Eastern Michigan University DigitalCommons@EMU EMU Student Newspaper: The orN mal News & University Archives The Eastern Echo 1917 The orN mal College News, June 8, 1917 Eastern Michigan University Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.emich.edu/student_news Recommended Citation Eastern Michigan University, "The orN mal College News, June 8, 1917" (1917). EMU Student Newspaper: The Normal News & The Eastern Echo. 434. https://commons.emich.edu/student_news/434 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at DigitalCommons@EMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in EMU Student Newspaper: The orN mal News & The Eastern Echo by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@EMU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. t IIIIUr. II II 0 I ihe Nor01al College New-s Ok. U YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, JUNE 8, J9l7 NO. 35 ace Emery Gives College Honors to be �ssembly Speaker 60Q Students Soo� to Brilliant Recital Awarded Wednesday Delayed by Train Bid Normal Farewell ung Artist'sT echnique and In- K eynote of Last Assembly Will be Women of College Adopt War Baccalaureate Sunday, June 17, terpretative Power Excellent '·To the Victors" Resolutions Wednesday I Opens Commencement Program given 1n he graduating recital The last general assembly coming A late train denied Normal College With the Noriµal College Commence- ase Auditorium, Wednesday even­ next week will be a fitting close fo the members the ment only one week in the future, by Miss '1race W. Emery, pianist, students and faculty year's actviities. The fifth annual of s brilliant in the extreme. Miss privilege and pleasure of hearing Dr. something the excitement and yet ery has gone far beyond the ama- awarding of College honors consti­ Caroline Bartlett Crane, noted c:lvic Withal solemnity that pervades the r sfage and played with aplomb and tutes the orders of the day. While worker, of Kalamazoo, at general as- campus during graduation week is al­ She present- ish of a professional. not all the honor men are here, yet a sembly Wednesday morning. l\ll'rs. ready noticeable. I t is estimated that a program of staggering difficulty goodly number will be on the plat­ mbly about six hundred students will bid a manner deserving enthusiastic Crane arrived shortly after asse to mmendation, and played entirely form to receive the public recognition had been dismissed, but since the farewell the portals of the insti­ thout notes at that. Her technique of the College for excellence in ora­ committee had no definite knowledge tution with the close of the coming astonishing, and her facile execu­ tory, debating, athletics, and in other as to just what time.she would arrive, festivities. and exceedingly dif­ n of complex fields. no arrangements were made for her The Commencement week program compositions was really wonder- ,ult The list In athletics will include the will be inaugurated by the Bacca­ !. To play, as she did, a program to appear later in the day. at includes a movement from the men 011. teams in too'tball, !soccer, Besides the usual announcements, laureate address to- be delivered Sun­ riking "Italian Concerto" of Bach, basketball, tennis, track, baseball, and Wednesday's assembly was featured day evening by the Rev. George L. of e great "Sonata Pathetique" the women who have passed the tests by the unanimous adoption by the wo- Cady, of the Plymouth Congregational ethoven, a group of modern temper­ for physical efficiency. These will be men of the College of the war time church of Lansing. ental compositions, and en that presented with special monogramed Since Last Friday Monday, the second ot the cere emendous test of virtuosity, the resolutions drawn up by the commit- day - rotchnical, intricate and dazzling certificates made from a design re­ We have learned that: tee appointed at the women's mass monies, will see many events, among flat Concerto" of Liszt, is a triumph cently gotten out, indicating their Dean White has not resigned. meeting two weeks ·back. The tesolu- which Will be the Senior and Degree does itself. Miss Emery, however, achievements. not abscond with the r - Class Day exercises/ Ivy Day cere- sure­ S. Seinen did tions as read by the committee ep t play with merely technical The men In debating and oratory C. A. funds. mony, Campus Her resentative, Miss Grace Gibson, are as Songfest, and Conserv- ss-she interprets as well. Ponton was not stabbed by a love lier will be awarded gold medals having follows: atory Commencement. uch is firm, her tone brilliant, rival. pression admirable. In the DeBussy the intercollege contes1ls in 'Which we, 'the women of the Michigan Tuesday is to be Alumni Day. It they have participated engraved upon Prof. Peet has not discovered any lair de Lune," she was most suc­ new d eath d ea 1mg. exp 