Beatlj* Marriage License Timms, 19, both of Lorton, Va. ANDERSON, JOSHUA. A special com- Allied Certain, Issued at Alexandria. Henry J. Hines Rites munication of Hiram No. 4, F. A. Victory Lodge. Walter Wilson. 22. and Margaret E. Bry- A. M.. is called for Sunday, May 30, 1943, Applications ant, 19. both of Alexandria. at 12 noon, for the purpose of attending Robert M. McOredy. 29. and M. Louise in the funeral of Brother JOSHUA ANDER- Under D. C. law, couples must Baumbaeh. 23. both of Alexandria. Held Arlington SON, from First Baptist Church, Rosslyn, Latin Journalists John J. Shevlln BhevelofT. 29, Greenville, a license on Va.. at 1:30 p.m. order of the wor- Say; apply for marriage By Pa., and Norma E. Doneger, 20. Wash- Henry J. Hines, sr., owner and edi- shipful master. one day, wait three full days and ington. (Signed.) WILLIAM A. DAVIS, Master. tor of the Demo- receive their license on the Herbert Huggler. 33, and Marjorie Mettler, Sampson (N. C.i HENRY B. GEE. Secretary. filth 32. both of Alexandria. Received Welles day. Sundays and holidays are Edward W. Willard, 22. Port Belvoir, and crat for 30 years, who died Thursday BABSON. JOHN WALKER. On Satur- by Virginia L. Harrod. 22. Joliet, 111 day. 29, 1943. at Doctors Hospital. counted the same as other May days. Slnkler R Penn. 58. and Dorothy M. at the home of his son, Henry J. JOHN WALKER BABSON of Herndon, Doram, 40. both of Washington. Va., husband Elizabeth Halley 10 to Conclude Tour beloved of Charley Fields, 28. 1309 17th st. n.w., Gerald D. 22, Port Belvoir. Hines, jr„ 1600 South Babson of Berwyn B. Babson. 8chorling, Highland and father and Dorothy Drewen, 27, both of 1309 and Virginia S. Green, 21. Alexander, Isabel B. Henry and Buelah B. Mooreland. Of U. S. War Plants 17th st. n.w. Iowa. street, Arlington, was to be buried Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral Charles J. Geisheimer. 45. 1309 N st. home. st. n.w., on Monday. May 2901 14t.h n.w.. and Kathryn Lindner, 36, Castle today in Columbia Gardens, Arling- 31, at 2 p.m. Interment Rock Creek With Here Shannon, Pa. 30 6-Day Stay Cemetery. Robert Reynolds, 31, and Rose Irwin. 20, Births Reported ton, after funeral services at Hines BELLOIS, LEANNA. Departed this life both of 706 4th st. n.w. funeral home. Fourteenth and Har- Victory for the Allies is foreseen Joy Goodson. 36, and on Friday, May 28. 1943. LEANNA BEL- Arlington, Nellie Brown, William and Rachel, cirl. St. LOIS of 364 Dixon court s.w.. devoted by a group of 10 Latin American Garwood, Louis, Mo. vard streets N.W. Byron S. Paul, Burleson. Jones and Julia, boy. wife of Mr. Bradley Bellois. mother of from Chile, 1r., 21. 2135 Suitland Mr. Hines, a native of Sampson Charles Woodrow Bright, daughter of John journalists Paraguay drive s.e,, and Adeline Skelton, 18, Cannon. Joseph and Irene, cirl. Harris, of Mrs. Marie Randolph and Cuba who are a tour Mount Rainier. Md Corkin. Earl and County, spent most of his life in sister concluding William Vivian, girl. and John Harris, 1r.: niece of Mr. Thomas Clineman. 21, 1617 Isherwood of the United States with a st. Dawley, James and Katherine, girl. Clinton, N. C., and was in Lewis. She leaves other relatives and many six-day n.e., and Gladys Miller, 22, Cali- engaged Xriends. visit to Washington. fornia, Pa. Dennison, Maurice and Elizabeth, girl. publishing. He also had farming in- Remains resting at the John T. Rhines Robert K. Motley. 24. and Frances Lo- max, Flor, Karl and Louise, boy. terests, a life insurance & Co. funeral home, 3rd and Eye sts. s.w., to the after visit- 21. both of 1820 12th st. n.w. business, Coming Capital Randolph H. where funeral services will be held on Tues- Bell, 25. 602 Rhode Island Fowler, Roland and Margaret, boy. and was active in State and county ing war plants in many sections of »ve. n.w.. and Katie V. day, June 1, at 3 p.m.. Rev. Benjamin An- Coleman, 23, Gilbert, Simon and Ruth, boy. Democratic Also active in derson officiating. Interment Payne's Cem- the country, the newspapermen were 3018 11th st. n.w. politics. Cecil Giles, 29, Newport News. Glenn. Sam and Thelma, boy. etery. 30 in Va., and civic and religious affairs, Mr. outspoken their admiration for Lottie Bookheart, 20. 1712 R st. n w. Halperin, Theodore and Nan, girl. BURROUGHS, RACHEL R. On Friday. Shadie E. Turnage, 38, Newport News. Va Hines served as chairman of the the American war effort and their Haupt, Paul and Theresa, May 28, 1943. at her residence. 