CHURCH OF IRELAND DUBLIN AND GLENDALOUGH DIOCESAN DIRECTORY 2019 Contents Page Archbishop’s Foreword 3 From the Editor 5 Diocesan Personnel 7 Website 7 Parishes and Clergy at a glance 9 Clergy of Dublin and Glendalough 15 Clergy having permission to officiate 37 Confirmation Services 2019 38 Parishes - Dublin Diocese 41 Parishes - Glendalough Diocese 67 Diocesan Readers 77 Church Music Dublin 80 Parish Organists 81 Hospitals 84 Nursing Homes 85 Chaplains to Hospitals 87 Chaplains to Prisons 90 Chaplains to Third Level Educational Institutions 90 Chaplains to Secondary Schools 90 Chaplains to Agencies working for the Care of the Elderly 90 Useful addresses 91 Retired Clergy 94 Diocesan Meeting Dates 2019 95 Index to Advertisers and Sponsors 96 Front Cover: The Diocese of Dublin is an urban Diocese. The Diocese of Glendalough is, by contrast, a more rural Diocese with some large towns and commuter villages. It also contains some of the finest scenery in the country in the Wicklow Mountains National Park. Our cover picture is taken from the flanks of Djouce looking towards the Wicklow mountains with Lough Tay in the foreground. DIiOoCceEsSeEsS o Of DF uDbUlBinL IaNn AdN GDl eGnLdEaNloDuAgLhOUGH Page 3 Archbishop’s Foreword The Most Reverend Dr. Michael Jackson Archbishop of Dublin and Bishop of Glendalough, Primate of Ireland and Metropolitan. Church of Ireland House Tel: 00353 1 4125663 Church Avenue, Rathmines, [email protected] DUBLIN 6 In the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough, we are fortunate annually to be provided with The Diocesan Directory. This slim volume offers us useful information about a whole range of matters that span diocesan life on a regular basis. Such information facilitates a smooth-running and well-informed diocese where people know what they are doing. In all of this, we are greatly facilitated by the efficiency of work done within the Diocesan Office on behalf of all and for the benefit of all. The Directory makes it possible for any of us to find our way with ease around parish and diocesan life, whether it be details of Nursing and Residential Homes or Church Music Dublin or any other number of interesting things. We are also able to access information about parishes and clergy, Diocesan Readers and Parish Organists along with chaplains in a very wide range of institutions that lie within our diocesan boundaries, not least our vibrant and dynamic universities. None of this would be possible were it not for the attention to detail and tireless energy of the Editor, the Reverend Nigel Waugh and the ready participation of our generous Advertisers and Sponsors. Over the years, the Diocesan Directory has grown in scale and in scope while still being entirely manageable in size and user-friendly. In January we begin the long road of a new year that opens before us. The early months seem to journey slowly and then, suddently, the pace accelerates significantly. Throughout these changes and developments, there is a rhythm of life that is served and serviced by the church. The Diocesan Directory helps us to navigate a journey that is begun under the bright light of Epiphany: O God, who by the leading of a star manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth: Mercifully grant that we, who know you now by faith, may at last behold your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. I with to thank Nigel once again for significant work well done. +Michael DIiOoCceEsSeEsS o Of DF uDbUlBinL IaNn AdN GDl eGnLdEaNloDuAgLhOUGH Page 5 From the Editor I am pleased to offer this small directory to the Diocese once again in the hope that it may be useful in the day-to-day work of the parishes. I am grateful to those who assisted in its compilation: Ruth Burleigh, the Archbishop’s secretary; Diocesan Co-educationalduccatational SchoolSchool Secretaries, Sylvia Heggie and Jennifer Byrne; David McConnell for his work on Ranelagh,Ranelalagh, DublinDublinlin 6 organists and all the clergy and parish secretaries who responded to my requests for information. The Revd Willie Black also kindly assisted with reading proofs of Principal:PPrrinciippal: Ms.MMss. EdithEddiitthh Byrne,BByyrnee,, M.PhilMM..PPhhil the information. As always, this will be a snapshot in time and some details may change during the ! A fullffulull andandnd roundedrounded educationeducation centredcentrered on academicacademic year. However, the main body of information will still be accurate and it will be achievementachievement forfor boysb andand girlsgirls agedageed 12 toto 18 years.years. possible to use email addresses and telephone information to contact the key people in each parish. ! ExcellentExcellent educational,educationaonal, musicmusic andandnd sportingsporting facilities.facilitie s. Without the support of the advertisers, this publication would