer HGr-Sued, 1943/02/08 [email protected] 127 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND Records of the 3. SS Panzer-Division "Totenkopf" are listed in Guide No. 27, p. 4-5, reproduced on rolls 130-137 and 645 of Microfilm Publication T354 and are described following the unit history. For additional information see Guide No. 32, Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police, rolls 103-111 and others of MARS Microfilm Publication T175, Although no operation records of this division dated later than 1943/02/08 were available at the National Archives, situation maps of Lage Ost and manuscripts in the Foreign Military Studies series, prepared by former German officers for the Historical Division, Headquarters U.S. Army, Europe, between 1945 and 1959, contain reference to the 3. SS Panzer-Division "Totenkopf" as follows: MS C-078 (6th Army, Russia - Defense and Counterattack on the Mius Front, Jul-Aug 1943), by Maj. Paul Frank MS P-060f, Part II, App. 4 (Kampf von Panzerverbaenden am offenen Fluegel im Oktober 1943 in der Ukraine), by Gen.Maj. Burkhart Mueller-Hillebrand MS T-9, Part I and II (Die Operationen der Heeresgruppe Suedukraine (Sued) in Rumaenien, Ungarn und Oesterreich (Mai 1944 bis Kriegsende) der Heeres- gruppe Nordukraine (A) in Galizien und Ostpolen (Mai bis Ende August 1944) und der Armeegruppe Heinrici (1. Panzer Armee) in den Beskiden (September 1944 bis Ende Januar 1945)), by Gen.Lt. Otto Heidkaemper Appendix No. 1 to MS T-9 (Die Operationen der Heeresgruppe Suedukraine (Sued), der Heeresgruppe Nordukraine (A) und der Armeegruppe Heinrici (1. Pz. Armee), Mai 1944 bis Mai 1945), by General der Panzertruppen Walter Wenck, Gen.Obst. Erhard Raus, Obst. Hermann Teske, Gen. Jon Gheorghe (Rumanian), and Gen.Obst. Gotthard Heinrici Band 1, Addition to MS T-9 (Materialsammlung fuer die Darstellung der russischen Offensive gegen die deutschen Heeresgruppen A (spaeter Suedukraine) und Sued (spaeter Nordukraine) vom 24. Dez 1943 bis 15. Mai 1944), by Obst.Lt. Hellmuth von Wienskowski Band 2, Addition to MS T-9 (Materialsammlung fuer die Darstellung des deutschen Angriffs auf Kursk (Operation Zitadelle) im Juli 1943), and Band 3, Addition to MS T-9 (Materialsammlung fuer die Darstellung der russischen Offensive gegen die deutschen Heeresgruppen A, Sued, und Mitte, vom Juli bis September 1943), by Obst.Lt. Hellmuth von Wienskowski. 1943/02/14 Valki, Poltava, Botkino, Belgorod Preparation for the Kursk SS PzK 2 Offensive (Operation Zitadelle) AK zbV Raus 1943/06/01 Merefa, Makeyevka, Stalino SS PzK 2 1943/08/12 Alexandrovka, Kharkov, Rublevka, Poltava 1943/10/26 Kremenchug, Krivoi Rog Reorganization AK 47 Novo-Starodub, Ingulets River AK 11 1944/01/23 Novo-Mirgorod, Kirovograd AK 52 C.O.: SS Oberfuehrer Otto Baum 1944/03/16 Balta, Olgopol, Ukraine Subordinate to: AK 40 1944/04/10 Kishinev Refitting, 3. SSPzD "Totenkopf" AK 7 1944/05/24 Roman, Rumania AK 57 Pz [email protected] 128 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1944/07/19 Grodno, Neman River, Soviet Union AK 6 1944/08/03 Warsaw, Poland SS PzK 4 Nowy Dwor, Nowe Miasto, Modlin 1944/12/31 Komarom, Hungary Esztergom, Szekesfehervar (Stuhlweissenburg) 1945/03/23 Balaton Lake (Plattensee) C.O.: SS Brigadefuehrer Hellmuth Becker 1945/04/02 Wiener Neustadt, Austria Subordinate to: SS PzK 2 1945/05/04 Stockerau, Stetteldorf Last trace on situation maps [email protected] 3. SS PANZER-DIVISION "TOTENKOPF" 129 CONTENTS DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST FRAME la, TB der I./4. SS Totenkopfstandarte "Ostmark" und 1940/06/12-1941/02/02 U.SST-Stand Ostm H6890 130 3767191 Befehle. Activity report and orders concerning movement to The Hague, The Netherlands, 12-14 Jun 1940; coastal defense, security duty, and training in The Hague, Helder, Scheveningen, and Hook of Holland areas, 15 .Jun 1940-1 Feb 1941; relief of coastal defense by the 197.ID, 2 Feb 1941; and an order by Hoeh.Kdo. zbV 37 (Komraandeur der Truppen des Heeres in den Niederlanden) relating to operations of and tactical subordination to the 197.ID and the SS "V" Division, 26 Aug 1940-7 Jan 1941. (Item Nos. W6890, W6890/1-2 of the SS Totenkopf Standarte "Ostmark" were filmed with the records of the 3. SS Panzer-Division "Totenkopf." For additional information on SS Totenkopfstandarten, see also records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police, T175, roll 107 and others.) la, KTR Nr. 1 und Karten der II./4. SS 1940/08/29-1940/12/14 4.SST-Stand Ostm W6890/1 130 3767226 Totenkopfstandarte "Ostmark". War journal concerning coastal defense, security activity, training, and regrouping in the Assen, Helder, Alkmaar, Noordwijk aan Zee, Katwijk aan den Rijn, and Hook of Holland areas; afteraction reports and critiques relating to coastal defense of 5 and 7/4.SS Totenkopf Standarte "Ostmark," 1 Sep-13 Dec 1940; and a register of officers, la, TB und Anlagen der III/4. SS Totenkopfstandarte 1940/09/01-1941/01/05 4.SST-Stand Ostm W6890/2 130 3767265 "Ostmark". Activity report concerning coastal defense, security duty, training, and regrouping in the Noordwijk aan Zee, Kijkduin, Haarlem, Monster, and Hook of Holland areas. The Netherlands, and an order relating to an alert plan, 18 Nov 1940. la, KTB Nr. 2 der SS Totenkopf Division. War journal 1940/04/03-1940/05/23 3.SSPzD TK 9125/2 130 3767281 concerning training in the Korbach area, 3 Apr-14 May; movement to Bergisch-Gladbach, 15 May; crossing the German border into Holland, 16 May; movement to Liege, [email protected] 130 3. SS PANZER-DIVISION "TOTENKOPF" CONTENTS DATES ITEM NO. BOLL 1ST FRAME Namur, and Fraire, Belgium, 17-20 Hay; and offensive operations in the Arras and Saint-Pol areas, France, 21-23 May 1940. Includes a register of officers and casualty and strength reports. la, Anlagen zum KTB 1-4. Daily messages, charts, and 1939/11/28-1940/06/01 3.SSPZD TK 9125/5 131 3767344 orders pertaining to movements from Dachau to Ludwigsburg, Heiibronn, and Neckarsulm, 29 Nov-1 Dec 1939; movements to Bad Kreuznach, Muensing, and Korbach, 12-31 Jan 1940, and Bergish-Gladbach, 11-12 May; advance toward and movement across Belgium, 17-20 May; and invasion of France and combat operations in the Liessies, Aubigny, Arras, Cambrai, Armentieres, Vieille Chapelle, La Bassee canal, Etaples, and Boulogne-sur-Mer areas, 20 May-1 Jun 1940.
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