1628 and Mary Wolford, 1033 Park rd. boy. 32, Richard and school board for many years and vr.s Swann st. n.w., RACHEL R. BURROUGHS, belief that the United Nations will n.w. King, Margaret, boy. Kirk. Andrew and Wanda, ■wife of the late Lewis E. Burroughs and William Byrd. 24. Fort Bragg. N. C.. and boy. a deacon of the Clinton Ear .i t win the war. Mates, Maurice and Catherine, boy. mother of Mrs. Eliza Cornish, Mrs. Lillie Addye M. Howard, 26, 1812 Vernon st. Church. Kenner. Mrs. Jennie Whiting and Ger- Their to this effect n.w. Mott, William and Rosemary, girl. expressions Nance. Jean aldine. Hattie. Sadie. Fred and Henry Bur- Sidney Dorfman. 24. 434 and Marie, boy. Mr. Hines came here six featured a luncheon at Shepherd st„ 8kinnard. Bert years roughs. Also surviving are a brother. yesterday and Phyllis Goldberg, and Lillian, girl. 122, Worcester, Smith, Robert and He survived an Samuel Colbert: other relatives and many the National Press and a Mass. Kathleen, girl. ago. is by his son, Club, Tarte, Robert and Elizabeth, friends. After 4 p.m. Sunday friends may Walter Hale. 27, Rockport, Mass, and girl. electrical with the Howard conference which followed. Tuma, Theodore and Mildred, girl. engineer call at the McGuire funeral home, 1820 press Anne Anderson. 29, 50 Franklin st. n.e. Willis, Floyd and Florence, now 9th st. n.w. Adam Ekas, 22, Tarentum. Pa and Myra girl. P. Foley Co., Washington, and Rowe to Receive Them. Young, jr.. John and Mercedes, Requiem mass will be celebrated on Hyde, 22. 19.31 Biltmore st. n.w. boy. Anderson. Francis and stationed in Tampa, Fla.; his wid- Monday, May 31. at 9:30 a m., at Holy Max Ferrell. 29. Fort Benning, Ga and Mary. girl. This the visitors were to Evans. Richard and Inez, ow: Ghost Catholic Church, Issue, Md. 30 morning Betty Estill. 25. 2131 O st n.w. girl. two daughters, Mrs. Rebecca Fountain, jr William and Melissa, boy. be received Dr. Leo S. Rowe, di- Irwin A. Levey, 28. 238 Gallatin st and CORRINE A. Entered into by Gould. Marion and Henrietta, Hayes of Arlington and Miss Dixie BUTLER. Jessie Lubart, 26. Brooklyn, N. Y boy. rest on Friday. May 28, 1943, rector of the Pan-American Graham. Devier and eternal general Orlando Garcia, 23, Fort Lewis. Wash Christine, girl. Hines: two grandchildren, and two CORRINE A. BUTLER of 213 Eye st. s.e., Harris. Neal and Annie, girl. Union. to visit and Vera Pollard. 20, 1330 21st st. n.w. loving daughter of Mrs. Mary E. But- They planned Mount Haskins. James and Nettie, brothers, T. Ashford Hines of Ral- the George M Tsujtmoto. 23, Tracy. Calif girl. ler. She also is survived by six sisters, Vernon and be entertained Myers. James and Lippie. boy. late this and Chizu S. Kawamoto, 23, 5734 13th eigh, N. C and Hines of Port- two brothers, other relatives and many McPherson. James and Linnie, girl. Roy afternoon John st. n.w. friends. Remains resting at the John T. by E. Lockwood of Robinson. Charles and Daisy, boy. land, James Curtis. 20, French Camp. Miss., and Oreg. Rhines & Co. funeral home. 3rd and Eye the Office of the Co-ordinator of Helen Walker. 23, Carthage. Miss. sts. s.w., until Monday. May 31. at 4 p.m.; CHAMPION PLANE MODEL F. Tenschert, 19, of Central looks MAKER—Joseph jr., High School, Lt. John J. McKenna. 27, Camp Lee, Va then at her late residence. Inter-American Affairs and Mrs. over the citation he and Dorothy Hill, 21, 3700 Massachu- Funeral Tuesday, June 1, at 9 a m., from received from the Navy’s Bureau of Aeronautics yesterday, him one Lockwood at their home in George- making setts ave. n.w. St. Cyprian's Catholic Church. 13th and of the six Charles W. Sontag. 21. Piney Point. Md C sts. s.e.. where mass will be said for the town. country’s honorary boy "admirals” for his skill as a plane model maker. A few of the and Amelia Forness, 20, 1404 L st. n.w. of her soul. Interment Mount repose 50 he has made few the are shown Caleb Warrington. Jr.. 22, Williamsburg, Olivet Cemetery. 30 Tomorrow the journalists will at- planes Navy around him. Student flyers use his models to Va.. and Jacqueline Wheeler, 21. 2480 tend Memorial learn to Itith st. n.w. CARTER, LOUISE. Departed this life Day ceremonies at identify their own and enemy planes. —Star Staff Photo. Harold Hill. 28. Alverton. Pa ©n Thursday- May 27, .1943, at her resi- Arlington, and later enter on a pro- and Mar- dence. 499 Cullinane ct. s.w., LOUISE garet Marshall, 28. 1701 Park rd, n.w. CARTER, the devoted sister of Walter. gram which will keep them busy Nelson A.
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