Chalepini Weise

Chalepini Weise

Tribe Chalepini Weise Chalepini Weise 1910a:69. Weise 1910b:120 (key), 1911a:19 (catalog), 1911b:27 (redescription); Handlirsch 1925:666 (classification); Uhmann 1930e:245 (faunal list), 1947b:113 (sculpture), 1957b:67 (catalog), 1959d:6 (scutellum), 1964a:412 (catalog), 1964b:6 (faunal list), 1966d:272 (noted), 1968b:251 (museum list); Beller & Hatch 1932:139 (faunal list); Monrós & Viana 1947:192 (Argentina species); Papp 1953:51 (catalog); Buck 1958:147 (museum list); Gibson & Carrillo 1959:127 (museum list); Wilcox 1975:140 (catalog); Domínguez & Carrillo 1976:129 (museum list); Jolivet 1988b:13 (host plants), 1989b:304 (host plants); Petitpierre et al. 1988:179 (chromosomes); Jolivet & Hawkeswood 1995:145 (host plants); Cox 1996a:168 (pupa); Staines 2002a:749 (generic revision); Roig-Juñent 2004:116 (faunal list); Peck 2005:186 (faunal list); Chaboo 2007:175 (phylogeny); Bouchard et al. 2011:78, 513 (nomenclature); Bousquet et al. 2013:297 (faunal list); Liao et al. 2015:162 (host plants). Chalepinae Monrós & Viana 1947:184 (Argentina species); Guérin 1953:100 (faunal list). Uhmann 1964a:412 (catalog). Cephalodontites Chapuis 1875:313 (in part). Octotomites Chapuis 1875:310. Handlirsch 1925:666 (classification); Bouchard et al. 2011:519 (nomenclature). Uroplatini Weise 1910:69. Weise 1910b:145 (key), 1911a:30 (catalog), 1911b:42 (description); Handlirsch 1925:666 (classification); Uhmann 1930e:249 (faunal list), 1933b:79 (noted), 1937e:336 (key), 1947b:113 (sculpture), 1957b:114 (catalog), 1959d:5 (scutellum), 1964a:425 (catalog), 1964b:11 (faunal list), 1966d:273 (noted), 1968b:251 (museum list); Maulik 1932:301 (larvae); Monrós & Viana 1947:184 (Argentina species); Guérin 1953:102 (faunal list); Papp 1953:90 (catalog); Buck 1958: 147 (museum list); Gibson & Carrillo 1959:128 (museum list); Wilcox 1975:144 (catalog); Domínguez & Carrillo 1976:130 (museum list); Smith & Lanham 1983 :62 (nomenclature) ; Melville 1985 :344 (nomenclature) ; Petitpierre et al. 1988:179 (chromosomes); Jolivet 1989b:306 (host plant); Jolivet & Hawkeswood 1995:147 (host plants); Cox 1996a:173 (pupae); Staines 2002a:746 (synonymy); Roig-Juñent 2004:119 (faunal list); Chaboo 2007:185 (phylogeny); Bouchard et al. 2011:79, 519 (nomenclature); Bousquet et al. 2013:298 (faunal list). Uroplatinae. Guérin 1953:102 (faunal list). Type genus: Chalepus Thunberg. Acanthispa Chapuis 1875 Acanthispa Chapuis 1875:323 (replacement name for Acanthodes Baly). Gemminger & Harold 1876:3610 (catalog); Weise 1893:1059 (noted). Acanthodes Baly 1864a:262 (not Agassiz 1833). Type species: Acanthodes generosa Baly, by original designation. Gemminger & Harold 1876:3610 (catalog); Baly 1885:118 (distribution); Donckier 1899:574 (catalog); Weise 1910b:146 (key), 1911a:33 (catalog), 1911b:48 (description); Spaeth 1937a:163 (key); Uhmann 1939b:340 (key), 1940g:122 (claws), 1947b:113 (noted), 1957b:133 (catalog), 1964a:431 (catalog); Monrós & Viana C. L. Staines. 