1osive. · State Normal College in order to serve will be devoted to those former stu- producing the mysterious them. The .fourwomen who have won ssful in The Senior girls have not placed the our country in our daily living, re- dents who return for the week, and mosphere, the glamour of a misty platform honors this year, Ivaleen Hough, Lois Sullivan, Martha Horton, ban on wearing caps and gowns. solve; will be marked by a big mass meeting oonlight evening, with occasional 1. and Geneva Ratliff will have their Summer students will not be requir- in Pease Auditorium at 2: 30 which ursts of radiance and serene beauty. ed to wear uniform·dress. To practice and to teach ha bits he Chopin "Butterfly Etude" was medals in special design for use as of thrift, orderliness and obedience. will be addressed by Wm. R. Moss of pendants. No new Class Day participants are armingly played; the Arensky "Pres to be elected. 2. To observe regular and whole- the class of '91, now prominent law- mood These medals are eagerly looked e la Mer" expressed the pensive Penmanship has not been crossed some habits of living. yer of Chicago, and also a recegtion duced by the sea; and the "Aeolus" forward to and proudly worn by their possessors. Also the new Switzer cup off the required list. 3. To wear simple and sufficient in the main building thruout the even- f Gernsheim proved a veritable cave clothing. • · f the winds, with only rude Boreas will be presented to the debating club For all there was commendable ing. 4. To keep informed on the war issing. The deep feeling of the which has secured most points during about the last issue o/. The News, our The climax of the Commencement the year. and the problems connect�d with it. eethoven "Sonata" was marked, and readers are indebted to Miss Pauline program will be reached Wednesday of the Liszt ,special music will be furnished for Derbyshire and Mr. John B. Hubbard. That we may be able to do these e second movement when at 9:30 President Henry Concerto" was notable for the bell­ the occasion and appropriate speeches The rest is to be accredited to us, as things, we ask the College to offer King ike tone and exceeding beauty of its delivered "To the Victors" and in usual. special work in personal hygiene, food Churchill of Oberlin College will endition. A great part of this typi­ presentation of the awards. values, the wise expenditure of money, deliver the Commencement address. ally Lisztian composition was played An exhibit of medals and certi"fu. and in current topics related to the Following Dr. King?s speech, grad­ cates will be made in the main corri­ LaS t Y • •W • • C A M eet• 101, rl war. t tremendous speed, and the clear uates will be presented with their di- and underlying rhythm were dors on Tuesday of next week, giving on the suggestion of the chairman, hrasing The last Y. w. C. A. meeting of this plomas. The Commencement Dinner Mrs. Baskerville was etrec­ a foretaste of th� occasion itself. The the assembly voted to have 15 0 cop- otable. 0 which will s.erved in tlie gymnasium ive in the accompaniment ot the mutto wm be "To the Victors." Town­ term and school year will be held at ies of the resolutions printed, that the will 'Concerto." people have found these programs in­ Starkweather Hall next Wednesday girls might have them to take b.ome follow the customary march of tetesting in the past and they are Miss Emery has made may friends evening, June 13, at 6:30. The meet­ with them. The expense is to be de- the graduates, faculty members, and cordially invited to be present again nd admirers in this city by her grac­ frayed by a "Copper" assembly next returned Alumni about the campus. this year. ing to be conducted by the Seniors ous playing for various local organi­ week. This will conclude the program of ations, and her popularity is also will be inventorial or restrospective the week. reat in the college. She was over- in nature as is suggested by the topic whelmed with armfuls of roses, pre­ 1917 Aurora Out Monday of the leader, Miss Lillian Priestap, Euclideans Conclude Yiear Normal College Alumni are urged sented by little Misses Lorinda Mc­ to make" a special effort 'to get back Business Manager Benner of the "What Have Been the Really Worth Andrew and Jean Paton, and was With a busiifess meeting Monday 1917 Aurora announces that the Sen­ While Things of My College Life?" for this year's Comme'ncement week. cordially recalled again and again, re­ ior annual will be put on sale on Mon­ Various �ther members of this year's night in room 54, the Euclidean So- The second Almuni News letter is be- ceiving several recalls after her final day of next week, both in the Aurora graduating class will give short talks ciety closed a very successful year of ing sent out this week, every listed number.
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