not be possible and I ! IndiIIndividualndividual aattentionttentionon assuredassured inin smallsmaa.ll classes.classes am most grateful to those secondary schools who have helped us once again. A number of businesses have also placed advertisements. All have a proven record of ! S.E.CS.E.C grantgraannt school.schoo.ol working with parishes in the dioceses and I commend them to you if you able to use their services. As rectors take well-deserved retirements and curates move to take responsibility for running a parish, new personnel take their places. We welcome the Venerable Neal O’Raw as new Archdeacon of Glendalough. We thank those who have served and we send good wishes to those who now continue the varied and important work of serving the Dioceses. As always, I am grateful to the Archbishop for his continuing support and for his very " OnOn thethe GreenGreen LuasLuauas Line.Line. kind foreword. " SchoolSchool mminibusinibus serviceservice toto andand fromfromrom DARTDART daily.daily. Nigel Waugh SchoolSchool enquiriesenquiries welcomewelcome at:at: Tel: ++35314971417 353 1 497 1417 Email: [email protected]@sandfordpparkschool.ie Web: www.sandfordparkschool.iewww.sandfordparkschool.ie DIiOoCceEsSeEsS o Of DF uDbUlBinL IaNn AdN GDl eGnLdEaNloDuAgLhOUGH Page 7 Cowper Care Nursing Homes and Sheltered Independent Living Diocesan Personnel Cowper Care is an approved Charity owned and operated by the United Diocesan and Glebes Secretary Mrs Sylvia Heggie Church of Ireland Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough that provides care to [email protected] older people on an inter-denominational basis determined by need through Tel. 01 4966981 the provision of: ■ Respite Care ■ Convalescence Care ■ Extended Care Deputy Diocesan Secretary Mrs Jennifer Byrne ■ Dementia Care ■ Sheltered Independent Living. We provide high quality [email protected] comprehensive care to all our residents and clients while ensuring dignity Provincial and Diocesan Registrar and compassion. Revd Stephen Farrell [email protected] Diocesan Office, Church of Ireland House, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6. Tel. 01 4966981 Director of Ordinands Canon A. Galligan Diocesan Glebes Architect Mr P.C. Roberts, B.Arch., M.R.I.A.I., R.I.B.I., Dip.Arch.Tech. 6 Clarinda Park North, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. Tel. 01 2807364, Fax. 01 2841913 Diocesan Board of Education, Secretary Cowper Care in Rathmines Cowper Care in Baldoyle Ms C Richardson, 085 806 5588, [email protected] Diocesan Communications/Radio Officer Gascoigne House Nursing Home St. Patrick’s Care Centre Mrs Lynn Glanville Mob. 087 2356472, Email: [email protected] 37-39 Cowper Road, Rathmines, Dublin Street, Baldoyle, Representative for East Coast Radio Dublin 6. Dublin 13. Mr Henry Alexander. Tel: 086 609 8850 \ 0402 35404 Tel: 01 406 6414 Tel: 01 905 2266 Email: [email protected] Contact – Care Manager Contact – Care Manager Diocesan Young Adult Co-ordinator Gregory Fromholz. Mob. 087 821 4140, Email: [email protected] Diocesan Youth Ministry Development Officer Mrs Susie Keegan, Mob. 087 944 4557, Email: [email protected] Diocesan Representatives for Bishops’ Appeal Dublin: Mr. Geoffrey McMaster, Ardtrasna, Hazelhatch Road, Newcastle, Co. Dublin Tel: (01) 4580738 Glendalough: Vacant Diocesan Magazine Editor Revd Nigel Waugh. Tel. 086 1028888. Email: [email protected] Regulator for Safeguarding Trust Ms Olive Good Cowper Care in Kilternan Cowper Care in Baldoyle 43 Brookhaven Grove, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 Tel. 087 2451310. Email: [email protected] Glebe House Nursing Home Alexandra Crescent Sheltered Alexandra Close Sheltered Independent Living For up-to-date information and breaking news in the diocese visit Independent Living St. Patrick’s Care Centre, www.dublin.anglican.org Kilternan Care Centre, Kilternan, Dublin Street, Baldoyle, Dublin 13. Information and news for the website should be sent to the Diocesan Communications Officer at [email protected] Dublin 18. Tel: 01 482 4000 Tel: 01 482 4000 Contact – Care Manager Contact – Facilities Manager “Sing to the Lord DIiOoCceEsSeEsS o Of DF uDbUlBinL IaNn AdN GDl eGnLdEaNloDuAgLhOUGH Page 9 a new song, for He has done Parishes and Clergy - Dublin Diocese marvellous Women sing and give thanks for things.” BOOTERSTOWN St Philip and St James G V Wharton their coffee harvest AND MOUNT MERRION Mount Merrion St Thomas S Harris (NSM) (Psalm 98) at the Ryohorikawa BRAY Christ Church B T Stanley coffee cooperative M O’Kelly in Ngozi, Burundi. CASTLEKNOCK AND MULHUDDERT St Brigid P Houston WITH CLONSILLA Mulhuddart St Thomas Clonsilla St Mary CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL GROUP St Werburgh D Dunne Dean St Michan D A Pierpoint Archdeacon
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