2015. Catalog of the hispines of the world (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae:Cassidinae). Chalepini 1 1947:302 (Argentina species); Papp 1953:105 (catalog); Buck 1958:150 (museum list); Jolivet 1989b:307 (host plant); Jolivet & Hawkeswood 1995:149 (host plants); Staines 1997b:411 (Uhmann species list), 2002a:752 (redescription), 2005:46 (Spaeth species list); Staines & Staines 1999:522 (Baly species list); Minelli 2005:44 (antennae); Chaboo 2007:98 (noted). Acanthispa baeri Pic 1927d Acanthodes baeri Pic 1927d:12 (type: Peru, Huallaga, NMNH). Papp 1953:105 (catalog); Uhmann 1953d:53 (faunal list), 1957b:134 (catalog), 1964a:431 (catalog); Descarpentries & Villiers 1959a:152 (types). Distribution: Peru. Food plant: Unknown. Acanthispa bihamata (Linnaeus 1767) Hispa bihamata Linnaeus 1767:604 (type: India, LSUK). Müller 1774:203 (catalog); Gmelin 1790:1732 (noted); Schönherr 1817:19. Acanthodes bihamata (Linnaeus). Uhmann 1959a:116 (transfer), 1964a:431 (catalog), 1964b:19 (faunal list). Hispa (Uroplata) leseleuei Guérin-Méneville 1844a:143 (type: French Guiana, NMNH). Uhmann 1966d:273 (noted). Uroplata leseleuci (Guérin-Méneville). Gemminger & Harold 1876:3612 (catalog). Acanthodes leseleuci (Guérin-Méneville). Donckier 1899:574 (catalog); Weise 1911a:34 (catalog), 1911b:49 (catalog); Spaeth 1937a:163 (noted); Uhmann 1939b:341 (key), 1957b:134 (catalog), 1959a:117 (synonymy); Papp 1953:106 (catalog); Descarpentries & Villiers 1959a:152 (types). Acanthodes hebe Baly 1864a:263 (type: Suriname, Paramaribo, BMNH). Gemminger & Harold 1876:3610 (catalog); Donckier 1899:574 (catalog); Weise 1904b:446 (noted), 1911a:33 (synonymy); Uhmann 1959a:117 (noted); Staines & Staines 1999:522 (Baly species list). Distribution: Brazil (Matto Grosso), French Guiana, Suriname. Food plant: Unknown. Acanthispa diversicornis Pic 1927d Acanthodes diversicornis Pic 1927d:11 (type: Brazil, Goyaz, Jatahy, NMNH). Uhmann 1957b:134 (catalog), 1964a:431 (catalog); Descarpentries & Villiers 1959a:152 (types). Distribution: Brazil. Food plant: Unknown. Acanthispa donckieri Weise 1904b Acanthodes donckieri Weise 1904b:444 (type: Brazil, Goyaz, Jatahy, NMNH). Weise 1911a:34 (catalog), 1911b:49 (catalog); Spaeth 1937a:163 (noted); Uhmann 1939b:341 (key), 1957b:134 (catalog), 1964b:19 (faunal list); Papp 1953:105 (catalog); Buck 1958:150 (museum list); Descarpentries & Villiers 1959a:152 (types). Distribution: Brazil (Goyaz). Food plant: Unknown. C. L. Staines. 2015. Catalog of the hispines of the world (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae:Cassidinae). Chalepini 2 Acanthispa generosa Baly 1864a Acanthodes generosa Baly 1864a:262 (type: Brazil, Ega, BMNH). Gemminger & Harold 1876:3610 (catalog); Donckier 1899:574 (catalog); Weise 1904b:445 (noted), 1911a:34 (catalog), 1911b:49 (catalog); Spaeth 1937a:163 (noted); Papp 1953:106 (catalog); Uhmann 1957b:134 (catalog); Staines & Staines 1999:522 (Baly species list). Distribution: Brazil (Amazonas). Food plant: Unknown. Acanthispa lateralis Baly 1864a Acanthodes lateralis Baly 1864a:265 (type: Peru, BMNH). Gemminger & Harold 1876:3610 (catalog); Donckier 1899:574 (catalog); Weise 1911a:34 (catalog), 1911b:49 (catalog), 1921a:275 (comparative note); Papp 1953:106 (catalog); Uhmann 1953d:54 (faunal list), 1957b:134 (catalog); Staines & Staines 1999:522 (Baly species list). Distribution: Peru. Food plant: Unknown. Acanthispa limbata Weise 1904b Acanthodes limbata Weise 1904b:445 (type: Peru, Callanga, ZMHB). Weise 1911a:34 (catalog), 1911b:49 (catalog); Uhmann 1939b:342 (key), 1953d:54 (faunal list), 1957b:134 (catalog); Papp 1953:106 (catalog). Distribution: Peru. Food plant: Unknown. Acanthispa multinotata Pic 1927d Acanthodes multinotata Pic 1927d:11 (type: Brazil, Goyaz, Jatahy, NMNH). Uhmann 1957b:134 (catalog), 1964a:431 (catalog); Papp 1953:106 (catalog); Descarpentries & Villiers 1959a:152 (types). Distribution: Brazil (Goyaz). Food plant: Unknown. Acanthispa nigripennis Baly 1864a Acanthodes nigripennis Baly 1864a:264 (type: Cayenne, BMNH). Gemminger & Harold 1876:3610 (catalog); Donckier 1899:574 (catalog); Weise 1904b:445 (noted), 1911a:34 (catalog), 1911b:49 (catalog); Papp 1953:106 (catalog); Uhmann 1957b:134 (catalog); Staines & Staines 1999:522 (Baly species list). Distribution: French Guiana. Food plant: Unknown. Acanthispa notaticeps Pic 1927d Acanthodes notaticeps Pic 1927d:12 (type: Bolivia, Cochabamba, NMNH). Spaeth 1937a:163 (noted); Papp 1953:106 (catalog); Uhmann 1957b:134 (catalog), 1964a:431 (catalog); Descarpentries & Villiers 1959a:152 (types). C. L. Staines. 2015. Catalog of the hispines of the world (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae:Cassidinae). Chalepini 3 Distribution: Bolivia. Food plant: Unknown. Acanthispa rufa Pic 1927d Acanthodes rufa Pic 1927d:11 (type: Brazil, MNHN?). Spaeth 1937a:144 (faunal list); Uhmann 1939b:341 (key), 1957b:134 (catalog), 1964b:19 (faunal list); Papp 1953:106 (catalog). Acanthodes rana Maulik 1930:52 (type: Brazil, BMNH). Spaeth 1937a:144 (synonymy); Uhmann 1940g:122 (claws). Distribution: Brazil (Matto Grosso), Paraguay. Food plant: Unknown. Acanthispa strandi Uhmann 1933b Acanthodes strandi Uhmann 1933b:78 (type: Bolivia, Coroico, DEI). Uhmann 1939b:341 (key), 1957b:134 (catalog); Papp 1953:106 (catalog); Gaedike & Döbler 1971:360 (types); Staines 1997b:411 (Uhmann species list). Distribution: Bolivia. Food plant: Unknown. Acanthispa tarsata Baly 1864a Acanthodes tarsata Baly 1864a:264 (type: Brazil, BMNH). Gemminger & Harold 1876:3610 (catalog); Donckier 1899:574 (catalog); Weise 1911a:34 (catalog), 1911b:49 (catalog); Spaeth 1937a:163 (noted); Uhmann 1939b:341 (key), 1957b:134 (catalog); Papp 1953:106 (catalog); Staines & Staines 1999:522 (Baly species list). Acanthodes tarsata flavitarsis Weise 1921a:275 (type: Brazil, ZMHB?). Uhmann 1953d:54 (faunal list), 1957b:134 (catalog). Distribution: Brazil, Peru. Food plant: Unknown. Acanthispa unca Spaeth 1937a Acanthodes unca Spaeth 1937a:164 (type: Paraguay, Villa Rica, NHMW). Monrós & Viana 1947:303 (Argentina species); Papp 1953:106 (catalog); Uhmann 1957b:134 (catalog); Santiago-Blay 2004:52 (host plant); Staines 2005:46 (Spaeth species list). Distribution: Argentina, Paraguay. Food plant: Quetlavda uruquensis [sic] (Celastraceae) (Monrós & Viana 1947). Acanthispa viridipennis Weise 1904b Acanthodes viridipennis Weise 1904b:446 (type: America Merid., ZMUH). Weise 1911a:34 (catalog), 1911b:49 (catalog); Spaeth 1937a:163 (noted); Papp 1953:106 (catalog); Uhmann 1957b:134 (catalog). Distribution: South America. Food plant: Unknown. C. L. Staines. 2015. Catalog of the hispines of the world (Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae:Cassidinae).

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